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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Thanks for the confirmation. Might want to add into the OP that there aren't any supports and the like yet.
  2. They usually don't, but in this case you haven't actually said yet what the status of the supports in the newest patch is.
  3. Severa comes with Lancefaire at base, though...
  4. I'm all for holding off on new restrictions until we at least get a run with the current route as-is.
  5. Dodgetanking is fun but pretty unreliable until midgame, especially thanks to Hawkeye. The real point of +Spd early on is to secure kills by doubling stuff, which makes Robin much easier to train. +Def is very definitely less powerful than +Spd, but it's also much easier to use and will usually result in less overall headache if you're not a master at the game. They're both good in the long run.
  6. Stahl gives Myrm too, and Severa already has a Faire for Hero (nobody uses WC). Especially since Severa has no Tomefaire, Paladin, GK, and Sniper > Valk and WC. I'm not that fond of Stahl!Severa because she's slow and has nasty hair, but she soundly beats Gregor.
  7. If you like them, they're fine with me. I'm here to help people and give advice, not to pass judgement on others' senses of aesthetics.
  8. Mostly that, but I'm not fond of knowing gameplay stuff either, including the locations of difficulty spikes.
  9. The quote button works just fine for me... If the site's lagging heavily sometimes it takes forever for the quote to copy; in that case just try again in a few minutes.
  10. Would you all kindly shut up about things not 100% related to the production and application of this patch? I'm doing everything I can to avoid spoilers before I actually play the game, and this thread should not be a place I have to avoid.
  11. Not any more, it isn't. Preorders were open for an hour or two on Thursday, which is what people are talking about.
  12. You know how the lead unit when fighting paired up/adjacent gets a +Hit/Avo/Dge/Crit boost based on the level of their support? DSp+ increases that boost and makes it like they were 4 support levels ahead of where they actually are. So if the units have S with eachother, normally the lead will receive +15/10/10/10. Add DSp+ anywhere on the team, front or back, male or female, and the lead will then get +20/15/15/15 instead. It doesn't stack with itself and only works if the unit with it shows up in battle, so while standing more units adjacent to the combat pair can increase the boosts further, having DSp+ on them won't do anything whether it's on the main pair or not.
  13. I don't think there are any plans to copy stuff from the official localization, even if it's stuff we don't already have.
  14. DSp+ is nice but remember that it only increases the lead's stats, not his.
  15. Throws or not, I think this may be the first time ever that we've made it past Cht.6 twice in one night.
  16. OoT's glitches were mostly just physics abuse, though (clipping through walls, flying etc). Some of the stuff you could do in the old Pokemon games basically amounted to ram hacking from within the game's interface, which would be a direct route for hackers and pirates to get into the rest of the system and do whatever they want- and there's no way Nintendo would deliberately put something like that in.
  17. How did that happen? eShop stuff is tied to your NNID, not your 3ds, so you should just be able to redownload them... Unless you mean your saves, which still stinks but isn't nearly as bad.
  18. It sounds like the file paths are broken or something (the exact same thing happened when people were first hacking Awakening and tried to rebuild the rom with broken file names due to them being in Japanese). No clue how to fix that, though.
  19. True, but I'd rather read a story where Hubba is a seer because it advances the plot then one where he's a fortune-teller because canon says so. Research is fine and dandy but it can't make a good story alone.
  20. Considering as the title screen still says If, I doubt it. Afaik the only times this patch has changed something from the JP version to the localized one are for things that carry over from Awakening/other games (like weapon names) and Nosferatu -> Faceless (because there's already a weapon Nos and it would be confusing otherwise).
  21. Yeah, didn't Mewtwo take forever and a half to make? Speaking of Smash, why does Lucas get an Amiibo but not Roy?
  22. Is it just me, or did this Direct feature a lot more stuff that was already released (in some form or another) than most? Rereleases, DLC and plain old ads are cool, but I'd like some new games. I'd also like them to spend a little more time on the new games they did show. If didn't even get a proper trailer, just some clips of the same old "choose your path" scene.
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