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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. As I may have said in the last topic, there is one quote and one alone that Awakening should be remembered for: "SEE HOW MY MUSTACHE MOVES IN THE WIND!!!" It's voiced, too. As for other voiced quotes, I like Validar's critical quote, mostly because so few people seem to realize he has one. And Cht.1's "You may call me Marth." "Really?" "No." With the voices set to Japanese, Cht.6 Grima (male Avatar, voice 2, I think) sounds like Ghirahim. Also speaking of Japanese voices, there's an enemy voice profile that's pretty common on the earlygame Barbarians that sounds hilarious.
  2. Either way, Big Lantern Ghost has dibs on "Weeheehee" since 2001.
  3. Yeah, on vanilla Lunatic you can just rescue Tiki against the top wall and have her completely guarded by just five pairs, and all the enemies will swarm the bottom pair. Pass prevents that. Although... If you had enough strong pairs, you might be able to clog up all the spaces from which Tiki can be attacked, thwarting Pass. It still will take a lot of luck and strong units, but might be doable nonetheless. Let me guess: Rescue and Galeforce? Since every other map bar Apo can be done entirely reasonably without those, I'd say my statement of requiring the second most offense in the game to beat still holds true (offense being mobility and kills/turn).
  4. When was that localized? Awakening's DLC, or earlier?
  5. Any time someone uses words like ideal and best, I assume minmax. If you merely want something that works, just pair for aesthetics, but that wasn't the impression I got from the OP.
  6. ...I don't remember either of their laughs, to be honest. Cervantes' quote is timeless, but he doesn't have a signature evil laugh. TTYD is what, 10 years old now? It's held up to time quite well, but the series isn't getting any younger and even though SS can be shrugged off as an isolated blunder, it's still 5 years during which no new PMs were being made.
  7. If Male Avatar marries Gen 1, he gets two children, one of which is upgraded from their normal class set to having all gender-specific skills. If Female Avatar marries Gen 1 (excluding Chrom), there's no Morgan sibling to receive Avatar's skill pool.
  8. Avatar-F goes well with pretty much any 2nd gen. She should avoid marrying Gen 1 because then you get a 2nd gen pairing imbalance without even extra skills on someone to show for it. She especially doesn't go well with Chrom because then Morgan can't marry Lucina. It's not two children vs one child (1st gen's favor), it's 7 couples vs 6 couples (2nd gen's favor). Would you really sacrifice a whole entire pair just to get a few extra skills on someone that they can be perfectly fine without?
  9. Unfortunately, PM has taken a turn for the worse recently. Thinking about PM, one of the big sources of it's charm are the unique villain laughs. BUH! BUH! BUH HUH HUH! FE could do with some villains that can be recognized two console generations away by their laughs alone. I wouldn't exactly call Sonic '06 dull, no. It's not that straightforward either. It is, however, very, very bad.
  10. Routing is usually done on Lunatic(+) for more exp, especially early chapters, but there are only two Route chapters (23 and 24) after... Cht.12, I think, meaning once you get the means to survive those chapters you can just gale through half the game. Cht.21 is pretty hard to do in one turn, but it's still doable if you're planning ahead for it and have more than one staffbot (or Pass. Pass wrecks that chapter). That reminds me, Tiki's paralogue on Lunatic+ (not vanilla Lunatic) has probably the heaviest offense requirements in the game outside of Apo thanks to Pass and no EP, and is legitimately no joke on nogrind.
  11. I think the key bit there was "compared to other Nintendo games". Go ahead and look at every other series which Nintendo seems to consider in it's "main cast" (hint: anything that's made it into SSB) and FE actually turns up near the top of the list for story. It may not be a masterpiece, but it's a lot better than plumbers saving princesses, gorillas vs vikings, and kids running around beating up incompetent crime syndicates.
  12. Well, technically this isn't true. There are several other ways to get a Sage to 100% DS: give them a Sniper support instead of Sage, use a Surge, sacrifice Vantage or Vengeance for Defender, have the support equip Mjolnir, and so on. Out of all those, I find the Sniper to be the most palatable (it also lets you use Morgan elsewhere, Lon'qu!Laurent@Sage (LB/V/V/All+2/TF) x Virion!Severa@Sniper (LB/All+2/Skl+2/GF/BF), but it's still not optimal.
  13. Brady's paralogue is Kill Boss, and the boss starts fairly close to you. If you care about saving the villagers more than getting exp, just leave someone in his range on EP 1 who can kill him, he'll move first, end chapter. DLC isn't necessary for Inigo if you promote him instantly, use Special Dance and give him a Levin with an optional light forge. I usually have him and the rest of my flunkies take the bottom (at least two kills) and send Morgan/Avatar to take the fliers on the top, then use Morgan/Avatar to distract half the force that comes out the gate to the north while everyone else fights the others while retreating south (having Rescue on hand is really useful). If Morgan/Avatar finish in time, they can come back down and bag a kill to help out on the bottom. There are several goons left inside the gate who are fairly easy to feed to Inigo if you set up a Pass filter and have an Elixir on hand (or Lucina is strong enough to tank with Parallel Falchion for healing). He can also have the boss if you watch your damage and set it up properly.
  14. Oh, it's very possible if you're stubborn and use your resources right. And get a little lucky with Anna/can streetpass yourself. Basically, before Par.1 sell the Supreme Emblem (or something else really valuable) and buy a huge amount of Heal staves, along with a Master Seal from Anna, have your Avatar as overleveled as possible (with plenty of Spd/Lck and at least a B with Chrom, preferably A). In Par.1, use Avatar x Chrom to distract as many enemies as you can (unequipped, you don't want them to die), kill the ones who won't cooperate with Fred, Miriel, Sumia, anyone, and have Donnel x Lon'qu (with Spd boosters if needbe) tank a ton of hits to give Lissa staff exp. Keep breaking weapons until she reaches 10 or 15 Sage, I usually go for 15. There should be enough weapons, if there aren't don't sweat it. Grab the treasure, feed the enemies to whoever wants them, and exit. Do the same thing for Maribelle, Lissa can reclass to DF immediately after rescuing her. Maribelle should go Valkyrie -> DF. There's a nice little island on Par.2 you can use to stay safe and tank Archers, this paralogue requires more patience than the last one. Once both of them are Dark Fliers, they're probably strong enough to take a couple of squads of Risen for exp, and even if not there's still plenty of chapters for them to train in. The reason I chose to use the Paralogues for exp farming is that you don't get rushed at the start of Par.1 and Par.2 has a very good turtling spot. You can use Marth's Falchion in Cht.4 for infinite damage to heal, but it's a lot trickier to set up. Olivia is a lot harder if you want to get Inigo early (and pass Lucina Galeforce, which I usually do). She goes to Lv.30 with dances in Cht.11, ideally you should have a tanky Sorc with Mire on hand to kill the thief and then distract the enemies. Olivia is a good candidate for the Naga's Tear and Dracoshield if you still have them. For Cht.12, forge her a Beastkiller with +5 mt (use an Arms Scroll if you need it), and have her clear out the bottom LHS pocket with Chrom before retreating. Have Avatar and another tanky unit hold the choke immediately above where you start off, don't be afraid to break weapons and if you have any Rescue to spare you can let Olivia Rescuebomb the ranged units behind the choke, particularly the Bow Knights. If you're careful, Olivia can get all the kills on this map. For Cht.13, others will need to help due to the amount of Bows, but Olivia should be almost Lv.15 and you have at least two Galeforce units to kill the Warriors/Snipers with. All this works on Lunatic+ as well, but Cht.12 gets pretty hairy.
  15. No need to also use Ingis to up the proc rate, it's already 100%. If you get a Morgan with Aether instead, you can stack Aether+Luna (and a Brave weapon) and not only get a higher average damage output per hit, but twice as many hits. Also, since Morgan should always be using LB/Agg/GF outside of runs where they're banned (but you need LB for this), you only have two slots for procstack, which are currently being taken up by RK and Luna. This is also why RK/Aether/Luna on Lucina isn't advised, she's already running LB/GF/DS+ and doesn't have room for a third proc.
  16. There's an entire thread floating around for Lunatic(+) discussion, but how lategame Lunatic turns out is pretty much entirely based on how good your resource management is earlygame. Either way, playing with more than ~6 units is pretty challenging (though also a good deal of fun).
  17. GKs are worth using for supports for three reasons: all of their weaknesses except Skl don't matter back there, they're the strongest Sword using class, and Frederick in Lunatic(+). I still don't like them (partially because of the design, but Generals don't exactly have that in their favor either).
  18. Fortunately, Anna is still vulnerable to Longbows, Vantage and Avo stack. As long as you run your calculations beforehand, she can be taken with no risk (though failsafes are still useful to compensate for human error, I'm guilty of underestimating Vengeance in Normal Apo many times and being saved by random misses and DGs). Lancebreaker is usually sufficient for fully optimized runs, but when you start taking away major statboosts you need to go all the way with other +Avo skills including DS+ and Charm.
  19. Counter does nothing on Apo, and outside of Lunatic+ maingame you're doing something wrong if you let your Snipers take an EP at 1 range (with some exceptions if you really, really know what you're doing, but in most of those cases Counter won't help anyway). Axefaire is usually the defacto pass to females if you have it, I'm somewhat fond of Wrath though it's hard to use well, and Despoil is useful for grinding when you have nothing better to pass.
  20. On the contrary, the people who dislike the story tend to like it less after paying attention to it and noticing all the flaws. It's not half bad if you simply accept whatever the game throws you without questioning why it's happening and whether it makes sense.
  21. Adding to that even further, adding 5 damage per foe spread out over ten foes is a lot more useful than adding 50 damage randomly to one of them. Hence why thresholds and perfect reliability are so important.
  22. It should, but I'm trying to get some stuff 100% consistent in Apo and need to be sure. Thrones give +30 Avo, right?
  23. I never said anything about Chrom's class. Nightmare Sniper can be killed using your own Vantage, one range attacks (he lacks Pass so you can box him in), or even Avo stacking (he only has 244 Hit). No need to do it entirely through Longbows. Vantage+ cannot counter your own Vantage, and it also doesn't do much if you're using Avo stacking. There are, as a matter of fact, exactly zero enemies in Apo that have Hawkeye/Vantage+ combos.
  24. Pokemon battles are 6v6, FE battles are ~10v50. You don't have HP to trade with, any 1 for 1 is obviously not in your favor. Stealth Rock also doesn't sap your HP every time it hurts your foe. Anything lacking Dragonskin will automatically die in one hit to a properly equipped pair, it's why Streetpass is so futile. Your units are so powerful, you don't even need chip damage for anything except the stuff on Secret Apo's throne in extreme challenge runs. For an extra 10% Luna to be worth -5 atk, Luna would need to boost your atk by an average of five per hit with 10% activation. Assuming one attack out of ten procs, your Luna procs would have to boost your damage by 50, implying fighting foes with 100 Def, which never happens. Ever. It also means Brady would have to be upfront all the time as Luna (and thus RK) does nothing in the back, which locks him out of marrying a Galeforce user, forcing you to use Brady x Nah. That is very not worth it. Miracle is bad based on the principle that if it fails, you die. As in, Game Over. That's not an acceptable risk to take in normal gameplay, whether you have a 75% activation rate or a 99% activation rate, because there are always 100% alternatives. Not to mention that it wastes a skillslot you could have used to kill the enemy before they attacked you.
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