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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Because he's a bad unit. Don't use him, or you'll make things harder on yourself. If you want to recruit him, though, there's an Archer in the treasure room that doesn't aggro and can be boxed and poked to death very easily. It should give him enough exp for his level.
  2. I smell a lack of Aggressor. +10 Atk on your supports translates to +80 damage over the course of 8 swings, which is a big deal. Functionally, there's no difference between 69 Spd and 74 Spd, so it's a little wasteful of resources to have pairs sitting right below the next threshold. Like, Your Morgan? Why not make her a Valkyrie instead, go up a threshold and get more Mov to boot? And if you give Severa All+2, she could totally switch to a higher Hit Warrior support, or change to Wyvern for more Mov/Atk herself without changing Spd thresholds.
  3. Are you sure you're not talking about Apo? Bulk completely destroys vanilla Lunatic, look at Nowi. Nah use is pretty common too, both on vanilla Lunatic and in Apo. Honestly, if gender wasn't a factor I'd rather bench Gerome than Nah- she can at least get good class/skill combos from more than one (high-demand) father. Spd is very nice ingame, but since Robin will likely have a lot of levels (and a decent Spd growth even with it as a flaw) and Morgan's alternate parent only contributes 1/3rd of his growths, he'll probably still cap after two reclasses. In Apo, there's merely Fast and Not Fast- anyone without +3 Spd or more is just going to have to live with missing some Spd thresholds, and below that there's not as much of a difference.
  4. No, the reason you need a strong Robin is so she can distract the enemies and control how they come at your team so you can feed them all to Miriel. Doing that's really hard if they all hit you at once, but much more possible if they come one at a time.
  5. It's fine. LB affects generic pairup boosts so you never need to worry about getting less than +3 in a stat (except, for some reason, GK's Mag). I'd probably go with one Sniper and one BK if those are the main classes on the table. Snipers are slightly less mandatory when everything's on the table because, worst comes to worst, Chrom and his wife have guaranteed KOes on everything and he's always deployed, so you can just have them handle any tough enemies. They're still really handy, though, so keep at least one.
  6. I'm not familiar with that error, but try installing an unmodified .cia to see if it's a problem with your .cia installer or the patched .cia.
  7. For child pairings, S supports > A supports. So the best you can do is to get everyone married, and after that you can use same-gender kids who get A with eachother, or a kid with the stronger of their two parents. Gregor and Nowi come in Cht.8. Cht.3 is actually the best chance you'll have to get Miriel off the ground, she should be able to get to Lv.5 if your Avatar is strong enough.
  8. Any children you do get, train. They're all much better than the parents. Gregor/Miriel will be a lot easier for you to train than Ricken/Lissa, if you want a second pair (Lissa is very good, Ricken is very bad, both Gregor and Miriel are pretty good). Stahl and Cordelia could work for a third pair, and if you're OK with Morgan x Severa and Lucina x Laurent all your kids could pair off.
  9. Please, sir, I've but a humble 720p screen. Must ye use so many lines when showin' yer team? Ex: Cynthia@Paladin (Aether/Aegis/LF/Renewal/LB) + Chrom@GL(DSt+/DG+/All+2/Agg/LB)
  10. That's a huge amount of units, you should stick to 2-3 parent pairs tops in Lunatic unless you really know what you're doing (and then the number depends on how hard you want to push yourself). If you're grinding, though, then you can do whatever you want. Just don't expect Lunatic to put up enough of a fight to make all your planning worth it.
  11. +Lck/-Spd Tiki!Morgan is my vote. If you leave messing around with classes and skills and whatnot on the table, it's easy to just give Morgan nothing and put him/her in a base class and call it a day, but this is around the worst you can do with respect to things that would require a new file to undo (poor mod synergy on Morgan, bad wife for Robin, 2nd gen pairing imbalance, and no second Morgan).
  12. Yep, though Faires are interchangeable. Very well. Consider using Stahl!Owain and Libra!Inigo for your DKs, they're both good mixed Galeboys with low but nonnegative Spd.
  13. So things like using Wolt to get Renown, and playing Golden Gaffe using player phase skips?
  14. Inigo is never going to be fast while keeping his proc (and having that is more important than a little Spd), so Spd really shouldn't be a factor here. Pretty much anyone who gives it to him is good (except Kellam because he's bad everywhere, though this is still one of his better pairs). While Virion and Lon'qu would be very nice for mods, they sadly fail to make the cut due to giving no procs.
  15. No problem. English doesn't have a gender-neutral version of him/her, so they/their is generally what is used. Sometimes you can phrase it in a way that avoids the problem alltogether, but if it sounds more awkward then it's not worth it. What about tabbing through the links in the text and selecting one when your menu cursor is over it?
  16. No other requirements for the 3ds itself, but you'll still need some extra stuff to play the game- check the OP and tutorials for more details.
  17. This is really cool, the amount of work put in definitely shows. Since there's a huge amount of text in the game, I'd strongly advise finding a proofreader to go over it. There are a handful of grammatical errors in there (especially in the status effects page), and in general it's possible to say some of the stuff you're saying in about half the space- and taking less time to explain the rules has the same effect on playability as having simpler rules. For starters, avoid saying things like "basically" and "in short" since they're usually indicators that you're being redundant. You might also benefit from making sprites for various controller buttons that you can use instead of saying "_ button". [spoiler=Revision example]Current Basic Knowledge -> Incapacitation text: "Characters cannot die in the battlefield. Instead, when a character's HP have reached 0 or below that during battle, he is knocked out. Knocked out characters can no longer participate in the battle unless you have certain items to force the poor sods back into the fight." The first sentence is focused on correcting a misconception players may initially have if they assume this game to parallel Fire Emblem or similar, but since the details of incapacitation are explained later (and since it's called incapacitation and not death), this isn't necessary. In the next line, "character" is a bit of a long word, and unit would work better (unless you specifically need character for thematic purposes, but I'm not getting that impression). "Have" is a typo and should be has, but "has reached" is more concise as "reaches". "0" should be zero, as it's easier to read- typically type out all numbers less than 10, and up to 20 if it feels right. "He" should be "they", unless the cast is all-male. Since you're listing this condition as Incapacitation in the menu, it's best to refer to it consistently that way, so "knocked out" should be "incapacitated". The next line is really about two ideas- the effects of incapacitation, and how to cure it, so it should be split into two lines. The first line is just a case of shortening things as before- "Knocked out" to Incapacitated and "characters" to units. "Can no longer participate in the battle" can be simplified to "cannot fight", which also removes the unnecessary implication that they could fight before. This is also a good place to mention being injured, as otherwise a player trying to look up side effects of incapacitation wouldn't know about that unless they read the entire rest of the rulebook. For the second, splitting the sentence requires a bit of rearranging: "You can force the poor sods back into the fight if you have certain items." Forcing sods is just a really long way of saying "You can cure incapacitation", but directly referencing the player in game text is usually an immersion breaker so it should be changed to "Incapacitation can be cured". "Certain items" is pretty vague as well, since it doesn't give an idea of what said items are- it's best to just list the name of the most common revival item instead (derivatives of that item should have obvious effects and/or relation to it by their name, ex Max Revive or Revival Herb). Finally, since you're putting a lot of information in one place for the player's reference, it's a good idea to use a wiki style and make names of items, conditions etc link to their respective pages when clicked on (and change color to emphasize it). Here, that would be Injury and whatever the Revival item is. Revised version: "When a unit's HP reaches zero, they will be incapacitated. Incapacitated units cannot fight and have a high chance to receive an injury. Incapacitation can be cured using a (most common revival item)."
  18. Technically, the difference between grinding and farming is in the source of the extra stuff you're getting- farming involves making the most of what you're normally given, typically with hanging around an area far longer than you need to (in Awakening, waiting out extra reinforcements when you could end the map before they arrive), while grinding typically involves going off the beaten path instead of going really slowly (eg playing extra maps). There's also a fine line between farming and abuse, based on whether or not you're likely intended to be able to hang around said area to get more stuff (eg breaking a Counter dude's weapon while he's on a fort and then whacking him over and over with Falchion for an effectively infinite source of damage to heal). That's just semantics, though. That's pretty much the best, yeah. For Logbook Avatars it usually takes (on Normal) a solo up to Cht.4, one CoY3, one LB2, two LB3s and one RaR3 to get from base to capped stats with LB and a full skillset (also earning their own copies of all skill manuals, assuming you already have enough for them to learn them at base and then pay them back as they go).
  19. Start with +Spd/-Skl male Robin. Pro-Cht.2, stuff him with everything- should be Lv.13-15 when done. Cht.3, give Sumia the Javelin and stuff her instead (~Lv.5), also build her Chrom support. Get Renown; Naga's Tear on Sumia and save the other statboosters for thresholds and RNG insurance. Buy lots of Tonics and more Heals. Cht.4, feed Sumia when possible but most goes to Robin. Try for Chrom x Sumia B and use the Seed of Trust if necessary (neither Event Tile worked). Start stuffing Lissa. Par.1: Secure the Killer Lance (possible need to reset for no Pavise+ on the starting Thief; if he's weak enough then Robin can go south instead of north and save a turn or two of kiting). Possibly break some weapons to stuff Lissa and Sumia. Get Chrom x Sumia A if possible. Recruit and then bench Donnel. Optionally buy a Spotpass Wyrmslayer for Cht.5. Cht.5: Tonic up, reclass Robin to Merc with Renwon SS, and give Robin SS Levin Sword and Fred the Gradivus. If Chrom and Sumia can be made to ORKO a Barb (use Statboosters if necessary), there's a good chance of clearing the bottom in 2 turns without Robin's help. Rescue Ricken/Maribelle and don't do anything stupid in the name of stuffing. If Chrom and Sumia reach S, that's grand, but not very likely since you'd have to get Event Tiles in two out of three chapters. Cht.6: Start Fred x Kellam on the right, Chrom x Sumia on the left and Robin in the middle. Chrom and Sumia can usually hold their own, Fred needs to kill his Thief and get back to Robin, and Robin kills a Thief and then forms a Pass bodyblock in the main choke, if possible. Once all the Thieves die, escape to Emm's room to turtle, or just do it by Marth. Potential for breaking Validar's weapon to stuff Lissa. Cht.7: Low deployment; bring Robin, Chrom, Sumia, Lissa, Fred and optionally Ricken. Chrom and Sumia tonic up until they can ORKO Wyverns, then go southeast to fight the Wyverns over the void. Robin x Fred goes east and tries to kill as much as possible on EP. Turn 2 or 3, Robin will get overwhelmed and need to fall back, heal with Lissa while at the edge of enemy range and bring Sumia back for extra PPO. Try to clean up the bottom right Wyverns before reinforcements show up. Cord is very weak; put her behind Robin and Fred behind Lissa (from now on, build Fred x Lissa support). Try to get enough Robin x Cordelia support to hit C in Cht.8. Cht.8: Low deployment; bring Robin, Chrom, Sumia, Cordelia, Lissa and Fred. Tonic Cord and send her W to fight the DMs (kite if she can't survive repeated engagements, use the Killer Lance to take kills if it helps), send Sumia SE to distract. Nowi x Gregor go N and aim for the village; optionally drop Gregor's Steel Sword with Lissa so she can give it to Robin (if he has nothing better). Kite with Sumia/Cordelia until all DMs are dead and then all range; then hide atop the biggest bone structure and snipe things at 2-range. Keep the MS; if Lissa hasn't been reclassed to Troub yet with an Anna seal do that now. Par.2: Low deployment; bring the same team as last time. Use AI abuse to cross the boss island and ferry out to the small unreachable island in the middle of the river, then wait for the village to fall and stuff to aggro. The Boss can swim, kill him at range with the Levin Sword (if he has Hawkeye, he might be trouble). Then, break lots of weapons, get Lissa to Troub Lv.20 and promote to Valkyrie, and run stuff in circles with Sumia and Cord and try to stuff Cord. At the end of this chapter Cord should be roughly caught up and Lissa should be the party's strongest unit. Cht.9: Lissa can easily Rescue Libra on Turn 1; bring Ricken if needed. If Libra can survive a turn, though (the Soldier doesn't have Counter), have Lissa fight on turn 1 instead because there are a lot of Bows and 1-range Wyverns nearby that can make it hard for Sumia and Cordelia to get a good start. Don't hog too much exp with her though. If you're slow going south, hide in the bottom left corner while Sumia clears out the reinforcements, then kites backwards (doing this without killing Tharja can be tight, hopefully you have the stats to muscle through). Throughout the chapter take potshots with Lissa whenever possible to raise her weapon rank. By the end of the chapter the Pegs should be nearing promotion; try to promote Sumia first. Letting both of them promote at Lv.20 is possible but cuts it a little close, so you can shave three levels off Sumia's promotion if you want. Cht.10: If you don't have a DF yet, Lissa may be needed to go after Thieves. Take advantage of the Pegs' low Mag with Wind Tomes to fight Counter foes with very little retaliation damage; Sumia is better at this because Chrom's DS rate will be much higher and she's more likely to be promoted. The DF needs to go West to get the Thieves, the Peg should go immediately north and Lissa can either take a kill to lighten the Peg's load or hang back to the left of them to draw aggro and keep her HP up. Still just three pairs for now. Promote the Peg at the end of the chapter. Par.4: Recruit Anna with Rescue. Go around the right to try to stop the Thief without aggroing the boss. Cht.11: The Mages are usually the easier side to go down. Try to snipe the Thief as he exits to avoid aggroing Gangrel, and block the far right forts as much as possible. Focus on stuffing Sumia and retreat N if the reinforcements get overwhelming. Cht.12: Deploy the main six and Olivia/Anna/Libra, and hide Cherche behind her. Start by hopping the barrier N and killing as many threats as possible (Beastkiller, 1-range Counter, Luna+/Hawkeye), then kite W and kill stuff as you go. Cht.13: Deploy the main six and Olivia/Anna/Libra again. Stick Henry and Olivia together (Henry is sometimes useful for potshots so keep him around) and rush the right plateau. Have Henry block the fort there while Olivia dances him for exp and support, and the DFs farm reinforcements for exp. Sumia should get GF midway through the map (it's OK if Cord falls behind to do this), after that point focus on training Cord. After the chapter, reclass Lucina to Cav and give her an Arms Scroll; Paralogues for Fred!Owain and Chrom!Cynthia should open up. Sometimes Morgan and Severas' won't be there yet, if not that's fine. Cynthia's Paralogue: Same deployment as Cht.13 plus Henry. Tonic Robin (yes, he's still very relevant) and fight with a Cord support behind the ruin on the bottom left; take out as many Snipers with Levin as is safe. Recruit Cynthia and put her behind Lucina; reclass her to Cav if possible and if not just give Lucina the majority of the KOes she'd otherwise get. Both of them have GF but aren't strong enough to use it well yet- but Lissa and sometimes Anna/Henry/Olivia can still set up kills for them. Don't worry if Cord doesn't get much exp, and try to get Robin to Lv.20 and promoted to Hero. Owain's Paralogue: Same deployment as above plus Cynthia. Do what it takes to get Cord to Lv.15, and after that feed everything to Lucina/Cynthia. Lucina should promote to Paladin during the chapter and focus on her Lance rank. Pass Owain DSp+ and Discipline. Severa's Paralogue: Start down the left path with Robin backed by Cord and Lucina x Cynthia close behind. There are lots of squishy kills for her to grab, use a Spotpass Eirika's Blade for extra power if needbe. Chrom x Sumia will tail Severa up the right path and kill everything in her way; Severa should only need 1-2 Rescues to stay safe while you kill everything else. Owain and Inigo will be split up between Morgan and Severa, so possibly start building Severa x Owain support. Pass Severa Veteran and GF and reclass to Cav. Promote Cynthia to GK when she hits Lv.20. By the end of the chapter, Lucina should be the party's strongest unit. Morgan's Paralogue: Rescuing Morgan is the easiest way to go. Pair her up with Robin, pass GF and AT, and reclass her to Tactician to get started (optional Arms Scroll use since both of her weapon ranks are E). Turtle when necessary and use Lucina/Cynthia to eliminate threats to Morgan. Focus on training Morgan and Severa, and try to have Severa promoted to Paladin by the end of the chapter. From here out: Swap around pairs so that Owain and his wife are teamed up, Cordelia is going with whoever isn't his wife, Robin is going with Frederick and Lissa is going solo or with Anna. Sumia, Cordelia and Lissa should all have hit Lv.20 and been reclassed to Falco; try to phase them out in favor of training the kids (they're super good though, so bring them back whenever necessary, and possibly staffgrind to get Rally Spd). Promote Morgan to GM when possible, get Inigo when possible (if you're bold, go for a Galeforce passdown- it's totally doable). Severa and Morgan will catch up to Lucina and Cynthia pretty quickly, and once they do you'll have a full team of units with more or less twice the stats of the enemy and superior skills. Lunatic+ is essentially beaten and you could Rescue-skip half the chapters from here to Grima and still be in good shape.
  20. Since Lucina commonly runs both Aether and Luna and Inigo usually just runs Luna (or Vengeance), Lucina typically has more to gain from Hero's high Skl than Inigo does, but there are also a lot more female units who like Hero supports than there are males who like them, so it somewhat balances out. Either one can make a good Hero, the trick is just to play to their strengths. If you want to use Robin as a Sorc, go ahead. Chrom is usually more suited to hyper-offensive pairs thanks to his Dual Strike+, though, so Sorc may not be making the most of his potential as a support. It'll still serve you well, though (as long as you stay away from Apotheosis- Sorcs don't work very well there). For Morgan-M? On nogrind playthroughs on higher difficulties, he's often used as a Warrior, which turns the final boss into a joke. Otherwise, since he's likely to be one of your better units you'll just want to emphasize mobility so he has a better chance of being able to be where you need him. Dark Knight is still one of the better options for this, but if you were fine with not using his Mag (he's likely to have a lot of it), you can make him a Wyvern Lord instead. Maybe give him a Bolt Axe, too (you get one from Renown, one from Cht.21's boss and can buy lots from Spotpass->FE8->L'arachel). Keep in mind, though, that with DLC it's really easy to just keep switching classes, so you might want to just try out different things and see what works best. It'll give you a much better idea of what you want than listening to me will, for sure.
  21. You've got about three orders of magnitude of overkill, there. You can't grind and get a full team of LB kids on Normal and expect any pairings you did or didn't do to even make the slightest hint of a difference.
  22. Too much Vantage. If you don't know what you're optimizing for, you won't be able to tell the difference between what's "optimal" and what isn't, because optimal is undefined. So you're going to have to be a bit more specific about what you want in order to get help; there's no such thing as a generally accepted set of best pairings.
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