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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Welcome to the forest! You don't say what you want the pairings to do (context is extremely important in a situation like this), but any of these will serve you well in Apo, which is generally what this thread focuses on: Chrom x Sumia/Maribelle/Olivia Avatar-M x Chrom!Cynthia/Sumia!Lucina > Maribelle/Olivia!Lucina > Severa/Kjelle/Cynthia > Sumia/Cordelia > others Lissa x Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Sully x Gaius/Donnel Miriel x Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken/Gregor Sumia x Chrom/Henry Maribelle x Chrom/Virion/Lon'qu/Ricken/Libra/Henry Panne x Fred/Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Lon'qu/Gregor/Libra/Henry Cordelia x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken Nowi x Vaike/Stahl/Ricken/Gregor/Henry Tharja x Fred/Vaike/Lon'qu/Ricken/Gaius/Donnel Olivia x Chrom/Fred/Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Cherche x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Ricken/Gregor/Henry Child pairings are also context dependent and depend on your parent pairings, so I can't help you there (yet). IGN is a useless and misleading source, btw.
  2. Your Renown also appears on Streetpass teams so there are multiplayer bragging rights associated with it as well, if you care about those.
  3. Depends whether or not that's more costly than eating a Counter from the Barb not taking enough damage.
  4. Cht.5 Lon'qu strats: what about giving him Sumia, a Def tonic (only if no Counter and no Luna+) and the Iron Sword? He should still survive barring either a Luna+ hit or a hit with Counter, but should double for 8+8 which is within his HP and gives a little more leeway for Robin's Mag. He'll also have around 6 more Avo, and can leave Chrom the KE. I didn't test this but looking at the enemy data it should work. Don't remember if Sumia is needed elsewhere though.
  5. You might want to take that question to the Awakening thread in the hacking/fangames section.
  6. Pavise, Luna and Renewal all have no effect in the back, so Laurent doesn't have any use for them (he's a hard support, unless he's doing a niche 100% crit build). And... Fred!Gerome is a major no-go.
  7. I don't see any Brady, Gerome, Cynthia or Lucina so I assume they're all paired already. Remember to give everyone every Tonic before starting (Str/Mag, Skl and Spd are the most important!).
  8. If you merely need them for reference, looking at them ingame is probably going to be easier than finding the models (they are ripped, but I don't know if anyone's transferred them to a common format, put the textures back on, etc). After you clear the game you unlock a character viewer that gives you a relatively good look at most classes. Grima's model isn't unique, fyi.
  9. Might as well. Both Virion!Gerome and Gregor!Gerome will be good in a minmax setting.
  10. The bench- it's not an uncommon fate. If you want to use him, he should be a hard support for a more capable wife (though none of Gregor's usual wives are Apo material either, so...). Also, if you get LB/Vantage/Wrath/AF/All+2 on your Gregor, give him an S support and manage to get his Skl to 70, he'll have 70 crit. All S.Apo enemies have 55 or more Lck, so he's not very useful as a crit machine.
  11. Fred!Inigo will serve you much better than Fred!Gerome will. The latter was a practical joke played on the Gfaqs community a long time ago by someone who wanted to see if they could convince everyone a terrible pairing was top tier.
  12. Protip: the fewer lines your team takes up, the more likely people are to read it. Anyway, there's my team.
  13. Bride Lissa with LB and Rally hits 69 with either a +2 pairup, or All+2, a Spd tonic, and a +0 pairup. That doesn't matter much though, because Apo has very limited deployment slots and you probably wouldn't want to spare a unit to support her (unless you were running Avatar x Lissa and using her as a combat lead). However, that in turn also doesn't matter because she hits 66 with All+2 and the tonic but no support, and the only unit she'd be able to double with the extra 3 Spd is Thronie (who you'd have to be insane to fight at 1-range and she can't damage at range without a pairup), so she still hits the next threshold of not being doubled by Anna. Outside of Apo both of them will double everything with LB anyway (except Lunatic(+) Simia), so they're functionally the same on that count. As for the flying weakness, lacking it would allow her to survive a single shot from the Luna+/Counter Snipers, but not have much of an effect otherwise in Apo. I imagine it would come in handy more in the other DLC maps, where Lissa would be more of a hybrid combat unit/staffbot. Should Iote's Shield be desired on her (I usually don't use it) she does have room, though (LB/LF/All+2/GF/filler).
  14. Bride only has 4 more Mag than Falco, which equates to 2 more Staff range. Would you really rather have 2 extra staff range over 2 extra Mov (and flight) when you've already got around 20 staff range and only 6 Mov? Rescuing people from far away is nice, but you can only rescue them to where you are, so mobility on staffbots is important.
  15. Yes. You just spelled my name really strangely and I was wondering what was up.
  16. Stahl!Owain is the one other case (besides Gregor!Laurent, and not counting various Noires because she's usually physical regardless of what her mods say) where a typically magical child goes well with a typically physical father.
  17. Depends on your definition of unusual. What people consider to be strange has changed as the meta changes- Gregor!Laurent is pretty mainstream, last I checked. Ricken!Gerome might be up your alley, though. Thank you. As a side note, have you considered making a team that doesn't use every child?
  18. You're meant to get in trouble by overrelying on Fred, he's not very well suited to Lunatic(+) soloing. What you should do instead is have a +Def Avatar and try to funnel as much exp into him/her in the Prologue as you can. Fred will likely need to OHKO the two Myrms and the Mage, but a single hit of his Silver Lance gets both Barbarians in killing range of Avatar, and if you take one out with Thunder the other doesn't have enough Atk to OHKO you. From there, put Fred behind Chrom, Lissa behind Avatar, and have Avatar and Chrom walk out onto the water on the top. They should be on separate sides, and Chrom should be far enough away that the Mage can't hit him, but can hit Avatar. From there, kill the Mage by using Thunder on enemy phase and Vulneraries on player phase. None of the remaining enemies can swim, so you can safely kill all of them with Thunder for a large amount of exp. For the boss, fight at range with Thunder, and have the two units not supporting Avatar be adjacent to him/her for a +3 support bonus (which negates the boss's crit). For Cht.1, put Fred behind Avatar, equip the Bronze Sword, head to the lower fort, and stay there and tank things. It might take a few tries if you get unlucky with dodges, but the Fighters should have less than 50 listed Hit so it's not too bad. Having 11 Def before Fred's boost and the Fort bonus makes the Archer do 0 damage, so you won't need to worry about taking him out and can keep the sword on. Before you finish the chapter, trade Virion's Elixir to Avatar or Fred. For Cht.2, pair up Avatar and Fred and head out to fight. Everyone else should go to the bottom right corner to hide (a Soldier and possibly a Barb will come for them, you'll have to pigpile those down). Use the Elixir to keep healthy, try to reach a Fort on turn 2, and switch between Avatar and Fred if needed to spread out damage across both of their HPs. The bottom wave is the hardest, if you can survive it the top always goes down. For Cht.3, start by sending Chrom out to recruit Kellam, pairing up with him, running back out of range and ending your turn. This lets Kellam be recruited without triggering the enemies. When you attack, go on the left side and try to kill the Knight with Thunder. Avatar should have about 20 Def with Fred supporting, and will damage everything on enemy phase- clean them all up next turn (notable, Sumia with a Chrom support doubles and does 16 total damage to the Archers, which is very good). After that, open the door and kill the Knight, and then fight the approaching enemies in the choke. Try to kill the Archer first, so that Lissa can stand behind Avatar and heal him if needbe. For the top enemies, you can either stand in the choke and fight them there, or run away in circles to take them on one at a time. Cht.4 is very easy from there, because your Avatar will be pretty much invincible. If you need an extra boost, open up the Renown awards and grab the Celica's Gale. From here, you can grind to your heart's content, though keep in mind that you can't get Second Seals from any DLC maps and will eventually get stuck if you don't press on. But your Avatar should be so strong (reclass them with the Second Seal from Renown) that you can keep going without it without being any worse off, at least for a while. There are more advanced strategies than this with much higher success rates, but this is the simplest way to get through without a lot of hassle and/or luck. Most of the "walkthroughs" on youtube are bogus, by the way.
  19. Emmeryn!Morgan will just be a standard +Spd/-Def Valk/DF with LB/GF/All+2/Ignis/TF and a Sage support; Chrom!Morgan doesn't have anything unique or interesting to do postgame but ingame on Lunatic(+) he makes a fine Warrior
  20. Normally I'd say good luck, but it seems you've already had a taste of how that's going to go... GL anyway though.
  21. Yes, Veteran. Good catch. For Galeforce, keep in mind that Lucina's skills aren't generated until after Cht.13, so you still have all the enemies there to grab it (a decent amount more time than you would otherwise). Even though there are a lot of Bows it's actually quite a friendly map for fliers, since the terrain works heavily in your advantage once you can clear a side out and most of the enemies are 5 Mov ground units. I was actually talking about Paladin instead of GK (you keep the Spd/Skl bonuses, get +1 Mov, and Aegis works with RK), but Hero is a solid option too. You may want to play it by ear with Warrior. Definitely go for it if you're looking shaky against Grima since that's one of the places it shines most, though you'll want a good Bow rank for that. Since Morgan comes at a low level and with Veteran, you'll have plenty of time to take him through a second promoted class before sending him to his final one- Dark Knight and Wyvern Lord are both fun options. Either way, try to work on both of your weapon ranks as a Hero (consider even using an Arms Scroll to jump to D Axes for Hand Axe access, though get to B Swords prior to using it if possible) to keep your options open. Reclassing back into your current class is usually a bad idea (unless you're Olivia or Nowi) because Morgan has a big skill pool and fast exp gain to take advantage of it with.
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