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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. I think this is most likely. Awakening's devs don't seem like the kind that would nerf a character just to prevent some (very minor) fan speculation. He needs class data in order to appear on the map (even in cutscenes) due to the way the game works, and it's a lot simpler for them to just give him an already existing class complete with all bells and whistles than to make a new one for him that doesn't do anything. There's also a Falco with it.
  2. No he isn't. He has a unique head on his battle model, which is more than all the Paralogue bosses and half of the main story bosses can say. Risen Chiefs are generic. He was all "I follow Walhart because he's more ambitious than me" so it's possible he could have been made to reconsider once Walhart is good and trounced. Regardless, he wouldn't be there for story value, he'd be there for fanservice and being a troll in supports. I suppose you could liken him to Oliver in RD. And yes, I would like to play as Cervantes.
  3. http://serenesforest.net/fe13/char_base_dlc.html Has base classes, levels, stats, weapon ranks, and skills for all the DLC characters and all the Spotpass characters as well. There's another page that lists the prices of all the Spotpass characters too if you want it.
  4. The problem is that the current lengths people have pushed the game to are probably far beyond what the devs considered possible (and were able to do themselves). Given the state of the metagame when Apo was first released, it wasn't that far from what you want at the time, the metagame's just advanced way past it by now. So the solution wouldn't be to change anything regarding Apo, just to release another map at a later date that's a lot harder. Which they could still do, if they wanted to.
  5. Not possible on Lunatic(+), the enemies give only 1 exp per kill and you'll just break all your weapons for nothing.
  6. When he said double I'm pretty sure he was referring to pairup- the unit had Deliverer equipped.
  7. But the maingame is easily beatable without DLC on all but the hardest difficulty (it's still doable), and that's Masochists Only mode so it's supposed to be hard. I like the grinding maps because they're a good way to catch the rest of my units up once I've cleared the main game and am prepping for the harder DLC.
  8. Closest I can think of would be Wyvern x Berserker. I don't actually use the Boots very often outside of challenge runs, so it shouldn't matter too much. Another thought for AC: Have you tried using Levin instead of Ragnell to attack Thronie?
  9. They're mostly names AC made up (or at least I got them from him). Most of them are (at least partly) self-explanatory: General Silverlance (GS) is the dude on Wave 0 with a Silver Lance, Nightmare Sniper (NS) is the Sniper with 70 Spd/Def, Invincisorc refers to the 99 Lck Sorcs, Thronie is the Helswath Berserker in Wave 4 on the throne, and Anna is Anna. Yeah, 160 total. Try for an average of 76 per unit and add +8 from the support. And I did it the same way I did that 100% critical build, Lunatic+ Grima OHKO through Pavise+ and the base Chrom Normal Apo solo: by being amazing getting a crazy idea, checking the math, and finding that it's barely possible. A hint: don't give Morgan a crazy Skl mod, or else it'll go to waste. In my first version of the team (which isn't very good and only focused on 100% DS above all else), I had Avatar marry Donnel!Kjelle. Anyway, let's take a look at how you'd realistically reach it. 160 means an average of 80 per unit- I'll count the pairup bonus as part of the support's stats because it changes based on their class. The three classes I care about here are Sniper (48 Skl, +8 pairup), Assassin (48 Skl, +7 pairup) and Hero (46 Skl, +8 pairup). For maximum performance the lead should be a Sniper/Assassin and the support should be a Sniper, but any combo will work. I'll assume Assassin (lead) x Hero (support). Sans LB/Rally, my target is now 60 Skl. Assassin needs 12 from mods/skills/tonic, and Hero needs 6 (pairup bonus, remember). Tonics are easy so now it's 10/4. Vaike!Nah easily has room for All+2 and has a +1 Skl mod, so there's 1 remaining that the lead will have to pick up the slack on. The lead now needs a total of 11 from skills/mods. Lon'qu!Yarne!Morgan only has 10 Skl, so you'll either need to switch Nah to Gregor for 1 more Skl (she'll lose 1 Str, Mov+1 and DG+, but that's OK) or drop a Faire on your lead for All+2 to hit your target. You could also switch Vaike!Nah to Assassin for 1 more Skl, but then she won't have a Faire.
  10. Yes to both. Awakening's DLC worked because they used it the way DLC should be used: no microtransactions, no "keys", only additional content made after the game was released that added onto an already complete game. I wouldn't mind them doing that again, but only if it's done the same way as it is now- it shouldn't feature an increased role in the game. More maps would be fine (depending on the price) but the game shouldn't be about it.
  11. Some of them are pretty high (like NS and Thronie) but they're the ones everyone talks about due to being the major obstacles to challenge runs so it creates the illusion that all of Apo is like that even though 90% of the enemies there are just scrubs.
  12. Heroes and BKs give the same boost, but also +Spd. So do Villagers, but they stink And no, whether Ignis trumps Luna is based entirely on whether your alternate Atk stat is higher than the foe's Def/Res. If your mag is higher, Ignis wins. If their Def is higher, Luna wins. It's as simple as that. Anyway, your Mag should be a pretty solid 54 (guessing, didn't do any calcs there), so for anyone with 55 Def or lower it'll be the same/better than Luna. Ignis also has the bonus of always boosting by the same amount, which can be nice. And there are so few dudes in S.Apo with 56 Def or higher that I can list them: nobody in Wave 1, Wave 2's 5 GKs (barely) and NS, Wave 3's Invincisorc (also barely) and Ikeadin, Wave 4's Thronie and all the Soldiers, and all of Wave 5's bosses except Anna. So yeah, Ignis is probably better. Most people forget when appraising Ignis that LB/Rally boost it's power by 10 (5 after Dragonskin) giving it a huge edge on Luna. It's true that it's at it's best when you have a high secondary Atk stat and a pairup that boosts both Str and Mag, but then it's just ridiculous.
  13. If you're going for super high Skl, he should be a Hero/Assassin/Sniper. The support should either be a BK, Hero or Sniper, and try to make it someone who he can get 100% DS with to make use of all that Skl. Vaike!Nah@Hero might work. His skills should be the standard kit (LB/GF/Agg/Proc/Faire). Ignis vs Luna is up to you.
  14. You don't. The point of the trick is to get more than two booted characters per file, not to get infinite movement on one character.
  15. There actually is a bug where by loading your save fast enough the game doesn't properly load the background music, some menu sounds, and a few other things, FYI.
  16. Assuming you want to pass GF and not have Lucina get it herself (which is quicker and much easier). A couple things you're missing here: namely, funneling all your exp into one unit (other than Frederick on Lunatic(+)) is the best way to break the game and is in no way a bad thing unless you're trying to preserve challenge. Also, you don't have to have GF by Cht.13, because Lucina's inheritance isn't calculated until the end of the chapter- if you learn GF mid-chapter, it'll still work. Finally, if you aren't grinding, this is actually easier on Lunatic if you're good enough because there's more enemy exp and the higher IL cap won't hurt you until you've made at least two reclasses. I've gotten Olivia to pass Lucina GF on Lunatic multiple times without Risen/Spotpass/DLC, and I didn't even need to train her on the Paralogues (she did get pretty much every kill in Cht.11/12 and half of Cht.13 though).
  17. No, Yarne can take Fred/Kellam a lot better than Gerome can but Virion works for both of them, so I'd do Virion!Gerome and Fred!Yarne. Avatar x Severa: It's worth it for Morgan, but make sure you know what Avatar and Severa are going to do. Lon'qu!Severa wants to either be a Hero or Wyvern, and neither of those really want a magical support.
  18. Well, Laurent would be a special case as he's 3 years older than Lucina due to arriving earlier, so he couldn't pull the "squish the bug, big sis!" card and would have to come up with something more awkward. Nothing special about it from a coding perspective. It was likely done because the Devs were trying to push Chrom x Sumia (notice how she's the only other with limited supports).
  19. Dunno if you're open to gameplay suggestions/advice, but Astra/Sol is generally as good as or better than Luna/Sol, especially if you're using DLC to grind (which you're going to need to do if you want to clear RaR3). If Frederick passes DG+ to Morgan instead of Luna, Morgan can leave GK at Lv.10 instead of Lv.15 as well. Anyway, I'll be watching.
  20. For your reference, Lethality > Aether > Astra > Sol > Luna > Ignis > Vengeance > Luna+.
  21. In the real world, sure. But there are also no Manaketes in real life so this isn't a kind of thing that has a general precedent.
  22. Then Astra. Sol has priority over Luna/Ignis so those two will hardly ever activate, but Astra/Sol will have roughly equal activation rates.
  23. I did some checks on Sorc, and while it needs Rally to work at 100% (no Barracks though), I think it can still hit the damage thresholds (-2 from base Mag but +4 from Ruin) and will only be 5 crit off. And remember that the S support is only for +5 Hit since DS doesn't matter here, so you could theoretically have Avatar/Morgan paired up with it at A until the end of Wave 3, then switch their skills and pair them up with their husband for 4/5. 5 doesn't have much stuff this works on anyway so it's not a big loss, though you would miss out on a few prizes in 4 (notably, it can clear the Sages and those Pavise+ Soldiers). Use an Einherjar instead and Hit might start to be bothersome, but Crit is still at 90.
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