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Everything posted by Chen

  1. Chen

    chen's layman art

    2.5 hours on this...
  2. marriage QOTD 1282 - Favorite quiz or game show? submitted by Anonymous
  3. Chen

    chen's layman art

    more of the color red
  4. I legitimately cannot fathom how people go into visual NOVELS and then say "omgwtf this is way too long it's like I'm reading a fucking BOOK holy shit!!!!!!!11"Why is it so common for me to see someone surprised at the "> 50 hours" indicator? Seriously, why shouldn't it take 50 hours? It's a fucking anime book with voice acting and pictures but above all the other elements it's still supposed to be a NOVEL that you READ. Even if you want to say the time you spend is longer than it would be with a typical book that's a GOOD thing, not a bad thing. You have more to read/watch/experience. Seriously, what is supposed to be the problem with a visual NOVEL being long? It's not like you have to read it all in one sitting. They aren't, "tedious" just just because it's long, they should only be tedious if they are unenjoyable. If reading is tedious then you should take your fucking adderall and go play with your fidget spinner instead of coming here and complaining about books being too long.
  5. Countdown Night one has started. Start killing, people!
  6. AS OF NIGHT 8: alias list: player list:
  7. "i want to fuck a demon" QOTD 1281 - Have you any self set targets you haven't reached yet? submitted by Anonymous
  8. PLEASE BANG MY WIFE QOTD 1280 - Favorite video game sidequest?
  9. high level discussion on reddit i see
  10. it'll be a cucking of a lifetime ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  11. just remember to keep your promise with me :^)
  12. two ;))))))))))))))))))))) QOTD 1279 - Any videogame series aside of Super Smash Bros or Project X Zone you wished that would include Fire Emblem characters? submitted by Anonymous
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