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Punished Dayni

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Everything posted by Punished Dayni

  1. 64 is effectively a remake/boot of the first if I recall correctly. Zero is too, just to clarify.
  2. They really mean it about how big a presence he was in his time. RIP
  3. That's how they get ya y'see I felt like it was dead for years before Discord.
  4. It's more elegant than using equal, hyphen or underscore for that too.
  5. Peppy is not a reliable source You'd think the coupon could apply to elsewhere, but alas.
  6. That's an aileron roll, 0/10 When you can't place your missiles where you want, sometimes you have to make do.
  7. Never seen one below 20 barring that one Ike I found here and that wasn't much cheaper. If you don't want Ike don't worry I'd say, see what else can be got. And yes, I too am on about Cex. It's spreading.
  8. 10. You lucky fuck, here's hoping more show up at that price point. Then again I'm the guy with SoV limited edition, so should I complain? I swore there was suggestion that using FE amiibos could unlock specific stuff, but this has been continuously unclear.
  9. If he gives Micaiah's costume, an acceptable sacrifice. As someone who has that Amiibo (And is using Ike in that Rev run I've mentioned) it's not like you get them for cheap at all, which is a shame. Barely. Does anyone remember Skype for that matter? You'd be surprised, especially when you're in choirs with few guys it can be more noticeable in a SATB performance.
  10. The power of the bonk is weakening Shrimpy is not a just emperor over the shrimp subjects
  11. The guy who mixed this died this year. RIP Erwin Beekveld Solo singing is different from choir singing tho
  12. This would be one of the first things to go if I had control of 3H's development. Why are we walking into the bedrooms? Back to your point, it's a shame this isn't acknowledged. Imagine if one of the characters from a rich background was up with the noble kids and face being ostracised or a lord who lost out having to come to terms with that fall from grace. I don't get how Bernie's counted in this lot, same with Linhardt. Petra's location could make sense with her being pushed about as a result of her position as a hostage, Annette and Mercedes are in weird places with the links to nobility but both still have ties, especially Annette. Finally Lysithea, while part of a house that has fallen far from prominence she has much more to be stressing about than being left in the lurch. None off these actually confront this potential angle. Better to scrap it imo. Funny, this crest is (Paralogue from Part 2 spoilers): He, Petra and Lysithea being so young bothers me in context. Less than another character's age bothers me, but it does. I mean, it's still White Clouds so far. And this could be your first route after all lol ? ..... It's been a while 3H of all games having a unit who could be interested in the player but not being so is amazing, shame they didn't follow through in full with M!Byleth or have this happen ever.
  13. You ever see a demo finish in under 5 minutes including bits you couldn't play? Well, try Papetura, a game that will tell you to stop playing and buy it that quickly! I have to comment on the audacity at least. It's not like it's low effort, the visuals are pretty good actually, but it's one of those game where movement and acting are slow and methodical, with puzzle solving that I barely got to see as my paper guy turned around and walked back into the cell I'd just left.
  14. You mean they didn't have Rose's mum slap her for old time's sake? 0/10, Doctor Who is terrible /s.
  15. Metal Slimes showed 1% of their power Is it an option if you effectively can't use it? Shrimpy and Wraith were in a skirmish, I was asleep. The whole first level is just Teehee Bees? Engage's section being hard to read with that blue Z T-pose? Pokelitics Persona responsible for Climate Change Certainly an iceberg's depths. Also, wait Sudeen BMW? Well, that was certainly a line. Oh boy.
  16. I didn't specify the scale, but 4x does put a number on it. Well that's a waste of an option.
  17. The controls being objectively better on PSP is a shock. Because you'd think they wouldn't fuck up on a controller with more inputs!
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