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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Procless only works because you've got 100% DS. The point of it is to have your damage output fixed so you know exactly what you can and can't kill- imperfect Hit or DS, and your output is random, so you might as well add procs to raise the average damage output. And her Skl is only +4, which isn't actually exceptionally high when parents have an average Skl mod of around +1. Chrom has DSt+ though, so he can get away with it too. You can't melee Anna with a procstack. If she Aethers and then you get a proc, you'll take too much damage from Counter and die. It's pretty much suicide, and no weapon will save you. You have to fight at range. Robin x Lissa? 98.5% at best, they're 6 Skl short (that's with Falco x Sniper, All+2 on both and Skl+2 on Robin). With Chrom, it'll be the same except -3 Skl due to Chrom's lower Skl mod.
  2. Good luck finding something stronger than unsurvivable. More overkill, sure. Procstack has higher average damage output and is flashy. All+2/LF gives perfect reliability. A single Aether from Anna is nothing to worry about, 2 range is fine- the issue is combining that with Counter damage- you need to do enough to kill her, but not enough that you die from Counter. It's a fairly tight window, and the answer is not piling on more overkill (if you need proof, try using Astra on EXPonential Growth). In terms of incoming damage, Lucina won't be hurt by anything that lacks Counter and Vantage+. Anything and everything will fall to two swings of that Brave Lance and Robin's DSes. And you're a Great Lord, no matter what skills you run your ranged options will be the same in Levins and Spears.
  3. Wanting to spread exp around early on, though... Why? It's not a sound tactical choice, since lowmanning is the way to go on Awakening, and if you want to highman, you'd need to wait long enough to have some good units before you can spread exp to them. Furthermore, earlygame is the hardest part of the game due to limited player options and lots of weak recruits- why start training a full team there when you could wait until you're past the hump, have a wider, better selection of units to train, and have an easier time doing so? Let's say you've got a nice long-term gameplan that uses some powerful midgame recruits- say, Nowi, Panne, the Pegs- and puts Chrom where he belongs at the back of a support. Robin can be used but isn't needed, there are quite a few other units in the game capable of holding their own once they get going. Earlygame exp really doesn't fit into that, beyond getting a decently strong unit who can protect the rest of your team as they get past their humps. Is Nowi going to care whether Robin or Chrom got that first boss kill? Not really. Exp spreading has its quirks in Awakening, and it's not straightforward, but it really is a lot more effective to start small and grow from there rather than trying to lift a bunch of units up at once with no support. The final boss, or areas close to it, actually are where you'd want to spread your exp around, assuming your goal is to have a large team that's actually a team and doesn't just collapse in on itself. Also, that 30 exp from the boss is a lot less likely to keep Chrom alive by going under his belt than it is to keep him alive by going under the belt of someone strong enough to protect him. He's got a Wyvern-slaying sword, he's decently hard to double, he can easily hide, catch up and hide again. It's what he's best at. Let Robin carry you through the earlygame (it's him or Fred, and one is a really bad idea), and then if you want to go without him, shelve him and bring him back later if you really need a panic button. He can catch up, it's what he's good at.
  4. Yo, I'm doing a Hard/Cla run for support grinding at the minute. My top three or four units are benched right now to make room for more lower-leveled support pairs, I've probably got around 20 combat-ready units. I'm using strange pairs without gameplay in mind, I have no staffbots and use Vulneraries or nothing at all for healing, I've got leads running around with Iron weapons because of how thinly spread Wexp is spread, and yet enemies are still dropping like flies. Every once in a while there's a situation that requires a bit of thinking to get out of, but they're mostly related to protecting NPCs and side goals. If I actually brought in the big guns and a few staffbots, I'd be completely invincible. So I'm having a little trouble seeing a whole team falling behind in Hard. I mean, if you want everyone to be a frontline tank capable of surviving five or six enemies with all different types of weapons each turn, that's not going to happen, but the whole point of highmanning is so you don't need to do that. If you find Hard hard, that's perfectly fine. But while lowmanning definitely makes it easier, it really doesn't have issues with highmanning as long as you know how to protect your units so they don't get randomly mobbed.
  5. Which melee weapon? Brave Lance, of course. Anna would only be a gamble if you tried to fight her up close, you could safely take her down at range (unless Robin missed due to no Hex boost, but if that's a concern use Prescience instead). Robin could stay a Sage, or he could be a Berserker.
  6. When playing stuff with hans, does the Activity Log still work normally?
  7. Well, that's how Normal is meant to be played. If you try using only "good" units, or reaching for certain skills early on, or spamming Seals or playing with half a team, it falls down. If you use it as a difficulty where you can use whoever you want, however you want, and have them be good with a little effort, then it works nicely. "The community" can go jump in a lake. Since he doesn't move, you can completely mitigate it by fighting him at range with Robin with Fred supporting and Chrom and Lissa adjacent, for a Lv.3 adjacency bonus (+10 Dge). It's probably there just to mess with players who don't know how the adjacency bonus works (or don't properly use it). I for one kinda like it- it's an example of difficulty that can be mitigated through using the right strategy, but without is only a minor (or major, but rare) annoyance and not an impassable blockade. Only this specific example though, there are plenty of times where you really do have no choice but to face 70 listed and hope it hits, and those really are dumb.
  8. You could do a procstack, yeah. But don't bother with the Finn's Lance in that case, I only used it because getting a melee KO on Anna is really hard and a Brave Lance wouldn't cut it (too much Counter damage, too much potential Aether damage). Once you add random chance into Lucina's damage output, she'll just need to kill Anna with a Spear to be safe (though why stop there when you can melee? You want the most powerful, after all). GM is fine. Most anything is fine. You just won't be able to kill Anna like that.
  9. Keep in mind that Vengeance is a little harder to use on Galeboys that it is on girls, since they're typically upfront for only one KO per turn instead of two. I'd probably go for Ignis myself, but it's not too important.
  10. The last update on subtitles is "we're working on an encoder" from five days ago.
  11. In the case of same-gender marriage, stuff would get a lot less varied. Miriel, Panne and Cherche would pretty much need to be paired up with Sumia, Cordelia and Maribelle, Chrom would thus need to be paired with Olivia... Basically you'd turn the non-galeboys into Kjelle (all set except for one thing that only a very small number of spouses can provide), and since that would come from other females, all of their kids would be tied down in limiting parentages as well. Basically, there would only be one or two sets of "good" pairs- it would be pretty terrible for optimization, even if you'd be a lot more powerful. In the case of the Spotpass Six and all the post-Plegia recruits marrying normally, it wouldn't be quite as overcentralizing, but there would still be a handful of extremely overpowered pairs, such as Walhart!Inigo and Gangrel!Cynthia (assuming Gangrel's passdowns are the same as Henry). Priam!Nah would also be a never-miss if his Fighter became Peg, and Yen'fay would make ridiculous Yarnes and Severas. You'd basically be trying to use as many of them as possible, they're too good to mesh well with the rest of the meta.
  12. Strictly the most overkill possible, or just something you can't meaningfully be stronger than? Or something that just has an answer to everything? I'm inclined to say just use Sumia!Lucina x +Mag/-Def Robin, because you'll be able to fiddle with skills (and maybe his class) to take anything on, no matter the scenario. In Apo, let's go with LB/GF/DSt+/LF/All+2, for maximum non-RNG damage output. Robin can be a Sage with LB/Agg/TF/Hit+20/Hex. Lucina will have 67 Def with a Finn's Lance, so vs Anna and a Vantage+ Spear++ Aether (78 Atk), she'll take 11+44 damage (30 HP remaining). She should have 87 Atk (5/15 forge), which against Anna's 55+3 Def does 14 damage. Robin has 96 Atk with a +5/15 Celica's (20 damage), and thanks to All+2 Lucina hits 75 with a +0 support, so Anna will take 14+20+20+14+20+20 =108 damage, leaving Lucina at 2HP. Hitwise, Lucina is far in the clear, while Robin hits 267 on the nose (don't replace Hit+20 with Anathema support, All+2 and a +3/25 forge though, it'll leave Lucina with 3% listed crit and one of those after an Aether would kill her on Counter). Vs Thronie it's a similar situation, but a +5/15 Levin Sword should be used instead (Robin still does 20 in the back, Lucina has 83 Atk with WTA so 12 damage, Thronie takes 104 from 6 hits and dies). In short, there's a GL Lucina that's 100% unsurvivable at full HP. Anna needs to be melee'd with a Finn's Lance, anything else with Counter falls to Levins/Spears, and anything without Counter gets mauled by Braves. For non-Apo postgame, switch Hit+20 for All+2 on Robin and they can keep 100% DS without Tonics or Rallies (AT over Hex as well, most likely- Lucina can sacrifice LF for something fun too). And as a nice little side, Morgan will be great. The Anna calcs are pretty tight though, so you might want to check them before doing all that just in case. If you want to try a male Wyvern, he'd be the place to do it. Grab a +3 support (Hero, BK, DF or maybe Falco) and he's set.
  13. Morgan: depends on Asset/Flaw. Cynthia: several options. DF hits 75 Spd with All+2 and a Sage support (though this doesn't leave room for both Tomefaire and a procstack), GK hits 75 Spd with All+2 and a Berserker support (but has the same problem as DF), Falco hits 75 with no All+2 and any support, but can hit 100% DS with Sniper Stahl!Yarne if she uses it anyway (that also leaves the GK option open, as well as Warrior for Falco support). General is also feasible just for fun, hitting 66 with no All+2 and any support, but it's hard to find husbands who match that well. Noire: Sniper, usually, with a 2+ Spd support. She lacks the Faires to do pretty much anything else- BK is the only other thing you'd remotely consider.
  14. Spd is right, but DS seems fishy since it only takes 4 points of Skl for 1% of DS (so you could have a .75% or a .0%, but not a .875%). DS is also rounded down to the nearest %, so if Skl+2 doesn't bump you up a point, it's probably worth replacing it with Deliverer (Atk wise, Str+2 will grant a much bigger boost than the extra 2% Luna). Actually, even if it does bump you up a DS% point, it's probably worth going with Deliverer instead, unless it somehow makes the difference between 99% and 100%. According to my chart, though, the best Fred!Noire x Vaike!Gerome can do is a flat 99% (assuming no Barracks and no Defender, and Gerome as an Assassin instead of a Hero). Ricken!Gerome is a little odd, but works well at filling niches. He has +3/3 Str/Mag mods, allowing him to fill a variety of support roles, Bowfaire BK as a +3 Spd support, Bowfaire Warrior as a high Str support, and Sage as a high Mag support. He works best with a versatile unit who can go either physical or magical, such as Morgan or Virion!Severa. I'm using him paired with a +Skl/-Def Chrom!Cynthia!Morgan. Fred is never the best solution for Gerome though, he's pretty much his worst father. Lacking Hit is one thing, but he also lacks every single physical Faire, rendering him exceptionally weak despite his +6 Str mod. He can't lead, and he can't fill out a proper support set- LB/Agg/All+2/Str+2 is all he's got. I'd never use him under any circumstances. AT is not the point of Gregor!Laurent. With his +1/3 Str/Mag mods, he's capable of switching between fine magical and physical supports, having Sage on one side and Hex/Amathema Berserker on the other. Outside of Apo, he's one of the best VV Nostanks (if you're into that stuff), and in it he's one of the only units in the game (alongside Lon'qu!Laurent) who can wield a 155 crit VV build that functions in a no LB/Agg/Rally environment and OHKOes any 55 Lck non-Aegis+ enemy with 100% accuracy and 100% crit. Ingame, he's easy to obtain, very powerful, male (and has a fast support growth with Lucina), and his parents are strong enough to hold their own on Lunatic+. To top it all off, Gregor is a fairly low-demand father. Overall, his general excellence at all corners of the game and lack of any real drawbacks put him among the best units in the game, alongside the likes of Stahl!Yarne, Chrom x Sumia and both Robins. Everyone else: I'm on vacation and not paying as close of attention to this thread as I usually do, so if anyone got overlooked, repost your question and I'll get around to it!
  15. August? Well, that leaves me with quite a while to decide whether or not to get it again. I probably will, though. Gotta encourage localizations like these whenever possible.
  16. The only possible way to use Heal too often is if you break the one you start with before you get another in Cht.3, or if you're Lv.20. Other than that, more is always better. That's why I like high deployment- you have enough offensive potential to have some map control, and once you have that you can protect anyone, no matter how squishy they are. Keep in mind, though, you only need to be able to take a single hit to help out in combat or as a diversion. And while Maribelle's Def won't do her any favors there, it's not too hard to get her HP up to a point where she isn't OHKOed. The exp isn't a waste if it allows you to get Brady's Paralogue- even if neither Brady nor Maribelle ever contribute, there's plenty of combat exp there for your other units to train on.
  17. +Def as an asset gives 4 Def, 2 Lck and 2 Res. Chrom has a -1 Def mod, so you wind up with +4 total. +HP as an asset gives 1 Str, 1 Mag, 2 Lck, 2 Def and 2 Res, so you wind up with +2 total Def. +Def is a very good earlygame asset too, typically +Spd gives you a bigger boost when taken proper advantage of but +Def's boost is much more universal and easy to use. However testing strategies on lower difficulties does not work- say you try +Spd on Normal, and it lets you double a certain enemy? That enemy's going to be faster on Hard, so your test tells you absolutely nothing about whether or not you'll be able to double it. The only way to tell if and how a strat will work on a given difficulty is to try it on that difficulty (or ask someone else, but there's nothing like hands-on experience).
  18. Congrats! If you ever do it again, the one thing I'd stress is to reclass all your kids immediately instead of promoting them. Your kids could have +3-5 stats across the board with a little more base class exp, and you'd have much more of a say about their skillsets. Doing that does require doing Severa's Paralogue quick, but it's worth it. You can also use Miiverse to take high-quality screenshots, by the way.
  19. You need the convoy to keep stuff, yeah. That also happens with stuff gained from Event Tiles. If you're soloing and really need to carry a bunch of stuff on one unit, keep things you aren't immediately using like Vulneraries on your pairup so nothing's lost (the Lance isn't too important since you get two next chapter, the Sword is very helpful).
  20. +Spd is a really good asset though. Being able to double stuff for securing KOes is really helpful for stopping yourself from being mobbed. Testing strats for higher difficulties on lower ones doesn't work, though. You're almost guaranteed to get blindsided by something that's not present lower down that you didn't prepare for- always test your strats on the difficulties you want to use them on, and if things get too rocky, reset and tweak your strat a little.
  21. Sort of. It's not actually that Lissa is really good in Lunatic(+), it's that the increase in difficulty doesn't do much to change how good she is (compare to, say, Donnel, who does OK in Normal/Hard because there's not enough exp for him to run into his issues with caps and class pool, or Nowi, who can easily overpower vanilla Lunatic with raw stats but has absolutely nothing on Luna+ and Counter). She's a high-investment, high return unit, so when you have more unit options and can get away with it it makes more sense to use a medium/low investment, medium return unit- but in Lunatic+ you need as much return as possible. I've taken the time to get her going in vanilla Lunatic, though, and she is very helpful there. She's especially useful if you plan on fighting all the Risen. Brady's "potential" has a bit more to do with his Apo performance, though, since between Maribelle/DLC he has a perfect postgame class and skillset regardless of his dad (Sage, LB/GF/Agg/Luna/TF). Ingame, bases on children don't matter too much because they gain exp so fast- what really holds Brady back is his starting weapon ranks. The game doesn't even have the decency to give him C Staves, he's stuck at D- and unlike Nah and Yarne, he's not very physical so using a Cav reclass isn't as good of a remedy. The best you can probably do for him in that regard is passing it down from Stahl (or a reclassed Ricken, if you don't mind his bases being even worse). If you have the time, though, keeping him in staff classes for exp could pay off, since he can train regardless of his bases. Then once he gets to Sage/Monk, he can start helping with chip damage/support.
  22. Have you never played Lunatic+? Lissa is really good. She requires a lot more work than is warranted for getting a good unit in lower difficulties, but she can hold her own and even be an asset to the team there when at maximum performance, and that's more than a lot of the cast can say.
  23. Most other builds are prohibitively time-consuming. It's possible, but not very likely.
  24. That'll make it so easy, you might as well be playing Normal (once you get them. They won't help you in the first four chapters). I can't see the images, though.
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