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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Physical copy: empty (whatever I want), Hard/Cas (supports/messing around), Lunatic+ Cla (that old Lunatic New Year's challenge on Tumblr). Quicksave slots are being used for a save in front of Cervantes for whenever I want to hear that quote, and supports. Digital copy: Lunatic+ Cla (main file), Normal/Cas (supports/training Einherjar), Lunatic+ Cla (Streetpass). Quicksave slots are both being used for supports.
  2. Oh, yes... For some reason I really love that lance (Camus version). I actually spent around 20 hours last summer trying to recreate it in 3ds Max.
  3. If thinking on your toes counts as a specific playstyle, then yes it does. And I'd call that a good thing.
  4. There's also a Beastkiller in the bonus box, if you need another. If you forge it, one-shotting becomes a breeze.
  5. Are you referring to the one in Camus's official artwork? Well, there are only so many synonyms for "everything"...
  6. If doubling the price tag of the game doubles it's replay value, I call it a good deal, and DLC more than tripled Awakening's replay value for me by the time they finished releasing it, I have no idea how much extra time I've gotten out of it since then. If you want to talk about a shameless cash grab, look at the OST which also costs more than the game itself. Why buy that when I can just listen to it in the game? Then again, this is coming from a guy who poured 70% of his 2013 gaming budget into FE13 and it's regalia...
  7. Donnel!Kjelle has +1 Str and -1 Mag. That difference will only matter if you have a specific threshold you want her to pass, and if you're so desperate for an extra point of damage it would be far easier to rework your strategy to have someone else do it (Donnel!Kjelle has the lowest net 2nd gen offensive mods in the game barring some derpy Avatar pairings, other Kjelles and Frederick/Gaius!Cynthia). Ergo, Kjelle can be a Valkyrie if she wants. She doesn't want to though, mostly because she's one of the better candidates for Bride and their pairup bonus is fun to play around with (+Mag/Spd with physical attacks).
  8. Lunatic+ challenge runs. Actually, challenge runs in general.
  9. So Rallybots should always be in promoted classes meaning they'll have 80 HP, 85 if you bother to tonic them. Since they lack LB and probably Rally, their defenses won't be that good, meaning the bulk of any attacks they take is going straight for their HP. They'll typically be 2/3HKOed, and Morgan's mods aren't likely to make a significant difference.
  10. Donnel gives Merc too. All three of Donnel, Vaike and Gregor do, so it's not really that much of a consideration. GF does nothing if you can't KO. That's normally not a problem, but there are situations (mostly Apo challenge runs) when it can be quite difficult/unreliable. If we're going to nominate absolute best skills, DS+ far outranks GF, and Vengeance (100% reliable +42 atk, more than limit/agg/rally combined) is pretty high up there. Not to say GF is a bad skill, it's great, I just don't think it's the best. I find its main draw to be doubling your movement. No amount of sweeping power will give you more turns in the timed sections of Apo, and with so much ground to cover in the last two maps it's kind of handy.
  11. Morgan is not the best Rallybot, DLC characters are. The have access to just as man rallies as Morgan does, but they can get logboots and don't waste the potential of your best unit.
  12. If you're having trouble on Cht.3, it's probably because your Avatar isn't strong enough. Interceptor will likely tell you the same, he/she really wants all the exp from Cht.2 as well for Cht.3. If you're going to recommend an optimal team for Lunatic+ that includes DLC, why aren't all of your units capped with LB?
  13. Falchion wasn't the only legendary weapon to get a redesign (especially Tyrfing and Armads) so I'd chalk it up to artstyle choice and throwing in an excuse at the last minute. At least the game says something about it, even if it doesn't make sense it's better than a whole lot of nothing.
  14. Different rallies stack, same rallies don't. If you use Rally Spectrum once and Rally Skl twice, for example, you'll get +8 Skl. The highest rally boosts you can get are +14 Lck, +2 Mov and +10 everything else, from all 10 rallies.
  15. Dunno what mode you're on, but in Lunatic Cht.19 they're: End of turn 4: top and upper middle forts End of turn 5: upper middle and lower middle End of turn 6: lower middle and bottom End of turn 7: bottom and top End of turn 8: all forts That's all from my own attempts to record all the enemy data, I don't have a guide to link to.
  16. Paralogues aren't available throughout the entire game though, they only become available after a certain chapter. Why introduce them at a point where they'd be disruptive to the plot if played immediately when you could introduce them at a point that would be much less so with no extra effort? The post-Cht.9 paralogue is arguably at the place where it's most disruptive if played immediately. Hardly matters? True, Awakening has scores of bigger problems, but it still bugs me and therefore I consider it a problem.
  17. The best fathers are Chrom or nobody. Lunatic is easiest when lowmanned, and those children (especially Inigo) aren't really worth getting. Well, Laurent would be if you could reclass him to DM, but you can't. I tried a run like this a while ago, and all you need to do is marry Avatar to Tharja or Nowi (for Morgan's starting class) and watch the challenge turn to dust before your eyes. Virion could be good on Lunatic+ if he got some really nice levelups at the start, but isn't worth it on Lunatic because there's no Counter to dodge.
  18. Kjelle already gets Knight, and Secret Apo (specifically NS) will smoosh your supposedly unbreakable wall into guacamole. So will bad RNG, and I don't like to trust the RNG unless there really is no 100% option. Gradivus > Gungnir. Range-1 non-braves rarely have utility, and Gungnir isn't one of those cases.
  19. Aside from everything, I'd like all of Lucina's future to be playable. And of course, it would elaborate on everything... There also need to be more canon ties to the rest of the series.
  20. http://serenesforest.net/fe13/double.html It's pretty useful stuff. I'd strongly advise not fighting the Risen unless you really know what you're doing and/or are using DLC, moreso on Lunatic+. Once they promote, you can't simply stand there and expect to win.
  21. Really? +Spd is probably the second best asset after Def, as long as you don't have a Def flaw... Hammertime in Cht.1 has absolutely nothing on a trained Avatar. His hitrates are usually less than 50% without Hawkeye while on a fort with Frederick, and he barely does any damage without Luna+. Asset/flaw don't change your pairup boosts. If they make you hit 10 in a stat earlier, then you'll give 1 more in that stat, but all your important stats should be above that already without a specific asset for Cht.2/3. Even then, Avatar shouldn't be in the back.
  22. In the intro, he tries to control some Risen, that's all. However, this line from his battle quote with Chrom: "Defeat is death, and I must rise again!" Means that he probably considers himself dead because his conquest is and he and his conquest are one, but isn't physically deceased. If you want the original JP text, look no further than the first post.
  23. FP1, Tharja talking to Noire: Noire Really? You'd do that? Oh, thank you! *Sob* Mother... Tharja Tears? Really? What am I supposed to...?
  24. Assuming you still want to hit 75 Spd with Dread Fighter, you'll need a class that gives at least +3 Spd- For Sumia!Lucina, that could be Falcon Knight, Dark Flier (using lances), Bow Knight, or Great Lord. Falco and GL are probably the best for your purposes, but magic is pretty much just better than physical so you might want to stick with Dark Flier and tomes (none of those classes boost your Str). Bow Knight may sound good, but they have the lowest total caps of any promoted class in the game and I don't recommend using them for anything except nogrind Lunatic+ earlygame.
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