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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. A support gives the same amount of stat boosts as S support, and the DS rate doesn't matter because Chrom won't be attacking. All picking M over F will do is make it so you don't get an extra Elfire/Steel Sword from Morgan. No Galeforce either, but that'll just make it take a little bit longer (you'll get Pass sooner, so it might actually save weapon uses). So no, Avatar's gender won't change -that- much. I'm personally in favor of Hard/No AT. No opinion on Ragna.
  2. Even with just one, your stats will be an order of magnitude higher than Flavia/Gregor (especially since Gregor has bad Lck), and there are two before the first arc finishes. There are a pile in Valm too.
  3. It doesn't. Having a weapon with a skill effect on it doesn't stack with having that skill equipped. Anyway, I just threw a random capped unit in there with Sol and AT and they cleaned house.
  4. Two Lethality crits in a row on one EP (Lethality was around 11%, Crit was 4% on one enemy and 9% on the other). I would have OHKOed both foes without any RNG assistance, though.
  5. Yeah, but Vantage is useless on Severa so she doesn't care. Tonics are pretty much always used, and two 75 Spd pairs should be plenty. Just try not to go below 69 Spd- that's the next threshold. For a Tonic example, adding a Str tonic on your pairup gives +8 damage (or 10% of an enemy's HP) alone, and adding a Skl tonic on both the lead and the pairup gives an extra 1% Dual Strike (which makes a big difference when you're above 90% DS already).
  6. Even on Lunatic, AT makes this so trivial that you might as well not be doing it- Avatar gets AT, in case you didn't notice. In an Avatar x Chrom duo (the safest/fastest/easiest way to play Lunatic), Chrom gives a ton of +Lck and if your Avatar isn't -Lck it's not too unfeasible to have 100% AT by the end of the game and you'll almost definitely have 75%+ by Valm. Weapon shortages? What weapon shortages?
  7. I've used pretty much everybody over the course of many playthroughs, though my least used tend to be Sully (don't like her), Tharja (really don't like her) and Stahl (always gets Spd screwed for me). This is for Normal/Hard only because some units are flat out nonviable on Lunatic(+), so it wouldn't be fair to count them.
  8. Kjelle also has the lowest Str mod of any commonly used physical unit (+1), and either can't procstack or must give up a Faire to hit 75 Spd with Wyvern (assuming Gaius).
  9. Maybe. If I did, it would be a pretty long one- I need to break the weapons on the Generals in Wave 1, I'm planning on doing it for the Monks in Wave 2 (to mitigate risk from Vengeance, I can easily tank them without it but it becomes chaotic once they get boosts), it might be the safest way to handle Wave 3's Snipers, and I haven't pinned down a solid strat for Wave 5 yet. I also have to periodically break someone's weapon on the Throne so I can stop and re-adjust my classes/skills (though by sacrificing a little RNG in my current Wave 5 strat, I can skip a good deal of this...). For Inigo, use a Brave Axe instead of Helswath and drop AT. Helswath only hits once, you're going to need all of Limit/Agg/Rally and a fully prepared team if you want to stand a chance without Braves.
  10. Everything will be completely 100% random, including your Avatar, pairings and message. Random Avatars are pretty easy to recognize due to pulling from a preset list of names, they also never show their difficulty on their card and if you bother to train them, they don't have an Asset/Flaw (which tends to tic people off). Logbook Avatars are fine.
  11. Well, with All+2, It's not really a waste of a skillslot when that's probably what she'd put there anyway (All+2 is the universal filler skill, and Severa has Vengeance so she doesn't need procstacking and thus has no other major priorities). AT maybe, but when you have Golden Gaffe and a team prepared for it, it takes 60 seconds to get enough gold for 3-4 forged Braves. Since Inigo's Berserker Str bonus is on the line though, Severa probably is better being a Hero or something. Apo: I latched onto the idea a while back that, since in Normal and Hard you can hit enemies on Forts over and over again for infinite exp, that might be a viable method of training units if I could find a strong enough enemy to whack. Turns out Apo has just the thing: there are two War Clerics on Wave 1 who have no weapons, Renewal/Dragonskin/Aegis+ and are sitting on forts, and the only thing stopping me from clobbering them all the way to maxed stats is five silly Generals who, incidentally, cannot swim. Guess who can. First turn, I withdraw Boots from the Convoy and use them on Chrom, lure the Generals into the desert to the right and then head to the lake in the NE corner (I have 7 Mov, they have 5/6 so I easily outrun them). I then use LB/Paragon/All+2, take five Arms scrolls and a Ragnell, and enough Speedwings/Seraph Robes/Dracoshields that I can take a single hit from one of the Spear Generals (the storngest one has a Silver Lance, but I don't care about him). I wait two tiles from the shore in the lake with only one distant enemy facing, and very slowly break every single Spear while healing to max each turn with an Elixir- then I buff up on Spirit Dust and clobber the defenseless Generals with Levin Swords for exp. I don't need to do much damage for exp, and by the time they all kick the bucket (this takes a while because the Clerics have Fortify) I'm strong enough to promote, which raises my Mag cap enough to deal with the boss (with more Spirit Dust). Then I grind to my heart's content on the Clerics, and from there it's just a bunch of tight calculations and other trickery to get a LB-capped Chrom through the next four waves with minimal risk of death (involves lots of sniping things from the water and breaking weapons, by the way). Waves 2 and 4 are 100% safe, Wave 3 is 90+% safe (still working on the strat here, it might be possible to get it to 100%) and Wave 5 is a mosh pit and I'm still trying different starts (though it's definitely possible). Please don't ask for calcs proving that I can take down every single enemy safely, I've made them and they take dozens of KB in Notepad. I'm using a Barracks Boost in Spd/Def, by the way.
  12. Since you lack the rest of the DLC, Wyvern Severa will need Spd+2 and an Assassin pairup to work. 38(base) +6(mods) +10(LB) +8(Rally) +9(pairup) +2(Spd+2) +2(tonic) =75. Normally, she gets an extra 2 from Rally Heart, swaps Spd+2 for All+2, and uses a Berserker/Hero (-1) for a net 76 Spd, which is why Virion!Severa works (she has 1 less Spd than Lon'qu!Severa). Your skills should be LB/GF/Spd+2 and two out of Vengeance, Lancefaire and Armsthrift. I meant what I said and I said what I meant: Chrom, as a Lv.1 Lord with just DS+/Charm, Falchion, a Rapier and a Vulnerary and 20/7/1/8/8/5/7/1 stats and no other units. How do I win? Magic. I go all the way to the end of Wave 5, too. Quitting at Wave 1 is lame.
  13. You have one Yewfelle, yes, but if you want more they're DLC only. And it may let you get two strikes on the 70 Spd enemies, but a Brave Bow does the same thing while being able to get 4 on everything else. Not change the parents, change the classes. Second Seals are pretty cheap. The amount of grinding it takes for one class change is pretty small compared to the amount it takes to set up an Apo team, and you'll probably get most of the way there from playing Apo itself (the enemies give pretty decent amounts of EXP, partly because there are so many of them).
  14. Technically Chrom wasn't saying Walhart's conquests will be forgotten, just that they will be ended. If real life is any example, though, then they definitely will be remembered.
  15. The reason Assassin Severa isn't seeing a ton of love is because there's actually such a ting, believe it or not, as having stats that are so high they become useless. Once your Skl is over 50 on a Vengeance unit and you have guaranteed 100% Hit on everything and 100% DS, extra Skl does nothing, as in it has no effect. Severa won't have 100% DS, but the extra 2.5% over, say, Wyvern will do a lot less than an Atk boost to help her odds of winning. Once you're over 75 Spd, you can double everything- extra Spd may still be useful for dodgetanking, but nowhere near as useful as +Avo skills (especially Breakers) so no matter how much natural Avo you have, it either won't be enough to reliably dodge the only things in the game that are worth dodging, or outclassed by dedicated dodgetanks. Sometimes, taking your stats as high as humanly possible reaches a second threshold where you can do incredible things that don't appear possible, such as getting 100% Luna/PavGis activation, surviving a shot from the Nightmare Sniper, and OHKOing Lunatic+ Grima through Pavise+. Unfortunately Lon'qu!Severa's only threshold is 100% Avo, and that doesn't seem to be what you're aiming for. Oh, and my current Apo team is a completely untouched base Chrom and nobody else, because I'm a showoff and am willing to stick to Normal for the sake of doing things that sound better on paper. I don't actually have a fully ground Secret Apo team at the moment, though when I do do it I usually stick with 4-5 attack pairs (depending on whether I use Chrom).
  16. Yewfelle: 15 mt, 85 Hit, strikes twice on all enemies. Random DLC chests only. +5/15 Brave Bow: 15 mt, 85 Hit, strikes twice on 75 Spd enemies and 4 times on everything else. Buyable in bulk. Legendary weapons bar Valflame and Double Bow are pretty bad in Apo. Valflame is only good because you can give it to your Staffbots to extend their Rescue Range, and Double Bow is for poking bosses. Ragnell can come in handy for setting up specific Vengeance values as well, but it's a very niche scenario. For Severa and Inigo, if you don't plan on changing their parents, you can just try them out in all their different classes and see what you like best, or even switch between them.
  17. I'm not sure what percentage of Awakening's fanbase, prior to playing the DLC, was familiar with every single character in it (especially Gaiden). However, I'd hazard a guess that their reaction to the other characters (most likely as a tease for the other games- that's what mine was) could just as easily expand to every character if they didn't know who any of them are. If you hadn't played any other FEs you wouldn't have a reference point for map design, and more mechanics isn't always a good thing (especially if you're a beginner and have no clue how any of them work). Awakening even has the biggest job of a gateway game- drawing attention to itself- taken off its shoulders by SSB4. Sure, everybody knows Marth and Roy and Ike, but Avatar and Lucina are new, flashy and draw lots of attention to Awakening (which is probably why we're having this discussion in the first place).
  18. 52 +9 +8 =69, not 77. That's still enough for the second highest Spd threshold in the game though. No problem. Edit- Oh yeah, post #1500. Ha.
  19. There are too many enemies in Lunatic for it to work out without Falchion/AT. On Hard it's probably not a very big deal, and if you use Rescue to skip a few chapters then it should be really easy (you get ten Rescue charges from normal gameplay). If Rescue isn't viable, Pass shouldn't be too impossible to get and could do the same thing if you switch to a bulky class after getting it. Class route would probably be Tactician -> Peg -> DF -> Assassin -> Wyvern Lord -> Grandmaster, using an Avatar x Chrom solo. Chrom would be unequipped once the Rapier breaks (gotta save all the swords for Avatar as an Assassin). Avatar would use mainly Thunder/Fire to reach Lv.10. Sully's Bronze lance will easily last to Lance D, at which point you have a Javelin and two Iron Lances. After promotion you'd break Elwind and Cord's Steel Lance, Elthunder should last until the Assassin reclass. The first Arms Scroll (Par.4) would go here (D Swd/Bow, needed because there aren't any E rank Bows in the game). Virion's Iron Bow, two Bronze Swords, a Killing Edge and I think there's a Silver Sword in Cht.12 should last to Lv.15, reclass to Wyvern for mobility + Axes. Cht.15's Arms Scroll goes here (no E Axes), you've got Vaike's Iron Axe and two Hammers and a Steel Axe and a Killer Axe from there. You can also skip all fights once you're strong enough (except for Cht.23/24). If you run out of Axes/Lances (a few should drop during Valm), get Morgan and loot his Sword and Tome and reclass to Grandmaster for the finale (only after Helswath/Gungnir break, though). Valflame should be powerful enough to take down Grima on Hard with a few hits if you're at A tomes- you should be (Excellus's Bolganone can give a boost if you're not, I think the boss of Cht.15 drops a Tome too).
  20. Correction: female exclusive classes tend to be magically oriented, but due to the existence of folks like Gerome and Yarne it's worth keeping some physical girls. Snipers, Heroes, Brides and Paladins are all available for females and while they don't hit as hard as Berserker/Warrior, they're perfectly viable (not to mention that most physical girls are hard leads, and Atk is less important on a lead than on a support). Sniper x Assassin should work, though Inigo will probably fall short of 75 Spd (too lazy to do the calcs). It's not too big of a deal, though. How many hours do you have on your file?
  21. I can't speak for others, but I find Sorc's appearance sufficient to act as an aesthetic nerf. Sure, they're strong, but they're also hideous and I'm not going to use them if there's another way. It's a very strange kind of balance, but I like it. That Mage is only a hassle if you get an unlucky crit or don't use Chrom properly (if he draws the Mercs and Barbs far enough away, Avatar can back out of the Mage's range and use two Vulneraries instead of one before the Mage catches up). It's annoying if it has both Mag+2 and Luna+, but still beatable.
  22. Not quite about the mods- even if all total mods add up to something better, the important ones could all be worse (namely Spd). The worst Morgan is probably +Lck/-Spd Tiki!Morgan, as I said earlier. Virion!Nah is good, so don't do her. Gregor!Owain is probably worse than Vaike!Owain (double class overlap instead of single) but you'll need someone else for Cordelia (Kellam if possible, he'll trash Severa's Spd). Magical Gerome is viable, I'd give him Lon'qu instead (class overlap, no Faires on high-Str classes, and that Spd is wasted on a pairup). Another option for Lon'qu would be on Nowi, which would produce the mod clash of the century, have class overlap and not even give Nah a proc. Oh, also children of different genders from their parents can't get the same Bride/DF access- I'd say Chrom is better then Maiden!Lucina because he gets Agg (and is force deployed). If wrecking the children through stats and skills proves not very effective, try to wreck them aesthetically instead (hair color and bad/creepy supports).
  23. Other people will get a randomly generated team, just like if you had no Awakening Streetpass data installed.
  24. This is absurd. If you guys need to hijack a topic to complain about the story, why not do it to the Emmeryn topic that's currently floating around? At least you wouldn't have to post in all spoilers there (which doesn't help TC decide whether or not to get the game). Anyway, I'll say this (borrowed from CrimeanRoyalKnight): Awakening is a game that wants you to think with your heart instead of your head. If you let yourself get emotionally invested in the plot, if you get mad at the scumbags and cry when something bad happens, if you pretend to be the Avatar on a quest to forge bonds and save the world, you'll like it. For the first playthrough, anyway. If you try to think about what's happening, question why the bad guy actually wants those MacGuffins, wonder if there was a slightly smarter course of action for the Heroes, or ask what happened to that slightly-interesting-but-never-elaborated-on thing from a while back, you'll be very disappointed. I realized that halfway through my first playthrough, and was still able to fully enjoy the game in spite of it (and even forget that it was a problem at times). The gameplay is also a far more important characteristic of Awakening, so even if you do get disenchanted with the story early on and it fails to regain your attention, everything else is still there (Awakening is also very good about letting you skip cutscenes, no matter how minor. You can even skip the animation of watching an enemy's HP go down if you want to). Finally, this game is very conducive to headcanons, so if you don't like the story but do like the characters, you can just make your own. Oh... And while it's true that the 3ds has a very strong library of other games, I actually didn't buy anything except Awakening and it's merchandise for all of 2013. True story. And the only other game I already had that I put in more than 10 hours on during that time was SSBM, and even though I've gotten some more stuff now that it's 2014, the only thing there I've put in more than 10 hours on is Tropical Freeze. I've actually got unopened games sitting on my shelf right now.
  25. Inigo's got Galeforce, so he's the lead. Vaike should work here. Nah should be an Axefaire Hero, Inigo should be something with high base Spd to offset Fred's bad Spd mod (Swordfaire Assassin will be able to hit 75 Spd without All+2).
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