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Everything posted by Chen

  1. why get depressed if you can get ANGERY
  2. at least real life has enough budget to recolor its NPCs
  3. at least real life has enough budget to recolor its NPCs
  4. Now i don't really mind the dating sim aspects or the button mash timing battle system but I cannot get over how generic every NPC looks. every single NPC looks the same. this ruins my immersion
  5. i picked up ar tonelico 2 because it was conjueror approved but i'm about an hour in and it hasn't grabbed me cucked once again by conjueror
  6. >play video game thinking it's good >it was not goddamnit
  7. dodonpachi daioujou vertical only no laser low score
  8. post the chart plotting amount of fun as difficulty goes up
  9. what about difficult porn games :thinking:
  10. fuck....bros............................. i admit i suck ass at most games so i just play ones that i enjoy playing even if im shit at them. is it an impossible idea to be bad at a game and still have fun? if you derive fun from winning then you're basically admitting that winning does matter
  11. agreed, we should make games based entirely around difficulty like i wanna be the guy easy!!!! xd d they can also consider the concept of playing games that appeal to them. difficult concept
  12. hahahaha QOTD 1378 - Would you be comfortable sharing a mind with somebody else?
  13. this QOTD 1377 - Would you drive hundreds of miles just to get some Szechuan sauce?
  14. magical drop QOTD 1376 - What's your favorite Youtube playlist?
  15. i just u-blocked the discord shit tbh
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