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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Over the expected 6-7 levelups that would happen before that point, that extra Def growth would be expected to add an average +0.3 Def to Robin- it would be more likely to see no change than be 1 point above neutral. And I doubt that'll make much of a difference.
  2. I don't even know that it matters. Probably +Str or +Mag, I haven't focused much on Morgan-M.
  3. Yes. It's usually a better idea when using a small team as opposed to full deployment at it results in a lot of power being concentrated around a few units.
  4. Yeah kick out Vantage and Wrath for LB and one of the Dread Fighter skills.
  5. Ratings don't actually mean anything, btw. If you switch the bottom screen to Full (there's a switch in the top right corner), you'll get your unit's actual stats and will be able to tell things like whether you can double an enemy or how much damage you'll do without having to walk over to them first. Gates also give more of a boost than Forts, so if you can, try to rush the one in the southeast corner (it's pretty lightly defended) and then camp there.
  6. Lucina and Cynthia are pretty much identical as wives for Robin. Morgan is the same; the only difference would be the possibility to get 1 or 2 more Str/Skl/whatever on Lucina's support (if you really need it). Morgan-M's best father is Yarne (usually Virion or Stahl's). Female Robin's best husband is Chrom. Aside from that, she's very self-sufficient and will turn out pretty much the same with just about anyone.
  7. Just report your own post to a mod for accidental double-posting, you don't get penalized for that. But uh, "unsurvivable" kind of means that the enemy cannot survive an engagement with them.
  8. In that case, you are a good 132 turns above par.
  9. Are Logbook units, Spotpass shops and Renown legal?
  10. If he does poorly in a class you want him to be in, just increase his bases/growths/whatever in Nightmare until he's as good as you want him to be.
  11. Reeking Boxes are a net money loss on Lunatic.
  12. Astra adds more for hard leads, Faires add more overall (usually) for double Galepairs. Your Kjelle will fit in the same Spd bracket if you switch her to BK or Griffon, btw (in case you want more Mov).
  13. A bit too early for that, methinks. But I'm willing to bet they'll look very nice when they arrive.
  14. Reeking Boxes on Hard are too expensive to be a useful source of training, especially when Spotpass is basically the same but free. LB1 is a map you can skip if you want to save money. Get it if you're determined to have all the DLC or really like the style of the Einherjar maps, but otherwise you'll be fine skipping it.
  15. If Sumia doesn't have Chrom, then she definitely wants Henry. But usually it's better to start with the females and focus on who they want as husbands, rather than who the husbands want as wives, because there will always be a few bachelors and the females are the ones with kids attached (and with the exception of Chrom and Robin (or ingame), always pair for the kids). Wifi is not the only way to connect to the internet.
  16. You can do that (you'll have 25% Astra and 75% Vengeance), but it's not a good idea because half of the point of procstacks is to decrease the chance of procing nothing (it'll be 0 whether you use Vengeance or something/Vengeance), and the whole point of Vengeance is that its damage output is 100% predictable, and adding randomness to that ruins it. Aether and Astra have pretty similar damage outputs (I did the math a few pages back, tl;dr Aether is better when your Atk is less than twice the foe's Def, Astra is better when it's more than that), actually. Of course, Aether gives a tiny bit of healing that's hard to quantify, but Atk-wise they're about the same. He's been in and out a lot before, I'm sure he'll be back eventually. Since not everyone probably does, though (or maybe never thought about it), I might as well reiterate why I place emphases where I do. Apo is a pretty easy map. It has quite a reputation left over from the olden times where it stomped many Nostanks, but at the end of the day the only thing required to "trivialize" it is Player Phase Offense- a focus on attacking instead of defending. Once you're playing that way, everything else- Procs, GF, 8 Mov, Rescue, Pairup/DSes (to an extent), any Spd above 60, LB/Rallies, even having the enemy data and anything else is just icing on the cake that makes that process of killing stuff on your terms smoother, more likely to work and easier to make up for mistakes. It's almost like, beyond the initial mindset change from what Normal through Lunatic drum into you, that there's no point to optimization. I do it anyway, and I assume the same is true for most of you, because I find it fun (funner than actually playing the game, even). But to optimize, you have to play by a set of rules, which is the meta. Since the usual purpose of a meta is to provide guidelines for a) beating the game, and b) doing so safely/efficiently/whatever, and what Apo requires for that is fairly minimal, I prefer to write my own rules instead of playing by the game. It's very unnecessary, but so is playing the game in the first place- I do it for fun. This tends to work out pretty well for the sake of giving advice, because my rules don't let you get away with anything remotely close to what wouldn't work ingame. An additional benefit is that planning your team by a visible set of guidelines (and the ability to have it appraised while still on paper, which isn't usefully possible under the game's rules) can be a bit of a confidence booster for people who may have heard of the fearsome, unconquerable Secret Apotheosis (the map's reputation is the other big thing that must be overcome, according to the game's rules). That said, why do my rules focus on what they do (Spd thresholds)? The biggest factor is that you can very cleanly define how much does what. It's hard to do this with Atk, since enemies have different HP caps, varying Weapon Triangle positions, and the player has to contend with varying DS/Hit rates, different levels of Atk on leads and supports, damage variance for procs, and especially multipliers (from Braves hitting multiple times). It's not pretty- I've done win% calcs for several challenge run setups in the past, and they're not something I want to do in my head. Spd is something that's fairly easy to calculate (including its effects) on the fly, but still has enough sources of variance to be strategically interesting, as well as having its noticeable thresholds at just the right place where one has to deliberately try to reach them, but they don't require (major) sacrifices to reach. Things like 160 Skl and 30 Def tend to be a bit too extreme to be useful on a unit-by-unit basis. Yes, I pick and choose which part of the game I place unnecessary emphasis on based on which one is the most fun, and then encourage others to do so as well. Technically, that makes me a fraud (though the same goes for most of you), but I doubt many of the people this thread has helped care. Neither do I, as it's fun. I prefer Gaius!Kjelle because in the context of my rules, she can do everything I could expect of any of my best units (she hits the highest Spd threshold without sacrificing Mov, Atk or choice in supports), and in multiple ways- she's missing nothing. Playing by the game's rules, Gaius!Kjelle, Donnel!Kjelle, Vaike!Kjelle and all manner of Kjelles are going to perform more or less just as good as any other Kjelle, and that performance will depend on whether she is used by the player to attack stuff, or to be attacked by stuff. Though I would like it if Kjelle had a broader scope of what she can do within my rules, I'll take a more limited Kjelle with meaning over an unfettered Kjelle without it any day of the week. These debates- particularly centering around Kjelle and Noire, but being about anything, really- tend to occur because different people (who have put a good deal of thought into the game) play by slightly different rules. Personally, I wouldn't have it any other way, because otherwise we'd eventually settle on an "optimal" team, and that wouldn't be fun (though I've often considered making my version of the rules a little more substantial).
  17. Well, unfortunately if you're not buying them in packs you're not going to get the pack discount, so you're already out a few dollars from getting only part of the LB pack and Golden Pack... You've already got all the easiest maps, too. But keep in mind that the stat caps in Awakening are really high (especially with Limit Breaker), so pretty much everything except Apotheosis and maps where you have allies to protect will eventually just get crushed by dropping someone into the middle of it.
  18. Regarding Donnel: You shouldn't consider using him on anyone but a girl who can inherit GF from him, he just doesn't work. You might have a little luck with him fathering Owain ingame, but never postgame. Of the three that can feasibly use him, Kjelle fares the best, though since she's the best to begin with that's not saying much. Donnel!Kjelle tends to just do the same things as Gaius!Kjelle, though down one speed bracket. Kjelle has absolutely nothing to gain from dropping GF, so she should always use one of Gaius or Donnel. Noire also gets bumped down a speed bracket, though she tends to play differently: Gaius!Noire is usually a 69 Spd DK or 75 Spd BK, Donnel!Noire is a 69 Spd Sniper. She'll mostly be a slower, weaker Vaike!Noire with GF to compensate. Since her mods with Donnel are pretty uninspiring and she has a lot of versatility to gain from using a non-GF dad, but is still capable of running a full set with him, Donnel!Noire is roughly on par with the other good non-GF Noires: Vaike, Lon'qu, Ricken and sometimes Fred. Nah can't really be good with either Gaius or Donnel, and only a small handful of fathers (Vaike and Henry) can make her noteworthy without GF, so use one of those if possible. And if not, a bad Nah with GF beats a bad Nah without GF, so she probably should take Donnel if he'd be hitting the bench otherwise and all her other options are poor (wherever Vaike and Henry are tied up, Donnel won't be trading himself for them any time soon). Though he does make a good Laurent, the number of children he's good on is actually fairly small, and it's easy for him to wind up with nobody who wants him.
  19. Not upset, it's just somewhat difficult to read. Since the primary objective of playing a game is to have fun, it seems like a good place to spend some time polishing, so I thought I'd let you know.
  20. In that case, you may want to get an editor (you mentioned you had a friend who was helping you?) to go over the text.
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