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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. 100% DS/75 Spd only matters on Snipers if together they allow you to ORKO any target. Going for higher Spd by, say, bumping the support from a Sniper to an Assassin, is only worth it if you actually have the Atk to ORKO your target (Anna has 99HP and NS has Aegis+ and 70 Def, so this isn't always the case). However, if you can still double a slower target without sacrificing 100% DS and get a guaranteed ORKO for it, then you're good. So I'd look into Stahl!Gerome@Sniper again. There's no math whatsoever behind using Boots unless you plan on using only two combat pairs or are planning a strategy so specific that you know what enemy you need that extra 2 Mov to reach. I set 8 Mov as a goal on my 100% DS team because I didn't have much room for Staffbots and I had the extra skillspace due to not using procs, but you don't have to do that- they're mostly a thing that you give to units you like, or that need a little boost. I'd hang onto them for now until you've done a few clears, and if there's some pair that's always lagging behind due to being unable to reach the enemy, use Boots on them. Good, if you don't mind him leading a non-double GF pair.
  2. Is there also an unspoken condition that magical units need to stay magical and Galeboys need to keep their Galeforce? Because otherwise you're forcing yourself to use Yarne and Gerome exclusively, and Gerome is a pretty bad +Skl support. If you use Inigo for Severa and Yarne for Noire, it'll work much better, though you'll have to drop most of Inigo's normal skillset.
  3. There's a sticky topic with all the supports if you want to check any of them out (though do note that some of them come across completely differently in text only vs ingame, despite being exact copies). I'd give the better Hit to Noire. Severa is so powerful that she often doesn't need the Dual Strikes at all and can just get by with guaranteed hits if she has Vengeance up and isn't hitting Pavise.
  4. Hmm. I usually use my Goddess Icons for early AT boosts, but they could also patch up Tharja. Mercenary's big selling point isn't it's stats, it's its pairup boosts. +Spd/Def (both of your survival stats) on an unpromoted class is incredible and only shared by Cavalier.
  5. +HP is done mainly for bases/growths. HP is also as close to Counter/Luna+ proof as you can get, since it'll take more attacks to bring you down no matter what.
  6. Nah may want to swap Demoiselle for DS+. Fred!Inigo is pretty good, though it might be worth swapping Swordfaire for All+2. Swords and Bows are equal after WRB and before skill boosts, but against Lances All+2 Bows will be 1 mt higher than Swordfaire Swords and against fliers Bows will win no matter what. So make her a DF. Laurent is a hard magical support, and Noire is the most magical out of the available leads. The +Skl won't be wasted because it still improves your DS rate. I'd go Henry!Brady for sure, the other two don't really matter.
  7. 1) Depends how good you are at setting it up deliberately as opposed to just waiting to naturally take damage (as in, can you determine exactly what you want to be in range of on EP without the game showing you how much damage you'll take). Once they have it set up, they're pretty devastating. 2) I don't use it. She needs to be Chrom!Cynthia to have it, but she also has an amazing skillset already and no room for it. If extra Hit is important, you can always forge 3/25 (but do your calcs first just in case). 3) Henry is in a lot higher of demand than Vaike, so Vaike is usually the superior option. But if your Henry is free, I'd go with him just for fun- Henry!Nah can do a lot more other stuff than Vaike!Nah when not playing Apo. 4) Magical unless he's marrying Severa. Sage (LB/Agg/TF/All+2/Mag+2 or Anathema).
  8. Inigo can go with anyone except Cynthia. That's some kind of bad mod clash on Morgan, but she should probably be physical (Inigo/Yarne/Gerome).
  9. Unless your 6 Hit Anna pair is using a Longbow/Double Bow to avoid Vantage+, then you're fine without 75. Making the whole team go for it is really just overpreparation. Owain x Morgan/Cynthia/Nah/Noire Laurent x Cynthia/Noire Brady x Morgan/Cynthia/Nah/Noire Yarne x Kjelle/Severa/Noire Gerome x Kjelle/Severa/Noire What's your asset/flaw, and who's Inigo's dad? It's hard to rate Morgan and Inigo without those.
  10. Notable Valm's Dark Knights (there are a lot of them in Cht.19) can wind up with either Anathema or Focus. But anyway, let's take a look at exactly what kind of crit rates we're talking about here. Tharja's base Lck is... 3. Failure. On the bright side, that means Anathema only provides a +3 boost... With a base Libra pairup, that's 6, and 8 with a Tonic. It'll take 18+ Skl to have listed crit on her, or a +crit weapon. Enemies in Cht.9 who can do that: Campari (21 Skl, 2 Crit) 3 Mages who could have Focus (12 Skl, 8 Crit) (one is a reinforcement) 2 Archers with Killer Bows (18/20 Skl, 30/31 Crit, may have Skl+2) 2 Archers who could have Skl+2 (20 Skl, 1 Crit) 1 Dark Mage who could have Anathema (9 Skl, 4 Crit) OK, so the most dangerous things there are obviously the Killer Bow Archers. Those should be removed before Tharja is recruited and are a threat to everybody. 1 Crit isn't too bothersome, especially for a skill with a random chance of appearing. Campari doesn't move and if Tharja is going to take him down, it's easy to flank her by allies for a +10 Dge support bonus. That leaves just the Mages, but she's too frail... A Res tonic with max HP can take a Nos crit and live, a Res tonic and a Rally Res can take the Arcwind at full HP and live, but even both of those combined are still OHKOed by Arcfire. Basically, there are three significant threats to her in Cht.9. Now, if Tharja and Libra get an event tile support (or use a Seed of Trust), I'm pretty sure they'll be able to advance to C following the map (dunno for sure though, I don't have Tharja's support growths in front of me). That gives 1 more Lck from Libra, and with one adjacent unit she can get +10 Dge. Cht.10 has lots of Barbs, but they have pretty bad Skl (4 base Crit) so even with Gamble a C supported Tharja x Libra with a tonic will be at 3 Crit. That's 3 higher than preferable, but Cht.11 is a little better (she can stick with the Fighters on the left, who can only have Zeal (8/13 base) and once she has a B support she'll be mostly fine. She'll need to steer clear of the Mages in Cht.11 though, who can have up to 27 Crit.
  11. Severa x Yarne, Kjelle x Gerome, Noire x Laurent, Nah x Inigo. Reasoning is that Nah needs to be with a Galeboy, Severa wants a support that has Berserker, Noire has the highest Mag mod for leading Laurent, and Kjelle and Gerome are the leftovers.
  12. Oh I know "Canon" is what people use to yell at people they disagree with and "Cannons" are what they use to blast people they disagree with! AmIRight? Seriously though, I agree. There's not really anything in terms of Awakening's pairings that's canon, and neither are there any pairings that are "more canon" than others, because canonity isn't a spectrum.
  13. It's an issue of her getting critted, not her getting crits.
  14. Wait, what do Nowi and Bantu have in common besides their class? Actually, a lot of these seem like class is their entire basis. Is class an archetype?
  15. Boots: It's pretty hard to find an objectively best way to use them (unless you're only playing with two leads, of course), so just use them on whoever you like. Berserkers: You can ditch them if you want to. Switch in Heroes and Assassins instead.
  16. RK: I don't like it. If bad distribution can be a case against any other skills, RK is at the bottom of the barrel. Chrom can use it, if he chooses GL over Cav, and it'll boost his Aether from ~10-15% to 20-25%. Chrom!Inigo or Chrom!Brady can have it, but Inigo has this thing called bad bases and a hard recruitment paralogue, and will wind up using it for things like Sol and AT (and he's probably it's best user), while Brady wants to be magical and won't have any procs for it. Kjelle and Cynthia, Chrom's better daughters, don't get it at all. Lucina? She could get it... But due to automatic Aether inheritance it means she'll have to both go through 15 levels of GL (+10 of Lord) exclusively for it, which is a bad deal in my book when she could be doing something useful like Cav or Pegasus. Tharja: A better way to solve her crit issues, imo, would be Solidarity. A free +10 Dge (what the game calls critical avoid) is pretty major. Whether Avatar is actually paired up with her or just standing next to her likely doesn't matter because enemies will prefer the frail unit most of the time. Rally Mov: My problem with it is that anyone who has it is, by default, one of my main combat units. Rally Spectrum doesn't suffer from this as much because lategame I often use my Avatar to tank hits unequipped and give them to other units, and he/she isn't in a hurry to kill as much stuff as possible. Dark Fliers: Enemy Res is usually low enough that mine don't have too much trouble using Tomes to attack (earlygame, at least). What I mostly tend to do is put my pegs through DF first, get GF to pass down, then reclass them to Falco for Staffbot duty (and to get more Rallies) and it works pretty well. And speaking of using Staffbots to compensate for no/little Galeforce, also consider that a) without a lot of training, Rescue's range will be pretty low (fixed by 15 levels of DF, it'll be high enough to be useable) and b) combining Rescue and GF is better than either alone.
  17. But you can debate gameplay from any number of possible angles. Why LTC?
  18. Yes, a Noire fathered by Fred, Virion, Gaius, Gregor, Henry or an Avatar with a Str/Spd asset and not a Skl/Str/Spd flaw will have 50/60 listed (because your listed Skl combined class cap, mods and LB). See here for more detail: http://serenesforest.net/fe13/char_max.html
  19. Ooh, interesting. Is it safe to assume that skill value also depends on how good its class is (Rally Def would be higher, except that Generals reek)? Anyway, I've never understood why people make so much of a fuss about LTC in tier list debates. For a tier list to be useful, its criteria need to be pretty close to how most people actually play, and the percentage of players who actually care about absolute LTC is pretty low. So, skills: I think Luna should be in the same tier as Ignis. Ignis has poorer distribution, but GK isn't the best class to be in and the units that do get Ignis have good growths in both Str and Mag so its damage will mostly be higher (enemy Def is fairly low). I also feel like Bowbreaker should be a little higher. Lategame enemy Bows are some of the hardest things in the game to dodgetank, and BK is arguably the best thief-killing class in the game so it's worth keeping one around earlygame. Rally Str is completely free on Basilio and I pretty much always use it in the endgame. It's useful for a very short amount of time, but when it is there's absolutely no downside. I'd argue for it to be higher. Berserker's skills feel like they should be a little lower since you have no natural Barbarians and they always require at least two seals to get, and most of the units you're willing to invest that much time into have better things to do. AT seems like it should be higher, partially by virtue of Merc being good but also because it can save very large amounts of cash for lategame forges. Any particular reason why it's so low? Patience is also very low, especially when Outdoor Fighter is so high. Since most combat is done on EP, I find it to be active far more often. I've always found Vantage to be pretty awkward to get as a part of a combo, especially on non-Avatar units. Since no lowmanning is assumed, it seems like it should be lower. GF is also pretty useful as an offensive skill, if you can get six Galeforce units by Valm (pretty easy if Avatar marries Cordelia, Chrom marries Sumia and both of them pass Galeforce to both children) then you have enough PPO to play an offensive game instead of a defensive one without wasting all your money on Rescue Staves.
  20. I was mostly referring to writing another pile of supports and not actually coding it. But it doesn't matter how much effort it would be, because the end result is something with a decent potential to hurt sales.
  21. Just an FYI, near-base Chrom can still train like a boss in Cht.7. If you want to use him, it's often wise to power level Avatar until you're through with Cht.6, and then catch Chrom up. Otherwise you might not be strong enough to handle Cht.2 and 3.
  22. It would be an option, certainly, but I'm more of the "buff everyone to equal levels" instead of "nerf everyone to equal levels" type. If it results in the final challenge map becoming a little too easy, then I'd also buff that. But if there really was The One Skill and I wanted to take it out, I'd go after LB. It's very powerful... And it's also really boring and doesn't change map strategy in the slightest. Oh, I'd probably add more Support skills as well. In runs restricting DLC or something similar, it's pretty easy to completely run out of skills to put on hard supports. Which is another reason I'd rather improve GF's distribution than make it less powerful.
  23. Defender may be strictly outclassed by LB/All+2, but it also stacks with them so it can be useful if you know you need that +1 in some stat and want to boost your others as well. I wouldn't strictly replace any skills myself, but I would shuffle them around a little. Galeforce goes from DF Lv.15 to Falco Lv.15, Lancefaire goes to Paladin Lv.15 and Aegis goes to DF Lv.15, and Troubadour can promote to Falco instead of War Cleric. There, lances get a slight buff, Laurent and Gerome get GF and it's possible ot pass it down to all three of Nah/Kjelle/Noire without using Avatar and giving all of them more viable fathers. Oh, and somewhere there should be a skill that triples stat boosts from weapons. It would go a long way toward making non-braves more viable. Speaking of Lances, I'd also like to increase the Brave Lance's mt by 1 and Hit by 5 since Apo consists primarily of Lances and Axes.
  24. Hmm. Chrom should be a Bow Knight or Sniper so he can use Bowfaire. DG+ is bad, so don't bother with that. I'd give him LB/Agg/Bowfaire/Aether/Luna and make him a Sniper for poking stuff with the Double Bow. Lucina: needs Galeforce. Typical Lucina builds are LB/GF/Aether/Luna/DS+. Paladin is fine, Sniper, Assassin and Dark Flier are also good. Inigo: Assassin is fine, but he wants Swordfaire/Bowfaire over RK. Morgan: Tharja is a pretty bad parent, and girls can't get Agg. She should be running LB/GF/Tomefaire/Ignis/Luna. Noire: same as Morgan. Sorcs are bad in Apo, she should either be a Sage or a Dark Flier. Kjelle: bench her. Severa: doesn't get Agg. She should have LB/GF/Faire/Vengeance/filler. She can be a good Wyvern Lord or Assassin/Hero, if she's the former she wants All+2 as her filler and as the latter she should have Deliverer. Change those unpaired couples to Gaius x Nowi, Henry x Sumia, Libra x Lissa, and Virion x Panne. Cherche and Miriel are fine.
  25. I made a post about the Chrom solo a while back- basically, with a +Spd/Def Barracks Boost, enough loot in the Convoy and Normal/Hard so he can grind on enemies to repeatedly classchange, Normal Apo has a noticable lack of offensive skills (no Counter, no Luna+, not too much Vengeance) and by combining kiting with hiding on the water (plenty of stuff can't swim, including all of Wave 1 and 4) you can weapon break your way to victory with fairly high accuracy (Wave 5 is the only one I haven't gotten down to 100%). It requires a lot of patience, but is doable and very impressive. With even more convoy loot, it's also possible to have Chrom go in at completely base stats/skills/everything and emerge victorious.
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