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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Really? The only one I go to is the SNES one and it doesn't have those. Huh. What's the point of a merge if you've still got the sections separate?
  2. ...Maybe? He says stuff about having visions and forseeing stuff, but it's also implied he's just bluffing to keep Chrom's attention. Not sure why it matters, but there you go. Check through the scripts if you want to see for yourself.
  3. But what does that have to do with how hard the game is to hack...?
  4. Keep in mind that this game is set in medieval times, not Hollywood. This sort of thing was pretty normal back then.
  5. If your only reason for going with Sully is to help Kjelle out, then that's something you can pass up. Gaius!Kjelle is top tier already and has little to gain from upgrading to Robin, and Donnel!Kjelle is a little slow but otherwise still very solid. Severa isn't exactly wanting for excellent father options either. Since both of them would be set without your help, but Robin has more to gain from Cordelia as a wife than Sully and you like her more too, it's pretty clear what the better option is.
  6. Hubba's in the base game, I wouldn't expect to see him with the DLC stuff. Clair is a FE2 Spotpass character and I don't know why she's in there.
  7. You should still be able to use hans, but will be locked out of emuNand and custom firmwares so you won't be able to get any new DLC without updating again and potentially losing that, too. For the record, you don't need DLC to keep your saves, either- there are multiple save file backup utilities out there already that can do this for you instead. And if you were to set up emuNand, you'd be able to update that to the latest version anyway and buy the DLC normally from there, without losing access to any *hax.
  8. In that particular Severa's case, All+2 isn't needed for anything so you do have a free slot for Deliverer (unless you want it for AT for the Double Bow). Olivia does like Boots too, though hitching a ride on a non-combat Bow Knight Chrom is another way to get her around. There's not really any general convention for Boots usage as it's such a personal preference thing. I try to allot my classes, skills and Boots such that everyone on my team has an 8-Mov lead (and did it on my 100% DS team), but that's not always feasible. This is definitely a point in the favor of small teams, though, because fewer units means the Boots cover more of what you have. Unfortunately, since they're permanent it's hard to test and see if you like them somewhere, then go back and change it up.
  9. You should upload the screenshots to a site like imgur so they show up properly instead of as thumbnails, it really helps with presentation. If you've got the story done and written out, you probably should show it off a little. No need for spoilers, just a summary of the beginning and a bit of stuff after that to show it off- since it seems to be what this project is riding on, flaunt it!
  10. There's an Awakening hacking thread in the Fan Projects section of SF, you'll probably have much better luck asking there. I'm sure it's already been ripped, someone would just have to upload it somewhere. Welcome to SF, by the way!
  11. Yo. If you're going to get on people's cases for not reading your directions, it's a good idea to read other people's directions yourself. My vote goes to Cord. She works very well for Lunatic+/nogrind (if you're grinding, that's another story, but Cord will still be good).
  12. Maybe. Getting GF quickly is nice, but there's enough exp to get her to Lv.15 in her second promoted class (assuming she goes to 20 in two base classes first), and if you make GM your first promote then there's enough to do that and train more units too. Either way, it shouldn't be possible to reclass her at all before Lv.15 or so, because you can't get any Seals before Cht.4 (it's generally advised to wait until 20 to reclass). Of course, vanilla Lunatic diminishes the value of GF a bit (compared to L+) because tanking is viable and you don't need to hit and run. By the time you actually get it, you shouldn't have problems taking enemy phases anymore.
  13. I'd swap Ricken for Stahl. Better mods on Yarne, and Gerome/Owain will be about the same. Unless, of course, headcanons.
  14. I think the question was assuming one already had a physical copy, and how to get specifically IK from there...
  15. I was thinking of going Merc -> BK in my current Lunatic+ run, but when the time came to promote him (Cynthia's Paralogue) I decided I wanted Hero's +Def pairup boost and Hand Axes more than Bow access. They're both solid choices, though.
  16. Check the Mods page in my sig. Basically different assets add mods to your total and flaws subtract a smaller amount of the same stats- so a Mag asset, for example, would give +4/2/2 Mag/Spd/Res and a Mag flaw would give -3/1/1 of the same stats. Assets always add +8 (one 4 and two 2s) and flaws always subtract -6 (one 3 and two 1s). HP is a little different because there's no HP mod so it gives a general boost, but nobody ever uses +/-HP so it doesn't matter much in the first place.
  17. I think it's a terrible idea. If I couldn't browse Awakening stuff without having to put up with If prerelease spoilers, I'd probably leave SF.
  18. 1. Cordelia. 2. Sumia. 3. No. 4. Probably just Lord -> Great Lord (or possibly Lord -> Cav -> Paladin). Sumia should be the one getting the exp, not Chrom. 5. Laurent will be great in the long run and Miriel is useful, but training her prevents you from having enough exp to do a quad GF passdown without promoting Sumia and Cordelia dangerously early (and relying on Anna Seals).
  19. Miracle is intended to be a way for the RNG to counter player incompetence (leaving healers in enemy range, mostly). But by definition player competence is the counter to RNG, so that doesn't really work.
  20. If you want a team... The only ways to get one of those is by paying people to work for you. If your project is sufficiently amazing, you can pay them with hype (and it'll need to be amazing prior to their contribution), but it takes quite a lot to get dedicated teammates and not just people who drop in and out, or even ones who just help with one (easy) thing and then leave. Outside of that, showing commitment is the best thing to do. If you've been working on the story for several years, you should be familiar with that, so show the people here. If you've got a hack that's been in development for more than a year (and you've actually been doing stuff), it will get people's attention. Release patches that have not just been made, but been polished (short and good > long and rough), and people will remember them.
  21. As novel as high Lck sounds, it's actually not the best way to go about... Whatever it is that you'd be going about, and the reason for that is RK. With it, you can hit 100% Miracle, 100% Despoil, what have you- and you can't go higher than 100%. Any increase you may see from using Donnel as a dad simply can't compete with perfection. Chrom!Brady!Morgan married to Maribelle!Lucina is thus probably the way to go. Morgan can still get a +9 Lck mod, so with LB, All+2, Defender and RK he should have... 45(base) +9(mods) +10(LB) +14(Rally) +9(pairup) +10(RK) +2(All+2) +1(Defender) +2(tonic) +10(Nidhogg) =112. That's as high as you're going to get. Now, obviously you only actually need 100 for 100% anything, so it's time to cut what you don't need. Defender, All+2 and the Lck asset are good places to start, that'll drop you to 105. However, if you went back and got a Spd or Def asset, you'd be up to 107, which means you can take a +0 pairup and be fine. You can therefore take a Chrom!Brady!Morgan with a +Spd or Def asset and any flaw but Lck, run just LB and RK, and use Nidhogg, and have your 100% skills and three slots to use them in. AT will be pretty important to keep Nidhogg around, but Miracle is essentially useless even with 100% activation and I'd strongly recommend replacing it with GF to double your Bullion haul (since Despoil is player phase only).
  22. Virion fairly solidly gives Gerome more than he gives Nah, so in this case Virion!Gerome and Henry!Nah is probably the best answer.
  23. Absolutely. The SF community has some of the most elite players around, meaning you can and will be 1-upped on anything you try to bill as a challenge. As a result, people sort of stopped caring about difficulty stunts, so as long as you don't say "challenge run" you can play however you want and nobody will bat an eyebrow.
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