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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Assuming both classes have a Faire, the lead is physical and all attacks connect and do damage, upgrading to Berserker from Hero increases your maximum damage output by up to 48. Doing a challenge run? That's nothing to shake a stick at. It's not by any means necessary in No Holds Barred (because pretty much anything goes there), but that's a bigger damage increase than going from no proc to maximum Vengeance... 1) They're both functionally the same as Wyvern Lords. The main differences are that Lon'qu!Severa has Swordfaire for Hero and Avo+10 for dodgetanking, but Virion!Severa has Tomefaire for Sage/Dark Flier. The better one depends on availability and what you want Severa to be capable of as a secondary role (or primary one, if you don't like Wyvern Lords). 2) Vaike!Gerome's thing is having the highest Atk of any non-Morgan 2nd gen unit. Stahl!Gerome takes a bit of that Str (and more importantly, Berserker's +Spd bonus) and gives a massive Hit boost to Gerome (Vaike!Gerome's Hit is frequently a problem). 3) They're pretty interchangeable. You may get more mileage out of Ricken!Inigo though because he's got 2 more Skl than Owain and the Luna user can use that more. Stahl just has a lot of stuff that a lot of units want, but nothing that can make or break a deal. He's kind of a universal filler dad, and outclassed in most every role he could take by someone else (or at least not a clear win). I suppose his main niche is having the highest Str of any Hit+20 dad (Yarne appreciates this) but Virion has better Skl than him making him automatic competition.
  2. It should still be possible, but you'll need 1 more Spd to make up for the loss from the support, and rigging the DS will be a good deal harder.
  3. Panne performs much better during the main game, but Yarne will be better when going through the DLC and capping your stats. It's less about caps here and more about bases and growths: A +Str or Skl Avatar!Yarne as an Assassin or Sniper has some of the highest physical growths in the game, even giving some of Donnel's children what-for.
  4. For non-postgame, I find Panne, Cordelia and Nowi to perform the best as wives and Chrom to be the best husband. The two transforming units have incredible growths and are both some of the best first-gen units in the game for Lunatic, and Cordelia allows you to realistically get six Galeforce units without grinding (also using Chrom x Sumia).
  5. You forgot Nowi. Anyway, when making a pairings plan you should list each female and then all their potential husbands, not each male and their potential wives (you've got Stahl x Panne/Cordelia and Avatar x Lucina/Aversa there) because each female needs to be married, but each male doesn't. Your focus is on the optimal father for each child, not on the optimal child for each father. Doesn't matter, they're both viable challenges. I was thinking no adjacent combat, though.
  6. Well, I sometimes have him running a 155 crit build, but that takes up a tactician. There's not much he can do besides VV and just being a hard magical support. It's one of the reasons I like small teams.
  7. Are pages like this http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/introduction/ and this http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/boss-data/ going to stay that way, or will they eventually go back to having a set of tabs to switch between the subsections like they used to?
  8. OK, here's a ton of stuff from the Awakening section. All the Boss Data pages have exploded and don't fit the fixed width. As has this page: http://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/dlc-conversations/ While not technically an error, in this page: http://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/cgs/ Male Avatar's confession scenes are labeled as female confessions and female Avatar's confession scenes are labeled as male confessions. Does that warrant clarification? This page: http://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/trivia/ has a list of the children's birthdays and what FE release they match up to. It also mentions that Morgan's Birthday corresponds to Japan's Children's Day, but for some reason her actual date isn't listed while everyone else's is. Travant's image on this page: http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/introduction/spotpass/ is missing. It used to just be a missing link on the old site (the picture was still on the server somewhere), but now I can't even manually find the picture.
  9. Ricken!Laurent has no obvious weaknesses (aside from missing VV, which isn't very major), but he's also got no obvious strengths (the highest non-Morgan 2nd gen Mag mod, by 1, which also isn't very major). He's not bad, just... Boring.
  10. It's always nice to pack at least one of your alternate weapon type, just in case. Those pairs look fine to me. What exactly do you want help with?
  11. I don't think there's a taboo against it, but don't expect me to start saying it. At least he doesn't have Focus.
  12. Vanilla Lunatic is pretty much Snowballing: The Game. You can't really do a fair distribution of exp in the early chapters. I'd advise just pouring everything into Avatar for the first few chapters, and once you're sufficiently ahead of the curve use Avatar to train up a few other units like how you used Fred to train up Avatar. Try not to train more than one non-Chrom/Lissa unit from before Cht.6 though, you get several very good units a little later (Panne, Cordelia and Nowi). If your Avatar and Fred can each reach tanking threshold on Cht.5 and all your other units are strong enough not to get ORKOed, you should be fine there. Speaking of Cht.5, remember to remove your weapons on Enemy Phase if you want to fight fewer battles then and increase your odds of survival. Chrom can train very easily in Cht.7, and Nowi/Cordelia can train very easily in Cht.8. The main problem in Cht.12 is that it's where promoted units start showing up in force, the only promotes below Cht.11 are bosses and Cht.11's are very spread out. In 12, there are lots of Paladins and Bow Knights that rush you from all sides.
  13. Since the term "overrated" might as well be meaningless by now, I'm just going to vote for my least favorite character and leave.
  14. Some of those screenshots are definitely interlaced. The 3ds doesn't do that. The Wii does. I think they're suspicious at best.
  15. Bows are good, but they're not omnipotent. You can't use them to safely take down NS, for one (and he's a much harder target than Anna, so it's better to use your Faire on him). Since 100% DS pairs are usually a bit single-minded (almost always physical, usually lots of Bows) I just prefer to keep them as varied as possible.
  16. Wow, the Merchandise section was finished. That's great! I feel like some pages, particularly ones with multiple tables separated by text (the General page, for example) would go better if the green background between the tables was gone so it was just tables and text over the background image (which is both prettier and easier on the eyes than a solid color). Also, a little something that's always slightly bugged me: why are the General Forums above the FE forums on the forums index? This is primarily a FE site, shouldn't they be on top?
  17. Swordfaire will be better. Double vengeance is fine. It makes it slightly harder to store a high Vengeance charge in the back while bringing out the other unit for threats that could potentially damage you, but if you're good at juggling the damage you take, then it's potentially very powerful.
  18. As a fellow member of the "-Def Lunatic+ Club", I can also attest as to how insane it is to brute force your way through (I did my run well before Interceptor made the fabulous Cht.2 guide). Resetting for Def won't matter much for Cht.2, but it does help a lot for Cht.3. I actually took nearly three times as long for Cht.3 as I did on Cht.2. If you do do it, Cht.2 is prbably the best place to do so due to being fairly consistent now and not having to worry about manipulating Spd/Mag as well. Anyway, backup saves aren't useful for rigging stat growths. I tried them when I was doing -Def, and all that happened was me breaking Lissa's Heal Staff on the Prologue (reset), and wasting a ton of time. You'll probably get your desired stats more quickly if you don't savescum, actually. The place where you do want to use saves is on Cht.2/3 between waves (they won't help much with the RNG itself, but because you have a lot more freedom with how you engage the next wave, you could change your strategy slightly each time... Or even rewind costly blunders).
  19. It's Henry!Nah's best +Mag/Spd support (she also has Bride, but that gives 1 less Mag and she doesn't have a Faire for it). It also has the highest Spd (by 1) of any Tome-using class, which I haven't currently found a use for but could be helpful. Fairly easy as well (ask Tables, I think he did this) with a completely maxed but not particularly pairing-optimized team. Where stuff gets more interesting is no Pairup or Braves. Your offense is low enough that you can't reliably (if at all) ORKO stuff, making Galeforce less useful, which opens up a lot of new teambuilding possibilities. Assassins and Snipers: Yes, it is worth it for one of Morgan/Noire to change. Doubling Anna with a Longbow is required to get an ORKO on her, and you also get to use Brave Swords on the Assassin which is very helpful for NS. On units with 80+ Skl, Hit should never be an issue. I wouldn't worry about a 0.5 loss.
  20. You've still got plenty of time to get your team in gear before the hammer falls (around Cht.12), but you'll definitely want to go easier on Fred and give more exp to your Avatar. Chapters 7 and 8 and Par.1 and 3 are the big ones for lucrative training opportunities, so make the most of them.
  21. Avatar!Lucina may be able to lead a potent VVDS+ pair, but at the cost of one of the worst Morgans in the game. Avatar-M leading Maribelle!Lucina, on the other hand, can lead a practically equal VVDS+ pair while producing one of the best Morgans in the game. Raw output doesn't matter. Hitting benchmarks does. That's like gimping one child for the sake of boosting another's Spd from 75 to 80. And even if it causes you to miss some benchmark that only applies to Thronie, having to smack one enemy before finishing him on a challenge run is worth it for an extra highly capable unit. Performance of Awakening's units isn't measured in good and bad, it's measured in good and better. In terms of potential, which is what matters, Morgan has much higher potential than Owain does, and this particular Morgan happens to be near the bottom of his stack.
  22. Sounds good to me. Though I'm not sure where you're getting 112/115 from (160 is needed for 100%, or 80 per unit. What's that cover and what doesn't it cover?). Questions don't annoy me, by the way.
  23. Awakening was definitely an experiment, but it was done by combining the best of each past game together instead of throwing everything out and starting from scratch (it has FE1/2's world, FE4's inheritance system, FE6-9's in-depth supports, FE8's world map, skirmishes and undead mooks, a skill system that's somewhere between FE4 and 10's (and it reused a lot of skill sprites from 9/10 as well), and FE12's customizable unit (called My Unit/MU in 12 and Avatar in 13, though a lot of people get this confused), and the fairly generic umbrella plot of evil cult resurrects evil dragon from several FEs. Streetpass: the guest team will appear and behave identically to a team you summon from the Spotpass menu, except it'll be made up of ingame characters with an Avatar as the leader. You can do the same things with it you can with Spotpass teams: fight, buy items, recruit leader, etc. You can customize how the team you send out appears in the Streetpass menu. When Avatars are recruited and put in a logbook, their card can be seen, which contains info such as their difficulty, pairings, and a short customizable phrase. You can also set your quotes for entering battle, being defeated, and parleying.
  24. Yeah, Lunatic+ with no intentions of doing postgame is a completely different can of worms.
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