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Everything posted by Chen

  1. yes they all must die. QOTD 1286 - Who are your biggest friends in SF? submitted by Anonymous
  2. this thread is, i dare say "the kamithread"
  3. no, bakas...not like i like this thread or anything... i just looked at every other thread and went "well that's shit"
  4. just wanted to say you guys are the best thread on sf thanks
  5. oh wait, he's the guy who insisted that wizardry 8 had giant penises and gay boys and that you had to walk through a pile of sex toys to go to the bathroom. makes sense
  6. those ones that breakdance QOTD 1285 - Do you kill all bugs on sight?
  7. >guy gets hired as editor for company >bitches about them on the daily and tells people not to buy their games >company doesn't hire him again >bitches about them not hiring him, tells people to not buy their games because he isn't editing it i wonder...
  8. 1. rank your favorite types of liquor 2. favorite mafia role 3. am i scum? 4. would you mafia irl 5. ever shot a gun before?
  9. 1. rank your favorite types of liquor 2. favorite mafia role 3. am i scum? 4. would you mafia irl 5. ever shot a gun before?
  10. 20 years of perfecting a RPG, folded over 2000 times
  11. >not knowing grimoire, the citizen kane of RPGs
  12. yeah i felt like screaming when i posted that =( QOTD 1284 - Favorite type of fireworks?
  13. No one's going to care about Grimoire being a real RPG because nobody can recognize real RPGs anymore. When people think of RPGs nowadays they think of games like Fallout and Mass Effect. They wouldn't know a real RPG if it bit them on the ass, which is why you got journalists calling everything that's hard (to them, of course) "roguelikes". While real RPGs like Grimoire and Starcrawler are bashed for their "old-school" trappings, games like Tyranny and Persona 5 are lauded as pinnacles of the genre.
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