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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. It mostly depends on who you want to use Cht.8's Master Seal on. Cordelia can certainly get plenty of exp from the Mages in the desert, and she's pretty easy to feed in Cht.10 if you use Interceptor's Lunatic+ strats and just have her be the one on the fort (with a big +Def pairup, and she'll need Tomes by then so as not to give the Wyverns WTA).
  2. You're going to be putting the levels into your Avatar anyway and need a class to be in, and since you're passing down Veteran you don't need to go for skills. Unless the low Def cap is really offputting (shouldn't be since you're such a great dodgetank) you won't actually lose anything for it, and gain a Bullion(L).
  3. Awakening has such a massive discrepancy between player offense and player defense that any sort of online PvP would completely degenerate to whoever goes first and has higher Mov/more staffbots. Not only would it be boring, there wouldn't even be any skill involved.
  4. OK... Have Avatar fight with Lucina at A. After that, pair physical units with physical and magical with magical, and pretty much any combination will work. Morgan/Nah: either Lucina/Inigo: physical Owain: magical Laurent: magical Cynthia: magical Severa: physical Gerome: physical Noire: either, leaning physical Kjelle: either, leaning physical Yarne: physical Brady: magical
  5. Blame the devs for making a mode that encourages the player to make sacrifices, not the player for making them. Lunatic+ isn't for postgame anyway except for extreme showoffs (like me) so the loss of a replaceable father who you likely wouldn't use anyway isn't that big of a deal. I actually only repeat precise maneuvers for the early chapters of Lunatic(+) and blow-by-blow no-RNG Apo strats. There's too much RNG in how enemies move to completely repeat yourself, I just use Fast Mode until the battle lines are in a similar position. If I have battle animations on at all. They're a lot less flashy than the GBA games and I do tend to get tired of them, especially after putting hundreds of hours into the game. Think about it, you could watch the same units club the same enemies with the same weapons over and over and over, or you could cut your average run time of Apo by 75% (and crits sound much more satisfying with map animations, for some reason). I'm also overly fond of breaking enemy weapons in Lunatic(+), which is incredibly tedious with animations on.
  6. When in doubt, check your hitrates and see if it'll help. Anything above 220 is sufficient for most of Apo, and needing over 250 is pretty rare. Apo also mostly uses Axes and Lances, so WTD for Axes is fairly rare. Hit formula is (3Skl +Lck)/2 +Weapon Hit +WRB +Support bonus +Skill bonuses.
  7. WRB- Swords get +3 mt, Axes get +1 mt and +10 Hit. Since Axes are 20 Hit behind Swords at base, they're still 10 behind after WRB (and 1 mt above), so forging a 4/20 Axe gives the same mt as a Sword by has 5 less Hit. That's for Braves, by the way. Other types have slightly different stats.
  8. If it was an ORO, it was probably a glitch. Those teams are known to do bizarre things.
  9. 4/20 Axes are directly inferior to Swords because they have the same mt and less Hit. If you're going to use them on a Hero, go 5/15. Stick with Sniper if it doesn't break any Spd thresholds. +6 Spd = 9 extra Avo (Assassin), +5 Spd = 7 extra Avo (Hero). If you need it badly enough to sacrifice the +Str, Double Bow access and a bit of DS damage (in Assassin's case), swap Axefaire for Avo+10 instead.
  10. Avatar x anyone. Avatar has this bizarre tendency to suppress character traits, and Avatar-F x Chrom is a particularly painful example.
  11. You can't get more Helswath without IR though. Tomahawks are fine, but are pretty weak.
  12. LB/GF/Ignis/AT/SF. Swords are just like axes except they trade 1mt for tons of extra Hit and aren't vulnerable to WTD misses, so you don't need Hit+20. If this is ingame, Bow Knight.
  13. Turn off battle animations on your next try and skip enemy phases, and watch yourself recover those 30 minutes in 5. Slightly off-topic, but I actually consider some of the older FEs to be harder (or at least more tedious, if you want to nitpick) than even Lunatic+ simply because you can't do this and late-map inconveniences really do cost a lot of time.
  14. I'm the player. I do things. For the Avatar to be an extension of me, (s)he needs similar abilities to affect the game world, and changing a line of dialogue or two won't cut it. I need to be able to choose between a long, drawn-out maritime battle where I could spare those who surrender and instantly frying my entire opposition in a death trap with no warning. I need to be able to choose whether to risk falling under Validar's control and entering the Dragon's Table, or fleeing and leaving my friends without a tactician. I should even be allowed to decide whether to follow Chrom and co to the village in the Prologue. I should not be railroaded and then have every "decision" my character makes for me lauded as awesome, even if it wasn't, and my character definitely shouldn't be allowed to run a Gambit Roulette behind my back. So no, Avatar may be intended as a self-insert, but (s)he definitely didn't wind up as one.
  15. Tiki and Gharnef, Gangrel and Tharja, Zephiel and any Manakete.
  16. Since when is DLC required to change classes?
  17. I overleveled Fred and didn't get any children on my first playthrough of the game (Normal) and there weren't any big stumbling blocks. What exactly are you stuck on?
  18. Give me his Atk and Skl and I'll do the calculations. Advice: don't use everyone. Units like Yarne are going to reek in this run no matter who their parents are. Stick with a small few who come in legitimately good classes and focus on just them- I'd go Avatar x Sumia!Lucina, Cynthia x Henry!Brady and Morgan x Stahl!Inigo, and see if those four pairs can do it (Chrom and Sumia should be fighting too). He doesn't have 100% DS anyway, so perfect hit isn't essential.
  19. I'd make both my Avatars be -Def because I don't care about those stats. +Str/Spd would yield 5/5/5 Str/Skl/Spd mods which is pretty nice, and +Mag/Spd would give 5/3/7 Mag/Skl/Spd. I think I'd definitely go for one of those combos. Oh, +Str/Mag and double -Lck would be interesting too. +3/3/3/3/-5/3/3, yup.
  20. No, that's a headcanon. Canon is what the devs explicitly state to be true, whether ingame or in an interview somewhere.
  21. There are several things 100% Miracle + Nos is weak to: Longbows (not in S.Apo), Braves, Astra/Aether, Counter, being doubled, missing, tinking, Nos breaking, and getting stuck, but the main flaw is that it's offensive presence is pretty low (even with Vengeance) due to lacking a Brave. It may be hard to kill, but it can also have trouble killing stuff. That said, they're pretty fun to play around with and if you want to make one I won't discourage it. Just keep in mind that there's something on every wave of S.Apo except 0 that can kill them with ease.
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