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Everything posted by Chen

  1. 1. favorite strategy game mechanics? 2. least favorite strategy game mechanics? 3. what do you like in a platformer? 4. favorite level(s) design from a platformer? 5. any indie games you would like to recommend?
  2. i never finished ff7 QOTD 1269 - Any opinion about the "3 episode rule"? submitted by weeaboo
  3. Chen

    chen's layman art

  4. how hard is the japanese in OFA? i only have imas 2 and i only understand it a little fuggg
  5. Chen

    chen's layman art

    actually, #1 is supposed to be the same gal as #2 but looking menacing! interesting interpretation on your part though...would love an anime macbeth
  6. newground dating sims...you know the one QOTD 1268 - What are some critically acclaimed games that you dislike?
  7. stalin was a good boi he did nuffin wrong
  8. power fantasies are one of the things that make RPGs fun imagine if your character stayed shitty and unfun the entire way
  9. while you were playing your kiddie shooting games, i was jacking it off to story based games such as myst
  10. hey, people write pretty inane stuff on graffiti and forums too:
  11. http://www.pompeiana.org/Resources/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm VI.16.15 (atrium of the House of Pinarius); 6842: If anyone does not believe in Venus, they should gaze at my girl friend
  12. yes QOTD 1267 - What are some objectively bad games you enjoy?
  13. so why is it bad again to have video games be "power fantasies"
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