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Punished Dayni

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Everything posted by Punished Dayni

  1. Plush Kumagera and Candace. There, that'd suffice.
  2. As one of those who felt a bit mixed about it prior (Back in like Master changes period), I think not giving a crap has been helpful. BOI
  3. It was this or the getalong bracelet. This is the letsgetiton bracelet
  4. What's the thread today- *People discussing other people complaining about LGBT (Mostly T) representation. It's a good thing this thread isn't read by the whole internet. Nevertheless I have a zilch amount of points to raise, so good day.
  5. Deal with it Louis is a convincing argument to use him. To stare at them. I'll give a link here. Sooks covered it grand. Thankfully because you went Black Eagles you don't have to worry about Caspar and Ferdinand, who you can get to B rank before Part II. It seems like he's doing this quite often. After a while even the most patient of people would start to tire of it. Alternatively Fuck Ferdinand in particular /s I see we both share avoiding using the OP weapons. She's practicing her monologues, leave her be. I'll admit I'm not someone actively looking at the genre. It's telling the last thing I can think of that'd maybe count is Nosferatu (I mean, that isn't explicitly kid friendly.).
  6. Amazing. I'm assuming her hurtbox is accurate to her size then? Sounds pretty rough to face. Wait a sec you're not Ruben
  7. Pfft. No, but thanks for the mental image. A note: For some reason, Farina's official art is showing her as purple, while her in game sprite is all blue. Cipher compromised on purple hair and blue armour, but Heroes went all in on the sprite. I'm picking the artwork because it's funnier than just using another blue on Lilina. And yes, all at once is now being considered. Stop it me. I think you'll enjoy the one that goes up tomorrow. trouble is who am I getting other colours from? Please don't say Frost
  8. Turned out way better than what I was going for first. Not for this batch, although unless I hear different I'll have some spare days before Engage comes out to put them up. Though it'd probably be more like Sans with Wrys. Actually, you know what? I'm going to spoil one because I'm not sure what I'm doing with her. Lilina. I've been trying to take people who relate to them in some form, some like Elincia end up kinda boring from this (And only now do I realise if I hadn't been so restrictive I could have used Lucia or Geoffrey), others are.... hard to work with and others turn out great. Lilina's an issue because she has 3 different mothers and I don't know which I should pick or if I should just do them all.
  9. Feels a bit monarchy centric to me personally, but that's me looking at it like that in the moment. A moment where you shrug your shoulders and nod, happy the gamble worked. No horny bard though I mean, it's pretty much the start of our current campaign, albeit a lot happened in the bar that night.
  10. Okay, I have been playing a bit of Lunatic BR. On Chapter 13, I end up pulling Camilla over and feeling like I have little chance of screwing myself over attempt to shoot her down with Reina with a bow while Takumi supported her with his bow despite her having Bowbreaker. The hit rates were 18 and 24 percent. Both connect. 4.32% chance lol first try I had heard. Fuck me, that's something alright. I was mostly pointing it out as only now did the idea sink in my head, not like I've never heard of a place referred to as such before. It's as unfortunate in Finland.
  11. Well, least there's no congressors in there at the minute? Course, this lot attacked the supreme court and presidential palace as well (off topic, it's hard to ignore the use of the word palace there.) I don't want to draw up those comparisons that quick, but when people like Bannon were involved in Bolsonaro's campaign, it's hard to be shocked. Didn't even have the guts to be in Brasilia for it to cheer them on smh /s
  12. That's why it's curious to me. Not even with forges either and some of that talk has been impressive. In terms of normal weaponry, there's the Silver Axe sometimes (22 in Genealogy, 16/18 in a few others) and the Pachyderm in Archanea. That's it for weapons that strong in other games. It really looks like Engage is giving a lot of power in terms of weapons in player's hands and by extension enemy hands. No wonder Chloé did so much damage in the first trailer!
  13. I think we've had at least some since then. So, what's above 15 in each game then? Why 15? Honestly an arbitrary pick, but considering how much more I'd have had to add, it feels like the right number in hindsight. Also, if they give a Str or Mag boost, I won't count that on here, though of course it makes some of these even more out there, same goes with forges. TLDR: Give it up for your friend and mine the Devil Axe! Such a regular in the power scaling in the series. What'd we do without it? Well, good he brings something from Thracia at least 😛 And yet nobody's bringing up the right answer in this: the OG Pokemon Anime Theme
  14. I thought this was a bit huh. This on the other hand, ugh. I dug too deep and that was the third thing I saw relating to it. This show's whole existence seems to be summed up by one image:
  15. Genuinely can't understand what the hell is going on with cinema here. It seems like they can only run 6 or so films at once (maybe some one off live stuff at times, I don't know), so there's one or two getting a dozen plus screenings and plenty of stuff that comes out gets a week if not entirely passed over and of course some films that I wonder who'd interested in getting picked instead. Stuff I wanted to see? Already gone if it ever was there. Stuff on streaming to the point it's like why bother? Still on contract so might as well. Avatar 2 or whatever's the current MCU? Give it a bunch of screenings even if it's past peak time. I am getting peeved looking at it. I haven't ever seen that show and even I know what you mean. And yet another avatar is in the god tiers, ugh. Soleil's going to say he's her brother.
  16. I think they're just rubbing things together and hoping they hold after that myself. Oh no.
  17. Honestly, Engage was the perfect time to release a new wave of FE Amiibo, more stock of the ones out already and making a few new ones too because yes, I would get a Leif Amiibo. The one issue I realise with this is scope. At this stage there's Marth, Ike, Robin, Lucina, Roy, Corrin (Both genders), Chrom (Who's got two different sources), M!Byleth, Alm, Celica and Tiki. Even just making 10k for each would be 120k and that ignores making any new ones (Sigurd, Leif, Lyn, Eirika/Ephraim, Micaiah and the 3H lords if we count DLC, which we probably should for this). I don't know if they're that interested in doing that much and 10,000 of each one could be low demand overall! Bors:
  18. Just wait for a DLC emblem to have this at max. Probably. Unless they punch maybe? Quality. PoR and Thracia's then. That's never fun having to format the lot. Thankfully I have decent redundancy, but it's something you have to have ready unfortunately. We stand with Lot doing a lot. If you can even get them. And here it's good luck trying in some cases. Understandable.
  19. I forgot these quotes. The horni is strong with this one. It was getting old for a long time
  20. The only one I looked at was Alear's because I couldn't not mention the obvious
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