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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Yeah, that'll work. Severa doesn't see any benefit from All+2 beyond a bit more Atk though; you may want to switch it for Deliverer since she's only got 6 Mov. Gerome's last skill should probably be All+2 though. 5 pairs is definitely enough. Morgan will be fine without a Faire in this case.
  2. To be fair I popped in for about 10 seconds at 3:40 to see if you made it past the start, so I did leave...
  3. First off, if you're looking at the "guide" I think you are... It doesn't work. That guide is just a commercial for the DLC, using Fred swiftly makes the rest of the game impossible in nogrind circumstances. You'll need to start over if you've been following it for this long. The best and easiest way to handle Lunatic is to take a +Def/-Skl Avatar, feed her as much as possible, and give her a Fred support. You're not weak to hammers, can attack at range and will actually grow stronger. You still start off weak, but any of your weapons can OHKO a prologue Barb who's taken a hit from Fred, and the Barbs can't OHKO you so it's relatively safe to train on them.
  4. Figures you'd get a successful run on the one night I'm not able to watch. Kuroi, stop making me superstitious!
  5. Sumia!Lucina@Sniper (LB/GF/Aether/Luna/DSt+) x +Mag/-Def Avatar-M@Sage (LB/Agg/TF/All+2/filler) That's a pretty good format. Change the X to a + if they're fighting at A and add the weapon after the skills if it's unusual. Kjelle will want a +Spd support if she's a Wyvern and not need one if she's a Paladin or Hero. Inigo's Paladin will be fast enough for her Wyvern if you go that route.
  6. In that case, maybe you should just start giving a flat "no" to DLC questions?
  7. [spoiler=Current run for context]On my current Lunatic+ run (which is at Cht.21 right now), I'm trying to modify a quad GF passdown strat into proper full deployment where I train/use as many units as I can field. My original plan going into this was to grab Fred!Owain and Henry!Inigo to be Severa and Morgan's partners, respectively, since neither of them would interfere with Sumia and Cordelia's training to get- Lissa will already have some Fred support from healing and can use him as a pairup for more once she starts fighting in late Plegia, and Olivia and Henry have a fast support growth and can reach S through dancing during the child paralogues and grab Inigo before moving on to Valm. I got a bigger powerspike than I had been expecting upon recruiting the children, though, and before even getting Morgan I wrecked Severa's Paralogue (Lv.3/5 promoted, around where Cht.17 is ingame) and figured I had enough of a lead on the game to try getting Inigo GF, so I held off on getting him to reclass Olivia to DF and get her to 15. Turns out that was a bad idea because she hogged exp Owain needed to get a fast promotion (I passed Discipline and DSp+ and took him Wyvern -> Griffon), so I still don't have Inigo and am pairing Cord and Morgan instead. Having them as a double Galepair is nice, but some kills on Cord's end are a little scary so I'm trying to figure what I'd do with Morgan otherwise. This run I passed Morgan AT and GF and sent her Tact -> GM -> DK. Looking at what she wants for pairup bonuses, +Lck is pretty important- Severa got a huge power spike when Owain promoted thanks to AT getting reliable enough to start freely using Legendaries- and since Morgan gets Ignis early and will always be a mixed attacker, +Str/Mag is nice too. Monk's bonuses cover all this nicely, with some +Res on the side which is useful as Morgan will likely have decent Res already and can become a proper tank with this. The reason I'm looking at Gregor!Brady for the job is because Maribelle, as a staffbot, can be trained and given DSp+ without getting in Sumia/Cord's way (though there's a chance I'd pass Rally Res instead). Gregor can be a prepromote should I get him a Seal, meaning he'll give great pairup bonuses and have decent damage output until stuff starts promoting. Brady will have naturally high Lck as well due to Maribelle's growths, meaning he'll both give a little more a little sooner for Morgan and have a good AT rate himself, assuming I pass it (I might not, if Rally Skl turns out to be a better option- it, along with his Lck and Res and Morgan's Spc could give Lucina/Cynthia a very important boost somewhere).
  8. Well, said Quad GF strat actually just involves getting a quadruple passdown, so what you really have is six GF units (I'm going for 8 with Olivia and Inigo on the side, but it was a terrible idea and I'm only sticking with it to see whether it's possible at all, it'll never be remotely optimal).
  9. The fact that this has to be played in one sitting is far more restrictive of that than anything else. It would definitely be worth looking into if not for the fact that it takes so much longer.
  10. It's not. Quad GF passdown is very powerful, but even once you have it it's extremely high maintenance- even if it didn't cost time to get, it would cost time to use. The real point of quad GF is to get the flexibility to get around skill combinations, and that doesn't mesh well with planning out everything beforehand. Trying to use the Pegs early on instead of Robin also leaves you extremely dependent on your stat growths- you have to take advantage of everything you do get and compensate for everything you don't, and that's also a big timesink against pre-planned runs. There's also the matter of Cht.5, which is generally even less reliable if Sumia's been soaking up exp beforehand (Par.1 would also be riskier without Flux, which we wouldn't have since we wouldn't be a DM yet, and Sumia isn't strong enough yet to help out there. We'd still have sword access, but bad Counter/Hawkeye rolls and those still wouldn't help much). It's a very powerful and fun strategy, but won't work out here. We're not stopping for FE14, by the way. Lunatic Nohr will be done on the side, but Lunatic+ is the real show.
  11. Chapters 8-11 have a difficulty lull so you can safely train up the team you'll be using later. Keep that in mind and make the most of it.
  12. Considering that one S support is vastly more useful than four C supports, it doesn't really sound like you're banning anything important. It's pretty rare to switch support partners past Cht.6 in the first place unless you're doing some other kind of challenge run or are otherwise in a situation where fighting with your current S isn't optimal.
  13. Cht.24, and always due to fatigue. I think we've only lost one run past Cht.7 that didn't go down there.
  14. I'm actually considering using Gregor!Brady as a War Monk for nogrind Lunatic+. Monks may be bad for Apo, but I'm really thinking he might work for this.
  15. Don't look at her bases or growths, look at her exp gain. Just give her a map full of kills and she'll be great. Put her in a magical class like GM or DK (I'd advise starting with Tactician) so she can put her Mag to use.
  16. You're talking about Awakening's Lunatic+, right? Because if you're playing that and need to rely on certain skills not generating, you're missing the whole point of the mode- because enemies don't spawn the same way twice, you can't use the same plan of attack twice. It punishes unnecessary risk taking (since you can't just do the same thing you did if you die to a low% miss/crit) and means you can never just use exactly the same formations and patterns you used in a previous playthrough, which provides vastly more replayability than anything where the enemies are the same each time- those are puzzle games, not strategy games. I can understand why Lunatic+ is gone (Awakening did a terrible job explaining how to play it, and as a result the majority of its players got wrecked and are now salty, leading to no demand), but I'll definitely miss it. Lunatic Nohr can be as "hard" as it wants, but if it can't come up with anything more once it's been cracked, it'll quickly become a pointless exercise in repetition.
  17. 220 is a general threshold that gives perfect hit on all non-bosses and the like, so everyone should be at least there. I think the highest is 257 (don't remember for sure) on Anna when she's on her Throne. Also Hero is a Str/Mag-neutral support. It goes just as well behind a Sage as it does a Paladin or something.
  18. Depends on difficulty, his intended wife, what you want them as a pair to do and most of all who his dad is. Ingame? Apo? Non-Apo postgame? He won't strictly do better as one or the other in every scenario.
  19. Brady wants to end as a Sage, Virion and Nowi's passdowns are completely irrelevant.
  20. There isn't (to prevent spam), but everyone who's volunteered so far comes here a lot and will notice pretty quickly if you make another thread. That said, don't bother making a new thread, PM a mod to get this one moved or just change its title yourself instead.
  21. This is good advice. I prefer the quad GF passdown because I like offense more than turtling, but it's arguably harder in that you have to spend much more time planning your attacks, and you can't rely on Robin late Plegia because you need all the exp to go to Sumia and Cordelia. For the first few chapters, follow Interceptor and Kuroi's guides (Int's new one, that is). They cover more or less every scenario that can be rolled in terms of random skills, and can get you through the first four chapters in under two hours with minimal resets (or even a hour with a few more).
  22. She's a bit of a middle ground between Vaike and Henry, possessing Henry's TF Valk with less Mag and no critstack, and also Vaike's AF Hero with less Str. She has no proc so she might want to stay in the back, but also has an ingame availability advantage on both of them due to fast Nowi x Gregor supports. Overall she's not as good as those two, but definitely not one of Nah's worse options.
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