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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Use swords to dodge the Barbarians, their upgraded weaponry means their hit is on par with or sometimes lower than their Normal counterparts. Mercenary Avatar with Patience and a C Chrom support is particularly good at dodging them. Anyway... I finally dragged a -Def Avatar's sorry carcass all the way to the Lunatic+ Classic Outrealm Gate with no fatalities (Streetpass purposes). It was ugly, but I somehow did it in less time than it took me to grind to 99,999 Renown. Even with resetting for stats on the prologue, I still got Def screwed (by which I mean less than average after taking my flaw into account). It took a roll of Cht.3 with only one Counter and two Luna+ foes across the whole map to win (one of which was Hammertime who can't hit a barn without Hawkeye and didn't get it), alongside a huge amount of DS/DG luck and two saves (which I also used in Prologue and Cht.2). I don't look forward to doing that again, though I know someday I will...
  2. Emmeryn is the same as the GBA trial map characters, she started out being there only for postgame purposes (play as dead major characters and all that) and only has any supports at all because the devs want you to be able to waifu anyone. She at least has Scramble supports though. Another better question, why can't 3rd gen Morgan support her grandparents?
  3. It was on topic compared to the contents of his spoilers, it's fairly common on forums to go off on a tangent and then end your post with something that's back on topic.
  4. A complete list of learnable skills isn't that helpful because a) less than half of the skills see any use whatsoever and b) a complete class list for all characters would tell you the exact same thing in a much neater format, assuming you know what classes get what skills (you should).
  5. Dual Strike+. Avatar is +Mag/-Def, Lucina is Maribelle!Lucina. Both are Sages. Avatar uses VV, Lucina uses Galeforce and DS+, and together they form the core of most Secret Apo challenge runs with their 100% DS VV and guaranteed setup on Wave 0. Morgan is left in the dust because there's nobody she can marry who has DS+. You'll have to ask Airship Canon for the specifics, it's his setup but it works wonders.
  6. Because then you can get 7 Gen 2 pairs instead of 6, since there are only 13 children. And it does improve the children's stats because certain stats (Def, Res, Lck, either Str or Mag) don't matter, but others do: a +Mag/-Def Avatar will boost Morgan's Mag by 4 and her Spd by 2 over her parent, and drop her Def, Res and Lck which she doesn't care about. Lon'qu!Severa: 2 Str, 6 Spd/Skl. Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan: 6/8/6 Str/Spd/Skl or 4/10/6 Str/Spd/Skl or 2/8/10 Str/Spd/Skl. That's a big difference. Avatar x Lucina is also so powerful that Morgan actually becomes obsolete.
  7. Chrom x Sumia/Maribelle/Olivia Lissa x Ricken/Libra Sully x Donnel Miriel x Lon'qu/Stahl/Gregor Sumia x Chrom/Henry Maribelle x Chrom/Libra/Anyone who doesn't lower Mag/Spd Panne x Frederick/Anyone who doesn't lower Str/Skl Cordelia x Lon'qu/Ricken/Virion/Stahl Nowi x Virion/Vaike/Henry/Anyone Tharja x Gaius Olivia x Chrom/Stahl/Ricken/Libra Cherche x Vaike/Gregor/Henry Avatar-M x Lucina/2nd gen with Galeforce Avatar-F x Yarne/Laurent/other 2nd gen There's the "official" list of preferred pairings.
  8. The narrator's job in past FEs has usually been explaining political tensions as the lord travels about the map. In Awakening, the world map is open and politics are much simpler (two good countries, two bad countries), so the narrator wouldn't have much to do.
  9. You know, I agree with RJW. The writers don't decide who can support who, the gameplay dudes do and they tell the writers who they want supports for. Nowi is less of a "why not" and more of a "marry me or else" with half of her supports, especially Virion and Gaius.
  10. GameFAQs isn't a reliable source. The best Yarne is Frederick!Yarne with LB, Agg, Axefaire, All+2 and either Swordbreaker or Str+2. Vaike!Yarne trades 1 Skl for 1 Str, but since Vaike is in higher demand as a father Fred is better. As for your other pairings... The thing you need to keep in mind is that your children won't all be out front, they need support partners and they can only marry Avatar and other children, so don't try to design all your children to be frontliners.
  11. Several reasons why I chose Lethality over Luna: -I can't grind for skills on DLC and have to actually stick with any class I want a skill from for a long time due to Lunatic exp issues. -Luna comes in a class that's very slow, Lethality comes in a class that's very fast. Against the Lunatic RIsen, doubling is extremely important, and until I get reliable self-healing (I prefer Renewal) I need to dodge every hit that I can. One thing I may not have mentioned is that I didn't just trash a lot of Risen, I trashed every single pack that spawned- If I get fliers on Cht.8, tough beans, so it's not like I can just avoid the fast ones. It also helps that Pass was a skill that saw a lot of use on me. -Lethality still greatly outdamages Luna early on, especially against GKs with 40+ Def and since I don't care about reliability I can manipulate for a hit or two. Without LB/Pairup/Rally/Braves Luna's activation rate isn't actually that reliable either though.
  12. Eldigan shows up on games without DLC installed though, so he technically is a Spotpass character, just one that needs DLC to recruit.
  13. Lunatic Risen are strong, but not invincible- I did a no-DLC Lunatic Classic playthrough and stomped over 100 squads of Risen, using only them and main chapters for exp. It was kind of ridiculous early on because once they promoted I needed Lethality procs to kill them in anything resembling a timely manner and healing items are a no-go due to cost, but once I got my skills together they got swatted like flies. I at least had enough leeway at the start to go without support boosts and train another unit behind my Avatar, so if I didn't do that and took a dedicated support L+ Risen might be doable (with a lot more patience). I'll have to try it sometime.
  14. Not everybody has the DLC and all the other DLC characters have Spotpass versions.
  15. I can has link? Anyway, do keep in mind that Miriel won't pass Lucina Galeforce, effectively wrecking her. No Vantage either.
  16. Glad I could help. Donnel becomes useable around the time he gets a proper weapon rank in Swords and can attack at range, if you can do that by Par.2 then good for you but I wouldn't count on him being ready by then. Speaking of Donnel, I don't know if anyone can confirm this but after a good deal of turn 1 resets on his paralogue, I got the feeling that Archers get Pass far more often than their other skills.
  17. Adding to that, Panne's skills are only exclusive if she doesn't marry someone with Wyvern, and all of Chrom's children have skills that can't be obtained if you don't pass them (though Lucina's Aether is a forced pass). However, first playthroughs are first playthroughs, you only get one, and I would heavily advise against doing anything with them except playing the game the way you want to and ignoring what other people tell you to do.
  18. Not vital, no, though if you do manage to drag Donnel along long enough to get it it helps a lot. I usually only get it on Owain/Brady/Inigo because then I can use staves/dancing to build support and keep that wimp far from combat. On topic, I've occasionally forgotten to pass small things when support grinding that cost a minute or two due to needing to be more careful in fights, but never anything that truly maters (and if I did, I have plenty of backups). I think my biggest gaffe was passing someone Slow Burn once. I also sometimes neglect passing proper skills during nogrind runs when I know it isn't feasible to get them (DS+ for Owain, Lck+4 for Inigo, etc), but those times are intentional.
  19. It does, but if your stats are high enough to do those maps (especially GG) on auto, your Lck is going to be high enough to generate a good deal of Bullion. I suppose if you clear out your inventories after each run and use 4+ units it's not a big problem...
  20. It's also good on Golden Gaffe/EXPonential Growth if you're not startmashing with auto on because all the battles are player phase and if you're there it means you're grinding which means the extra gold is appreciated. Don't use it if you are using auto because the Despoil animation interrupts skipping phases.
  21. So I thought up something that, while not strictly an improvement, could be fun for a certain people: an extra difficulty that uses NM enemy stats but LM enemy density and exp scaling. The game's already a lawnmower simulator, why not take it to the extreme?
  22. Well, most of what I'm saying pertains to Postgame, which is very different from ingame Lunatic+. Ingame, availability trumps all, so you usually go for pairings that come early and in Morgan's case give good starting classes. Postgame, you can assume that all of your stats are maxed and you have all your skills and infinite cash, so you'd always make the best out of what you have, but ingame you have to build everything as you go (moreso for Lunatic/Lunatic+ when you start out underleveled compared to the enemies) and things like Growths and gold matter. Ingame it's also very rare to use all the pairings. Manaketes certainly are good ingame outside of Lunatic+, but another difference for ingame/postgame is that Defense is king ingame and Offense wins out postgame. Manaketes are extremely defensive and laugh at normal enemies, but can't take the pressure of repeated 90+ mt Luna+ hits in Apo.
  23. Don't think about class pools, think about potential postgame builds, and if it's not possible to completely wreck those then do everything possible to trash mods instead, starting with Spd and then the preferred out of Str/Mag. You can pass out Thief for example to a whole lot of characters and they'll be just as good as without it (in almost all cases) because it doesn't give anything that a non-utility/Streetpass unit would want. Because Brady already has all his skills and you can't deprive him of anything he wants, go after his mods instead. Manaketes don't have crazy Spd, and their Str isn't good enough to make up for the lack of Faires, Braves, Forges, and sometimes double attacking.
  24. Forget Nowi x Virion, that's actually a good pairing. You have to keep in mind that mods are more important than classes- Nah may get only Archer, but as a support Sage for Owain/Brady the only things she wants are mods. Virion gives +2 Skl and Archer for Skl+2, which is more than anyone else (and at less cost to the gene pool at large). Nah can then use LB, TF, Mag+2, Skl+2, and All+2 and work out just fine. Stahl gives Laurent VV. That's very very good. Brady needs nothing but mods (and an optional Vengeance) so Ricken is good for him as well if he isn't needed elsewhere. And there's something important Manaketes can't do: use Braves. Vaike x Lissa/Brady will ruin mods and pass out no useful classes. Frederick x Sumia will make Cynthia slow and give her redundant Luna, and Avatar x Tiki will give you a weakness and negative Mag, along with a wife with practically no skills that takes ages to recruit.
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