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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Vantage will get Severa killed because she can't S with Chrom or Lucina, DSp+ is for hard supports like Gerome and sometimes Laurent, and it's better to let staffbots keep you healthy (in Apo, at least) than it is to waste valuable skillslots on your combat units for self-healing. Swordfaire is a legitimately useful skill she could pick up from Gregor, but she'd primarily use it for Hero and Lon'qu/Vaike!Severa's Heroes are probably better (Lon'qu's can take a Warrior support, Vaike's is really strong and has Luna as an alternate proc). Laurent is Gregor's one true child. He's also a decent backup parent for Nah, Gerome and Yarne. Some people also put him on Brady for AT and no class overlap, which is nice for non-Apo postgame and casual play.
  2. If you mean an OHKO, then that would require a crit, and getting that to 100% (for no RNG) isn't going to be doable alongside the amount of Atk it would require. It's barely possible for the 55 Lck, non-Aegis+ mooks as-is. If you mean simply killing him in one round of combat, though... That's possible. In order to do it, I'll want to use a somewhat inconvenient and thus not too common trick: giving the pairup to the unit in back, and then fighting adjacent to them to keep their DSes but give them pairup's stat boosts instead. Thanks to Rally not being banned, I can still get enough Skl for 100% DS with relative ease, and I don't care about Spd. It might be possible without, but I've spent long enough on this already and am not in the mood to find out (with doubling it should be fairly easy, but I don't know if you'd count irrelevant DGs as RNG). Lead with +Str/-Res Robin!Lucina@Hero. She'll use a +5/15 Brave Sword, and have DSt+/Hit+20/Prescience/SF/Vengeance. She won't have a support, but she will be adjacent to Sage Ricken!Laurent with a +5/15 Celica's Gale (you get one from Renown, no DLC required, free or otherwise) and TF/Mag+2/Hit+20/Defender/Skl+2. Laurent himself will have an A Sage support. Note that the -Res flaw is to avoid lowering Lck and thus Hit: Res lowers Res/Mag/Spd, none of which we care about here. Lucina's Atk (no Vengeance): 42(base) +6(mods) +8(Rally) +5(SF) +2(tonic) +18(B.Swd/WRB/WTA) =81 Laurent's Atk: 46(base) +6(mods) +8(Rally) +9(Sage support) +5(TF) +2(Mag+2) +1(Defender) +2(tonic) +2(S.Dance) +11(Celica's/WRB) =92 As for Skl: Lucina has 46(base) +6(mods) +8(Rally) +2(tonic) =62 Laurent: 43(base) +2(mods) +8(Rally) +7(pairup) +1(Defender) +2(Skl+2) +2(tonic) =65 Together they have 127 combined Skl, which gives 100% DS along with DSt+. Lucina also has >50 Skl, which ensures 100% Vengeance. But we also need to look at their Lck to ensure their hitrates are at 100% (Thronie has 148 Avo, dunno why you listed things like Helswath's range but not that). Lucina: 45(base) +2(mods) +12(Rallies) +2(tonic) =61 Laurent: 45(base) +2(mods) +3(pairup) +12(Rallies) +2(tonic) =63 Lucina's Hit: 123(base) +95(B.Swd) +15(WTA) +20(Hit+20) +15(Prescience) +15(Laurent adjacency bonus) +30(Hex/Anathema/Charm bot) =295 Laurent's Hit: 129(base) +100(Celica's/WRB) +20(Hit+20) +30(Hex/Anathema/Charm bot) =279 (I don't think Laurent gets Adjacency bonuses, but they don't matter anyway). Both of them are in the clear by a country mile. Now on to damage. So the team will do 7+17+17+7+17+17 (they're not doubling, so only one round). That's 82 damage, meaning 17 needs to come from Vengeance. That's normally easy, since it has to happen over two hits, but Lucina will be taking Counter damage and won't be getting the final hit, so it's a bit harder to calculate. At her strongest, Lucina's final hit will leave her at 1 HP (out of 85). If Lucina goes in with 23 HP remaining, she'll have a +31 Vengeance boost, translating to +16 Atk through Dragonskin and exactly 23 damage taken, so she needs at least 24 HP going into the second hit to survive. This will have her dealing only 22 damage, though, but it's still going to be enough. So if she wants to end the first hit at 24 HP... 42 HP will give a +21 Vengeance boost, which will yield 17 damage. That leaves her at 24 HP, as desired. Ultimately, the team will be doing 17+17+17+22+17+17 =107. There's your KO and some to spare, with no RNG involved.
  3. What will she do with Myrmadon and Troubadour, though?
  4. Definitely don't do it in any chapter with reinforcements, you sometimes already miss checking them for Counter for a turn or two and have had at least one close shave where you were saved by a lucky miss while I was watching. Cht.8 might be safe to try it on, though. The terrain works enough in your favor that you should be able to get away with going fast.
  5. You could probably do it with that team but I'd definitely change up the classes. They look like they're set up for 75 Spd more or less across the board, and the moment you start taking challenges that restrict your stats all those sets break. You'll need to shoot several thresholds down- 69 Spd on your best only if using rallies, 60 on your best if not. You'll also want to bring a lot more Snipers since getting attacked by Anna won't be safe (assuming no DLC/Rally). Doing No Braves instead tends to focus more on your tactics instead of your team because you have to play more carefully, not count on GF activating etc. It doesn't change your stats (and in some cases boosts them) so all the normal class sets work just as well (though Sniper and anything with strong Levins get a bit better by comparison).
  6. With the exception of Yarne Snipers are usually leads, since the whole point of using them is high proc rates and Longbows, neither of which matter in the back. Are you looking for advice or...? Sniper and Sage are both good with Chrom x Sumia's kids, though Lucina can take advantage of Sniper's strengths better than Cynthia can. Paladin is also a strong choice for both. Sage >>> Sorc for Apo on everyone, definitely do that. Donnel!Kjelle doesn't have any good options because she's not that good of a unit. But it's still one of her best ones (go Wyvern Lord with a +2 Spd support or better and no All+2, Paladin with a +0 Spd support and All+2 or a +Spd support and no All+2, or Hero with any support and no All+2). Laurent: whatever you want, he can fit any role. Usually he'll default to a hard support Sage unless you need him for something else, but he makes a fine Berserker if your team needs that instead. I'd advise pairing him with someone who can go mixed. Yep, that's what Brady will do. Make sure to pair him with a Valk or DF to make that Spd do something. Virion!Yarne is a far better Berserker than Fred!Yarne is because Hit+20 is way more useful than +2 Str. He can also be a Sniper hard support, which makes him the best DS-boosting hard support in the game (Chrom doesn't count). Stahl!Severa is just OK, not one of the best. He leaves her with a measly +3 Spd which does nothing to take advantage of her potential, and she tends to wind up being just another average lead unit. While there's nothing wrong with her aside from wasted potential, Vaike and especially Virion/Lon'qu make much better Severas. If you want a good Luna/Astra Paladin, Cynthia/Lucina and Gaius!Kjelle are at the top of the stack. Wyvern works, but Hero is generally preferred for the higher Skl (since she only has one proc) and +Spd pairup boost. If you don't care about those, General is also a possibility for higher Atk. Don't let Noire's Mag mod fool you, she doesn't have Tomefaire so her magical output will be lower than her physical output even with that shiny +3 Mag mod. She's always going to be a physical unit unless her father is Ricken or Robin, so that's what you should look at. With Gaius she'll have Swordfaire and Bowfaire; a lot of people like making her a Bride but Sniper and BK are also good options. She has a somewhat awkward +4 Spd mod, the best ways to put that to use are as a Sniper leading a Sniper x Sage pair (Laurent could be useful here), or as an Assassin and taking a +0 Spd support (usually Warrior Gerome, though Sniper Yarne is another good option). Finally she has use as a Vengeance/SF DK, which makes her fairly potent at killing the Wave 4 boss with Levin Swords. I'd advise going one of the Bow sets and using LB/BF/GF/Luna/Astra. Both Henry and Ricken will work out well with Inigo, though I'd go with Ricken personally since his options will be better (Henry just gives Inigo a proc, while Ricken gives him that, Tomefaire/Sage, DK, Paladin and Sniper). Pretty much every single one of Ricken's classes except GK Inigo can use as an ending class, actually (and GK is still wanted for Luna). He's another good option to pair with someone who can go either physical or magical. Morgan will be in a bit of trouble due to Cherche's -1/-1 Skl/Spd mods, so you'll need to figure out something to do with her. Gerome doesn't really care about those and is just happy he can be a Hit+20 Berserker. You may just want to forget about Spd on her, give her +Str or +Skl and shoot for 66 Spd as a hard-hitting Wyvern or something- a Dread Fighter (Inigo, maybe) could get her there without All+2. She'd want to use Ignis/Astra or possible Ignis/Luna as her procs, and could choose either Faire. There you go. The main hole I see in your team is that aside from Lucina/Cynthia, you have no top-tier female leads (all of Severa, Kjelle and Morgan have their potentials cut short, and while Noire can try she's not quite on par with what those three could be). This might be fine, or it might result in those two doing all the work while the rest of your team sits around being useless. Morgan isn't going to get freed up any time soon, but Severa shouldn't be too hard if you wanted her- Henry is free, and he can either bail out Lon'qu from Brady (you'll lose a speedy Sage, but since he'll probably be behind Lucina/Cynthia anyway that's not too important) or Vaike from Nah and give either of those to Severa. Virion is also available by trading Stahl to Yarne- functionally the two Yarnes are pretty much the same, though if you feel like Fred's Str is a big deal then Stahl will give all that to Yarne without costing Hit+20. So I'd strongly recommend upgrading your Severa, and then you should be good to go. As for asset/flaw, +Str or +Skl would benefit Gerome the most, and it's probably better to make Morgan good somewhere else than to patch her up where she isn't. Flaw wise, -Def is the usual standby, but if you can upgrade Morgan's support to Paladin somehow then -Res works too and lets you keep your +5 Def mod intact (it won't help on Apo, but might be nice in other maps). But keep in mind that a Paladin won't give as much Str or any Mag (for Ignis) to Morgan, and -Res will also cost her a point of Mag, so think about whether it's worth it.
  7. Sumia!Lucina's final class is pretty open due to her excellent +5 Spd mod (it's not excellent because it's relatively high, it's excellent because it breaks a lot of thresholds). Two nice options with a Berserker support are Sniper and Paladin- these are her main physical classes. DF is available as a magical alternative, though with a Sage support her Spd won't actually be put to use- she needs a Grandmaster to see a benefit from it. She can also forget about Spd and be part of a devastating Sniper x Sage pair (either side works, though she'll do better as the Sniper).
  8. I'm usually lazy about boosting my Swd rank in time for Cht.5 so Wexp is always welcome to me.
  9. Stahl!Nah is pretty nice, you won't have problems if you use her. She lacks a notable strong point like Henry/Vaike!Nah to capitalize on but has lots of lesser options to make up for it, and Morgan is a good pair for someone with versatility as their main selling point. Though keep in mind that Ricken!Owain is really slow and won't give a Morgan that does well in anything but Mag, so even with all that they won't be your best pair.
  10. There's no rule against necroing your own project threads, so don't worry about that. Nobody helped you? What did you need help with? But either way, there tend to be a lot of questions around here and if you have something you want answered, the best way, by far, to have it happen is to make more than one post. They don't have to be spam, or nagging, just something to show that you're still here and would see a response if it was made. It's not your fault you got slammed by someone whose sense of entitlement got the better of them. So long as you're hacking for fun, the fun you get from putting the thing together is what matters, and the end result and our enjoyment (or not) of it are just byproducts, be they good or bad- so keep that in mind if you do continue and focus on why you make things in the first place (hint: it's not for us). If you come back, see you around.
  11. That's true, I forgot about that. It's still misleading, though. And they could have just cut the dialogue, like they do in FP if the children die. Grima did what was necessary with the Emblem for revival before it was stolen, the Emblem itself isn't the problem. What is a problem, though, is that it was done without the Gemstones, since Basilio stole the real ones (nevermind the inconsistencies with FE3's lore, Awakening stops being defendable when you try to fit it in with past FEs).
  12. That's what I was referring to, though. You shouldn't ever be in a situation where you could counterattack, range issues or not- because it implies that the enemy will get in a shot, and that adds an element of RNG to your success. Playing properly vs Streetpass, what happens on enemy phase won't matter because there won't be an enemy phase. All that doesn't even cover the best part: Gregor!Laurent is a member of a very small pool of units/pairings that are top tier in both the main story, non-Apo postgame, and Apo (along with Stahl!Yarne, Chrom x Sumia and a handful of others), so with him you don't have to choose between being good in one place while sacrificing performance at something else. He's even got a resume of use in high-profile situations (he was a big part of Interceptor's Lunatic+ playlog, and I'm using him paired with Virion!Severa in my ultimate team). And if you just want him to do something flashy that almost nobody else can do, he has a 100% crit VV build for Apo that can OHKO any non-Aegis+ 55 Lck enemy in the map, with a 100% hit rate (and it can be modified to work in a no LB/Agg/Rally challenge run, to boot). Ingame: in both cases, it's possible the have them do a double Galeforce passdown on Lunatic(+), though Olivia's requires significantly more RNG in Cht.12 to pull off (Sumia's is tight, but fairly reliable). Inigo enjoys RK alongside AT/Sol which are easy for him to come by, and has the option of going for Aegis to top it off. Lucina doesn't see any ingame benefit from Olivia as a mother since SMs are bad, but Robin often will see a benefit from Chrom having a son, as it makes family planning easier (regardless of Robin's gender, 3rd Gen Morgan can be produced and married to the opposite sibling for three strong combat pairs out of the same family, alternately Morgan-F can marry Inigo and a potential son of Robin's can marry Lucina for 4 pairs). On the Sumia side, Chrom!Cynthia is one of the few units in the game who can make GK good (Lucina can too, but her skillset is more cramped so I prefer Paladin on her). As far as bases go, Olivia will have 45 levels on Sumia's 35, but Sumia's growths are all equal to or better than Olivia's so I don't consider it too major. Postgame: Spd modifiers are the most tangible change here (Olivia gives +3, Sumia gives +5, making Sumia one bracket up from Olivia and making her a particularly attractive candidate for a +Mag 3rd gen Morgan). A lot of people will bring up the fact that Sumia gives Tomefaire while Olivia gives Swordfaire, but it isn't actually that big of a deal because Lucina never runs a Faire anyways (LB/GF/DSt+/Aether/Luna). Cynthia and Inigo? They'll get the same ones either way, all Chrom gives is Bowfaire. Though notably, Sniper Sumia!Lucina has enough Spd to double Anna with a Berserker support, while Olivia!Lucina doesn't... The other big factor to consider is that Apo teams tend to use all of the children (they don't have to, but most people do it anyway), and Inigo has a lot more options of a lot higher quality besides Chrom than Cynthia does. Fred!Cynthia wastes her Spd, Gaius!Cynthia is great but hurts Kjelle/Noire too much, and while Henry!Cynthia is good (not great, just good), Henry is a very high-demand father too. Robin!Cynthia would be incredible but that's not likely when every child is being used, as that requires a 3rd gen Morgan. Inigo, though, will be happy with most anyone who gives Vengeance or Luna (though he doesn't care much for Kellam).
  13. Donnel!Kjelle isn't good- the only reason why you'd keep her around in an Apo team is if you think a good GF Noire is more valuable than a second Severa (sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't). Anyway, what you can do with her is settle for 69 Spd and then do the same things Gaius!Kjelle would do. As a Paladin with All+2, she can get by without a +Spd support, though she'll have to forgo a procstack due to not having room. As a Wyvern with at least a +2 support (Paladin, Hero, BK, Berserker), she can do it without All+2. As a Hero, she can do it without All+2 or a +Spd support. I'd recommend going one of those ways with her. Brady is just going to be his usual self regardless of who his dad is: Sage with LB/Agg/GF/TF/Luna. That set is tried and true, though keep in mind that with Ricken there's not much beside it he can do (Ricken only gives Brady one new base class). Unfortunately he also gives Brady no Spd, which is the one useful thing Brady actually can get from his dad, so he'll be fairly plain as a result. Still good, though.
  14. There's a time split, folks. Changing things in the player's timeline has no effect whatsoever on Lucina's timeline. If anything, the only inconsistency is that the mothers retreat instead of being killed in Classic, because their being alive or dead has no bearing on whether or not their future children exist. Them retreating doesn't cause any problems in and of itself, but it's misleading and leads to questions like these.
  15. You should definitely switch the bottom screen to Full view. Leaving it in Simplified hides your stats and gives you a misleading rating instead, which doesn't actually tell you anything about how good your unit is.
  16. This hack is called Roy's Adventure, not New Fire Emblem. Read the OP.
  17. Pretty much. Using some of those units, such as Donnel, would be begging to get your face blown up. Others, such as Brady, could be feasibly obtained, but they'd have trouble making a meaningful contribution. Severa has the highest chance of success since she'd be good once you got her, but getting Stahl off the ground takes a lot of dedication and a bit of luck, and he's not going to help you much in Cht.5 (unlike some of the other units you could be putting exp into; eg Chrom, Sumia and Miriel).
  18. EXP management: I find it beneficial to let one or two units get way ahead of the pack, then have them act as decoys, removing dangerous threats etc and generally making it easier to feed lower-level units. All in all I do better managing large teams that way than I do trying to pretend it's Pokemon and never letting anybody get more than a level ahead of the pack.
  19. Well, you might not be able to get any of them aside from Chrom x Avatar ingame, but as long as you're OK with that they should be fine.
  20. The next challenge is to bring the time down. Currently the runs are 12+ hour monstrosities which isn't very nice for the runner or the viewers, and we know there's potentially a lot of time that can be saved.
  21. It's already got some really epic music, so you might want to try it vanilla without anything else first. But if you do want to listen to something else, you should a) listen on brawlcustommusic.com because it has pretty much every game soundtrack ever and a seamlessly looping player (unlike YT), and b) turn off the music in the map options (press A when not hovering over a unit) instead of turning the volume off alltogether so you keep the sound effects. A couple of recommendations in case you really do want something different: Pursuit~Cornered (Cadenza) (Phoenix Wright) Prison Island (Xenoblade Chronicles) Wicked Flight (Bravely Default) (anything else from this game will do as well, and if I had to choose one it would be this) From the Depths (Harmony of Heroes/Metroid) Homecoming Hijinx (Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze) Solaris Phase 2 (Sonic '06) Final Destination (Brawl) Level 5-5 (Kirby's Return to Dreamland) King Bowser~Full (Super Mario Galaxy) Enjoy!
  22. I usually leave him as a bachelor. One more double Galepair isn't worth it to me. If you have to have him, Kjelle can take him better than Noire can, but she still doesn't like him (she doesn't like anyone but Gaius, actually).
  23. Since Noire is saddled with Donnel's hideous mods, Severa will be a far superior choice for Morgan.
  24. A few things you can do about this. First off, if you have LB3, put Chrom in Dread Fighter with Paragon equipped and have him tank the map on the bottom right Gate, he'll keep levelling up really fast and you can grind for Mag much faster than mere savescumming. Second, if you get any Rift Doors (easier to do if you have one of the Scramble DLCs, but still a little slow), using them on Cht.23, 24 and 25 yields a Merchant that always carries three stat boosters (or Hammerne/Arms Scrolls). This gives you a pretty good chance of getting a Spirit Dust up for sale. Finally, maxing Chrom's Mag usually doesn't do anything (except in the niche cases where you want him to be a Tome-using Dread Fighter, or to use a Levin Sword or similar). I usually don't think it's worth it outside of a file you're deliberately setting up for minmax, in which case you should plan out all your pairings ahead of time instead of trying to make the best of what you have. If you're +Spd/-Lck... They can do it, but it'll take everything you have: Morgan@Sniper: 48(base) +4(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +8(Severa support) +2(Skl+2) +2(tonic) =84 Severa@Sniper: 48(base) +4(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(Skl+2) +2(tonic) =76 That adds up to 160, but sacrificing a skillslot on both units is pretty extreme. If you had All+2 you could upgrade Skl+2 to it on both of them and get a slightly better deal, but running both All+2 and AT usually makes it hard to do anything productive with the rest of the units' skills. Not to mention that Sniper x Sniper, while good for DS purposes, is pretty restricted elsewhere because you have a 40 Spd class with no +Spd pairup and 41 Str on both your lead and support. Even with Longbows, it's not that great. So I recommend not going for it unless you're really committed to the idea.
  25. You should instead phrase it as either Parent x Parent or non-fixed parent!child, eg Avatar x Chrom or Avatar!Lucina. It'll eliminate redundancy and make it much easier to read. S supports are extremely important as they give an additional 10% Dual Strike over A. For most couples, this makes the difference between ~85% DS and ~95% DS, which reduces your number of failed DSes by more than 60%. Sol+Nos will get you curbstomped on Apo. So will VV if you don't know what you're doing. Owain and Lucina still have an S support, so you can go with them if you want. It'll be difficult to get a 100% DS pair with just a 2nd gen Morgan, unless you're willing to sacrifice a lot for it. It's not too late to fix up your team for Apo, it can be reliably done without anything that's missable in Casual. But speaking of Casual, completing Lunatic Cas will only give you Lunatic+ Cas... So you'll have to d Lunatic again on Cla if you want Lunatic+ Cla. Aggression is the only way to clear Apo, you can't beat it by turtling because three of the waves have time limits that will get you kicked out if you don't take initiative. All+2 is pretty great for patching up pairings, I'd advise it. If money for Braves is also a concern definitely look into Golden Gaffe (Braves are really good), and if you need a grinding map LB3 is exceptional. But then again, I have no idea what your budget looks like so it's your call in the end. Skill setups: you're missing Agg everywhere. +10 Atk is pretty huge when combined with Braves (a supporting male will hit up to 8 times, which means +80 damage from Agg). Sol doesn't work nicely with other procs and does very little in Apo, so I'd advise leaving it out. Aether and Astra are very strong but also unreliable so only use them on top of Ignis or Luna. Vengeance is a proc too, but never stack it with another because it already has a 100% activation rate. Lifetaker is nice but you really should use Staves for healing and save your skillslots on combat units for more offense. It doesn't interfere with procs though, in case you still want to use it. Finally, DG+ isn't very good, so don't use it if you have anything better (Faire skills, Hit+20, Agg etc).
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