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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Good luck finding a youtube video of FP3's bad ending (which is a shame, because it's a lot more interesting than the good ending). But yeah, it's far better quality than the main story. IR also gives the Silver Card. Summer Scramble is definitely the weakest of the three.
  2. Just sayin', but having a fully optimized team still results in units with vastly different levels of power- the likes of Lucina, Cynthia, Severa and the Galeboys are just naturally a tier higher than the hard supports. Of course, it's also pretty hard to have a team that large without showing favoritism to at least one unit.
  3. Make sure your bro isn't confusing the DLC with microtransactions. Those... Really are a waste of money, but they're practically the opposite of what Awakening has to offer. I'm looking at the DLC price listings on SF right now, and it looks like your best bet (if you're willing to spend all that on DLC) is to get the LB pack and either CoY3 (All+2), SB2 (Bride+Rally Heart), Infinite Regalia (Silver Card+more Ragnells/Double Bows) or Roster Rescue (Palla one of the best DLC units). If you just get LB2/3 though, you'll have enough for sure to get both CoY3 and Infinite Regalia, or (depending on how high sales tax is) CoY3/Infinite Regalia and SB2/Roster Rescue.
  4. Eh, if you could manipulate a Vengeance Crit he'd go down fast.
  5. His Res is actually 55+3, but Luna doesn't affect terrain bonuses.
  6. Chrom x Sumia/Maribelle/Olivia Lissa x Ricken/Libra Sully x Donnel Miriel x Stahl/Lon'qu/Gregor Sumia x Chrom/Henry Maribelle x Chrom/Virion/Lon'qu/Ricken/Libra/Henry Panne x Frederick/Virion/Stahl Cordelia x Virion/Stahl//Vaike/Lon'qu/Ricken Nowi x Virion/Stahl/Vaike/Gregor/Henry Tharja x Gaius Olivia x Chrom/Frederick/Stahl/Ricken/Libra Cherche x Virion/Stahl/Vaike/Gregor/Henry There's the standard pairing list. Just use Avatar x Nowi as a base and pick-and-choose from there.
  7. It's definitely not what she intended, but it's what probably would have happened as a result in Real Life.
  8. You don't think it would actually throw a region into chaos and inspire fanatical militias to clash with eachother for years, running the land into the ground?
  9. In Golden Gaffe and EXPonential growth, enemies won't fight on EP and instead try to escape the map. You can just go after the Lv.1-10 stuff each time, it'll take a little longer because the strong stuff has the most gold but you'll still get 10,000+ per run.
  10. LB2's Dread Fighter gives Aggressor, which is like a whole extra LB for Atk. +10 Atk on the support unit over 8 blows is 40 damage on Apo, which is a pretty big difference. LB1 just gives Leif, but he's pretty cool and is only $1 more (after LB2, that is). RaR1/2 have a ton of aesthetic stuff but it can all be looked up online. Since you've already gotten LB3 they're not worth it, if you have extra cash there are other maps that should be higher priorities. The only thing you'd actually get out of them is another RK unit. Vantage is not a toy. Severa can use Vengeance as an offensive proc. If you really want Luna, Stahl is fine but I prefer to give Severa the more unique role of Wyvern from Virion/Lon'qu. Low accuracy will mainly be a concern when fighting bosses. If you keep him away from stuff with 120+ Avo, he'll be fine due to True Hit, but you'll need someone else for taking down Thronie/Anna. Avatar!Nah is the only Nah that gets both Galeforce and Luna/Vengeance. If she wants to lead, these are both pretty much required. Nowi is a pretty useless wife on Apo, but Avatar can fight with Lucina at A just fine, fixing the pairing imbalance caused by marrying 1st gen (though he can also do this for any 1st gen wife). Yarne is more worthy than Brady. Brady just cares about mods and it's not worth sacrificing skills on one unit for mods on another (unless that other is Morgan). Melon: Isn't it oversimplifying just a little to mark Luna as a constant +7? Vengeance can be perfectly safe when used as an offensive proc as well.
  11. 62000 is enough for Boots, which are the important bit. You'll have to get the recruitment cash from somewhere else (there's a Bullion(L) you can sell, and once you get Golden gaffe it'll do as well), but it's not too bad.
  12. If there's even a possibility that you'll eventually want the other maps, get the packs. it saves a tremendous amount of money and often the other maps are cool enough that you'll use them, but not enough that you'd shell out for them alone. It's also not marked anywhere, but you get an item for clearing Infinite Regalia that makes all shop stuff 50% off (excluding forging). Gaius!Noire is perfectly competent. Either use your Avatar on Nah (who really needs it, she has no other way of getting Galeforce+Proc) or marry 2nd gen so you don't have a pairing imbalance (Lucina, Cynthia and Severa are good options).
  13. So first off black absorbs sunlight/heat while white reflects it... Second, if your clothing is going to get hot, you want minimal skin contact. Third, a see-through net is going to result in horrible sunburn. If you want to see a character who actually is dressed for a desert, look at Libra.
  14. So... Pretty much a normal run? There are several exploits you can do with the logbook and I'm not sure which one you're referring to, but they all work with both Avatars and Spotpass characters. There are two big ones that come to mind, though: When you have a unit that can go in the logbook, opening the logbook and selecting them gives you an option to update their entry, and whenever you try to recruit them they'll come just how they were when they were last updated. The two ways to abuse this are centered on Renown: start a new file, clear Cht.3 to unlock the Wireless menu, sell the Supreme Emblem from Renown and use the cash to recruit someone from the logbook. Then, use all the Statbosters from Renown on them, re-update the logbook, delete the file and do it again and again to cheaply raise a unit's stats. Alternately, you can use the Boots from Renown on a unit, save them, and repeat, using Boots on different units each time. Then, when you recruit all these units on your main file and make them Staffbots/Rallybots/whatever, they all have Boots, allowing you to get around the game's normal rule of "only two Boots per file". You can do this using the Boots that are normally obtained in Cht.17 if you don't have the Renown, but it's faster to grind to max Renown and then play through a 20% of the game ten times than it is to play through 65% of the game ten times.
  15. Veteran saves a lot of time. It's worth it, especially if you plan on getting them additional stuff they don't need for Apo (minmaxing for the sake of minmaxing can be fun too). I found it easily worth the money to buy all the DLC- it costs slightly more than the game itself to get it all (assuming you don't have a Japanese copy) but it ~triples the replay value. I don't know what your financial situation looks like, but if you can spare the money you should do it (you'll certainly get a lot more bang for your buck than if you used it to pay 10% of another game's cost).
  16. There are plenty of people who call it the best, you know. Awakening has a very high potential for challenge runs/repeat playthroughs. I'd start with another unrestricted playthrough on either Hard or Lunatic, then work on getting max Renown and filling the Support Log (you don't have to get either 100%, they take a while, but they're good goals to aim for and can be done across multiple files).
  17. All+2 is in CoY3. All Magic Dust should go to Chrom, imo. Falchion doesn't negate Dragonskin, it just has its mt tripled like every other effective weapon (so 36/45 against Grima). But Normal Grima is a pushover (especially if you've been grinding), he only has 38 Def, 80 HP and no PavGis. To OHKO him with a Luna crit, you only need 74 atk, which would be easy for Fred to reach even without LB/Rally: 42(base) +2(mods) +10(Agg) +3(pairup) =57, so only 17 is needed from the weapon- any legendary sword will do, as will a +3 Silver Sword or a +1 Silver Axe. With Rally Str from Basilio, a plain old unforged Silver Sword will do the trick.
  18. Position your Rallybots side-by-side and you should have more than enough room to cram everybody in. No problem, that's why I'm here. As for the "benching Lucina" thing, it's a bad idea to outright bench her... But not so unviable to leave her unpaired (or not fighting with her husband, if he's benched). Because Lucina has DS+, she can essentially fight at A with an S level of DS (you can still get it up to 100% if you want to). This is important because if Avatar married a really bad 1st gen wife for the sake of someone like Nah, you can still form a 7 pair setup and not bench any kids (or Avatar). You'll lose out on a free 100% DS, but it's still possible to get one elsewhere if you really want it and you get an extra Galeforce to compensate (7/3 instead of 7/2). EXPonential Growth vs Golden Gaffe: Golden Gaffe by far. EXP is meant more for getting uber-weak untrained units from the Plegia arc off the ground than training strong ones- all but the strongest Entombed will give just 8 exp after a point. If you want an exp grinding map instead, pick LB3- Paragon doubles a unit's exp gain (and stacks with Veteran), and there are 50 fairly weak enemies who all start out aggroed, no Counter/Longbows and two Gates for you to sit on. If you have Paragon and solo the map, it can take even a max internal level unit from Lv.1 promoted almost to Lv.15 (so one class per unit per playthrough). There are a few legendary weapons though, so it's mainly for capped units who are grinding for skills (or that last bit of some random stat).
  19. Typical Apo classes are Sage (highest Mag cap in the game, good Skl, good distribution), Dark Flier (like Sage with lower Mag but more Mov and +Spd instead of +Skl, good distribution), Berserker (high Str, good physical pairup boosts, good 2nd gen distribution), Hero (high Skl, no major flaws), Paladin (high Mov, good all around pairup bonuses, common Faires, good distribution), Assassin (very high Spd/Skl, good physical pairup boosts), Sniper (very high Skl, can use Longbows/Double Bow), Bride (good Ignis user, gives magical pairup boosts with a physical attack, good distribution), Warrior (high Str, doesn't have Berserker's Hit problems), Wyvern Lord (high Str/Mov), Valkyrie (good staffbot class, fastest Tome user), and Falcoknight (good staffbot/Rallybot class). The only classes you really should stay away from are Great Knight, Griffon Rider, Swordmaster and Trickster. Those classes either have no redeeming qualities or flaws crippling enough to make them almost never worth it. Most of the classes I didn't mention are decent, but not top tier. Your units can typically go in any of those classes they have provided the class matches up with their physical/magical orientation and they have a Faire for it.
  20. How long does it take me to grind someone up, or how long is the average? I can minmax a unit in an hour if I have the right supports set up, don't need to stop for gold and already have Paragon/LB/All+2 laying around.
  21. Well, if you give her LB then it's 44... Add Mag+2, Tonic and Lancefaire (15 levels on her shouldn't be too bad) and she's got 53. If you don't want to do all that, she can be a Valkyrie instead for a small Mag boost (and she already has Tomefaire, add Valflame to that and she should be pushing 50 Mag without LB). As for those pairings, assuming the only DLC is LB2: Lucina: swap RK for Tomefaire, it's more reliable and has a higher average damage output. Avatar: Anathema or Hit+20 in the last slot. Cynthia: swap Spd+2 for Renewal/DG+ unless you know you need it for something. Pair her with Brady or Owain. Laurent: skills are fine, but he has to go with Lucina to use VV. Owain: swap Vantage for Astra. Yarne: Outdoor Fighter over Even Rhythm. Nah: Wymsbane only affects Dragonstone damage. Have her use Axefaire/Anathema/Demoiselle/Mov+1/Deliverer. Str+2 can go over Demoiselle if you want. Noire: with Mov+1 and Gerome's pairup bonus she'll only have the same Mov as he does, use Anathema instead and have Gerome be a ferry. Mov+1 is fine if he's an Assassin though. Gerome: Warrior is better. Add Hit+20. Kjelle: add Astra. Inigo: add Swordfaire. Brady: Deliverer over Mag+2 unless he's going with a Dark Flier. Severa: add Vengeance. Are you talking about growth rates? If so, here: http://serenesforest.net/fe13/class_growth.html Child pairs should always have at least one Galeforce, and the attack stat support bonuses should match up. Those are the two rules of thumb for pairing children.
  22. Oh, it balances out? My Pegasus Knight with 4 Str and a 6 mt Lance has 8 more Spd than my Fighter with 12 Str and a 15 mt axe... And the same amount after factoring in weapon weight. I wonder which one will do better? It would balance out, except those low con characters also typically have low non-Spd stats to make up for their high Spd, and wind up being worse all around once their Spd is removed. They may grow out of it (eventually, especially in Sacred Stones), but before they do they have no redeeming stats (except Mov/flight utility) and are more of a pain to train than Donnel in Lunatic.
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