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Roy: Marquess of Pherae

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Everything posted by Roy: Marquess of Pherae

  1. Well Thany and Sue play the smallest roles in the story compared to my other um...options...
  2. Oh wait, nevermind, the laundry was loud. It turns out my ears are dead, yet. The sound is not quiet, but not loud. I haven't had much time to play, but I just got to World 3 and I'm loving dat snow land. Coincedentally. it snowed in where I live today.
  3. Haha that's pretty funny. I'd say Ephraim's design was the best.
  4. Maybe, or my hearing is going from my loud headphones.
  5. Er...yes but that really didn't answer my question.
  6. Not going to lie, I wouldn't like the next Fire Emblem to have the art done by whoever DLC designed Lyn...
  7. I just came on Serenes Forest to post about how good this game is, and this thread is the first thing I see. Great game. I love the four character concept and that you can choose. Excellent graphics enhance the experience. Does the game seem quiet to you? I always have to turn my TV up. Also, I turn the volume off of the pad.
  8. I agree with this for the most part. Especially Cordelia and Lon'qu.
  9. I like Tharja, and Owain is ok but surely overrated. Actually, I think Cordelia is overrated.
  10. Yeah those two are my parents incase any of you object... Oh, and welcome!
  11. I'm sorry, but if you really want it to be, you can imagine it is.
  12. If you reclass him into Mercenary and then promote to Hero and play like Normal mode, he is a god.
  13. I was wondering, but I need both either way so thank you.
  14. Can I get it anywhere for free where it won't mess with my computer or internet settings? (Windows 7) If it makes a difference? Thanks
  15. Well hopefully Super Mario 3D World in less than 48 hours will be a better game.
  16. Let's not forget the cutscene where it flashes for no meaning at all...
  17. Yeah like sometimes someone who you originally found unattractive sorta becomes attractive over time once you get to know them.
  18. Well she is never really true to any of her S Supports most likely, and Sumia is a better unit IMO. Only reason Cordelia is good is because you get Severa.
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