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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. I have no problem with optional content. What I have a problem with is it being introduced with timing that has no respect for the mandatory part of the game, when it could have just as easily been put somewhere better.
  2. Stahl gives Luna, Vantage and decent physical mods, but nothing absolutely groundbreaking- he's pretty much the universal second fiddle (funny, he's also Mr. Average in all his supports) as a father. He fits well on Inigo, Severa, Laurent, and can go on Yarne as well if for some bizarre reason he's freer than Frederick.
  3. Maribelle has been kidnapped and Chrom is supposed to be Emmeryn's bodyguard while she tries to negotiate her release, but he goes the wrong way and beats up bandits on an island in the southeast, where he conscripts a villager to help him fight the Plegians, knowing full well that trained villagers get really strong really fast. He also stops to fight some random zombies to train the said villager. After saving Maribelle, he finds this random island to the south with an Outrealm Gate where he spends time sacking zombies for lots of gold and exp, and Validar intelligently decides to try to assassinate Emmeryn just after he gets back all pumped up on forges, rather than while he was still gone. Phila convinces Emmeryn that it will be safer to hide somewhere and Chrom is assigned to be her escort, but he decides to go smash some Outrealm Marths and Ikes to get tons of items instead. Despite the fact that the bad guys clearly don't know about/can't use this place, Chrom decides not to make the most of the trip by leaving Emmeryn in safety and instead heads straight back the way he came, without even letting her train up on all the goodies for self-protection first- and guess what, she gets kidnapped after doing yet another about-face. Instead of going to save her, Chrom hikes all the way back to Ferox to fight some zombies in the arena, despite the fact that the place is crawling with competent warriors already, never mind how the zombies actually got in the arena in the first place. After Chrom fails to rescue Emmeryn, no doubt because he was too slow due to the unexpected detour, he somehow teleports to the Ferox countryside and cheerily helps out some merchants, before realizing that his sister has been killed and hiking back to Plegia so Basilio's rescue convoy can be put to use, and then starts moping. Wait, no, first he stops at Plegia Castle to go shopping. On his way to the final battle with Gangrel, he realizes that he's spent the entire game hanging out with Avatar-M and doesn't know a single eligible woman's name. To fix this, he uses that Outrealm Gate again and takes everyone to a beach resort to figure out who he wants to propose to after the next battle, because obviously they can't refuse the prince even if they barely know him. I could go on, but that's essentially how the world map makes the story look at 1:30 in the morning. Please forgive any rambling and run-on sentences.
  4. I've streetpassed tons of people (real teams, not OROs) and never once seen Counter and only once fought a team with LB (and only three units had it at that). Most competent teams may use it, but the vast majority of Streetpass teams are just thrown out there for aesthetics and aren't designed for anything. Judging by that, I'd guess the vast majority of people I streetpass aren't familiar with Streetpass battles. Unequipped units hold still in almost all cases.
  5. It's probably Lyon. Awakening is badly lacking in the villain department, SS's story was nothing special but Lyon stood out in it as one of the best villains in the series. Especially if you've played through both Eirika and Ephraim's routes. Useless gray circles aren't a problem. Problems start when the game opens up a flashy new paralogue that has absolutely nothing to do with the main plot while Chrom and co. are supposed to be fleeing for their lives from Plegia. It's bad enough to be able to put off fleeing from Plegia to trash some bandits in the far reaches of Ferox, but the game actually encourages you to do it by putting a Paralogue right there. If this were Blazing Sword where paralogues are only accessible at one point and if you miss them, they can't be redone, would it make any sense at all to have Eliwood take a break from looking for his father on Valor to go hunt bandits in Etruria without any acknowledgement of the rest of the story? SS had the decency to disable the map when there was something going on that can't be ignored, such as an ambush by Valter.
  6. The first time I ever played Lunatic+, I cleared Prologue in one shot as well. It's honestly reliable enough that I've considered manipulating an event tile for a Leif's Blade (pseudo-killing edge) which makes Cht.2 massively easier. Anyway I agree completely, Lunatic+ is meant to be absurd and if you don't want to play an absurd, unfair, cheating difficulty that forces you to think on the fly and adapt to random distributions (which I honestly don't count as cheating), stick with Lunatic. I happen to like doing that. My main beef with Lunatic+ is that the earlygame is very asset/flaw dependent, if you want to take a Def flaw through there for whatever reason (showing off on Streetpass, I've done it before) then it becomes a lot more painful.
  7. I've been working on them for a while now, though I'm nowhere near done (all 1st gen same gender supports done except Avatar-F, all of Chrom's (and Lucina's parent/sibling A's), and Sumia has A with all her possible husbands and Nowi and Miriel are more than halfway there (for using the quicksave -> load old file method). A couple of random S supports scattered about as well, mostly for the children. If I can be bothered, I'll get them all on my other copy of the game as well (I already have 199,998 Renown, might as well go all the way).
  8. Apologies for the double post, but I've got another question: under what conditions will enemy AI prioritize attacking a unit with higher Def/Res than a unit with lower Def/Res?
  9. Doubling: depends on your pairup/skills. DF has 41 Spd, so your Spd will normally be 41(base) +4(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +8(Dark Flier support) +2(tonic) =75, exactly enough to double the fastest enemy in the game. Sumia!Lucina has 5 Spd, Olivia!Lucina has 3 Spd, so your Morgan will have 2 more Spd if you go Sumia!Lucina. Sumia also has fewer other pairing options and Cynthia arguably gets more from Chrom than Inigo does (Aether). Olivia!Lucina won't get Tomefaire (which is OK), but she will get Assassin if you want to have her be physical instead. Honestly though, the two Lucinas are pretty much tied as they all get what makes Lucina so good: DS+.
  10. All major plot bosses can't be skipped normally. That would include Gangrel, Yen'fay, Walhart, Validar, and the final boss.
  11. I usually use Sniper, but keep in mind that Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan is so fast/skilled that you can use a slower, stronger class like Wyvern without feeling the flaws anywhere nearly as heavily as other units.
  12. No. All the hits from Astra count as one attack to the DS, so you only attack once (twice with a Brave).
  13. All the hits of Astra/Aether count as one attack for DG/DS purposes, so if you proc a DG then it blocks all five hits. That's dangerously close to a necrobump.
  14. The capital of Plegia is called Plegia Castle. The capital of Valm has no name. The capital of Ferox isn't even mentioned. Way to go creating a believable world.
  15. I'd advise +Spd/-Def for those classes, and using Sumia!Lucina. Out of those four Hero and Assassin are the best, SMs kind of stink. However, asset/flaw makes an absurd difference in Lunatic+ earlygame, and you -will- want to grind after Cht.4 if you're using a Def flaw. Be prepared for hundreds of resets and save backup abuse to clear the first few chapters. Save backup: when you have a digital copy, on the 3ds menu there is an option to backup your save data. You can create as many backups as you want, and restore them from the data management menu under System Settings. Nintendo put it there because save data on digital copies has occasionally been volatile and been corrupted/disappeared, so I'd say using it is safer than not using it. To abuse it, what you'd do is go partway through a chapter, bookmark, return to the 3ds menu and do a backup, then reload your bookmark and if you die, restore the save backup and reload the bookmark again. Do note that the RNG seed is fixed so if you reload a bookmark and do exactly the same thing, you'll get exactly the same result, so it's not like you can use it to get perfect levelups.
  16. Chrom!Morgan inherits RK no matter what, it's not possible for him to get Aether. The only Morgans that can get Aether are 3rd gen Morgans parented by one of Chrom's daughters, so she's always female. You can take much higher quality screenshots using Miiverse if you want. It also looks like your level data for post Cht.1 didn't update properly (the only thing that changed was your weapon ranks).
  17. Breaking weapons is when you stand there for 100 turns and wait until all the enemies attacking you break their weapons. Training weaklings = training anyone not named Avatar after cht.3 (he's pretty weak too up until then). Cht.16 is honestly overrated as long as you know when the reinforcements come. There are just two waves of reinforcements, one of which appears all in one place while the other is just a few Falcos. The Falcos are really spread out, too, so they won't mob you, and all of your fragile units can just hide behind someone else when they show up.
  18. EXP decay is very fast. You get less than a level even with Veteran from the boss of Cht.1, and that's before you start getting pinched by ILs.
  19. There are plenty of characters in FE who wear disguises, and even ones who disguise themselves as other characters from the series (Lucina, Xane, whatever the Navarre/Shannon imposters were called). FE is secretly KH in disguise...
  20. 3rd gen stats matter less than the lack of a pairing imbalance that Nowi/Aversa cause. They're nice, but if it was just them on the line 2nd gen vs 3rd gen would be a lot more debatable.
  21. Well, the Water Trick, which feeds every enemy in Prologue except two Myrmidons to Avatar with very high reliability even in Lunatic+, for one. Also breaking weapons, either to train weaklings or get mounds of staff exp. Also skipping half the game with Galeforce/Rescue/Braves (after Cht.12, only Cht.23 and 24 are Route). Resetting for good levelups, Olivia dance spam, etc... Luring enemies to forts and smacking them over and over doesn't work on Lunatic(+) because of exp decay- stuff gives less damage exp every time you hit it, until you get none per strike. Wexp doesn't go up after a point either. If Nosfertanking counts as abuse, how about Sol?
  22. FYI, pretty much anything can be counted as abuse in this game, so you might want to clarify point #6. This could be interesting, I'll be watching.
  23. Gerome is destined to be a Berserker, therefore anyone who can pass him Berserker (excluding Avatar) is his ideal father. Vaike passes Berserker, Stahl doesn't. I'd say that choice is pretty clear. However, Stahl isn't that impressive with Nowi- Nah is usually a Sage with LB/TF/All+2/Mag+2/filler, unless she both gets the stuff to run physical support (Axefaire and Hero, usually) and marries a physical Inigo, and Stahl offers her neither more mods nor anything worth putting in that filler slot (Skl+2 from Virion or Anathema from Henry are nice). If you have it, Nah is one of the few characters who can run Armsthrift in Apo, mainly because there's nothing else important to put there.
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