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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Don't forget to use the Mountains in Cht.7. They boost survival of your units immensely, and I don't think Hit+10 has started appearing by then. Panne has 28 Avo at base level as a Taguel, +10 from pairup and an adjacent unit, +20 from the Mountain and a potential Even Rhythm and that's 58-68 Avo right there. When most of the enemies have barely 100 Hit, that's pretty good.
  2. There's a Falco on Wave 3 and two Soldiers on Wave 4 with a Beastkiller++. OK, for those pairings: first off, if you're marrying your Avatar 2nd gen you'll have an even amount of child units so you won't need to bench anyone. If you want to bench someone anyway, marrying first gen might be better. Lon'qu!Severa vs Stahl!Severa: Lon'qu gives you a nice Wyvern Lord. You don't have All+2 so you'll need to use Spd+2 instead to reach 75 Spd with a Berserker, but if you pair her with an Assassin instead you can put something else in that slot (probably AT). She has to use Vengeance as her proc. For Stahl, Severa works better as a Swordfaire Hero with Luna/Astra procstack. I'm personally biased toward Lon'qu because Stahl's hair is ugly because there are plenty of procstack candidates already (and a few good Heroes too), while Severa's ability to use Wyvern well is pretty rare. Cherche: Gregor and Vaike are about the same. Olivia: Virion gives no Luna/Vengeance so I'm not fond of pairing him with Olivia. Libra might be in less demand than Stahl (if you want to use Dread Fighter, Libra!Inigo is one of its best users). That should be Gaius x Tharja. Henry x Maribelle: makes a good Brady, though Henry might be in high enough demand to warrant replacing with Virion. Nowi: Nah is going to be someone's hard support. If Inigo is physical (Stahl), she can take Vaike, if he's magical she wants Virion or Henry (and can go with any of the Galeboys). Asset/Flaw: -Def is the way to go. Avatar x Cordelia should be +Spd, Avatar x Severa should be +Spd, +Skl or +Str.
  3. Nowi. She's the reason why I consider how old they look to be more important than how old they say they are.
  4. Tiki the oldest? Biologically, Flavia looks much older than her, and Aversa is about the same.
  5. The mask probably has some kind of pin holding her hair up or something.
  6. This should probably be a poll? Anyway, no. I don't like how everyone either bends over backwards to be nice to Avatar, "comes around" to see how awesome he/she is, or gets pounded into the ground in a boss fight, gets recruited, and then "comes around". It's really annoying and leads to generic conversations, robbing some characters of their traits (though in some cases, this is a good thing).
  7. A/S support with GL Chrom: +9 Lck. You can get 100% AT if you want to. Apo: Nice! So what are you going to do now? There's no limit to the number of Supreme Emblems you can get, if you want to build up a trophy case. Or you could minmax again and focus on optimizing your team from the start...
  8. Off the top of my head, the final boss doesn't have any, and I don't think the 70 Lck Sorcs do either. I'll check. Normal Apo: everyone has one shield or the other. Secret: NS has both, Counter Snipers have none, 70 Lck Sorcs have none, Final has none, everyone else has 1. Anyway, those Snipers will be back for more on Wave 5. Oh, Ikeadin has Pavise+ and the rest of the Paladins have Aegis+. That's probably where the confusion is.
  9. It's not exactly a feature, but I really like Awakening's menus. There's no menu lag whatsoever, and everything is easy to find and easy to do.
  10. Skills never "transfer effects to the primary unit" unless they say they do, and the ones that do don't affect the bearer, even if they switch into the lead. Hex and Anathema affect enemies, not your units. Demoiselle/Charm/Solidarity affect allies within a radius of the user, and being on top of them counts. DG, DS and support bonuses are calculated from both unit's stats, so adding a D+ skill has the same effect whether on the front or back. As for the rest, they all affect only the unit who has them equipped. They either do nothing (procs), have no effect because the unit doesn't get attacked (+Avo skills/Counter), or work normally (everything else).
  11. That sounds like an incredible amount of overkill. Unless you're playing Lunatic+, those Manaketes are going to OHKO pretty much everything even without DLC grinding. Anyway, cap Avatar/Nowi/Chrom, pass AT/Despoil from Avatar, reclass the Manaketes to Tactician for Veteran, use Paragon on them, give them all Rallies and a Dread Fighter Chrom support (DS+/DG+/Charm), and feed them their entire recruitment Paralogues to easily get to Ignis (and probably Rally Spectrum). 1 chapter of training and they'll both be invincible, even on Lunatic. If you are playing Lunatic+, you can still feed them a whole chapter but it'll be a bit slower.
  12. Well, Say'ri!Lucina could make a very nice Wyvern Lord. No 75 Spd, but eh.
  13. Eh, alright. Still, Validar doesn't give a clear description of how much time it actually took, so it's entirely possible that making a new vessel could take well under 100 years.
  14. I preferred your old angle better. 1. Her idealism never fails, though- Chrom doesn't do a very good job of sticking to it, but nobody in-game ever says anything to the effect of "Emmeryn was wrong" without providing any evidence of what she did. Go ahead, find me a quote in which someone actually says she was wrong and cites examples of the bad stuff she caused. Walhart? No, he just insults her and gets mashed. Also, "Arguments are rejected" is a big, fancy way of doing what you're accusing me of doing: flat-out denial. 2. If you're saying they're there to show that Emmeryn is a warmonger, read Cht.5's script again. At worst, they're out of place and don't make sense. At best, someone like Phila persuaded Emmeryn to keep some measure of protection around. Most likely, the writers derped and decided to include them to make the setting "more medieval" without considering context. 3. Alright, script time (again). At first, Chrom isn't actually arguing for Emmeryn not to go back- he's arguing that she should take him with her for protection. She says no, and tells Lissa to stay with Chrom, and then lets Phila come with her, and then Chrom tells her flat-out not to go and that it's a terrible plan. So who's going to call him out? Phila is busy arguing with Cordelia. 5. Dunno what your version of "the extent claimed" is, but mine is that the game says she was a good ruler. 6. I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that I'm saying Emmeryn's sacrifice is some sort of spell that instantly turns Plegians into cuddly bears, because I'm not. I'm saying that there was a mound of discontent in Plegia due to Gangrel, and Emmeryn was the spark that ignited the blaze. Just like a real fire, that doesn't mean everything will instantly explode- if it did, Gangrel would have fallen in Cht.9. Chrom fought Mustafa's squad just a few hours after Cht.9, and the effect her sacrifice had on the soldiers is pretty obvious- they hadn't had enough time to stew to outright surrender to Chrom, but they're pretty close and it's clear that Mustafa is the only thing holding them together. 7. Then it seems we can drop this point, too.
  15. Pairings like those actually tend to be the more powerful ones, though. Cynthia x Owain is a pretty great pairing.
  16. This pairing would actually be good enough that it would be worth Lucina not having a sibling (at least for some builds)- like Chrom x Cordelia but with a good Mag mod on Lucina.
  17. ...You all know that this topic is going to go up in flames soon, right? Making a the Frederick Fan Club thread on SF just doesn't work.
  18. Actually 3 gens is how many FE4 took. Gen 1: Cigyun. Gen 2: Arvis and Diadora. Gen 3: Julius.
  19. Cherche/Nowi/Miriel/Tharja/Panne don't give Lucina Galeforce, so that's why nobody is recommending them. The only one that would make a big difference is Cordelia, being the only way to get Vengeance on Lucina sans Avatar. Severa would be kind of stuck as a Paladin/Sniper though, due to lacking Faires for Hero. Cordelia!Lucina also would have the highest Str of any Lucina (also sans Avatar).
  20. The big difference between Normal and Secret is that in Normal there aren't any offensive skills (Luna+/Counter), so yeah, that wouldn't work quite as well on Secret. Dual Guards are pretty helpful though. Yeah, you need to pair up your units to Rally them all. Rally affects units in the back of pairs, and it's not like you lose a turn for doing so, so... Have fun with Katarina.
  21. You've also shook your head and repeated yourself every time someone refutes one of your "counter-proofs". 1. Any bias displayed in a fictional story is there intentionally. Bias from guys as good as Chrom (not talking about his leadership actions, talking about his treatment of the Avatar) is there to influence you to see the story the way he sees it. If Chrom were to grow up during the story and realize that Emmeryn wasn't perfect, then this would be exactly what you're saying, but as-is he doesn't; he "grows" from "this is a terrible plan" to "her act will live on longer than your conquest ever will". 2. Emmeryn's guard is mostly ceremonial- not only does she refuse to send them to fight Plegia, but they aren't even around when Validar tries to assassinate her. When they are called on to act, they're useless. My point is, they're probably a remnant of pre-Emmeryn Ylisse that someone like Phila or Chrom persuaded her to keep around, but she's obviously spent no time or resources making sure they can fight. As for that CG, Emmeryn is clearly the focus, not the soldiers. It's a CG of the Exalt with her guard in the background, not of an army with the Exalt in the foreground. 3. Nobody needs to challenge Chrom on it- he challenges himself later (see point 1). Earlygame Chrom obviously wants to fight- he clashes with Emmeryn over what to do when Gangrel attacks Themis (Chrom: kill Gangrel, Emmeryn: parley), in addition to Cht.7. He talks about how good Emmeryn is too, but he obviously considers her a little too pacifistic. Then, post-sacrifice, he "comes around" and starts talking about how much good her ideals actually did- and tries to follow them. He does openly admit that he can't be as much of a pacifist as her, but he tries- see Gangrel. The first time Chrom and Gangrel talk (Cht.5), Chrom is spouting threats and challenges, and then in Cht.11 his demeanor changes- he still wants to kill Gangrel, but acknowledges that in doing so he's failing to live up to Emmeryn's ideal. Fast forward to Walhart, where he's doing the same thing. The point is that Chrom "grew" from telling Emmeryn that she was wrong, to telling others that she was right. By the end of the game, everyone who's challenged her ideals has either changed their mind, or is dead (Spotpass Paralogues aren't canon). 4. That was a minor side point I made that even some villains can't straightly criticize her, but it doesn't matter. 5. Does it say anything about her mistakes? Does it say anything about any troubles that arose from her pacifism? No, it doesn't. It portrays her in a positive light without any mention of her flaws, and that's why I brought it up. 6/7. FE has loads of examples of characters who stand in your way due to loyalty to their superior even though they have excellent reasons not to- so many that it's considered an a character archetype. You think Camus fought Marth because he was scared that Medeus would kill him if he didn't? How about Eldigan, do you think he fought Sigurd because he was scared that Chagall would kill him if he didn't? Mustafa does fight out of fear (for his family, not himself), but all his soldiers fight out of loyalty, even after he dismisses them. If they were fighting out of fear of Gangrel, they would have bailed the moment Mustafa offered to take responsibility for their actions. I don't deny that Gangrel being a jerk influenced the desires of the soldiers to flee, or even that it was their primary reason, but Emmeryn was the spark that sent them from "this job stinks" to "I'm outta here". And consider what likely would have happened to Mustafa's patrol if they hadn't been ordered to chase Chrom: they likely would have gotten mixed in with the other soldiers, gone along with the mob and deserted. Maybe Mustafa would have deserted too at that point, being a single man in a mob while Gangrel is on the ropes makes his family a lot safer than if the country's still holding together and he jumps ship alone (along with one patrol). So yeah, answer all those (except 4, I never intended that to be more than an FYI) without simply repeating your original points or saying "nuh-uh".
  22. Or that nobody was trying until fairly recently. Chrom's father's crusade against Plegia could have been in response to the movement getting started.
  23. Quote? Mine only has him saying that up to Avatar's great-grandfather were unsuitable.
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