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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. You need to have the skill you want to pass down be the last skill you currently have equipped. The easiest way to do this is to go into the skills menu, remove Veteran, and re-equip it- it will then be Avatar's last skill, and Lucina will inherit it as long as you don't learn any new skills during Cht.13 (Chrom marries after CHt.11, but Lucina doesn't come until after Cht.13). If you want her to have Ignis as well, you can either reclass Lucina to Tactician with a Second Seal immediately after getting her, promote to Grandmaster and level to 5 for Ignis, or promote Lucina to Great Lord, level her to 10-15, and then reclass to Grandmaster for Ignis. If your stats are fairly low, it also could be a good idea to pass down Ignis, reclass to Tactician for Veteran, and then reclass to something else like Cavalier, Mercenary or Pegasus Knight before promoting (if Lucina's bases are too high, you'll start hitting her caps and wasting exp before promoting). If you're nervous, just don't save after the chapter when the game prompts you to, and if something went wrong then reset and try again.
  2. Giving every character a certain class reduces the importance of inheritance, which reduces the replay value of the game, which isn't really an improvement. But if you really want an army of Heroes... Avatar, Vaike, Donnel, Gaius, Cordelia, Gregor, Flavia, Basilio, Priam, Morgan, Gerome, Severa, Inigo, Avatar's other child, Vaike's child, Donnel's child, Gaius's son, and Gregor's child. That's 18, and the most you can ever deploy on one map is 20 (Chrom takes up a slot). If you need more, there are 99 slots in the logbook.
  3. Nah is female and can't inherit Villager and Fighter from Donnel, so she gets Troubadour and Pegasus Knight instead.
  4. You do know about Second Seals, right? They let you reset your level to keep gaining exp. If you marry Nowi and Donnel, it should be for Galeforce on Nah. If you're trying to minimize weirdness, wouldn't you pick a pairing in which she doesn't claim to have been "around the block a few thousand times" when discussing marriage?
  5. Well, for one both Lucina and Morgan can be fliers, and Generals should never be lead units because of their Spd. Avatar gets priority because he/she's going to be your best unit maingame, and it's a big help in Lunatic(+). You need to be overleveled to survive being in the middle of a crowd of enemies on EP, and where else is your Boots unit going to go? When pairing Lucina with Avatar as Sages for a VV combo on Apo, Boots allow you to get past the Longbow Snipers on normal route, which are otherwise a showstopper. Morgan, as your team's best (most of the time) unit, is a pretty good candidate for a buff, given that Awakening rewards piling all your resources on one character.
  6. I usually don't give my Boots to anybody, and then if I need them for some challenge run I copy my file, use the Boots as I see fit, and then restore it when I'm done. But not everybody plays that way, and I'd probably recommend Lucina and Morgan for postgame or Lucina and Avatar for maingame.
  7. No worries, I doubt anyone who actually works for IS is reading this.
  8. Any weapon that requires a specific skill just to use is destined for being permanently underpowered. Aside from that... Maingame, Slayer will either come too late to be of much use or on a character who's strong enough to plow through Risen anyway. Postgame (Apo), there are no Risen. There's already a Blessed Bow free for the taking in Par.3 if you do need a Risen killer that also helps with tanking in Lunatic+ due to restoring HP. Also, the other two mt-tripling skills in the game (Beastbane and Wyrmsbane) aren't exactly often-used, despite the fact that Valm is packed with Cavalry. Ignoring the Risen effective bonus, it's basically Shadowgift with (possibly) better distribution and no Sorc alternative. So... I'd say it needs a niche. To be fair, it's not like the rest of the game is balanced that much better.
  9. Male should have gotten Waifu Fighter instead. Then they would have fit together nicely.
  10. If you were a writer for Awakening and the head honcho read a draft of yours and said, "I want a well-written story", what would you do? No writer can make that into constructive criticism. This is largely the fault of Awakening's potentially-the-last-FE syndrome and the devs trying to cram too many different ideas into one game, but is also true. Valm in particular needs more backstory, including actual locations of countries. Speaking of which, here's something that bothered me: names of locations in Awakening are incredibly bland. Past FEs give you the Taliver Mountians, Bethroen, Tirnanogue, and Lefcandith, while Awakening gives you Southtown, The Northroad, Border Wastes and The Longfort. The capitals of Ylisse and Plegia are named after their countries, and the capitals of Ferox and Valm aren't even named.
  11. Sarcasm or not, this is pretty much how I feel. I played almost nothing but Awakening for an entire year after it came out.
  12. Heh. This reminds me of way back when I would leave my N64 on at night with empty Smash battles running to artificially inflate the play time of my favorite characters. I just checked and my actual playtime is 720:55.
  13. ...I think Vaike's is bigger. I'd like Brides more if they didn't all have generic face sprites (same goes for Dread Fighters). Nonetheless, Bride Nowi's victory animation remains one of the bigger reasons why I like her...
  14. That's because the tiny feet fit in with TWW's artstyle, so the people who would complain if they didn't like them complain about the artstyle as a whole instead (I happen to like TWW, btw). FE13's artstyle is (somewhat) realistic, so the lack of feet sticks out like a sore thumb (particularly on Fighter/Warrior).
  15. Well, actually the two areas Awakening majorly deviated from the norm are Berserkers and Dark Mages- Pegasi are pantsless in every game except FE5, which is why I chose it, and FE4's Dancers are pretty bad. The concept of people giving you flak for liking things for their flaws is unfortunately far more widespread than appearance of fictional characters... But that would be off topic. I know how both of you feel, however. I happen to have a soft spot for Nowi, but her fanbase has a stigma (that is in no small part the fault of GameFAQs, where I used to hang out a lot) that makes me not too keen on blurting it out, even though I don't care for her costume (I usually keep her as a Griffon, Sage or Bride for aesthetic purposes).
  16. I'm not Ana, but I'll answer this: yes, there are characters I like with those... traits, but they aren't the reason I like them. Whether or not Tiki is bad depends entirely on who you compare her to: some Dancers/Tharja/Nowi, she's quite tame. But compare that to all the females from FE5 (yes, even the Dancer), and Tiki looks absurd.
  17. Not quite- there are some Spotpass/DLC characters (DLC Roy and Spotpass Pr.Marth, I know) who have them. But that's not very useful when they can't support... Fortunately it isn't required for 100% DS, just very helpful.
  18. Probably around 800 hours (too lazy to check), mostly spent on the support log and 199,998 Renown. I've slowed down a bit since Tropical Freeze came out but it's still my most played game by far since I got it (I've only logged more hours on Smash).
  19. So... Am I correct in assuming that the game always rounds down for DS% chance calculation, like it does for everything else? Just checking.
  20. Oddly, they do take several lines (mostly battle quotes) from the first gen units, but who their parents are have no effect on those.
  21. Starting class isn't genetic, especially when Morgan already gets all classes. Although... I don't think becoming a Manakete can be taught...
  22. Exactly how often do you see real children doing what Nowi's doing? Cherche and Panne are also messed up.
  23. ...Please tell me that's actually in the game and just something I missed on my first time through that map...
  24. Summer Scramble support with Sully. Give it a read, it made me like both of them a lot more. Tiki: I think the main complaint about her looks (mine, at least) is that it looks like she slept for 2,000 years and is still wearing the dress she went to sleep in, it's practically bursting at the seams. The official artwork messed up just about everybody though, so it's not fair to hold it against Tiki specifically.
  25. There we go. Now everyone has some support. To add on, I really like Nowi's standing victory animation (Bride/Mage/Sage) and Kellam makes a useful earlygame utility/pairup unit on Lunatic(+). Fun fact: Nowi can't swim.
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