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Everything posted by MitoRequiem

  1. Subaki x Hinoka is the best aye? How good is Marx/Hinoka and Subaki/Luna? Those are the two I want the most and I assume for Kanna it doesn't really matter? For IK I might be going with Anna. I wanted to go with Hana for IK like I did in my Hoshido playthrough but I heard that HanaxNishiki is the best and from what I've seen on the modifiers it shows but haven't tried it myself.
  2. Hi guys not sure if theres already a post about this I already searched around. Anyways! Curious if anyone has started research yet for the children in this game and also who are the children that really stand out? From what I hear Midoriko, a Hana!Kinu and Ophelia really stand out but I wanna know about as many children as possible.
  3. I don't really want Lucina to become as prominent as Marth, I know Awakening sold the best worldwide yada yada, but it's getting 2 reps in Smash4, going to appear in PxZ2(Lucina with a better moveset than her Smash incarnation what's up with that....) Also people forget about the poor Gaius clone ahhh what's his name?*google time* Ah yes Gurei Anyways I'm getting distracted lol. I think the Amiibo were enough. Lucina is too relevant to Awakening to be in Fates are a "real" character if that makes sense. People can go through Awakening without knowing about the other Awakening children but Lucina is more or less forced on us(for obvious reasons)
  4. I heard Pegasus Warrior isn't that great in this game and especially for Hard true or not true?
  5. Hey guys, I just recently got FE:If and I plan to do the all 3 routes on Hard mode for my first time around. I'm currently on Chapter 12 Nohr and I've decided to S-Rank Effie/Harold cause that looked good to me and also early Lutz. With that being said I was curious is there any other children I should go for early on in the route? and I'd assume I wouldn't need to worry about skills since I can't really grind them to begin with.(Well in Nohr anyways) Ah and I forgot to add that I planned on going for Mozume+Kaze not sure if that's good it seems like it'd work pretty well
  6. So I tried looking for an answer to this question everywhere and I'm sure it's been answered but I just can't find it. I'm well aware that the Special Edition and Download only gives you access to chapters pre-6 but what if I get a Physical copy and download Hoshido wasn't that suppose to be a thing where I got a discount? Thanks in advance EDIT: Nevermind figured it out with broken Japanese glad Physical users aren't punished lol
  7. Oh dear, I wasn't paying attention then, I was under the impression that the otaku dude was the Knight. Oh yeah I really wasn't paying attention it says what her mirage is right there my bad lol. I guess I was expecting the big dude to be the Knight so I totally dismissed her being the Knight. I expect Barry to have Wrys as his Mirage
  8. Ah I feel like a fool for completely forgetting about that character lol, Thanks. [spoiler={waow}]Might be off topic but is there a thread going on about pairing for skills/stats in this game?
  9. I'm confused and maybe I should do a bit more reading but I figure I ask here. so I can get Nohr version Physical and then download Hoshido and Third route and I'll get the Pre-6 Chapters still right? or is the Pre-6 Chapters ONLY for Digital? Probably a dumb question but figure I ask.
  10. I figured they would allow the world map in Third path too(Which I'm personally okay with it) cause I assume that's the path they want you to do DLC/Future Amiibo stuff(Assuming Roy is getting special Amiibo treatment), paralogues and I'm gonna go ahead and assume Spotpass paralogues might exist?
  11. Sounds hype o: It might be too early to ask but are the win conditions a mixture of Hoshido and Nohr? also I'm assuming you get a world map?
  12. This isn't really an issue for me, My choice was between Azura or Camilla and was leaning more towards Azura and this helps me a ton lol. Hoshido I'm not sure probably Azura again tbh. MAYBE JUST AZURA IN ALL THREE ROUTES WHY NOT lmao. Seriously though my choices were between Azura, Anna and Camilla for all three routes and if I decided to play as a female I'd probably marry Odin or Marx but I ship Marx X Hinoka so hard after reading those supports.
  13. -How is White Blood compared to Dark Blood(Black Blood??? Whatever Kamui's promotions are called...) -Has children stats been figured out yet? I recall gayserbeam telling me that two speedy parents got together and the speed of the child was terrible. -Does anyone know how the Amiibo characters are? Haven't seen people use them much in their videos.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PlXwevnxDQ Does anyone have the Calm version of this? I think it plays on Chapter 26 on Hoshido EDIT: I'm an idiot the song I was looking for(Which plays in Chapter 26) is not the song I linked and I don't believe it's up on YT if anyone can find it that'd be neat.
  15. I have no clue why hair color is relevant, I mean I get it it works that way in Awakening(iirc only in Awakening and not in FE4 lol) Anyways! Yeah I think they REALLY don't want canon relationships outside of Chrom(Which I mean in Awakening opening it's obvious) As for Owain yeah I could see Robin as a possibility everyone else I dunno maybe one day IS will tell us who they think the canon fathers are but they didn't do that for FE4 so who knows(Even though some of the canon fathers were obvious)
  16. Not sure if this was answered or if we even know the answer but can the Nohr siblings S Rank with the Hoshido siblings or at least A Rank? In the third route of course.
  17. This, I'm actually surprised they brought them back, Will Gen 2 become a staple? Cause that's not something I'm too happy about cause story wise it's a bit stupid I dunno. How do children work in this game? FE4 I apparently can't get the spoiler thingy to work out correctly so I guess I won't post it but I think FE4's Gen 2 was done very well but I don't wanna see that type of thing happen again FE: Awakening [spoiler={option}] Time travel and alternate dimensions whoooooo!!!! I guess it was okay cause how Awakening worked but I still thought Gen 2 was done pretty shitty and I hope they never do anything like that again lol If they wanna do a Gen 2 why not just have Generation 1 in one game and if a sequel could work out very well do Gen 2 in that one I dunno. What bugged me the most about children characters in general is I felt like they just stole the spotlight from their parents, but I'm just rambling sorry :>
  18. Marriage is just a Mechanic to me, Though when it comes to 2nd gen(This includes FE4) I tend to pair the kids up with who I think goes well together cause it really doesn't effect the gameplay that much(I mean theres support stuff butyaknowwhatImean) In this game I heard that a lot of pairing is weird so maybe we'll be only pairing for skills this time around.(I worded that first part badly but I was told two speedy parents were put together and the child had shitty speed so...) I REALLY want to do M!KamuixAzura as well as F!KamuixOdin So I hope those pairs are good.
  19. This is hilarious to read my lord lmao, I wanna see Foleo and Soleiil's support
  20. So, so far it's looking like the game is pretty balanced and not insanely broken like Awakening(Well I guess it's still too early to say lol) I'm liking what I'm reading so far about everything. I really do hope that marrying a second child isn't the optimal thing for Kanna like it was in Awakening but maybe getting THE best possible Kanna won't matter that much in Lunatic playthroughs. Other stuff being nerfed and making Short bows to attack one range(This was in Last Promise I believe) in order to make Bows a bit better is nice. Sorcerers and Wyvern classes being a bit disappointing is sad to hear but Sorcerers were kinda insane in Awakening
  21. All these seem like really nice changes and much needed so that's cool. 4. I wasn't too sure if Kamui was considered a Dragon type character(Thought he just had the abilities but I guess that makes more sense) 5. That's kinda funny tbh can't wait to see the actually convos all I've seen is Marx. Pretty nice changes overall and I'm excited for the game only one I'm worried about is Nohr being similar to Thracia. Thracia for me was only hard the first time through cause the amount of bullshit that I was uninformed about and the second time through it was cake. It didn't really have the same effect on me as FE12 Lunatic Reverse did where everytime I replay that I feel like it'll always just be hard but maybe it's just preference. Thanks for answering my questions also I'm really sad about question #1 I didn't wanna have to marry a child to get an optiomal Kanna(I assume that'd be the case anyways) I just wanna marry Odin in one playthrough and Azura in one but I guess I could just do that and not be a stat/skill whore lmao. What CocoaGalaxy typed pretty much answers my question on that though. ty :>
  22. I apologize if this is just cluttering up the form and I know some of this stuff I could research myself but I'm not too sure where to look for some of these and I don't know anyone I actively talk to who has the game. So here it goes! 1. Is it confirmed yet If Kamui can have children with the children characters?(please say no this ruins my planning lmao) All I've read is Kanna can be related to the children characters which is obvious. 2. I saw Galeforce returned is it an insane skill and will still be used a ton for children characters or are we not sure yet? 3. How are the shapeshifting characters, I recall Tanguel just being god awful in Awakening it'd be a breath of fresh air to know if the characters that can transform into animals are good. 4. Do we know what the hell Marth Amiibo did to Kamui was it just a crit animation versus Dragon type characters? GIANT SPOILER FOR THIRD ROUTE 5. [spoiler={option}]Can anyone show me where the Ryouma S support is with Kamui or honestly all the siblings may they be Hoshido or Nohr cause I'm legit curious if it's literally just "Ay we aren't actually blood related 6. What classes are considered really good right now and are Bow users finally decent again?(I know Takumi is but he has a personal weapon so I'd hope he'd be good just cause of that) 7. For those who have played the game is Nohr actually THAT difficult? and what are the conditions to winning a map like? I think that's it thanks in advance and sorry for the clutter.
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