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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. My experience is that Cynthia's Paralogue looks harder than it actually is. Only a little, it's still much harder than the regular chapters, but it's still worth a try or two. Try focusing on the left side first, using a ranged non-flier with decent Def like Robin to bait and fight Snipers across walls on EP, and recruit Cynthia by having Sumia fly out, talk to her, kill something with GF and fly back, then let Cynthia fly out (or just have Sumia fight unpaired and have her pair up with Cynthia after talking if there's no enemies in range, like what you do with Kellam). Lucina and Cynthia can't ORKO anything at base, but since they both have GF it's a very good idea to soften things up for them whenever possible, because three extra kills per turn go a long way in that map (and get them a lot of exp too). If it does turn out to be too hard, grab Morgan first. Severa's chapter is usually harder than Cynthia's so you'll want to save it for later (but it also gives Second Seals, which you need a lot of for the kids, so... In my current run, I went Cynthia -> Owain -> Severa -> Morgan -> 14). Morgan's is usually the easiest, but it helps to have a lot of mages and fliers because the Wyverns will be hard to manage due to terrain otherwise (like Cht.5). Video guides? You mean those old commercials for the DLC? Those are a joke. Lunatic is hard until you learn the power of Veteran, and then it's pretty easy. Just try not to feed Fred kills (use him as a support unit instead), take a +Def or +Spd asset and a -Skl or -Lck flaw, and feed feed feed Robin. Lv.7 or 8 by the end of the Prologue is possible depending on your Mag levelups, and Lv.19-20 by the end of Cht.4 is expected if you train nobody else. Early Plegia, you should be looking at enemies with 0/0/0 listed damage/hit/crit. If you get Robin rolling hard enough, you can then use him as a strategic wall/distraction to feed and raise other units- Nowi, Panne, Sumia, Cordelia, Miriel, Lissa and sometimes Chrom and Stahl are great choices, as long as you don't take too many earlygame units and rob Robin of early exp. Use the Renown Second Seal to reclass to Merc or Dark Mage (not for Nos, for decent Def while keeping Tomes). Robin-F can stomp the hardest (when paired with Chrom), but most of the good units in Lunatic(+) tend to be female so taking Robin-M lets you marry one and get more children on the field too. EXP gain is only reduced for fighting Spotpass and Streetpass teams. Risen still give plenty, but are prohibitively difficult for most players due to how quickly they grow. DLC maps all work like normal, though most of them have stat increases to correspond to Lunatic as well so you'll be stuck doing stuff like CoY3 and EXPonential Growth. But none of that's really necessary, so don't go out and buy it just to beat Lunatic(+).
  2. There's a chance they will, and a chance they won't. But the appearance of Anna shops is random in the first place, so whether or not you get a SS from anywhere is just up to luck. If it's early in the game, vanilla Lunatic and you've been properly raising Robin, though, there's a good chance s/he can clear them out without too much trouble.
  3. Non-GF Noire is fine (especially with Vaike), but what about your other pairings? Odds are there's an easy swap somewhere that would benefit Gerome.
  4. Got anything in particular you want them to do? Minmaxing for the sake of minmaxing is fun, but different pairs are good at different things and/or go about being good at them differently.
  5. Mind elaborating? Maribelle's -3/+2 Str/Mag and Vaike's +3/-2 have some pretty bottom-of-the-barrel synergy. For a kid who only needs mods, that's pretty terrible.
  6. Axebreaker is a lot more useful than Pavise, but girls don't tend to have Hit issues in Apo so she won't need either. Sol is useful for grinding, always have Gaius pass it. Henry!Owain can be a Dread Fighter nicely, though Stahl!Owain and Libra!Inigo are more typical picks if you really want to use one. Ricken!Nah typically is a Sage with TF/Luna/Deliverer. All+2 isn't too important since it never makes a difference in Spd thresholds, but she has room so she might wind up using it anyway for the Atk. You'd want it if she was a DK for some reason though. She works well in the same places Sage Noire does: Sage Inigo or DK Lon'qu!Brady.
  7. It's not possible to do Cht.5 "easily" whether you do Par.1 first or not (grinding aside), but it will help a lot more to do it now than to save it for Lucina. The Rescue is useful in other chapters, too. You certainly can do it without, I've done it with no Par.1 and with -Def to boot (without resetting for skills). I don't recommend that at all, though.
  8. You're not strong enough to go straight to Cynthia's Paralogue? That's not good, you really want to get and start training her quickly and right after Cht.13 is the best time to do so. Feeding Cord in Cht.14 is probably your best bet, then. Lucina can catch up somewhere (Cynthia's Paralogue is still probably going to be the easiest place). If you can't get him a wife, Owain will likely be useless, but Discipline is a lot better than Luna if he does get one. Robin should wait until Lv.19-20 for the SS. If you can keep his level low enough (without feeding Fred) to reclass after Cht.5, you'll be in good shape. Lissa will eventually want to go Troub, but use your second SS on her to make sure Robin doesn't get stranded in Tactician.
  9. I don't really think Jugdral not being in the game is a plot hole, but the Deadlords are from FE4 and all the FE4 Holy Weapons are there too. Everything in Awakening that references other games is a reference and nothing more (even Archanea), its story is 100% self-contained. All those references are purely fanservice and most of them are wildly inaccurate. They're not important parts of the story, so just ignore them and focus on stuff that's relevant to Awakening itself. The only thing said about it ingame is that it's when the gemstones were scattered and when most of the currently existing countries were founded, and while it may have been caused by Grima that's not discussed ingame. Chon'sin and Valm are the only countries that are mentioned, but Valm is referred to as "so tiny, you could forget it even existed had it not shared our continent's name" or something. From all the talk of dynasts, Valm is probably a collection of fiefdoms instead of proper states. FE2 ended with Mila and Duma reconciling and both going to sleep, leaving the future in the hands of men with no more divine intervention.
  10. There's a good deal of misinformation about Awakening out there, so where it was doesn't matter (probably Gfaqs, Reddit or YT). Tharja does have a very nice +3 Mag mod, yes. But she doesn't give Noire Tomefaire, and since Tomefaire gives +5 Mag a unit with a +5 Mag mod and no Tomefaire (Henry!Noire) will have the same Mag as a unit with +0 Mag and Tomefaire. Put that next to your +2 Str and access to Bowfaire and Axefaire, and you're a bit better physical than magical. It's a small difference and Noire works nicely mixed (DK, in this case), but she's still a predominantly physical unit despite having a high Mag mod. Well, with a standard full-deployment team (3rd gen Morgan, 8 combat pairs including Chrom) you've got two fathers who will be benched. Kellam is pretty much always one of those, and Donnel has no redeeming qualities outside of GF, so if you skip him on Noire your benched dads are going to be Kellam and Donnel. This means you've got to use Fred somewhere, and Inigo is typically his best kid (Owain and Cynthia can also handle him). Non-GF Noire typically doesn't want Fred!Inigo though (he likes being a Paladin, mostly), so pairing her with Brady means Inigo can take Fred and go with someone else who does want a Paladin. Libra can go just fine in place of Ricken on either Owain or Noire. In both cases, Noire will be up against some pretty terrible class overlap- Ricken gives her Paladin and +1 Mag over Libra, Libra offers WC, and both give Sage/TF. Owain can do well as a Sage with either- Ricken does give him some nice skill combos for other options, but if you want to use those Stahl!Owain is the same but better so I don't consider it much of a loss. Nowi can take Gregor and do nicely, Gerome can be a Bowfaire Warrior if needbe (Lon'qu!Severa sponges those excellently, so does Donnel!Kjelle but if you're doing non-GF Noire that's not a good idea), or he can stay as a Berserker with Gregor and use Breakers for +Hit.
  11. The first one, maybe, but people assuming this is just a talk about aesthetics thread isn't unheard of. Since you're using her for fun, I'd just pack her full of flashy stuff like Anathema (more crits) and Despoil. There's not really anything that she does well, but that also means you don't have to worry about a performance drop from doing whatever you want with her.
  12. OK. This is a help thread, though, so are you looking for advice on how to use them, or...?
  13. Vaike offers her a powerful AT/Double Bow Sniper with great mods (use All+2/Anathema and pair with Vengeance Berserker Inigo, perhaps? Lots of options), while Ricken grants her a +6 Mag TF Sage, who works very well with Sage Inigo and DK Lon'qu!Brady (Using Brady has the advantage of being able to put Fred on Inigo, which lets Donnel and Kellam be benched without causing pain elsewhere). Fred is extremely low demand and makes a Sniper with passable mods as well, he's not very special but I wound up using her so I figure that one's worth mentioning. Out of the three of Noire, Nah and Kjelle, Nah handles no GF better than Noire and Noire handles it better than Kjelle, though the main reason Nah is better than Noire is because she has less to lose- Noire can make more use of GF than Nah. Both have a lot to gain in terms of potential strategies by forgoing it.
  14. But after DF you're doing Falco, or are undecided? Lunatic+ nogrind strats conflict with the Apo meta, and I don't advise trying to reconcile them without at least one very successful Lunatic+ run under your belt (so you have something to judge your playing ability off of, as well as a good idea of how things work). If you really want to do both, Apo and the harder DLC are a lot more forgiving in what you can do that Lunatic+, so plan for ingame first and then adapt what you've got there to work in postgame. The benefit you see from getting GF on Owain, Brady or Inigo is far bigger than the detriment you see from not having it for Apo, unless you're planning to sink hundreds of hours into the file, truly minmax everything, etc (in which case I strongly advise grinding after Cht.4). Regarding Henry!Inigo, I think a quick promote of Henry to DK for +Mov on Olivia, along with an Anathema passdown is his best bet. With a wife, he can reclass to Barb and promote to Warrior, which sounds promising. Without a wife, another possibility is a quick reclass of Henry to Thief (keep the +Mov for Olivia), a passdown of Locktouch and a quick promote of Inigo to Bow Knight, which offers a high-Mov Thief for chest duty. He's got a good amount of options to play with.
  15. Sumia's Mag shouldn't make much of a difference in her class path, though. She'll always want to go DF first for GF even if her Mag is good, and after that unless you have a really lot of staffbots from somewhere else, she'll always want to switch to Falco for staff duty- even if her Mag is really bad, that just makes it easier to rack up Wexp. Chrom will likely do better in Paladin than GK, as Sumia typically appreciates the +Spd/Skl more than the +Mov. Chrom also tends to have a slightly shaky Hit, and GK is not a good way to patch that up. Since you're using both Lissa and Olivia, I'm a little curious as to why you're using Fred!Inigo over Fred!Owain or Henry!Inigo. Both of them have much better availability and fine support sets (Fred!Inigo's not bad, but he doesn't have anything special, and especially as a Hero he can't make much use of Fred's spiffy Discipline passdown). Use the Seed of Trust either for a 1-map C support if both Event Tiles fail, or a 1-map B support if you got an Event Tile for C and only one in the next map. Grab both Owain and Inigo for extra Paralogues for support/exp, and save Pars 2-4 as well, and Morgan won't be too late. With Veteran she can easily promote at Tactician 20 during her Paralogue if she has no competition for kills, and since you're only using two child pairs you could pretty easily get her to 15 in her first promoted class by the end of Cht.18 (earlier, if you get good Counter spawns and can sponge exp on EP). I think she'll be able to make GF in time to use it in Cht.23/24 (where you really need it). You will have to rely a lot more on Sumia/Cynthia though, and probably need to turtle a lot since two GF users isn't remotely enough to blitz Valm.
  16. As long as there's enough consistency/plausibility to avoid breaking the suspension of disbelief, I'm happy with anything. Situations where there's a notable difference in name types based on geography/culture (different names for humans/aliens being the most straightforward example of this, it's more interesting/harder to do when the name differences aren't separated by a species divide) tend to be the best at this. Also, the names have to actually sound like names. That makes or breaks whether made-up names work. Dalinar? Works great. Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor? Don't try saying that in public.
  17. Passdowns aren't nearly as important as they seem because the majority of parents pass all their classes to their kids so there aren't any skills you can't just get later. As a general rule, pass GF when applicable, DSp+ when it's available but GF isn't, Sol from Gaius, a Wyvern skill from Panne if she didn't marry Fred or Virion, and any male-only skill from Donnel and Robin (these don't really matter).
  18. Well, that changes a lot. You might want to promote Cord now unless you have quite a few child paralogues for her to grind in. Sumia will make it easily, but it looks like Robin's still been getting some of the exp Cord wanted. Fortunately, it's a lot more possible to delay Morgan and Severa one chapter than it is Lucina, but you still don't want to as it's useful to get in as much training on the kids as possible before everything promotes (it's still possible after that, but you need a lot more setups). I had my Lissa promoted for Cht.11, I know she promoted at 20 and think she reclassed around 15. Do it whenever you look at the preparations screen and think "I could really use a Valkyrie here", or if you miss the Thief due to not having enough offensive power. She shouldn't be taking many kills, but she's surprisingly bulky and can be very useful for positioning. Also keep in mind that once Sumia gets GF, she'll see a very large power spike and pick up kills much more easily, so watch that she doesn't take too much exp meant for Cord later on (this is very difficult to do right).
  19. Huh? I'm not really following your level formatting here. I thought you were using the levels you reclassed/promoted at, followed by your current level, but that's not the case?
  20. A bit of an odd question, but how hard would it be to modify the patch/patcher to work on the Eng version once it releases? For names/censorship purposes.
  21. Sorry, I wasn't intending to be snide. I meant that as a general remark; Lunatic+ really isn't a place for cutting corners. Owain is definitely very useful, but Laurent's 10 levels on Miriel is still a very high price to pay in a quad GF run.
  22. Wasn't he streaming that run, though? I assume he was using chat voted pairings or something. But that's hardly the least impressive thing that run did... Anyway, yes you can do that. It'll be OK. It's still pretty much the worst Gerome can do.
  23. Bowbreaker? Maybe. It's so much easier to just keep him away from enemies with Bows though (or switch him to the back). Also Gregor gives both Bowbreaker and Axefaire if you really want it.
  24. All that work? He's one of the easiest children in the game to get, resource-wise, and in terms of player effort you really shouldn't be playing Lunatic+ if you don't want to put in effort. Owain is a little easier, yes (Laurent isn't), but you have four G2 girls, and aren't really short of spots to put them. With the fastest support growth, it takes between five and seven chapters, depending how lucky you get with Event Tiles.
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