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Everything posted by Chen

  1. >giving money to other people >not being entirely self sufficient don't be spooked
  2. Love ain't free. The world and love gotta be litterd with the sperm of dicks. YOU are actualy my husbando. he is very caring and probably cute as well :DD. FUG and HUG not BUG and TUG ok. praise me. QOTD 1370 - What game portrays consequences of actions well?
  3. close enough, but really put that sense of loneliness in there (or enlightenment!?)
  4. yes QOTD 1369 - Describe your significant other in a poetic format.
  5. sorry crpgs make someone with an attention span like mine fuck off instantly
  6. sorry crpgs make someone with an attention span like mine fuck off instantly
  7. youtube comments when im commentating :weary:
  8. japanese people don't know about japanese culture, kid....
  9. why did you post a series of blank images?
  10. QOTD 1367 - Can you name anything worse than the American education system (protip: you can't)?
  11. no director, pirate instead QOTD 1366 - What is the largest amount of games you have finished in one month? submitted by Only 4 for me =/
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