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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Virion is fabulous, ultimate, supreme, unrivaled, legendary, magnificent, uber, unstoppable, glorious, suave, mighty, flashy, epic, and really cool. Out of curiosity, what would you say it would take to prefect it? Edit: Another like: There's a boss called Nombry. I don't care if he's brilliantly written or mute, that's a cool name.
  2. I'll try for some that haven't been said before, though I do agree that unlimited convoy and some of the songs are a thing of beauty. -This game is very quotable, I've already done so in this very post. So many great one-liners, especially from Virion, Gangrel, and Cervantes. -Speaking of which, Virion himself. -Grinding and level resetting removes the RNG factor in how high a unit's stats can go, allowing for more concrete postgame plans and better staged close shaves (just look at the videos SoC posted). -Along the same lines, there's a postgame that consists of more than two maps. -That also makes units more unique. No longer are two units set apart only by class, growths, bases and join time. -The difficulty is completely customizable with the biggest range I've ever seen, from press a button to win (using Lunatic strats on Normal/Cas) to... Well, I haven't found the upper roof yet, and I doubt there is one, but notable challenges include Lunatic Risen with no DLC/Logbook, no Limit/Agg/Rally Apo and no Promoted Classes Apo. -It's not Sticker Star. Before I got Awakening I was extremely mad at IS for that travesty and Awakening had everything SS lacked, including skills (similar to Badges), character interaction, and a story. -So yes, I'll list the story as something I like about Awakening. It exists, and that's better than the alternative. -The game has a ton of merchandise, including a really cool special edition 3ds (alongside OoT it may be the only special normal 3ds with artwork on that Nintendo released in the US, and being compared to OoT is also a pretty big point in Awakening's favor). -Trying to rebalance the game on paper is incredibly fun and has given me many hours of entertainment. -Speaking of which, so is just playing the game on paper. I've probably spent more time planning teams than I have playing the game, and that's a good thing. Narrator exposition was something I missed, though. It could have replaced a couple of the more awkward transitions in the game that are probably only awkward because they're intended to replace the narrator. Sad. Maybe we could have gotten more information about Valm and the like, too.
  3. If you're going to bring that up, the game never tells new players that there's any reason to not view a support they just unlocked, especially now that supports are unlimited. For that matter, they also never mention that S means marriage. Additionally, it's counter-intuitive for a player to spread out high levels of supports between several units instead of keeping your units in dedicated pairs, because they won't do anything and take away time you could be paired up with your strongest supporter. So yes, it's very much the same. In Genealogy you can accidentally get bad pairings by deploying units randomly (no pairings still give you units, so I just lump them in with bad ones), in Awakening you can too by pairing them randomly. I'd say Awakening is actually more guilty of this because it has a handful of pairings that perform very well for the parents ingame, but then come back to haunt you later (Chrom x Sully, Frederick x Sumia, Avatar x any 1st gen).
  4. As long as you aren't a jerk about them disliking it/them being a jerk, I'd say it's fine.
  5. You'd just need two 3dses and two copies of Awakening to play with yourself. I could do it if nobody else will, but I'm pretty busy until next Tuesday or something.
  6. I do, and I've actually found some potentially useful stuff. But for some reason threads like this blow up more than threads that are actually about how to play the game, and I almost get the impression that nobody cares. About Awakening's strategies being more precise: this is almost completely due to infinite grinding. Grinding assures that all units will be able to cap all stats- in past games, growth rates were king (even in Sacred Stones, while you could cap all your units it just takes so long). But in Awakening, it's safe to assume you know exact numbers for your unit's stats before you even start your file, and you can then make crazy calculations and cut things so close that one less in any number of stats on any number of characters means defeat. About the FF example where all your characters turned generic after enough work, that's absolutely not true for Awakening when pushed far enough, because with the amount of precision you can get every point matters. So if past FEs could allow you to reliably reach specific stat totals, they'd be heavily optimized too. The size of the fanbase doesn't have as much to do with it as you'd expect, because the people who are most likely to go for extreme optimization are also the ones most likely to get the game because it's FE and not because it was marketed well or has features. And actually, past FEs (the GBA ones, at least) can be perfectly predicted- here's an example of what happens when that's taken advantage of: http://tasvideos.org/1843M.html I eagerly await the day when Awakening can do that.
  7. Warrior's Hit is still fishy. Stahl!Gerome@Warrior (LB/Agg/BF/All+2/Hit+20) Skl: 42(base) +1(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) =67 Lck: 45(base) -1(mods) +10(LB) +14(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) =72 Hit: 136(base) +85(+5/15 Brave Bow) +5(WRB) +20(Hit+20) =246. Anna has 157 modified Avo, so 89 listed. Looks like that Rally Lck again.
  8. This page is huge. OK, so FE4 drags down gameplay at the expense of the plot, and FE13 drags down the plot at the expense of gameplay? This shouldn't be a problem, if more time were put into the story they could have made it work with Awakening's inheritance mechanic. As long as it doesn't involve recruiting the children all at once to advance the game.
  9. Now we're in agreement. Much better.
  10. Those hitrates seem lower than usual. Are you not forging the weapons or something? Vaike!Gerome@Berserker (LB/Agg/AF/All+2/Str+2) Skl: 35(base) +1(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) =60 Lck: 45(base) +10(LB) +14(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) =73 Hit: 126(base) +75(+5/15 Brave Axe) +10(WRB) =211. Anna's Avo: 137(Base) +20(Throne) -15(WTD) =142. No, Gerome has 69 listed Hit (81.09% True Hit) against Anna. That's a 43.24% chance to land all four blows, which is very bad but still not that bad.
  11. The more balanced gameplay is, the closer the difficulty level is to what the devs intended. Unless it becomes wither too easy or too hard to be fun anymore (with the amount of customization and room for challenge runs Awakening has, this doesn't seem to be an issue for it), then difficulty doesn't seem that important to me, and as such I'm not terribly concerned about balance. That only applies to single player games though. The level cap is there as a measure against lowmanning earlygame due to the scarcity of Seals. It probably wasn't enough, but just imagine the chaos if Avatar didn't cap at Cht.4 in Lunatic. Is citing examples and expecting your audience to not know what they are really that helpful to your case? I assume he's referring to things like better menus that reduce prep time and cutscene skips and the like. That's different from handholding/endless tutorials, which very few people are fond of (though there is such a thing as too little).
  12. Now I'm tempted to go through the entire script and see how many lines of dialogue every NPC has (including the SPotpass Six outside of their paralogues). I bet it would be interesting. However... Dalton, Ignatius and Farber say very little, and Walhart, Cervantes and Yen'fay say quite a lot, so I'd guess Pheros is actually right in the middle. Quantity isn't the same as quality- screentime isn't the biggest factor in determining how good a character is. Judging by how much you complain about Awakening you're the first person I'd expect to know that. What gives?
  13. If you're specifically referring to FP Grima there... I agree. I may have mentioned earlier that he gets some much nicer writing than is par for Awakening if you get FP3's bad ending (Lucina is alive, but not all of her allies are).
  14. As I see it, the main argument against is that Avatar isn't force-deployed for the final chapter.
  15. Out of the Galeboys I tend to prefer Owain for Morgan's father.
  16. Simia is female, in a gender-neutral class, and definitely not for fanservice (at least not that kind). Please don't discriminate against Risen when choosing examples. Possibly relevant, but there are also no enemy War Clerics (outside of DLC), while there are plenty of Monks, and those classes are similar enough that they might as well be the same. Anyway yes the females of Awakening are giant walking tropes, but so are the men. It's hardly a gender-exclusive phenomenon. Actually Pheros has 11 lines.
  17. On the topic of bizarre parentages, here's one: Cervantes is Virion's father.
  18. Again, how much do Selena and Pheros actually have in common besides class and rank?
  19. Normal Apo dies to anything. I wouldn't be surprised if it was possible for Chrom to do a true solo of it. Actually, I should try that sometime... There are few situations in which a certain weapon type is "required", lances are mostly used because Lancefaire has very high distribution and so do good lance-using classes. I use them not to avoid Breakers but simply because they tend to fit better on some builds. That said, this Morgan actually has the Spd to be a male Wyvern (which is Lancefaire's primary use outside of Bride), but you've got +4 Mag and only +2 Str so it probably isn't the best use of Morgan's time. Then again, he's not likely to need any of these, so that's a moot point. I think I'll change my vote to Lancefaire anyway, depending on who he's paired with the extra physical ability could come in handy.
  20. Really? Because I think the most human characters are anyone not named Nowi, Tiki, Nah, Panne, Yarne, or any Morgan parented by one of them.
  21. One does not simply clear the Lunatic+ earlygame. I'd go BK first if you're going to use it at all, BK's caps are pretty bad and you'll probably bump them for a while if you don't promote directly there. BK will also let you start building up Wexp for Bows earlier and the extra Mov helps in Cht.9 and 10.
  22. Still ingame, or postgame now? Postgame depends on your pairing. Ingame, be something with a Bow (preferably Warrior or Sniper) and AT, Sol/Bowbreaker, Counter/Bowfaire, Veteran if your stats aren't capped, and anything else you can get your hands on (suboptimal classes are dangerous and the IL bites hard when grinding for skills ingame). Rallies are always nice.
  23. For combat, 2nd Gen pairs are generally better, yes, however... Apo has 20 deployment slots. 13 children + Avatar, Chrom, Olivia (dancer), two Rallybots, and you're up to 18 units. That leaves room for two staffbots, which... Isn't very forgiving when there are 7 pairs you're trying to manage. If you can manage all 7 of those pairs, never bite off more than you can chew, and play carefully, it's very effective, but there's not much room for player error. Unfortunately, there's also not much room for the RNG trolling- if a pair derps hard enough on their procs/DSes, you could wind up killing 3 enemies less than you had planned and need to Rescue them to safety. This is very easy when you have lots of staffbots and very hard when you don't. Since not all pairs can secure 100% DS and 100% proc rates, it's actually not a bad idea to trade some of your combat pairs for skirmishers. There's also the fact that Apo likes to group enemies in groups of 5. While that does give some RNG leniency with 7 pairs (missed a proc? No problem, just send in more units to clear out all the enemies), it also means that two pairs with guaranteed results and staff support perform just as well.
  24. Pass Lck+4. Seriously though, I'd pass RK because it means 100% AT without LB, which is always nice midgame.
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