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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. EXP gain doesn't need to be lower in general, strong units need to get less exp and give more exp. If a unit who is leveled around where they should be in the game gets a kill, they should get a normal amount of exp (~20-30), and a unit even a few levels (5 or so) above where they should be should be down to 10, and it should drop from there all the way to 1 if a unit is much stronger than they should be. However, enemy's EXP scales just as fast, so if you bench a unit who's getting 5 exp per kill (Frederick, for example) for 2-3 chapters, it'll be right back up to normal, and if your weaker or underleveled units make a kill, they'll get very large amounts of exp and can catch up easily, provided you can give them kills that don't get them killed on EP (the other problem of zerg rushes). As for grinding later, there are three ways to fix it so it's not impossible under those rules (grinding is already fairly tedious as-is): -Make Paragon halve or remove the effect of a unit's IL on EXP gain. -Make postgame enemies give enough EXP to be useful even when your IL is capped. -Scale the DLC maps so no grinding is needed. It would be, if the game were more designed around taking sieges, but as-is you have limited strategies for actually dealing with rushes, which mainly involve throwing your strongest dude out there and letting him/her mop everyone up. Since enemies target the weakest unit in their range, if you try to maximize the damage you cause on Player Phase by using all your units, the enemy will just swarm your weakest unit in range and unless they can take the whole thing, they die. They could be safe if they're out of range, eg you defeat an entire pocket of enemies, but with the rushes enemies are packed too close together to do that.
  2. The game gives way too much exp to high leveled units, and enemy's exp doesn't increase with their power as fast as it should, which makes the game far too friendly to overleveled units.
  3. Thieves are fast, Wyverns are slow. Earlygame when Wyvern Panne is Axelocked she won't have WTA, but Thief Panne will almost always have it. Wyvern Panne is a boss, but she isn't dodgier than Thief early on.
  4. Rushes: the main problem I have against them is that they combines with the broken exp formula to make the game much harder for every extra unit you train.
  5. So use +Spd instead of +Mag. And I'll thank you not to put words in my mouth, because I do happen to care about that chance. If you're using an Einherjar, the availability point becomes moot (unless you don't like Sorcs because of the way they look, which is a perfectly valid criticism) because they have all classes.
  6. I'm not trying to prove that anyone's strategy doesn't work, I'm showing that there's a better way to do things. But if it really bothers you that much, just swap Vantage for Patience and use an Einherjar.
  7. Yes, I am assuming maxed everything on the one character who is most likely to be maxed first, but if you aren't to the point of having a maxed Avatar yet why are you farming LB? Maxed characters don't struggle against normal enemies, but green units do. Any time there's an allied army (that you actually care about protecting), it takes a little more than EP spam to do so. 57 Mag and Bolganone+ are annoying, but the main problem with Lilina is that she has both Tomebreaker and Luna, and if she procs Luna and hits followed by a missed AN, you're put in a very bad situation.
  8. None of the other Snipers have Hawkeye so they don't matter. In fact, lacking rallies Leif tinks NS so the main point of the pair is to kill all the mooks over four EPs so that you can surround the boss and poke him to death (he lacks Pass). In Anna's case, the set is more there for getting her to pull out the Brave Lance safely (hold a Bow so she goes 1-range) after the Berserkers are dead, which opens up a lot of options for killing her safely over the traditional Longbows+VV.
  9. Difficulty mode has almost no effect on Apo. Einherjar are more about quantity than strategy because all of them have all classes, normal mods and no supports, meaning you don't have to worry as much about setup but more about how you use them (you do get 19 to play with). The only Einherjar pairing that actually does something noteworthy is DLC!Leif and DLC!Elincia. Leif is an Assassin with LB, Underdog, Avo+10, Bowbreaker and Lancebreaker and Elincia is a Swordmaster with LB, Charm, Demoiselle, DS+ and filler, and together Leif can reduce both Anna and the Nightmare Sniper to 0% listed hit without Rallies, which can be surprisingly useful.
  10. Some numbers for RaR3 (Lunatic): Sorc Avatar, +Mag/-Def (LB/SB/AT/V/V), and Chrom@GL (Charm/anything), at least an A support. Jaffar has 52 Skl, 28 Lck and a Killing Edge+, or 192 Hit. Avatar has 40(base) +2(mods) +9(Chrom) +10(LB) +2(tonic) =63 Spd and 45(base) -1(mods) +9(Chrom) +10(LB) +2(tonic) =65 Lck, or 127 base Avo. Add 10 from Chrom, 5 from Chrom's charm, and 50 from LB, and you have exactly 192 Avo against Jaffar. Lethality can't kill you if it can't hit you, so Jaffar isn't a problem at all. Damaging the Vantage unit: no need for that. On a Nostank, you're just going to heal right out of it. Vantage is merely there as a safeguard in case you end a fight under half HP (pretty much only caused by a miss) so that you can heal up before taking the next hit, and possibly score an OHKO with Vengeance. The setup will probably work just as well without it if you want to run Res+10, Hit+20 or another breaker or something instead (mainly looking at Lilina here, who is honestly more threatening than Jaffar and Linus put together).
  11. I'm pretty sure he means flat out no pairing up. If you can get someone all the way to S without pairup, then children should be fine, but no pairup stat boosts. Clearing Lunatic+ with no pairup whatsoever would require a bit too much luck, I think. Off the top of my head, the most feasible strat would be a true Chrom solo barring Cht.6. You'd just let all the recruits die rather than protecting them (bar Avatar, who can fend for him/herself or hide anywhere there's a force deploy), which would completely solve the problem of protecting squishies. Once Aether is available, it can be used for healing during EP with low reliability.
  12. I prefer to think of it as 75 Spd, because that's what it is- taking specific boosts for granted is a great way to make your numbers confusing and prone to errors.
  13. Sage/Assassin when serious, Wyvern for goofing around.
  14. Wave 0 is only a problem if you're trying to clear it with absurdly low numbers of units. Remember, impossible and unlikely are completely different things, even though your DS rates aren't super high they still occur, fairly regularly if you only need one or so over four attacks.
  15. -1 Spd isn't "ruined" on a unit whose stats are more suited to being a support. I'd say Walhart is fine. Donnel is very no. Another thing about Nos vs Sol: Sol can be used on offensive units. Sure, it interferes with the chance of getting a proc, but it works in tandem with Braves and doesn't require a low Spd/Skl class (or a rare skill) to use, as well as on 8-mov units. It also has much better distribution. Even though it's not 100% reliable, every successful proc can open up new options to deal with other times the RNG doesn't go your way, which is the whole point of a strategy game.
  16. Outside of challenge runs, earlygame Lunatic(+) and nogrind Lunatic+, if you have a chance of death at all then you have a flaw in your strategy. Whether or not you have self-healing doesn't change this, it only becomes important if you're too lazy to Rescuebomb/Gale down every single threat (mostly postgame) and lack a tank who can take an EP with defenses alone (mostly ingame). Admittedly, it is very nice to simply spam Start for RaR3, but this still isn't necessary, and honestly the time you waste from Avatar's Sol failing and causing deaths is going to be very small since the map is pretty insignificant when minmaxing a whole team. (and it may not even happen at all, you only need so many LBs).
  17. Cervantes is the one true answer. ...Wait, what? Why isn't he winning? Poll is obviously rigged. Humph.
  18. I'm on my 3ds right now and can't link, but there's a character maximum stats page complete with a gen 2 mod calculator on the SF mainsite in the FE13 section. Hero is a decent physical fallback that can lead better in Morgan's case, they've got nice Skl and give +Skl/Spd boosts. Gerome still won't get a Faire though. Apo says otherwise.
  19. Do you have any idea how to use Nah? There are three girls that can inherit Peg from their fathers: Nah, Noire, and Kjelle. Gaius!Noire has both Galeforce/Luna and VV, Donnel!Kjelle has Gale/Luna, Nah can't get a reliable proc from either and is thus the least important candidate for Galeforce. She can't do VV either because there are no DM/Myrm dads, so her only option is hard support, where the only things that matter are atk and Skl. Nah already has Sage, so she just needs mods to go magical, for physical she needs mods and a good class (Hero). Vaike and Gregor supply the latter. However, Nah must marry a Galeboy to be useful. Morgan is out because Lucina has priority on him, and Owain and Brady are magical so they don't want a physical support. That leavs Inigo, who can be physical or magical dependng on his dad, just like Nah. Since magic gives range 2 Braves and enemies have lower Res in general, magical is usually the superior option. For magical Nah's mods, Virion, king of class overlap is actually superior here- he gives +2 Skl in addition to Archer, so Nah can use LB/TF/All+2/Mag+2/Skl+2. As for that other stuff, Lethality and Counter do nothing in Apo and not much else outside of specific challenge runs, and Dragonstone+'s are both buyable from shops and unforgeable, making them the cheapest fully powered weapon in the game sans Regalia (which require grinding and sell for nothing), Beaststones and Mire.
  20. Looking at some of Awakening's merchandise, the game itself was probably at the lower end of the price scale.
  21. If you want a true derp run, try playing Normal/Cla Ironman with the bottom screen covered and a Def flaw. Virion is one of Nowi's better husbands, believe it or not.
  22. 1. Not really, Wyverns are slow and Fred!Gerome is even slower, and he has neither Axefaire nor Lancefaire. Gerome really needs a father that passes Barbarian, because Berserker is the best physical support class and he doesn't get it naturally (that would be Vaike, Gregor and Henry). 2. Gerome doesn't care for Bride's pairup boosts, their main niche is a +Mag support that uses Bows. She'd do better as a Hero, perhaps. 3. Mods are 5/-2/2/-2/0/9/1. Make him a support Berserker to make use of that Str and mask his Spd shortcomings. 4. Owain doesn't have any ideal physical sets, he should always be magical. Ricken and Libra are his preferred magical fathers. Anything works in L+ if you grind, if you don't grind then Gen1 is usually easier. L+ doesn't change postgame except for FP3, so if you only care about that it doesn't matter.
  23. There is... technically. There's one square open between the top left corner of the central structure and the wall around it that has no range 1 facings and 2 range 2 facings, and with a Shadowgift DF or Galeforce (to remove weapons and limit EP battles to two per turn) you can tank it from there. I think Ringabel was asking if VV matters, not for pairing advice. And no, it really doesn't, it's mainly important when doing Apo challenge runs starting with no LB.
  24. Troubadours promote into War Clerics in Awakening, you know. One that's very specifically set up to do so, usually involving recruiting progressively stronger Einherjar to beat the next team. That's generally more trouble than it's worth, though.
  25. Awakening's caps are enormous compared to the series standard. In Tellius anything above 40 is very rare (possibly enemy and Laguz-only), and in all the other games 20-30 is the norm.
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