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Everything posted by Chen

  1. ok i take it back, now im laughing irl (not sure to feel sorry for him or just get annoyed sometimes, but goddamn he is annoying)
  2. that post was a lowblow, tryhard :^) but locker room talk etc. etc.
  3. every time i go onto the sf discord that fuck always has to bring up his bad opinions, without fail. you know when you try to be polite to people but then they act like total shit toward other people? it's like that, and you can't tell him off either because he'll pull that "why my behavior is excusable" shit sorry for the rant
  4. every time i go onto the sf discord that fuck always has to bring up his bad opinions, without fail. you know when you try to be polite to people but then they act like total shit toward other people? it's like that, and you can't tell him off either because he'll pull that "why my behavior is excusable" shit sorry for the rant
  5. i think a problem is that people try to push their opinions without listening to what other people say, while also only looking at things that correlate with their opinion so if you try to be neutral or centrist people will tell you that you're indecisive or just trying to keep the status quo but it's like smt where sometimes being neutral is better than uh, anything else (btw the white were not right)
  6. so being feminist was sexist all along...whoa...
  7. every time i want to end it i will remember these people and think my life is not so bad after all
  8. that part of the video is actually hilarious tho you think it's gonna be about jontron but it's not
  9. dunkey doesn't really comment on any political stuff except for a few trump jokes so i don't know why people are jumping on him and completely reaching lel
  10. anyone who's watched dunkey would know that he's a donkey (of puerto rican descent) and not a white man, has this guy really watched any of his videos?
  11. anyone who's watched dunkey would know that he's a donkey (of puerto rican descent) and not a white man, has this guy really watched any of his videos?
  12. this guy hates dunkey because he's black, but what he doesn't know is that he's of puerto rican descent
  13. holy shit, i can't tell if this post is satire or not
  14. holy shit, i can't tell if this post is satire or not
  15. https://powercoupleproductions.wordpress.com/2017/05/21/everything-wrong-with-dunkey/
  16. Chill music is for arabesques, obviously I don't know shit about music though
  17. I unironically only listen to what people give me or video game songs, sorry for being a pleb
  19. nah QOTD 1289 - Favorite video game composers? submitted by Yoko Shimomura is the best.
  20. Milky Holmes could not solve the mystery of this EiMM! BT died. Long live BT! Collapse collapsed. Elieson, in the end, couldn't win without the power of friendship... Night 8 has started. Phase ends when everyone submits their action.
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