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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. You know that move changes based on what direction you hold for each consecutive hit, right? Nobody's mentioned Counter yet, but I'm 99% sure Lucina used it in the trailer (right after Marth and Ike appeared) and her stance looks exactly like Marth's.
  2. Oh. No, I actually forgot that the other two two Scramble maps have them. I recommended Harvest because it has a ton of Event Tiles and those can sometimes give Seeds.
  3. Just one? No, I'm pretty sure The Emmeryn Is A Bad Leader Thread has had many more incarnations than that. My opinion on the matter hasn't changed since last time, and I'll leave it at that.
  4. Oh, OK. I actually finished all the sibling supports before I started using the seeds, so I guess I missed that. But seeds are definitely still faster.
  5. Assuming that this is "early postgame", I'd advise Barbarian. Axes are good for him to build weapon ranks in, he needs Str fast to act outside magical classes and Barbarian nas a high Str base/growth, and more cash from Despoil is always a good thing.
  6. 27 max, yeah, but it's easier to think in terms of "fight four enemies" because that's all it takes to round up to that threshold. If you want to train multiple pairs per map, you can, but then you can't skip through EP/put PP on auto, because you won't be able to insure that all pairs get enough kills.
  7. "A good portion of the time" is fine when success means you kill the enemy with full HP, and failure means you kill the enemy but take a hit and one of your staffbots has to waste a turn with Recover/Fortify. It's definitely not fine when success means you kill your enemy and failure means you take a hit and die. By the way... That calculation is slightly off. It should be a 27.75% failure rate.
  8. So you're saying I should buy like 10 of these sets and sell 9 of them piece-by-piece to get rich quick?
  9. Hey, I was wondering what happened to this topic. Seeds of trust save a huge amount of time. It takes one Seed and one map to reach B, one Seed and two maps (or five Seeds and one map) to reach A, and C is automatic. Don't forget to get Morgan's sibling their A with Avatar. You can use any number of Seeds per map, but you can't keep building up support once you're ready for the next convo. By saving and reloading you get your Seeds back, so ~18 should be all you need (grind on Harvest Scramble with Bow users who have Pass to get them). It takes a minimum of two runs to get all the supports due to their being two Avatars, but trying to get all of Chrom's supports in one run is slow and you're better off getting those naturally.
  10. No, the point is that since your units have no Dragonskin, defense is useless. You are guaranteed to be ORKOed before you can attack if the foe is prepared. Hence why I there's not that much of a point in defensive skills. You fight enemy Streetpass teams using your own Streetpass team? That sounds... Incredibly annoying. Having to change my entire skillset/inventories around from my Apo team to my Streetpass team whenever I wanted to fight someone is slow, and it's also a waste of Forges.
  11. You can change weapon names when you forge them. Just rename an Axe or something. If you make Avatars based on the ones you got in actual files and save those to your logbook, then re-recruit them in the file you want to use, it should work fine. Just make sure none of them are from Outrealm Orders (fake streetpass teams) because if someone recognizes one it makes your team look silly. It won't show up on other people's 3dses if you use legacy characters.
  12. Although Nah!Morgan is the strongest, I prefer Nowi!Morgan because both Nah and Avatar-M (who isn't married to Lucina) are pretty bad leads. Avatar will likely get benched whether he marries Nowi or Nah, and either of those results in benching a child (either Nah or some other girl). Since that's the case, it becomes better to have two Morgans than one. Asset/Flaw for Nowi!Morgan are tricky though. +Skl/-Lck is my favorite, after a lot of testing. I don't like putting a Def flaw on the Manaketes because otherwise their Def is high enough to be an asset on any map you don't want to go all-out on.
  13. Even if he has HP+5, it would be far more effective to just use an offensive skill to increase damage output. HP+5 to Vengeance units is essentially just Mag+2. No, it doesn't. First, being in danger and taking damage are very different things. You're in danger when you have a chance of dying due to bad RNG, and it's possible to take attacks without having a chance of dying. Second, Vantage is only useful when you're guaranteed to kill the enemy as a result. If you lack 100% DS, this is very unlikely, so trying to do VV with any Severa will be very unsafe. What Vengeance Severa should be doing is going in with full HP, taking a hit if she fails to KO the enemy before they attack, and using the Vengeance boost to make sure she kills it on her next two swings, then heading to safety, getting healed, and doing the same thing again next turn. She's also a good candidate for leaving in Boss range on EP, allowing them to smack her, and then retaliating with four Vengeance hits (this is especially useful on challenge runs, and is one of the best ways of getting rid of Thronie). Stahl!Severa should usually stick with Luna, Lon'qu!Severa and Virion!Severa are the big Vengeance users. They're pretty much always Wyvern Lords with LB/GF/LF/Vengeance/All+2, paired with a Berserker. Anyway, Berserker Gerome tends to be Severa's best husband, but since you're not using him Yarne will do instead.
  14. Not to mention that he was even in Robin/Lucina's trailer...
  15. *Expects another shipping thread* Wait, what?
  16. I've got one based entirely around plot spoilers for Awakening. Does that count as a theme?
  17. Well, Lon'qu gives Lucky 7, but that's no good in Apo.
  18. Here's a what-if: What if the other guy is minmaxing? You have no Dragonskin and 80 HP, he has 100+ atk on his lead, 80+ atk on his support, 90%+ DS, 12 attacks per round and a ton of procs (and Galeforce!). All of his units have at least 2 more Mov than yours, and he even gets to go first. How do you patch that weakness? Streetpass teams are at an incredible disadvantage and can only win if the opponent is unprepared. Since any measure of defense you can put up will be crushed, it's better to go with pure offense so that if the other guy somehow fails to kill you on turn one, you won't return the favor. Funnily enough, crits are the one thing Streetpass teams generally don't have to worry about- their Lck (with LB) is about as high as your average Secret Apo goon. If the enemy isn't minmaxing, they'll almost never see crit rates above 10 without Ruin, and if they are it makes no difference. Of course, you could always just make a shop team instead. Plenty of people will just buy all your stuff and not fight you, you might as well sell them something useful.
  19. Is neither an option? Gerome really needs either Axefaire or Bowfaire to be good. Between Frederick and Lon'qu, it should be possible to free up Stahl for him with minimum losses (iirc, all of Stahl's good pairings can also work with either Frederick or Lon'qu). If it has to be one of those, Lon'qu is better because he at least gives Swordfaire. Gerome could make a passable Assassin with him.
  20. Deliverer? Sure, if you're lacking in staffbots and not a Paladin, it could come in handy. Anathema though... Going from 90 listed Hit to 100 listed Hit is actually only a 1.9% difference in actual hitrate, so if you're going for skills that tip the RNG in your favor a procstack will make a bigger effect (+16-20% depending on your Skl). OK, maybe I shouldn't have said they have "nothing" better to do, but procstack is certainly one of their better options. I put Hex/Anathema on my staffbots anyway, if Hit's a concern I just leave one of them laying around.
  21. Stacking Sol and Luna? Sure, it's very questionable. That's why I was trying to find a better way. Stacking Luna and Astra/Aether usually works out well, though (unless you have to sacrifice a Faire to do it). The Luna/Astra combo is mainly for Kjelle and Noire, who usually have it and nothing better to do with the skillslot.
  22. A quick damage comparison between Astra and Luna. Target is the Nightmare Sniper, who has PavGis+ and 70 Def (using a physical weapon here). I'll use a generic unit with 45 base Str (class cap + mods), and LB/Faire, a Brave Sword/Lance/Bow and a Str+2 pairup. Most Apo leads should be able to manage at least this, and could have Agg as well. Atk: 45(base+mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +5(Faire) +7(pairup) +2(tonic) +17(weapon) =96. Damage against NS will be 6. Luna damage will be 15. Astra damage will be... Also 15. So yeah, against the highest Def enemy in the game with a reasonable setup, Luna only holds its own with Astra, and the more you prepare (or the weaker your foe is), the stronger Astra will be. This is before taking into account that Astra's proc rate will be 2.5 times that of Luna... Counter isn't a problem (outside of Lunatic+, where it's a problem whether you use Astra or not) because you can never be killed by Counter damage alone if you enter a fight at full HP unless it's supplemented by enemy attack damage, and you should never be in such a situation in the first place (and extra damage from Luna can troll you against Counter too). Unless you're talking about EXPg, in which you don't want any procs... But I digress, this strategy isn't even intended for Apo, it's intended as a superior version of Luna/Sol and probably works better on the likes of RaR3 anyway. In Apo you most likely shouldn't even be using Sol, and 40% just isn't reliable. And outside of Apo, bulk is pretty nonexistent.
  23. If you don't have LB, use Swordfaire/Lancefaire instead.
  24. Uh... Olivia!Lucina has Swordmaster, Sniper, Bow Knight, Assassin, and Falcon Knight which all have higher Skl than Great Lord F. You might want to check your sources again. Typical Olivia!Lucinas use LB/GF/DS+/Aether/Luna and are Paladins, Snipers, Assassins, and occasionally Great Lords.
  25. I've married everyone to complete the support log.
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