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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. I'm sure they'd choose Alfonse over Shareena due to Green being desirable thanks to Distant Counter alone. 

    A lot of people assumed Lilina would join Lissa and Lyn (both desirable/popular), so I think it's pretty likely they'd "save" Shareena for a time where the other greens aren't too stacked. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Johann said:

    Just a preliminary list of potential heroes we might see next month (for those of you contemplating your orbs), I'm just gonna drop this here and I guess start the next thread with analysis like tomorrow or something:

    • New Red, Brave Roy, Reinhardt (sword), Lene
    • Fjorm, Spring Catria, Brave Lucina, Ninian, Nephenee, Shiro, Sumia
    • Gunnthra, LA Hector, Grima (M), Spring Alf, Spring Sharena
    • Robin, Takumi, Faye, Spring Kagero, Maribelle

    Maribelle so soon?

    Whilst I see her being a mainstay with Genny and Brave Lyn, August seems a bit soon.


    3 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

    I know you're not trying to be rude. Hell, it's a sound advice, but I'm so tired of all this complaining! And for what!? One of the most popular character getting her 5th alt!? Does this somehow impede Kliff being in the game? And now Hector is on his way on becoming a controversial character because how inevitable a 5th alt is for him?

    No offence, but you kind of have to get over it. People are complaining, for at least in their opinion, justified reasons. They're not complaining for fun, they're complaining because they're unhappy with designs made by IS.

    Obviously, when people aren't happy, they're going to complain. And evidently, a lot of people are unhappy with certain aspects of Lucina's release considering she has the worst like-dislike ratio since the games inception. Heck, it's not even limited to Lucina's release, even the FEH channel had a significant dislike ratio due to the (IMO) frustrating arena changes. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

    That's rich coming from the guy who believes Lyn deserve getting a 5th alt.

    You call toxic, but I'm the guy who did try to get like & understand the franchise, but it's far more insisting to have a "Us Vs Them" mentality.

    Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say Lyn deserves a fifth alt, in fact I explicitly said Lyn has too many alts as well. I was simply highlighting how ridiculous it is to think Lucina "deserves" to have as much alts as Lyn, it's a very warped line of thought. How about... neither "deserve" to have five alts as of this moment because it's too many?

    And I don't know why you're distinguishing yourself away from the toxic "Us VS. Them" mentality hoard when your first post was literally "IN YOUR FACE 3DS HATERS". That attitude is just as problematic as the series "elitists" or "Awakebabies".

  5. 3 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

    AHA! Lucy gets this month's legendary hero!



    You don't need to be a "3DS hater" to dislike the new legendary.

    And really, posts like this are part of the problem in why the Fire Emblem community is so toxic and divisive. 

  6. 45 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    Another Lucina huh, not too impressed. Finally now there is balance between the Lyns and Lucina, as it should be. Going to be skipping this banner for stuff that interest me more in the future

    As it should be? Lyn beat Lucina for a reason, makes sense that she should have more alts. 

    With that said, they both have way too many alts. The fact that it's not Alm is absolutely garbage and both Lyn and Lucina should be ashamed.

  7. 14 hours ago, Motendra said:

    It's a cool name, accuracy be damned!

    You're missing the point here. I'm speaking in terms of each game's (and era) overall representation, by the number of different characters each one has. In that respect, Awakening started with 18 and is currently at 24 (25 when they bring out Walhart); hardly a biased growth rate when it took a whole year to get any at all. Blazing Sword is only 3 units behind them at 22, and it started with 10. In the lifespan of a year and a half, Blazing Sword has doubled in size and closing its gap between it and Awakening. You're saying there's a problem with that?

    Meanwhile, Fates started with 29 and currently sits at 38. The only world that comes close to that (with still a noticeable gap) is Mystery, which started at 22 (where Blazing is now) and sits at 30 (one more to what Fates started with), and that's only cause it spans 2 games (a repeated cast, yes, but still applies). Going back to Elibe, all together is at 36; two units away from matching Fates. Add in Sacred Stones' 13 and the GBA total is 49. Referring to my other post, since launch, GBA has gained 24 new characters, while 3DS (not including all but Faye and Berkut of Echoes, out of virtue of being a remake) has gained 19. Mathematically speaking, GBA has had more additions than any other, and on an individual game basis, Blazing takes the crown.

    It's easy to make sweeping conclusions when you lump everything together, but looking at each one individually is where the discrepancies lie. Even with the highest era increase of 24, Binding still only got three of them. Even with being part of the era with the highest number of units along with all the content it's provided (story, paralogues, Tempest Trials etc), Awakening is still (relatively) modest for what it started with. While Fates didn't add much higher than that and also waited almost a year, that it had an overwhelming head start suggests that it ought to slow down, though it speaks a different story if you count Hoshido [12 at launch, 3 additions] and Nohr[15 at launch, 2 additions] separately (excluding both Corrins, Azura, both Kannas & Shigure for technically being both), since Fates is essentially two games in one.

    Seasonals really are just one way to bring more attention to each game that's featured. How much each game gets is another topic entirely. No matter how many alts Awakening has, or how prominent they are in content, they're still at 24 different (keyword) characters in its catalog, which isn't bad; two more than Blazing, six less than Mystery. twice the latter's gap toward Fates.

    Which again, I say, with all of those numbers taken into consideration: Awakening getting this banner to themselves isn't a problem

    What you're saying is correct, but you're purposely missing the issue people are actually complaining about. The problem isn't that "Awakening is getting too many new additions", the problem is "Awakening is getting preferential treatment". From a purely new character perspective, Awakening hasn't had it well. But that's not what people are complaining about. People are complaining that Awakening is getting too many banners in such a "short" time, which is absolutely true. 

    They "just" had a banner featuring the two Morgan's and a Chrom alt. Yes, that banner didn't introduce many new Awakening characters...  But that is entirely IS's faults for essentially wasting "Awakening's banner" on the two Morgan's (of which, only the female was actually wanted) and another Chrom alt. It's absolutely tiresome to get another Awakening banner a few months down the line and when other games are still waiting. Thracia is experiencing the exact same issue: It took a year for the game to finally get a dedicated banner, only for two of the units to be alts. The game has only gotten "two" new characters since Reinhardt and Olwen's inclusion and yet how many months are Thracia fans going to have to wait before getting some actual new characters? The Awakening preference is ridiculous.

    For the record, I'm quoting "short" because 4.5 months isn't really a short time, but in the context of Fire Emblem: Heroes (very poor) schedule of releasing new content, it is much shorter than the average it takes for games to get a repeat banner featuring non-alt units from that game again. 

  8. 9 hours ago, Motendra said:

    Lumping them with the overload of 3DS seasonals just wouldn't be fair, considering how this is their debut (granted, with one more alt, but still).

    How so? When seasonals make up two whole weeks worth of content for the game, it seems disingenuous to exclude seasonals given how they've essentially a core aspect of this game. 

    The Awakening/Fates "dick sucking" is obviously an issue that encompasses seasonals and regular releases. Even if you exclude seasonals, the examples you provided... have been biased as of recently. Having to wait 4.5 months before having a second banner is extremely little considering Blazing Shadows fans had to wait more than a year before getting a second Blazing Shadows banner. Similarly, Path of Radiance fans have been waiting since the Dauntless Crimeans banner which was what? 10 months ago?

  9. 1 hour ago, Kori said:

    The point I was trying to make is that the people with whom Nephenee is popular because of her design (I assume that's what you were implying) care little about personality, and that using them as a proof that FE characters have unremarkable personalities doesn't seem like a legit argument to me. I don't deny Tharja is a unique character, but this is definitely not the reason she's a fan favourite either. (As in, I'm sure some fans like her for all of her personality, including the most interesting traits, but her incredible popularity is mostly because "yandere stalker with transparent clothes", which isn't exactly interesting or complex either.) It's like saying Ike isn't a Tellius fan favourite for being a good character: he is a good character, but he's a fan favourite because of the Smash fanbase who doesn't know this, only memes.

    Basically: characters having features that makes them popular to a shallow fanbase doesn't prove they aren't interesting or complex or remarkable.

    (Which, again, isn't me saying you have to agree that Maribelle is any of these things, that's personal taste. I think she is, I get it if you don't.)

    I pretty much agree with what you're saying here.

    However, you're misunderstanding the reason I brought up Nephenee in the first place. I was just highlighting her as an example of a fan favourite character that completely lacks any defining features that make her a complex or remarkable character. I was not making an encompassing statement that described all Fire Emblem characters.

    In relation to the topic at hand, I simply find it silly people are jumping at me for labeling Maribelle as a "literal who" when she offers little to distinguish herself from others in a cast that consists of hundreds of character. As far as I'm concerned, it's completely within reason to categorize Maribelle in the same way one would as Karla, although Karla's case is obviously "worse" due to the significant difference in their respective fanbases. I'd say the same if this was Priscilla, Clarine or Jeanne powercreeping Elise as the best trobadour, but it's not like it really matters. I guess Nanna deserved better, all things considered.

  10. 1 minute ago, Kori said:

    Looks like we have different definitions of unremarkable, but that's a matter of taste and I can't argue with that.

    (And there's a reason Camilla/Tharja is a Fates/Awakening fan favourite, so what? Are we using the horny otaku fanbase as a judge for personality, now?)

    Not sure what point you're trying to make with the Camilla and Tharja comment. In the context of the Fire Emblem franchise, Tharja is actually a very unique character with little overlap with characters from  previous games. Tharja's character has issues... but being an unoriginal character isn't one of them. She's more unique than Maribelle.

  11. Just now, Kori said:

    If reused character traits are enough to qualify, 80% of Fire Emblem characters are literal whos. 

    Is this not the case? Most of Fire Emblem characters are relatively (if not, completely) unremarkable. 

    There's a reason Nephenee is one of the Tellius fan favourites and it's definitely not for being an interesting or complex character. 

  12. 21 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Maribelle a literal who? Please.

    Random and uninspired healer with reused character traits from pre-existing healers. Yes, she's pretty unremarkable. 

    24 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    If you're looking for a literal who of a healer, that would be Jeanne.

    Well... you're not wrong. Should've just went with generic-redux healer with little personality like Lana, Safy or Ellen or the generic-haughty healer, with noble lineage in Clarine or Serra (or Maribelle). At least they have original conversations tied to them (unlike a majority of the substitute characters).

  13. 29 minutes ago, Legend_of_Zelia said:

    They got sandals to cover their barefeet from the original depictions. But that's the only adjustment to their summer designs. But it doesn't mean they can't give her a flower on her head. I mean, you can't see that side of her head in the original picture in Summer DLC anyways.

    What about the cloth around her waist? Seems like a completely different bikini design.

  14. 1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

    That, and they based the summer versions of her siblings off of their summer DLC art so I don't see why they wouldn't do the same for Camilla if the one on the right actually is her.

      Reveal hidden contents

    FEF Xander SwimsuitXander Swimsuit Heroes

    FEF Leo SwimsuitLeo Swimsuit Heroes

    FEF Elise SwimsuitElise Swimsuit Heroes


    If anything, that's proof that the silhouette isn't Camilla.

    All those characters coincide with their Heroes portrayal too a T. Camilla's design and the silhouettes are completely different (Camilla's wearing a classic bikini, whilst the other has a towel wrapped around her waist and a flower hairclip). 

    With that said I do think Camilla will be on the banner, she just isn't either of the silhouettes. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, Johann said:

    Making R/G/B bows was a misstep on their part, if you ask me. We'd have 2 of each color by now if they just made Lyn colorless. I don't know why balancing the amount of time between Legendaries returning isn't that important to them, as evidenced by Lyn and supported by the 2 new blues in 3 months. If the analysis is correct, come late September, we'll have 3 reds, 3 greens, 4 blues, and 1 colorless.

    I only summon on Legendary Banners so I suppose by that point I'll have a +10 Robin

    I really hate how they've distributed the colours as well (I'm sick of seeing Robin, as I was initially with Gunnthra). 

    Although with possible options for colourless Legendary Heroes in Ylgr and a Staff Micaiah, I'm not too worried. I just wish they'd come sooner rather than later. I can understand why they don't want to touch staffs with how cancerous the 'Razzle Dazzle' combination is, but they need to move towards a more unique direction making Legendary Staffs and units feel unique. There's a lot of potential with staffs that they're (understandably) too afraid to tap into. 

  16. Katarina getting 'Chill Speed' to align with Lilina/Soren's refines seems likely.

    I bet Nephenee will just get the Wo Dao + Slaying Spear similar to Minerva/Karel's weapons. 

    For Titania I have no idea. She already slays dragons pretty well, so I'm impartial to it being effective against dragons. I guess more Nowi counters is good, but in the end the Japanese name shows no real indication of what the skills would be.  

  17. As said, Nino is the closest example, I guess. But she was always popular from the beginning (she, like Ninian, were just forgotten about). Unlike Reinhardt, she was always a fan favourite amongst the Blazing Sword community. Ninian will fall under a similar category as Nino. 

    Grima is definitely the most relevant example since their popularity surged despite being largely forgotten and seen as one of the weakest links in Awakening's story. I think Genny also become more popular due to her unique niche as a healer and coming with wrathful staff. Not sure if she qualifies since there's no accurate representation of Genny fans prior to Heroes.

    We'll have to see the results of the third CYL, but I wouldn't be surprised if Myrrh has a surge in votes. I think Linus will also get a steady increase, whether that's enough to beat his brother is another question. Otherwise, a lot of characters that are quite good in Heroes (Elincia, Karla, Ayra, Hardin, Bow Hinoka) don't really seem like they've had an increase of fans. They have their dedicated fans, I'm sure, but no real surge of popularity. 

    Apart from them, honestly doesn't seem like it. 

  18. 4 minutes ago, UNLEASH IT said:

    They're beginning to move away from exclusively fateswakening banners but they're afraid that older games won't sell so they're adding more girls in an attempt to balance that out. 

    Whilst you're right that they're using a 3-1 ratio to earn more profit, it's definitely not because they're using characters from older games. Let's not pretend Kagero, Noire, Innes or even Tana are popular characters here. If they were worried about representing older games would hurt their profit margin, they most definitely wouldn't be choosing Tana and Innes as the Magvel reps. They're redundancy in choosing Cordelia (and Tharja the previous banner) are attempts to milk the Awakening crowd (which likely has the largest "whale" territory). Ironically, polls indicate Cordelia seems to be one of the least popular choices out of the new units. But that might be due to her being an uninspired cavaliar.

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