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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. The Wii U can render Wii games in HD, and since Xenoblade is already one of the best-looking Wii games it benefits a ton from that (especially menu text, but the scenic vistas too).
  2. More to the point, do you have a Wii version of Xenoblade? The difference between one of those and the N3ds version will more than make up the difference for upgrading to the N3ds if you don't. As someone who played through both the 3ds and the Wii (U) versions of Xenoblade, there aren't too many differences in either direction. The 3ds has "worse" lighting, which is often actually a good thing since there are some areas of the U version that are really hard to see due to glare (especially caves and cutscenes of the Titans) that are a lot better on the 3ds. It also has a model and soundtrack viewer, but unlocking them is really silly and requires a huge amount of Play Coins unless and even if you have a Shulk Amiibo. The Wii though has a few other special effects the 3ds is missing (namely the "tunnel vision" effect when getting a Vision in combat or using Mind Blast), and also the Wii's menus look really good in HD. Finally, I played with the U on an old classic controller, which wasn't nearly as nice as the 3ds. All that aside, it really just comes down to whether you already have the Wii version or not. The core experience is the same on both of them. The original 3ds had a launch library of pretty much zero and a more or less non-functional menu at launch (even the cameras weren't enabled!), and look where it is now. Future proofing is very definitely not a bad reason.
  3. Don't forget WRB, 5/15 Celica's comes to a clean 100 Hit with it. It's certainly not beneath her. She's got plenty of free skillslots, so you might as well take advantage of them by making her an interesting lead. I'm somewhat partial to using LB/Vengeance/Wrath/Anathema/Focus, which in the back with Wrath active, 61 Skl and a 3/0/15 Katarina's Bolt grants 115 effective crit. That's 60 listed against generic mooks, which gives you a 91% chance of nailing at least one crit. Giving Nah a Celica's Gale and putting her in the back sees four attacks per pair of DSes (so she does 4x the normal attack damage), giving her a Katarina's Bolt and an expected one normal attack + one crit also gives 4x the normal damage- but Katarina's Bolt is a good deal stronger than Celica's (discounting the lesser forge, the mt difference makes up for the loss of TF), has the potential to crit twice for massive damage, and is a lot more interesting in the face of the Brave spam everyone else will be doing. Mind you, it does require that Wrath be active (or a significant reliability loss will be faced), and that can be difficult to keep up consistently. Keep a Celica's Gale on hand anyway for when it's not reliable- you'll still have decent listed crit, and the Atk drop from no TF isn't that bad- and bring her up front for the final turn whenever Wrath is active, since there'll be a hefty Vengeance boost to go alongside it and even more +crit from the support boost. Nah will stand a very real chance of OHKOing many threats upright. She's like critsweeping Laurent, except she trades perfect reliability and KO thresholds for much more freedom and can be used as a normal unit with the swap of a weapon.
  4. Yes for Gerome. Nah will want Vengeance for when she comes up front and likely Anathema as well.
  5. Overblown or not, there's going to be less in the patch than there will be in the localization, and that's all some people need to know. So let's not start this.
  6. Also, the names will be unchanged. The localization messed some of them up pretty badly.
  7. Her Str/Mag are +1/2. That's pretty solidly mixed- restricting her to Mag only because her Mag mod is higher is like restricting Stahl!Owain to Mag only for the same reason. It's technically true, but not as important as putting their epic class sets to use. Buh? In this case, I doubt opportunity cost matters since Libra isn't very in demand. If anything, it would be Robin, since she really wants him but he's both busy and doesn't like Sully. A +Spd from him would grant procstack 75 Spd Wyvern, and a +Mag would grant Valkyrie with decent Mag.
  8. Well put. For players inexperienced with the map, feeling prepared going in often does more work than actually being prepared, so optimization is almost like a placebo in that sense. I just find playing around with numbers to be a funner and more useful way of doing that than, say, drilling into people's heads that there's a Sniper that can ORKO anything you send at it on Wave 2. There is, but just knowing that doesn't really make you feel any more prepared. Meh, Iote's Shield isn't very good. Ricken!Severa can work nicely as a Sniper, Paladin, Sage, DF or Bride. Also consider BK and DK.
  9. The idea with Wyvern Severa is that she has enough Spd to double everything anyway, so she'll turn out just like a slower Falco Severa except with a ton more Str/Def- Wyverns offer the highest flying physical offense in the game by quite a large margin. Her Sniper and DF are good too, but Wyvern is the main focus. Vengeance is a lot riskier with Vantage than without, because it tends to coax bad players into putting themselves in positions where the RNG can kill you. Vengeance without Vantage is much less tempting to misuse, while still very strong and reliable (and a little bit easier to do calcs for, as well). Of course, given the situation you're playing under, very little actually matters in pairings, so you have much more freedom to do what you want. +Mov will still be noticeable, though, and Virion does give more of that than Kellam.
  10. If Yarne's a Taguel, he's doomed to mediocrity no matter who his dad is, so give him Fred. That leaves Virion for Severa (very good, use Wyvern Lord or Dark Flier) and Stahl for Gerome (not bad, use Bowfaire Warrior). Normally I'd suggest throwing Gerome under the bus and giving Stahl to Yarne, but this works too.
  11. Aren't preorders not supposed to charge your card at all until you actually get the item? If it's at the wrong time, for the wrong amount, and for a place that's not GS, it's probably not your preorder.
  12. Virion!Kjelle, whoops. She'll be like Gaius!Kjelle or Virion!Severa without GF; just use those base 40s like Paladin and Sniper. If you want to go magical she'll be fine at that too, having 0 in both Str and Mag- she has no DF but she does get TF DK. Dread Fighter is LB2, Limit Breaker is RaR3. Both of those maps vary by difficulty; on Normal/Hard you could roll over either of them with a good endgame team, on Lunatic you'll need to be prepared and have a ton of Galeforce to handle the latter. LB wrecks Grima on Lunatic, but since it only has an effect once you've reached the regular stat caps you won't see much effect on Normal/Hard- Grima's already doomed by the time you're that strong (it doesn't make you stronger, it lets you get stronger). Sage is pretty much all Ricken!Laurent is good for.
  13. Inigo doesn't have room for RK though. He'll already be running LB/GF/Agg/Luna/Faire, and if he were to sacrifice a skill for something it would be Astra, no questions asked. So what would you drop? Ending classes on benched units don't matter, but Libra!Inigo can do pretty much whatever (physical or magical). He's a pretty good Dread Fighter if you want to use one of those, has mounted options in DK and BK (no BF though so his BK is a little weak) and can also make a good Sage or Hero. He's decently suited to Berserker as well due to having Vengeance, though those are typically underwhelming when not hard supports.
  14. If you're modifying the Roy and Ephraim animations anyway, it'll probably be a similar amount of work whether they're in already or not. I imagine inserting new assets into FEXNA will be significantly easier than with regular hacking. I could be wrong about this, but I think Yeti said the text formatting is identical to FEXP's, meaning Klok should already have it mapped out somewhere.
  15. A little late to the party, but I taught myself programming way back when using this. It's pretty cool because there's no such thing as syntax errors, you don't need to compile anything and you don't need any extra tools, so there's no need for guides or tutorials or anything.
  16. None of those three really have anything Laurent wants, so you won't see much difference based on which one you pick. Kellam actually has the highest Mag out of the four, though (but only by 1), so he may in fact be your best bet- Laurent doesn't care for Spd anyway.
  17. 1. S supports >>> A supports. Especially when DSt+ is involved, it makes the difference between failing to proc exactly none out of however many DS chances you may have, and around 5% of them. The difference between something never (or always) happening and only sometimes happening is the biggest difference it's possible to have in this game. You'd have to be mad to throw that away. Or just have something else that gives an even higher RoI... 2. Since when Chrom has no mods over +1. Morgan is used to enjoying +6es across the board, with Chrom the very best they can do is that much in one single stat. +Str Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan? +6/8/6 Str/Skl/Spd. +Spd Chrom!Morgan? +2/4/6 Str/Skl/Spd. And this is from Morgan, who really should have the best mods in the game- merely good isn't good enough. There's also the issue of not being able to marry Lucina, of course, but that's not as important if you're running a large team, just an inconvenience. 3. Gregor. Gregor!Laurent isn't merely the best Laurent, he's one of the best pairings in the game. You can't go wrong with him, anything you want him to do, he can do. Among his perks are being a very good hard support on both the physical and magical sides in Apo, being an excellent critsweeper, one of the best VV units in the game (should you actually want to use it), being very useful with useful parents on Lunatic+ and having one of the lower demand dads out there. That's true for everyone though, to an extent. Even the most extreme modifiers on either end only give +/- 15% to a unit's stats, and when all else fails you've always got LB, Agg (for males) and Braves. What you can do, though, is cause units to miss out on potential, which is what minmaxing is all about: there's no bad and good, there's good and better.
  18. I'm not hoping for anything (sitting on <9.2 and Gateway over here), just saying how futile it would be to put in that much effort.
  19. Henry is one of Nah's best options, and works well on Owain, Inigo, Brady, Yarne, Laurent and Cynthia. Stahl and Virion will be almost identical on Yarne. You'll never be able to tell the difference unless you're doing calcs to try to snag very tight KOes. You might as well go Stahl because he'll be marginally stronger, but it really doesn't matter.
  20. Those are just control codes for things like changing portrait expressions, moving the portraits, making text come out faster or slower, etc. As long as you have a table of what codes do what, it's just a matter of writing out your text normally, then inserting those where you need things to happen. Honestly, reading it is a lot harder than writing it.
  21. And odds are within those six months some new exploit would come out that can do it easily, making all that work have been for nothing.
  22. Use the SS from Renown for your first reclass, if you have to wait for Cht.8 or Anna to do that you stand a good chance of sinking your run.
  23. Did you finish making your last set of pairings? If not, you could always try bringing over some of them. I've no experience with DMC so I can't speak for aesthetics, though. Chrom x Robin might as well be playing by different rules to the rest of the cast. I don't see much point in comparing them to other gameplay strategies, they're completely their own thing.
  24. This is not actually true. If favored as much as possible, there will be a point where Donnel's growths will allow him to overtake everyone (except Robin and the kids) in raw stats. However, that point is fairly small, because eventually he'll hit his caps just like any other favored unit, and Donnel has some of the worst caps in the game. His class/skillset is also practically nonexistant, causing him to fall off hard at this point. Oh, on Hard he'll still be so far ahead of the enemies that he'll feel invincible, but that'll be entirely due to the stat difference, which lategame and with pampering isn't something he has over other units either. Anyone can get ahead of the curve in Hard, and most units can do it without babying, so with Donnel you'll have a high-investment, average-return unit, which stacks up poorly against average-investment, average-return and especially low-investment, high-return. True, he'll have a chapter or two where he's stronger than the rest of your units would be with the same favoritism, stronger than the enemies, but not strong enough where strength doesn't matter (aka worth it over other units), but only just a few, and to make things even worse they'll likely occur during the easiest part of the game (Cht.8-11). This does change on other difficulties, by the way- he gets worse on Lunatic(+) because his lategame falloff matters more and you'll be hurting more from the loss of a Second Seal, and while he's easier to train on Normal he's suddenly the only unit in the game who requires any babying whatsoever. Hard is actually his best difficulty, and he's still bad. If you still do want to train him, though, boxing Archers is a very safe and easy way to get him exp. Make sure to take them down unpaired for the extra chip exp. There are a good few in his Paralogue (especially the one in the chest room). In Cht.6, you might be able to get him a few 1v1s by starting him on the right and luring enemies as they pass by, as well- he can use the Beastkiller from Renown if he needs to finish fights quickly since there are lots of Cavs. Cht.8 is another good place to pick fights with Cavs, but he really should be out of Villager by then so it's kind of a last resort thing. For what it's worth, Donnel and Sully have even worse mod clash than Tharja; Sully's mods are just much better than Tharja's in the first place. But yes, you should never consider having Donnel father anyone but Noire or Kjelle when seriously minmaxing, and having him take at least one of the two (the alternative being the bench) isn't even that important.
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