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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Anathema is fun for training because crits, but Brady has a full skillset for Apo already so he won't need it. If you do have room for an extra, I strongly recommend Astra (if he can get it). There's my review, but... Make sure you know what you want them to do. That advice is given with Apo in mind. Play Lunatic(+) nogrind, and it'll change a lot. Play lower difficulties with no intention of doing postgame, and most of it will be irrelevant.
  2. 199998. I have two copies of the game and it's maxed on both of them.
  3. Donnel makes Kjelle good by the same token that Ricken makes Yarne good: you get that one rare, indispensable skill, but everything else isn't welcome. Since you're grinding, it won't matter in the long run because Fred and Ricken can't get any skills their children can't get the same way. It's probably best to just pass down what's most convenient, which for me is always Discipline (faster Javelins = easier grinding), but again don't sweat it. If it's about Luna/Galeforce, I'm curious as to why you like Gregor since he offers neither. I've no intention of calling anyone dumb. Virion rarely offers two things that can be used at once (aside from Spd/Skl), yes. Here's what he has that various kids do like: -Severa: Wyvern Lord and Sniper as ending classes, and the magic +5 Spd mod for both of them. Also Tomefaire for Dark Flier (one of her big perks is to be A tier in multiple different classes, letting you easily switch up your build without starting a new file). Severa comes with Galeforce and Vengeance so she doesn't mind not getting a proc. -Yarne: Hit+20 and high Skl for his Berserker, making him the highest accuracy hard support Berserker in the game (Morgan-M has Galeforce so he doesn't count). He also gets Sniper, and his is the best Dual Strike% boosting hard support in the game. Again, multiple good sets. Yarne is a hard support and thus needs no proc. Stahl is very similar, trading 1 Skl (and thus those "best in the game" benchmarks) for 2 Str. -Brady: He already comes with Galeforce and Luna from Maribelle, and thus needs nothing but mods from his father. This gives him the opportunity to be the only Galeboy in the game (aside from Morgan-M) with the ability to have more than +3 Spd while keeping his proc, and Virion allows him to capitalize on that with +4. -Gerome: If Berserker is abandoned in the pursuit of more Hit, Virion grants Bowfaire and Hit+20/Prescience for his Warrior, an increase of +50 Hit over a Berserker with no +Hit skills and the same forge (not counting Virion's high Skl mod). Yes, that's a whole Breaker's worth. Like with Yarne, Gerome is a hard support and needs no proc, and Stahl is again very similar. Virion isn't the best on everyone, but there are more than a few children who have what he doesn't give and want what he does. He'd also make a top-tier Cynthia if it was possible. It's definitely doable, just take the average of how they stack up for each and every kid. The main thing it would be useful for is for putting a value on how "in demand" a father is, which if applied at the start of the teambuilding process could help avoid situations down the road where there are a handful of misfits left with no way to give everyone a truly good option. Still not that useful, though.
  4. I'd probably go with All+2 and Swordbreaker as the optional skills, yeah. Lucky 7 isn't very good in Apo because it stops working by the time you need it. The first option doesn't leave Maribelle choosing between bad and bad, so is probably better. Unless you wanted to exchange Vaike for Lon'qu or Virion and give them to Brady, that is.
  5. Vaike doesn't give him anything he can't get himself, so go with what's convenient.
  6. Virion doesn't make any optimal children? His Yarne is tied best with Stahl, and his Brady and Severa are tied best with Lon'qu. Few fathers can say they're the best for one child, let alone three. Only Henry really beats him as a father in general, he's one of the best in the game.
  7. Donnel and Robin are also unpaired, and the kids have a set too (Owain x Kjelle, Inigo x Cynthia, Brady x Severa, Gerome x Nah, Yarne x Noire and Laurent x Lucina, with Morgan unpaired). Canon = word of the devs. That's not a conventional way of saying something by any means, but it still is a complete set of pairs with no overlap, and thus the closest anyone's going to get. This should go without saying, but it's not worth anyone getting riled up over- Awakening is all about headcanons, so if one doesn't like that list, ignore it and move on. It's just there, and pretty well hidden too. A lot of them don't. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if one of the programmers just threw that in near the end of the dev cycle because they were bored, and used their own favs as a base (or even chose a few randomly to fill in the blanks). Odds are, nobody even sat down and talked about this before putting it in.
  8. Ricken gets Paladin and +1 Mag, Libra gets War Cleric and that's it for differences. Ricken is definitely superior, but not by too much. Kellam!Severa? That sounds nasty, and you're not even freeing Virion up for anyone. If you really want a Luna/Tomefaire Severa, use Ricken, she's at least somewhat fast and has Sniper to boot. But Virion!Severa is top tier and really would like to stay the way she is. Donnel!Noire has enough drawbacks that it's worth considering benching Donnel and using someone else, even at the cost of GF.
  9. I assume this also bypasses region locks? And if so, will we be able to buy the DLC "normally" without an eShop spoofer or anything?
  10. Why bother? Yeti Fog, of course. FEXNA looks pretty.
  11. Lissa is paired with Vaike in the game's support table, and that's as close to canon as anyone's going to get.
  12. If Donnel is free, give him to Nah. If Ricken is free, he can go to Nah, or he can trade himself for either Henry or Vaike and then give them to Nah instead. Other than that, looks good. Also good. Kellam and one of Donnel or Ricken are left.
  13. Unfortunately getting money involved in this project is a very good way to get Nintendo's attention, and nobody likes C&Ds.
  14. He doesn't have Henry so he has to make do with someone else, Ricken gives him both Bowfaire Warrior for a high damage output support, Bowfaire BK for a +3 Spd support, and +3 Mag for TF Sage support. He's pretty versatile, even if he looks weird on paper.
  15. So Lissa, Maribelle, Panne, Nowi and Cherche are still unpaired? Might as well use Libra!Owain, Virion!Yarne, Stahl!Nah, and Ricken!Gerome.
  16. Gerome lacks Berserker/Axefaire and can't get it at the same time as Hit+20, Yarne already has the former and can easily get both. Yarne's mods are also generally better than Gerome's (-1 Str and +3 Skl compared to him).
  17. Not a lot to go on, there. Chrom x Sumia/Maribelle/Olivia Lissa x Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Sully x Gaius/Donnel Miriel x Lon'qu/Ricken/Gregor/Libra Sumia x Chrom/Henry Maribelle x Chrom/Virion/Lon'qu/Ricken/Libra/Henry Panne x Fred/Virion/Vaike/Stahl Cord x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken Nowi x Vaike/Gregor/Henry Tharja x Fred/Vaike/Lon'qu/Ricken/Gaius/Donnel Olivia x Chrom/Fred/Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Cherche x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Ricken/Gregor/Henry
  18. Looks pretty good to me. What part do you need help with? I can answer questions a lot better than I can give general commentary and advice. Virion!Yarne > Virion!Gerome = Fred!Yarne, and all the others are bad. So really, use Virion!Yarne and bench Gerome. If benching Yarne is really important for some reason, use Virion!Gerome instead.
  19. The lower, the better. The better you are at the game, the more you can deploy while still being fine. Start with 2-3 parent pairs and adjust from there.
  20. VV is less reliable than plain Vengeance, though (which is completely reliable itself, so there's not problem). Ratings don't affect gameplay though, they're completely arbitrary. They weigh all stats equally, don't take Mov/weapon access into account, and if you can even see them you're doing something wrong because the bottom screen should always be on Full.
  21. Hah. Hah. Hah. Better luck, indeed. More chat shenanigans. I regret nothing. [spoiler=Don't read if you like Ricken] MaverickCali: 5 is just a charge fest to save little ricken, and then feeding him kills. Czar_Yoshi: Why would you feed Ricken kills? Kendriin: do yourself a favor and bench Ricken Kendriin: I've used him and I've regretted it each time Invidlord: Oh feed as in feed kills Invidlord: "Why would you feed Ricken? Let him starve!" Kendriin: @Invidlord I think the kills part made it worse if you took feed literally. MaverickCali: I got pretty lucky. Turned out well above his average growths! Invidlord: Hehe Invidlord: @Kendriin : Dark :p Czar_Yoshi: "Feed Ricken kills": how are we getting multiple Rickens and who are we feeding them to? Czar_Yoshi isn't sorry Invidlord: Probably to the gryphons. Invidlord: And wyverns MaverickCali: If it could be done, I would do it. Kendriin: We're pulling a Rick and Morty and getting the Rickens from other dimensions. When we get Cherche we feed them to Minerva. Invidlord: Farm raised Ricken are bred and slaughtered for feed. MaverickCali: Chrom is the one that angers me, though. Czar_Yoshi: What have I started Glaive_Silver: Doesn't quite beat the industrial-grade Ricken we use as walls. MaverickCali: regardless of his stats, he always manages to fail in the most spectacular way. Kendriin: Make sure they're free ranged Rickens Glaive_Silver: Sure, they last only a turn, but hey. Kendriin: Kentucky Fried Ricken Invidlord stacks Rickens like cordwood to construct affordable low income housing Invidlord: Sadly, Rickens are known to burst into flame at the slightest provocation Kendriin: I don't think RIckens provide good insulation either Invidlord: They do MaverickCali: Rickens have good resistance from the wind. Invidlord: But they can cause lung cancer when Rickens are breathed in Kendriin: Oh I didn't know that. Invidlord: Yeah Invidlord: You have to be certified to properly dispose of Rickens Kendriin: If that's the case I suppose we shouldn't use Rickens flamability to cook food either Glaive_Silver: Nah, we've got Miriel for that. Invidlord: XP
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