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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Doesn't really matter. Sniper supporting has an easier time hitting the benchmarks, Sniper leading is more potent.
  2. Well, I think I'm going to give it a try once I get a free file (even though I won't be saving, I want to run through the route a few times with saves first to get a good feel for it).
  3. Yeah, Virion!Nah is one of the best Brides in the game. She'll do well (LB/BF/All+2/Str+2/Skl+2) as one of those.
  4. Masters are buyable in Cht.12, Seconds are buyable in Cht.16 (though you can get them earlier if you marry off Nowi, Cordelia or Olivia). The most effective way to use the Seals is usually reclass at 20 (1st gen units) or 10 (2nd gen units and Panne) once, then promote, then reclass at 15. That's not always the best way to do things, but it's generally pretty solid. Promoting and then returning to base is a good way to run up against your stat caps, wasting level-ups (though it is easier on your Seal supply, if you have a large team). On Normal though, it doesn't really matter and I'd just avoid Second Seals altogether, because the game is more fun when your characters are in their canonical classes.
  5. Yeah, Gregor!Laurent can go physical if you want him to. I see no obvious flaws here. You can use Vaike!Nah@Hero to support magical Galeboys nicely (other Hero Nahs work too, but Vaike is the best) if you want. Some Nahs can make good Sages too, even without magical fathers (notably Virion!Nah), if you don't mind a Sage x Sage pair. Either your Fortify is limited or you need to set up your Vengeance again, yes. The second option is much safer, particularly if you're using Vengeance for KO insurance/a general power boost, because very few things can ORKO a pair at full health, so you can just deliberately take damage from one enemy to get it back up again. The general idea behind offensive Vengeance is that you attack a dangerous foe that you can double at full health, and if you fail to kill it before it attacks, then you get a Vengeance boost so it's almost guaranteed to die on the second round. Then you attack something weaker (or that can't hit you) after your Galeforce, and then heal up at the end of your turn and do it again the next turn. Well, all decimals are rounded down so that extra 3 Skl is going to waste, as far as DSes are concerned. No Throne for NS. If 8 Mov matters that much, I'd give Severa the Boots and put Morgan into an 8-Mov class. Falco Kjelle looks better at a glance, but I haven't checked thresholds. Looks pretty standard to me. What exactly do you want help with? You get two pairs of Boots if you want more Mov on someone like Lucina, but I'd keep her as a DF because Morgan likes the pairup bonuses. I prefer Virion for my Sniper Severas, but Stahl!Severa can do it well too. If you want to make her and Inigo a Sniper/Assassin pair, try to go for 100% DS (needs 160 combined Skl between the two units). Kjelle also has Wyvern Lord, if you want a slightly stronger 8 Mov unit.
  6. Sumia!Lucina@Sage's Skl: 43(base) +4(mods) +10(Rally) +7(Sage pairup) +2(tonic) =76 Generic Sage support's Skl: 43(base) +10(Rally) +2(tonic) =55 That's 90% DS without DS+ and 100% with it. If you attack 50 times in one map, that takes you from 5 average whiffs to exactly 0 whiffs. If you attack 200 times in one map, that takes you from 20 average whiffs to exactly 0 whiffs. If you attack 10,000 times over the course of postgame, that takes you from 1,000 average whiffs to exactly 0 whiffs. And that's a big deal. If you're up against an enemy you know you'll die to if you don't nail that DS, you go from a 10% change of death to a 0% chance of death. With the former, you could expect an average of one game over for every 10 enemies you faced. With the latter, you'd never die. If you had to kill 50 enemies like that in a row, you'd have a ~.5% chance of living with 90% DS- it would take an average of 200 tries to be victorious. And that's for each time you wanted to clear the map. With DS+, you would have a 100% chance of living- no averages, you'd always win. And that's a big deal. Hopefully that's a suitable demonstration of how important the statistical difference between rarely and never is. DS+ is incredible and the centerpiece of Lucina's skillset. Never underestimate the power of thresholds. As for RK, the math for average damage dealt is a little complicated (and depends on all of the user's Atk, Skl and the target's Def/Res) but a Faire will be better in almost every case. While RK raises the odds of the best possible outcome, a Faire makes both the best and worst possible outcomes a good deal better. Since Faires work in the back, you'll also get their bonus when part of a double Galepair too. The main exception that could occur here is if you're not tackling Apo and just want to look flashy, in which case RK gives you more flair for sure.
  7. Basically a pair that you've specifically left at high enough HP so they can survive an attack from the boss. Sometimes, if you don't have a dedicated unit for killing the boss, it's possible to have all your galepairs kill something under the assumption that they'll mob the boss once the mooks are gone, but then everyone takes damage and you don't have anyone bulky enough to take a hit from the boss. There are usually ways out if this happens, but it's annoying at best. These pairs don't always have to be designated when building your team, but it's sometimes helpful if you do, because then you have an idea of who to keep safe during your rush ahead of time (high Hit and Spd are generally what you want, Vengeance helps too). Having a designated pair generally becomes more important on challenge runs, where you would make them a dodgetank rather than an offensive powerhouse for pulling Anna/NS (Severa is generally great for this, Morgan is good too).
  8. I'm going to say Chrom. Yes, Chrom. Reasons: -The big one- he's auto-deployed, meaning he's the only unit in the game who can do a true solo of pretty much anything. Including Normal Apo (he can't do Secret due to turn limits). -He's got free Convoy access, giving him an infinitely large inventory. That's a big asset in any sort of lowmanning run, and is a large part of why it's possible for him to perform true solos. -DS+. After Chrom, I'd say +Spd/-Def Avatar!Lucina. Though she loses a few mods compared to Lucina!Morgan, she has the major perk of being able to support with Mr. Force-Deploy. Morgan is nice and all, but she can't do that and it's not worth losing 30% DS for a few extra stats (that are partially offset by the lost pairup bonuses).
  9. It's not a true threshold unless you have 100% DS because whiffing a DS is pretty much the same as missing both hits so increasing your Hit only helps with reliability up to a point, but 220 is the amount you need to have 100% listed on all non-boss mooks in Apo (NS, Invincisorc, Thronie and Anna need more Hit) and is the target to aim for for non-boss fighting pairs (as a disclaimer, there might be a 110+ Avo enemy who spawns on a staircase I don't know about, but that's not a big deal). It's harder to set up (you'll have to take a deliberate EP to do it) but very rewarding because Snipers tend to take less damage, and thus need to heal less.
  10. If Gerome's Hit is less than 220, he wants Henry. Vengeance is a little better on physical units anyway (they tend to take more damage due to always fighting at 1 range), so Brady won't miss it too much.
  11. Checks out correctly for me. Basically you can leave them in range of a Counter enemy with a 1-range weapon on EP and they won't counter-attack, and thus not get pasted by Counter. There are a ton of other non-Lunatic+ uses for not counter-attacking as well, such as limiting the amount of battles fought on EP (if you can't strike back, you don't KO and another enemy can't come to take the current one's place) to increase your odds of survival, and blasting thieves without subsequently hogging a ton of exp that you want to give to other units (a big deal on Cht.10).
  12. Nope. Lethality > Aether > Astra > Sol > Luna > Ignis > Vengeance > Luna+.
  13. Ha! I knew it! Now, I wonder if, with enough resetting, it would be possible to reach the Outrealm Gate in L+ without saving...
  14. Hi folks. I'm back. Inigo is another of those funny cases (like Nah) where something that looks bad on paper actually works really well. In his case, he's good because his broad base class set (including two natural Faires and several good ending classes) and neutral Str/Mag mods allow him to turn into practically anything based on who his dad is. On his own, he tends to get outshown in various roles, but when actually trying to make a team he's a universal filler unit who's not so important that he shouldn't be used plugging holes (see Avatar/Morgan). I'd keep the Hero. Weapon type diversity on high Skl based teams is very nice. Awakening doesn't really have a hard cap on challenge run potential- pretty much anything you can think up can be a challenge run. AC has certainly done a lot of them, and is responsible for doing most of the toughest ones that have been done, but nobody can really claim to have done "all" of them because there will always be new stunts that creative people can think up to do. That's kind of why I'm still playing the game. Paladin is also useful as a lead class in that it has no weak points. Of the physical 8 Mov classes (Wyvern, Falco, BK, Paladin) it's also the closest to having balanced Str and Spd/Skl (do note, Donnel!Kjelle does have all four if you think you need more/can get away with less Spd), which can be nice. So I wouldn't discount Paladin as a lead class just because it can't give it's bonuses. Do consider using Swordfaire over Lancefaire, though. Apo is mainly Axes and Lances, there aren't many Swords there and Swords and Lances have the same Atk after Weapon Rank Boost. ...? You lost me.
  15. If you still need this, I'll do it. FE1: none FE2: none FE3: none FE4: none FE5: none FE6: http://serenesforest.net/binding-blade/characters/boss-data/ FE7: http://serenesforest.net/blazing-sword/characters/boss-data/ FE8: http://serenesforest.net/the-sacred-stones/characters/boss-data/ FE9: http://serenesforest.net/path-of-radiance/characters/boss-data/ FE10: http://serenesforest.net/radiant-dawn/characters/boss-data/ FE11: http://serenesforest.net/shadow-dragon/characters/base-stats/ http://serenesforest.net/shadow-dragon/characters/growth-rates/ http://serenesforest.net/shadow-dragon/characters/boss-data/ FE12: http://serenesforest.net/light-and-shadow/characters/base-stats/ http://serenesforest.net/light-and-shadow/characters/growth-rates/ http://serenesforest.net/light-and-shadow/characters/boss-data/ FE13: http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/base-stats/ http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/maximum-stats/ http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/growth-rates/ http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/boss-data/ http://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/downloadable-content/ General: http://serenesforest.net/general/merchandise/ http://serenesforest.net/general/localisation-changes/ It took a while because apparently SF doesn't like me loading tons of pages in a short amount of time. I might have missed a few, but this should be most of them. Basically anything that changes based on difficulty (boss stats), region (Awakening's DLC) or reclassing (growths, etc) gets messed up, plus a few more. There's also this page: http://serenesforest.net/general/mythological-references/ which used to look that way, but could probably benefit from a tab layout as well.
  16. Chrom@Cav gets a nice boost to Mov, Def and another weapon type, and if he promotes to GK and switches to GL at 10, he can then run Luna/Aether/RK which is fairly useful ingame. Discipline also gets him a high lance rank much quicker than if he waited an extra 10 levels and then promoted to GL, which is useful because he needs D Lances before he has a ranged attack. As a force-deployed unit, it's a good idea to make sure he's as useable as possible.
  17. Avatar x Panne is a little less about the children as it is about the parents. I consider it worth sacking Morgan and her sibling with no weapon ranks and poor base skills in exchange for one of the most powerful wives in the game for Avatar. Even without weapon ranks and base skills, though, there are still things you can do with Morgan/Yarne. For instance, selling their Beaststones nets a decent amount of cash- yes, cash becomes pretty common lategame, but their starting weapons still are the second most expensive starting weapons in the game. Morgan is also a prime candidate for Rally Spectrum inheritance, and if she reclasses into a Pegasus Knight, she can make a good rallybot to backup her parents. As for Yarne, what else are you doing with those Arms Scrolls? Olivia gets one if she's marrying Chrom and wants to pass Lucina GF, but they're free otherwise.
  18. If you're grinding, this shouldn't be a problem- just get her Galeforce and use her as a hit-and-run unit, no EP-survival required. You could also just have her be Chrom's support. Or even bench her and let Chrom fight with Brady. There are plenty of options.
  19. Probably a Hero. No need for overkill. Laurent: I'd go Ricken. Dark Knights are one of my favorite classes outside of Apo (basically a Grandmaster on wheels with defensive pairup boosts), and he also has the BK option in case you decide you prefer that later.
  20. Yes, Avatar should definitely be at the very top. However I'd also like to nominate Chrom to Cavalier for a possible use of a Seal.
  21. Wyvern Severa does really want a Berserker support. I'd either go with Virion!Yarne or Henry!Gerome (Henry's Hex/Anathema will help with Gerome's Hit) for her.
  22. I'm more interested in getting a slightly more consistent method for Cht.3 (or at least one that doesn't involve a ton of winging it) to go along with this. +Spd is a pretty good postgame asset, so I don't see too much of a reason for an alternate Cht.2 clear for anything else (except maybe Def if you're going for the whole game without grinding). It'll involve a lot more rigging skills (thanks, PavGis) but should be at least semi-possible. I think. Maybe.
  23. Depends how large your team is. If you're using full deployment, then you're probably going to be outleveled a bit, especially near the start.
  24. Scramble: depends whether you place more value on gameplay or aesthetics. And yes, you'll get a lot more out of the DLC once you've played the game several times. Having all of it roughly triples the replay value, but that won't matter if you aren't getting what you can out of the main game anyway.
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