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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. I say you get money for repairing it.
  2. Avatar should definitely go Merc because its pairup bonuses make Nowi's early training much faster. People say AT is useless on Manaketes because you can't forge Dragonstone+ so they don't cost very much. It's still very helpful ingame.
  3. I wondered if that was the case. Anyway good luck on your runs.
  4. Rescue may not be the centerpiece, but it's still absolutely necessary for the myriad cases where 3 attacks simply cannot reach the Boss under any circumstances (the elephant in the room here is Cht.21, where a 1-turn is almost impossible in nogrind constraints without Rescue, Olivia and a very high Mov double Galepair, and best doable with several GF Falcos with high Mag).
  5. Then you'll need to either give Brady a faster father or a different wife.
  6. You need to play both routes of FE8 sequentially to properly get why it's so good so if you haven't done that then that's probably why it's not memorable. I forgot about FE9, I haven't played it personally but pretty much everyone I've spoken to who has loves its writing. You need a good many things to survive in Lunatic+ so it's not alone there.
  7. Super outdated, overemphasis in all the wrong places, overlooking many vital things such as synergy, Hit, class variety, secondary mods, opportunity cost and Cynthia's potential. Calm down and I'll elaborate. 42/38 but it's effectively the same for Ignis threshold purposes: most classes fall into either 40/30, 40/40 or 50/30. A margin of error of ~4 is OK for generalization purposes here (and it makes it a lot easier to describe). How important is giving him 75 Spd?
  8. Yeah trying to drag a -11 class into a 100% team takes up pretty much your entire team's wiggle room. If Nah is hard supporting then all the Sniper dads will tie Lon'qu at worst for DS boost thanks to Skl+2 access and Sniper giving +1 over Assassin. He's far from the only way to fix her, and not even a very good way at that.
  9. Probably not directed at me but 4 had the best story base, 7 was the best told and 8 had such a good villain it didn't even care. Wrt pairup: it may be strong, but power bloat in and of itself isn't bad. If the exp formula was a little less friendly to getting ahead of the curve, those extra boosts wouldn't be very gamebreaking at all.
  10. Spreading yourself too thin is not necessarily caused by being rushed. There have just been plenty of good arguments against that, so if you still think it was rushed then please elaborate. A lot.
  11. Ignis will definitely be superior on a 40/40 class like DF. You'll have at least 65 Alt.Atk and that's more Def/Res than all but one enemy in the game.
  12. Oh, I doubt I would be too fond of him in real life. But he's one of the better developed characters in the cast and only one with colorful hair and that's automatically worth points in my book.
  13. A quick look at what Chrom x Sully would look like in a Lunatic(+) run that prioritizes getting it as fast as possible: C: after Cht.1. They can't reasonably get any event tiles but fortunately don't need one. However Chrom will need to be a ninja if he wants to get support with Robin too. B: after Cht.2 with an event tile. Using conventional strats, the top one will be unavailable so they need to nail one on the first tile. A: after Cht.3 with another event tile. Both of the tiles are reachable here but also both very late into the map. S: after Cht.5 with conventional growths (no Par.1), but doable after Cht.4 if they both use the Seed and get a tile. That's actually completely ridiculous, I guess availability is a strength to Sully after all (she's got a medium fast growth instead of a normal growth, which I forgot). The question is, is there anything they can actually do with such an early S over Sumia? I'm willing to bet that fort tanking against Wyverns in Cht.5 (especially in vanilla) would become extremely powerful, so yes. I'm definitely doing a run to test this as soon as I get free time.
  14. Hero is a good alternative if you want better DS chance- I'd say it'd be very good in cases like Lon'qu!Severa x Stahl!Gerome where the primary attraction is 75 Spd Hero + Warrior support, but Gerome will also have SF Hero in his belt. Hero is also a good option if Def is a thing- while Severa and Kjelle's mods aren't suited for it, Wyvern has a handy base 46 Def and with Hero's +7 that can get very high very fast, enough to sponge hits and be an asset. I've used Wyvern x BK myself, and it's very nice too.
  15. Libra will be better for your purposes, but... Sorcs aren't optimal, and neither is not using Henry. You should look in The Pairing Thread (in my sig, or on the front page) for more advice.
  16. Yeah, this is true. I still prefer Sumia to her but she's nowhere near as bad as popularity would suggest (particularly when not taking the children into account). Notably, she can hit A Lances extremely quickly thanks to Discipline, pick up Aegis from Paladin (or DG+, but GK Sully is pretty meh ingame) and reclass to Wyvern fairly quickly. However, she doesn't have as much of an availability advantage on Sumia as one would think; as Sumia can reach S by Cht.6 with at least one Event Tile/Seed in Cht.4/5/Par.1. Sully doesn't have the advantage of a fast support and generally ties Sumia at best for S time, despite coming two chapters earlier. As long as they can get it by Cht.7 they'll be in good shape, but it's still not an advantage.
  17. It's an aesthetics build. He's doing what the Avatar is actually intended for and making it a self-insert.
  18. Not only is that strat for Lunatic+ (so you've got plenty of spare room thanks to fewer skills), but it's designed for a run that would hypothetically be resetless. The only reason it wouldn't work is if you didn't follow it fully.
  19. OK. Why? For me: Normal/Hard: just Chrom, Lunatic: Chrom x Sumia/Avatar x Nowi, Lunatic+: Chrom x Avatar.
  20. It's a start, but that's definitely not a finished team (or at least if yo try to make it you'll likely be disappointed with it). Basically, now that you've got 100% DS on all your pairs, shuffle things around one at a time, always keeping 100%, to squeeze more stuff out. 8 Mov and more Atk is useful (don't forget that you have two pairs of Boots to allocate for this), but you should be primarily concerned with making your team be able to do something outside 100% mode: right now you're packing things like Vaike!Laurent and Lon'qu!Nah who work for this purpose but not for anything else. The two things you should be looking at when considering swaps is swapping the parents of both children in a pair (total mods are the same, so classes permitting it still works) and swapping two pairs with equal splits between Skl. For example, you've got Avatar paired with Cynthia (looks like a vestige of my pairings- I did it for Aether/75 Spd Wyvern Morgan, but neither of those will work for you since you've changed Cynthia's father), but he can support any equal female just as well. Try getting him onto someone like Kjelle who can make more use of a really good hard support.
  21. You might be thinking of Lunatic All Chapters and Paralogues no Wireless/DLC, though I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to.
  22. Aversa has 8 Mov flying Mire which allows her to kill the entire map at range with complete impunity. It won't be helpful in a Speedrun because you'll never get anything done on EP but it sure is useful for reliability clears.
  23. The only Paralogue that's prohibitively difficult on any lowman runs is Tiki's (Par.17). Par.23 can be a pain if you don't pick up Aversa first though.
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