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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Yeah DSp+ affects whoever the lead is, and it only works if the unit who has it participates in the battle. Rightful King boosts Lethality, Aether, Astra, Sol, Luna, Ignis, Vengeance, Pavise, Aegis, Miracle and Despoil. It also works on the weapons that have those skill effects on them (Sol/Luna/Astra/Vengeance/Leif's Blade), and presumably it would work on Luna+/PavGis+ too if those weren't already at 100%.
  2. She can catch up in about one chapter of very heavy favoritism, for future reference.
  3. Here's an example on how units' strengths in various classes work: Lucina's Spd mod with your setup is +2, while Robin's is +0. Now imagine that you're choosing between Falcon Knight and Dark Flier for them. Falcon Knight has 44 base Spd, and Dark Flier has 42 base Spd. Lucina will have 46 Spd as a Falco and 44 as a DF, and Robin will have 44/42. In the end, Lucina has a difference of 2 Spd between the choices, and so does Robin- essentially, which character you use a certain class on doesn't change the difference between that class and any others. No matter what unit you run them on, there will be a difference of 2 Spd between Dark Flier and Falcon Knight. This is the same for all other differences between classes, including movement type and weapon access- making a switch from one class to another will never give you more or less depending on what unit you do it on. See what I'm saying? The one time where this stops being the case is when you have a specific amount of a certain stat you know you need for something. Say you've got an enemy with 41 Spd- in Robin's case, neither class will allow her to double it, but in Lucina's case, that +2 Spd from switching to Falcon Knight makes the difference between doubling and not doubling. The change between the classes is still the same, but if it allows you to do something you know about in advance, then it can be more or less important. This only really happens in Apotheosis and Lunatic(+), though. Stuff in Normal/Hard is generally too weak for you to come up with a plan for ahead of time, since it's much easier to just throw something at it until it dies, so you'll just have to pick classes based on what plays nicely with your skills and other unique assets (like Falchion). If you want more ideas for Lucina, Paladin is another mounted sword user, this time trading a bit of Spd/Skl and Bow access for lots of Def/Res. Wyvern Lord is also an option; it lacks swords but has a ton of Str/Def and other common Lucinas don't get it, so it's more or less unique. You could also try Hero, which is similar to Paladin but trades some Move for some Skl, which means more Aethers, Lunas, Ignises and Sols.
  4. I kind of recall Int complaining about Gregor's Spd on his Lunatic+ playlog as well, I guess Gregor's just not that good of a unit. The best fix here (for the future, at least) is to drop Gregor/Cherche and get Cynthia into Great Knight instead. It's usually a really bad class, but when Cynthia does it coupled with Paladin Lucina, it becomes really good- and one of the perks is that Cynthia will cover all your Hammering needs.
  5. It's not very easy to say which of the two is a "better" Great Lord when it's not even the same class- Chrom's GL has higher Str/Def than Lucina's, Lucina's has higher Spd/Skl. It's like trying to figure out who's the better mounted unit when you're comparing a Wyvern Lord and a Paladin. Additionally, with the exception of not getting Aggressor, Lucina is usually a superior unit to Chrom before factoring in class, so it's not even much of a fair comparison. Not saying there's a right or wrong way to class them, or that Lucina should or shouldn't be a GL, just that it's not a very smooth comparison. There is also a page here that can do calculations of character stats with classes and mods factored in, if you like.
  6. If Kjelle is the one and only, go with her (Gaius!Kjelle, and +Str/-Def asset/flaw). But if not, Sumia is pretty great too (probably +Mag/-Def).
  7. I'm partial to Chrom, Virion, Sumia, Nowi, Lucina, Cynthia, Morgan-F and Owain. Severa is close, but fails to make the cut because when she's in jerk mode, she frequently crosses the line and then fails to receive comeuppance for her nastiness.
  8. Brady: ingame I rarely make him a combat unit, so Spd shouldn't matter. If you're just capping his stats for postgame, Assassin/Trickster will help a little. Gaius does pass Sol, Sully doesn't matter. Vaike passes one of the Barb skills- Axefaire is the best if you can use it (Hero/General), Despoil is fun to play around with while grinding if not.
  9. Falco Donnel!Kjelle doesn't have much use for All+2. Griffon with All+2 and a +3 Spd pairup would work nicely, Assassin with All+2 and a +0 support also works. Though I kind of agree with Vas about Assassins, they focus too heavily on what the current meta already has to offer and thus get nothing out of the meta and bring nothing else to the table. When you can have a weak, squishy and low-range Assassin that makes up for its faults by doubling everything in the game, or you can have an 8-Mov flying armored monstrosity that, thanks to the meta, also doubles everything in the game, there's not much contest (especially if you don't value doubling things).
  10. Vaike!Severa does not get Astra. Also, my calculations assume everyone always has all tonics. If you make Donnel!Kjelle a Paladin with All+2, she can take a +0 Spd support and still double Thronie.
  11. Always use DSt+ on Lucina. DG+ and DSp+ aren't nearly as good, though.
  12. They work for active and supporting. They also work if the supporting unit is adjacent but not actually paired (but only if they're the one who appears in combat behind the attacker).
  13. ...Why no Dual Strike+? It's one of the best skills in the game, and the whole thing that makes Lucina special. He probably means using Sol and Luna together as a pseudo-Aether (which doesn't work very well).
  14. Severa does like procstacking, but the only dad who lets her do it is Robin, so it shouldn't be much of an issue here. You could swap them, though. Both of those teams are good; neither has a big advantage over the other (except for the first team needing Ricken twice). You should also be aware that Wyvern Donnel!Kjelle with a +0 support and no All+2 will be doubled by Anna, so swapping Vaike and Virion and giving her a Berserker Gerome might be useful there.
  15. Usually he wants both in the long run. Anathema gives a +crit boost which is nice for training, though, so I usually pass it when choosing between the two. Hex will actually be useless if he winds up supporting a Sniper, so in that case go with Anathema for sure.
  16. Ingame, Lucina makes a really good Bow Knight. She keeps Falchion for healing/Grima, but also has Bows for ranged attacks (Bows combo well with Galeforce). Morgan might want to end up as a Dark Knight; it makes good use of him having both high Str and high Mag, as well as being fairly beefy t compliment his +Def. Both classes should serve you well, though if you're not grinding you'll probably only have one reclass to get there due to limited exp (Normal has very few enemies).
  17. DK does run Swordfaire, it just doesn't usually use Tomes (sometimes Levins, but they pale in the face of Braves). When I run Gaius!Noire, I usually use BK x Berserker and forget about magic.
  18. Mixed attacking classes and Faires usually don't mesh that well, and she doesn't get Tomefaire...
  19. If you're DLC grinding and find the game to be too easy, start by playing without DLC (until post-Cht.25, at least). You can always add more from there if it's still too easy, but grinding always trivializes the game on any difficulty so you really have no baseline here for exactly what level of difficulty you want.
  20. In that case, Lon'qu x Cordelia and Gaius x Tharja will be the best in all categories. Both of the kids will have VV either way. Even if you wanted to use it, it wouldn't really matter to this decision.
  21. It really doesn't matter, I just brought it up as trivia.
  22. Yes, Vaike!Noire. And she'll be a soft support- her husband takes the first kill, activates GF, switches to her, and then she takes the second kill. And she'll be running Vengeance, not Luna/Astra (my bad on that).
  23. Eh, it's just a bit of trivia. Though lowest maximum possible (with everything but the father on the table) doesn't seem really that different from lowest maximum possible with everything but the father and the class on the table... Inigo can take either Noire or Nah, and in both cases Vaike will be the best parent (pass Axefaire). General is an option, but Noire will also make a nice Sniper (put on All+2/Luna/Astra and give her the last kill of each round) and Nah can be a good Hero as well.
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