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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. RIP, I gotta eat my words. It ended up being Innes, I was confident he'd never be popular enough. Nice to see the unused Wyvern model, though. I hope Cormag uses it when he gets added. 

    With that said, I hate this banner. They've shilled the hell out of Awakening/Fates seasonals and Bridal Tharja and Summer Cordelia getting their respective fanservice bikini and wedding gown is tiresome milking. Not a fan of Noire being added as a silly costume, let alone being grey as well. Recent banner trends of 3 females and 1 male has become a frustrating meme. Yeah, I know women sell more, so it's inevitable, but I still don't like it (for the record I'm a straight male).

    Will be an easy skip for me, but I do like that Tana/Innes were chosen considering they're not very popular characters.

  2. 10 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    I kind of don't want it to be Ephraim, but if the CYL alt is the last one we'll ever see of him then I'll let it pass


    46 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    Shouldn't CYL2 be coming out relatively soon? Pretty annoying if Ephraim got a seasonal alt so soon before his Brave version.


    This is only speculation, but I imagine that these seasonals were long planned before the CYL results even occurred. I mean, how much backlash and fan feedback did it take for us to finally move away from Awakening and Fates seasonals? We had to wait until Valentines this year. This "Magvel Summer" (if it does end up being the case) was planned months in advance. Whether that was before CYL2 or not... I can't say, but I imagine so. 

    With that said, if it is Ephraim I'm pretty sure it's going to be his last one.  Not nearly as bad as Chrom, Lyn and Azura over-exposure though. 

  3. On 6/17/2018 at 1:55 PM, NekoKnight said:

    Agreed. Even if we were to look at the grand total of dragon laguz and bird laguz, we only come out to about 6 of each. Not all of these characters would be released simultaneously and several of them would likely have signature weapons, so inheritable weapons would be an incredibly shallow pool.

    I'm really hoping when Laguz/Beast units launch they introduce some of the unpopular ones (Lyre, Janaff, Chambray, Kyza, Ulki) in the 3-4★ pool.

    So many of them are going to be locked behind 5★, the royals undoubtedly will:

    • Tibarn
    • Naesala
    • Caineghs
    • Kurthnaga
    • Nailah 

    And the popular ones...

    • Selkie
    • Velouria
    • Keaton 
    • Ranulf 
    • Lethe
    • Reyson
    • Leanne

    Wouldn't even be surprised if they lock Vika or Lyre behind 5★ status considering the unknown factor "waifu potential". At least, if Karla and Lene have showed us anything it's a possibility.  

  4. I'm pretty sure it's Ephraim, Innes isn't popular and Sigurd's not as popular as Ephraim. Popularity isn't the only factor (Kagero and Catria aren't all that popular but they still got an alt) but female characters seem to get preference for appealing to the general Heroes audience.

    As for the female... I really doubt it's Gunnthra. She hasn't got her hat which is definitely more trademark than the veil. I thought it was Tana before the comparison pic, but that picture does reaffirms my suspicion.

    I think a Magvel Summer banner seems pretty likely. Assuming it's Ephraim and Tana, their siblings could be potential options although I think a safe assumption that it'll be the popular characters from those games (Eirika, Joshua, Amelia, Marisa, Lute, Cormag)

  5. 1 hour ago, Oz ♠ said:

    Thing is, it's not so much an arguement as it is part of a legitimate question I have:

    Are the costs worth it? You summed up the rest of my thoughts perfectly. I would love be able to build and use my favourite characters, but I can't. Some of them are rare and/or limited characters, and some are ranged (some mage nukes that are also *5-exclusive and have low BST either way). If people actually like using Dragons, then that's alright. But I'm seeing way too many of them that I have a bit of trouble believing it that way.

    Different priorities for different people. Some people want to stay in T20, the extra feathers do add up eventually. Some people only want to invest in a core 4 units, whilst others (like me and you) prefer to build a large number of our favourite units. The thoughts you're having about people who are investing in a minimal number of units... are probably the same thoughts they're having about you. "Why would someone invest in a large number of units when they're not even going to use most of them anyway?" "Why have more than one sword unit if you've already invested in an Ayra/Karla?" and so on.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Othin said:

    I expected Linus to get Basilikos back when it seemed unlikely for it to get added any other way, but now that Raven has it, I don't think Linus needs it. I'm guessing he'll get the Stout Tomahawk. Brave Sword could fit, but GHB units have been tending towards legendary or otherwise unique weapons.

    Giving him a straight Stout Tomahawk that Dorcas has... makes sense. I can see that happening, although I doubt he'll end up as good as Dorcas (although maybe being an offensive variation of Dorcas would set them apart and put them in completely different niches). I'm very interested to see what they do with the final Black Fang (not sure if the morphs count here).

  7. 2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Considering Lloyd has his morph's Regal Blade from the final chapter, it's likely Linus will have his morph's Tomahawk. It also has a Brave Sword in the final chapter, but I'm assuming most people will remember the Tomahawk more due to its ranged attack shenanigans.

    A DC axe is definitely possible (maybe even more likely than Basilikos) but I think due to the fact that Brendan's never going to get added to the game (he doesn't even have official art in Blazing Sword) I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a sidegrade of Basilikos. Definitely won't be like Raven's current one if he gets it, IMO.

  8. On 6/4/2018 at 11:57 AM, Anacybele said:

    Wow, I'm shocked I'm the only person that mentioned Kieran given the tiny number of axe cavs in Heroes right now.

    I want Keiran, too.

    Out of the Tellius men, I want Boyd or Tibarn more, however.

    Most of the recognizable Tellius females (Mist, Elincia, Neph, Mia) are all in the game. I guess Lethe, Ilyana, Astrid and Marcia spring to mind. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    "The Cleaner" is such a cringy, edgy name for a weapon. This and "Harmonic Lance" annoy the fucking hell out of me. Is Legault throwing bottles of Pine-Sol at the enemy?

    The Japanese name is "Purging Dagger", with the word for "purge" specifically meaning the purging of dissenters and traitors.

    Harmonic Lance pissed me off (I wish its name was consistent with Wo Dao), but seeing them mess up Hinoka and now this weapon is frustrating. I really hope they go back and change it, Purging Dagger sounds way better than the one we got. 

    And they really need to put certain TT units into the normal 3-4 summon pool (Marisa, Joshua, Arden, Canas). Understandable not putting BK or Masked Marth, but the rest should be fair game.

  10. 22 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    As if she ever had an opportunity to grow as a character. Hence why penultimate sentence in the post you quoted.

    You're not wrong. I just dislike the general advantage female characters have (in terms of popularity) for simply being female. Maybe it is unfair to rag on Shareena as a characters since she hasn't had any screentime to necessitate any semblance of development, but her popularity over her brother who has had the development and screentime... is mildly frustrating. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    Sharena is losing to Alfonse.
    By a tiny margin (2,519,669 vs 2,561,695), but losing still.

    How the actual fuck.

    This is what getting relegated to comic relief does to characters, kids. Don’t do such things.

    To be honest, I'm glad. Alfonse is the infinitely better and more interesting character with Shareena's only claim to fame being a typical genki girl.

  12. 18 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    Team Tharja all the way. If the rare change that she loses then I'm going for Sanaki just to annoy her haters.


    Even Sigurd put up a decent fight against her, who'd have no chance against the likes of Lyn, Ike or so on. 

    Honestly, I'd be surprised if Tharja has more support than Ninian this time around. 

  13. I like Ninian but that art is really bland. At least it's not bland and bad (like Sanaki's) but yeah... might skip and wait till she's on a Legendary Hero banner. As for Tharja, no more for the love of god let this be her last alt. Her design is atrocious (again), but the art is good. None of the skills seem all that impressive, but I'll take that as a positive.

  14. Serra: Serra has very... middle-ground stats. She was arguably the best infantry healer at launch... Sadly, that was still very unimpressive. Regardless, for a healer she has a competent attack and speed stat which is more than most of the other healers. But hey, at least she requires almost no investment. She starts with one of the best staffs (competing with Psychic). She's most comparable to Lucius, so I'm going to give her a final rating of... Rating: 4.5/10

    Lissa: Unfortunately with Rehabilitate being usurped by essentially every other staff in the game, Lissa's support ability has dropped off dramatically. This could be mitigated by skill inheritance, but in the end... she's just not worth it. She has decent mixed bulk (good even, for a healer), but with her astronomically low speed stat, she's going to get doubled by everything in the game making her bulk essentially useless. I've seen some close counter-esque builds with her which may be promising but as of right now are nothing more than a gimmick. Rating: 1/10

  15. It looks like Ninian and Tharja. I can't really see the short-hair most people are claiming for the second silhouette, but I'd welcome it if they did have short hair. Seems like two long-haired ladies. 

    I'd be pretty annoyed if it was another Tharja alt, though. She had the biggest drop in popularity out of the popular characters and already got an absolutely busted Christmas alt. At least Camilla and Azura remained popular, even though they are getting too many alts as well. And yea, I'm aware 10th position is still impressive. But a Celica or Eirika seasonal or a Nino, Micaiah or even Loki alt would be preferable.

  16. I seriously hope some of the dud 5 are next, especially if they're not going to demote them.

    • Gray and Saber can get some of Echoes many unused weapons (Shadow Sword, Zweihander, Astra, Ilwoon). 
    • Ninian isn't a dud 5, but could use a utility-based stone akin to Urõr.
    • Young Tiki. Adult Tiki will probably get the same stone, but it should be preferred by Young Tiki (maybe res-based version of Myrrh). 
    • Mist, make her test the waters with legendary staffs. 
    • Katarina, maybe another 'Chill' like Soren/Lilina. 
  17. Whilst I prefer generation 1 units of Genealogy, I really want Lene. Too bad I've sworn off 3% banners permanently. Hopefully she comes around in the free summon!

    They all look great though, I'm glad Jugdral's getting the love. I thought it'd be Roy for this upcoming Legendary Hero banner, but wouldn't be surprised to see Seliph. Still expectin Roy, though.

  18. 22 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    Yeah, sorry, my choice of wording was a bit poor. I just meant those who aren't massive Awakening/Fates fans or fans of the classic games.

    I would agree with the success of the Switch and Heroes, plus FE Warriors actually being a good game. But viral marking? Unless you mean all the negative news about the roster choices, which ended up being fantastic publicity in the end ^^

    Well I typically use adblock, so I can only assume from the ads I did see which were the ones integrated on the Nintendo livestream. Not going to say for sure whether it was a direct or not, but I think it was? Not the most recent one, the one prior. 

    I don't want to take away from the game or roster choice by offering alternative explanations to the games success, I am glad the game done well. I just dislike that people are using the games sales to push certain... agendas.

  19. 2 hours ago, VincentASM said:

    Fates and Awakening are more marketable in the West and Japan--and Shadow Dragon in Japan.

    While we probably won't know how much of an impact that choice had, I have a feeling it had a big influence. After all, most FE fans these days are probably Awakening and Fates fans, given those games sold the most.

    On the other hand, it suggests hardcore fans are probably a minority. Especially those who opted not to buy the game because of the focus on those particular three games. Otherwise sales would probably be much lower.

    Anyway, that's just what I'm thinking.

    There's absolutely merit to your deduction, but it's still a hard bargain since we can only make educated guesses.

    A lot of "hardcore" Fire Emblem fans... are still fans of Awakening and Fates. I feel it's disingenuous to couple "veterans" and "veterans who dislike Awakening/Fates", when the latter is most definitely a vocal minority. 

    What I think is the most believable reason for good sales is a combination of viral marketing, the booming success of the Switch & Fire Emblem: Heroes and Fire Emblem Warriors being a solid Warriors experience. Heroes has already pushed the franchise into mainstream media. And, if that games anything to go off of, Lyn looks like to be the most profitable character of the franchise considering the egregious number of alts. 

  20. 3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The fact that they have different support options is enough of a tell that they should be considered different characters: Changing Robin's gender completely changes how they interact with others in a meaningful way, whereas changing Robin's appearance and voice does not.

    I don't agree with this summation at all. I understand the semantics behind saying the Robin genders are two different characters, but ultimately they are still the exact same person. If you feel that Robin's gender impacting how she interacts with other characters is justification for considering them different characters, that's absolutely fine. You do you. But there's definitely no definitive answer to the topic and is entirely dependent on viewer interpretation.

    Just as I would never consider a female Ike or male Lyn to be a "different character", or Celica possessed by Duma (I know it's not the same case as Grima, I'm only bringing it up for comparisons sake), they're all alternate versions of pre-existing characters. To say Robin has 6 versions... isn't wrong. You may not agree with it and feel that them being possessed or being different genders are justification for their alts, but I don't and probably will never see these reasons as justification for the egregious amount of alternate Robin's. 

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