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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. So there you're modifying file 1's contents to be file 2's, just keeping the old file 1 header, right? If so, then what happens if you try entering a chapter? Will the enemies be Hard or L+? Also try playing it for a minute (doing nothing), saving to update playtime and then dumping it again to see what changed.
  2. I saw FE, and prior to the trailer SMT x FE was the only upcoming FE game known. Additionally, SMT x FE is supposed to be for the Wii U and the opening of the trailer looks a lot more like what the Wii U can do than the 3ds. It's certainly a valid mistake the first time watching it (though any misconception should be corrected by the rest of the trailer, first impressions have a habit of lingering).
  3. Technically Ricken derailed the topic, not me. I was only giving examples of who could make better use of statboosters.
  4. Oh, OK. I thought you were just referring to the highlighted changes in the first image you posted. And I actually know nothing about hacking, it's just something I noticed.
  5. Nah, that's definitely just a single value that's been changed. All the garbage to the right is what you get when you turn the hex value into unicode (or at least the second byte of it- your modified value of '3F' corresponds to '?', while unicode for '?' is 003F). So those two characters you're seeing changed are actually the same thing.
  6. Don't forget that she's likely to have +4 more Def on top of that from a +Def Avatar@Merc or Fred pairup, and even more if you use a Tonic. For comparison, the enemies in Cht.8 aren't all packing Silver yet (the strongest thing on the map hits for 33 physical, and most do 30 or less. So really you're looking at being able to take any two hits and live with the Robe, and since she's ranged and it's easy to make a good choke if you're using both Pegs you're going to have a lot of control over what she fights. Anything not packing Silver though will be doing 5 at best as well. Also, you may want to remove the Dragonstone+ occasionally to boost her Hit.
  7. With both she's twice as good. Even though her defenses will be very high (16 at base with DS+), she's only got 19 HP- a Seraph Robe at base will boost her longevity by over 25%.
  8. Oh, yeah, this too. Both of the Taguels are annoying, actually. It's a shame they're so good (Panne ingame and Yarne postgame).
  9. It would probably be clearer if it said target's support bonus, but yeah that's for when the enemy is attacking you. The max crit I've gotten is 178 (counting Anathema as +10) and think it can go a point or so higher. It always rounds down to 100 though (and that's with DLC). Realistically ingame if you have your Avatar reclass to Dark Mage, level to 10 for Anathema, and pair up at A with a Sage or something who has Focus active, high Skl and a Thoron, you'll be looking at around ~50 listed crit- there are plenty of easy ways to get it higher but that's a sample of what a non-dedicated ingame crit build could look like.
  10. Wow, there's a lot of Lunatic+ activity going on at the moment. How many times have you done this? ...Though you're probably going to be alone in that opinion- faster and easier yes (and thus better for the purposes of the run), but many people here find Nostanking to be pretty much at the bottom of the entertainment spectrum. I'd advise not mentioning that in your pitch.
  11. No, I never mentioned fixing anything in the long term. The Speedwing + Fred pairup simply allows Ricken to survive a round of combat with a non-Luna+/Counter Wyvern in Cht.5/7. If that Naga's Tear boosted Donnel to a critical survival threshold, then it would be the same case. It's a different kind of case than, say, giving Nowi a Seraph Robe, Cherche a Speedwing or Cordelia a forged Short Spear in vanilla Lunatic. Those cases boost them to thresholds that allow them to rake in a pile of exp right off the bat and shave entire chapters off of their training time before they can become killing machines due to instantly placing them close enough to ahead of the curve. With Ricken it simply allows him to be used with a little less care in the one chapter he'll be deployed for.
  12. That Morgan hits 75 in any 42+ class with any pairup and in any class but General with a +3 pairup (General requires +3 and All+2). I don't recommend Sorcs in Apo though. They're pretty much completely inferior to Sages since all their combat stats are worse (Def doesn't matter) and utility staff access is better than utility dark magic access. Trying to get 100% DS on a VV pair is completely useless outside of challenge runs (where, depending on the nature of the run, it's either also useless or pretty much required). Trying to do it on a non-Lucina pair is even more useless because you're going to have to sacrifice a ton of power on the support to get to 100% and will likely miss out on a boss kill or two as a result, and if all your VV pair can do is mop up mooks then it's outclassed even more. Instead, you may want to run that Morgan as a DF, Valkyrie or DK. DF is the conventional best with good Ignis boosts and automatic 75 Spd with a Sage support, but the other two can be fun for the novelty value (Valkyrie still hits 75 Spd, DK is a little tankier if you're uncomefortable running around with 50/65 defenses)
  13. Taken straight from the game's rom. That guide is outdated now, by the way. And yeah if you don't get an Event Tile it will take one more DS or round of combat.
  14. OK, something got messed up there. Ricken has 14+8 base Atk vs Wyverns, Chrom has 12+10 (so both 22). Wyverns have 34HP, 10 Def and 1 Res. Ricken does 21, Chrom does 12. They would both need tonics to ORKO, but it would a) require a low% DS, b) not KO through Counter, and c) not nearly provide as great of a survival/offense boost as a Sumia S support would.
  15. OHKOing them would actually be detrimental to him at that point because Cht.7 is a very turtly chapter and he doesn't want to take multiple EP battles. Also at base with an unforged Elwind, he puts them to 15, while unpaired base Chrom does 12 with Falchion (easy to augment through pairup and earlier levels)- so even if he were to be a chipper he's already able to do what needs to be done. Unfortunately for him Cht.7 isn't and never will be an offensive chapter. There's both no way to keep him safe like in Cht.5 and no need for chippers in general, so his job doesn't even exist there. And even if it did, he'd be outclassed by Miriel (the only reason he's relevant in Cht.5 is because a) no trading is needed to get him set up with a good weapon and support, and b) you need maximum offense to counter the Wyvern flood and Miriel needs to help out too).
  16. There is absolutely no unique role in a team that Donnel!Noire can do. She does have a full kit of skills and enough ending classes to run a good set, but her mods just leave her outclassed by everyone else. You could take her as-is and just live with her doing less work than everyone else, or: -Go with another father: Fred and Gregor have been the most successful ones for me. You'll probably want to pair her with Inigo if you do this. -Bench her. More staffbots are always good, and Apo's limited deployment slots are often under-emphasized. If you do this, you'll need to either bench someone else (probably Gerome), or have Avatar marry first gen- Sumia, Cordelia and Aversa are his most potent options.
  17. That's because it's not objective, nor do I want it to be. If it were, it would be possible to do it "best", and I'd rather this game not be exhausted of potential. They need the random procs to add variety to the map. I know what you're going to say to that, and there just are some people who actually want randomness- whether it's so the map doesn't get stale as fast (if one spends hours grinding up a team for Apo, they better get more than one run out of it) or because it's their first time and they really would rather not follow any sort of turn-by-turn guide. Now, I'd appreciate it if you both stopped arguing. I've seen this debate many times on Gfaqs, have made teams for both sides and respect both positions, and in the end I don't believe it's relevant to this thread's purpose of helping people who don't know the game as well as you do.
  18. I'm glancing through your stream and there's a little trick with the Water Trick you might not be using: when you need to pull anything, just have Chrom with full HP and a Fred support stand one tile offshore for a turn. He'll fight with someone and live, and everything will swarm around where he is and you can still pull him back next turn and blast away. Alternately, if you do get stuck with Fred on land, keep in mind that you can drop Chrom onto the water (he'll be safe in Fred's shadow), pair onto him next turn and then move him into the middle to get out of a fix. Also, if you need to move the Elixir in Cht.1 just one extra space for a trade, try dropping the unit holding it to get them far enough for Robin to reach and trade for it on her turn. Another thing in Cht.1: if you ever get in a situation where your HP is completely stable (on a Fort and taking as much or less damage than you're recovering per turn), stay there. Breaking weapons where possible is both very safe and in this case allows you to pair up with Chrom to take the Boss/Archer down. Otherwise you run a high risk of not hitting C for Cht.2- Avatar-M needs all of Pro and either one round of combat or an Event Tile, and Avatar-F needs all of Pro and two rounds of combat or both Event Tiles (or one of each).
  19. Depends on your definition of "performance". If you take it to mean their contribution towards completing the map, well, sure. But if you take it to mean actually putting on a show, there are certainly some sets that can do things others can't. I've got a Lucina set that has her KO a 3HP Thronie with a 4 dmg Brave Lance strike, while being at 1HP herself barring a low% DG, for no reason other than to show off, and it's a lot more interesting than just pasting him with mages and bows. And there also are, at least, pairs with more tolerance for player error. It's always nice to assume that the player is perfect, but in reality it just ain't so.
  20. His Spd, Def and HP are pretty specifically set so he can't survive a single round of EP combat with a Wyvern in Lunatic without either a Fred pairup or a Stahl/Sully pairup and Def tonic, which causes him to require either a lot of care or some limited resources to contribute in his opening chapter. Thanks to Elwind being effective, he can contribute quite well if you do pay the price. Where the devs goofed was with having him be only able to do that relative to the Wyverns- his growths don't match his class and Wyverns only appear every other chapter or so so you can't really raise him. This might have been intentional (a unit similar to Fred who's able to help early on but punishes you for relying on him too much), but the fact that he's not the most intuitive choice backfires and winds up just making him useless.
  21. Oh, OK. I took "one pair" as "two units deployed", but having additional utility units definitely makes it possible. Only if you're going for as many 100% DS pairs as possible (which is really just something I did for fun once). Otherwise the best use of her free 100% DS is to pair her with whoever has the best DSes. Avatar-M is good here thanks to decent Str potential and Berserker/Hit+20 with the added bonus of Aether on Morgan, Virion/Stahl!Yarne are good for similar reasons if Avatar is busy elsewhere, and 3rd gen Morgan offers much higher Str mods at the cost of making his GF pretty flimsy. Gerome is also doable to bug AC for high Str mods if his Hit can be patched up, but he'll usually wind up weaker than Yarne. I hope they meant running no proc and a hard damage booster, because otherwise that makes no sense. Anyway, it depends on the situation. I've done both before and both ways have merits, but playing with procs + cut-ins is certainly more fun. ...Keeping in mind that player choice and player skill are completely separate. Someone who knows what they're doing can make leeway for aesthetics anywhere (even my super-tight 100% DS team is loaded with it). Someone who doesn't, can't. Actually, its point is centralizing what would otherwise be hundreds of "how do I..." threads. Optimization just happens as a result, even though it's not really needed for anything.
  22. Looks like this could become more than a reality. I'm not sure how much time I can commit to this, but am still on board if you need competition. Anyway, it looks like during your alternate Water Trick strat, Chrom is able to move behind Avatar to provide +10 Avo against the Mage, which is always a useful thing to do. However, here's another theory to test: if you could use Chrom in such a way that he could pull the enemies in the same direction as the Mage without getting ganged up on, you could have them in place to cancel Focus at the cost of using Vulneraries.
  23. Wow, this kind of exploded while I was gone. That's Normal Apo, not Secret, and there's a big difference- I've beaten Normal with nothing but an unpaired completely base level Chrom before with no chance of death until wave 5. The absence of Counter, Luna+, and fast enemies makes it completely possible to tank conventionally. This thread has never been about Normal. Secret Apo remains to be done with anything less than three units because of the turn limits. If they weren't around, everything could be hit and ran with good RNG, but it just ain't so (incidentally, I've got a strategy that can clear Wave 0 with two units with about 3.4% success, but haven't routed it past that, using Chrom and Avatar!Lucina). If any of you think it can be done all the way and have methods to prove it, please tell. All of those new pairs are much better (except for Donnel!Noire, but the improvement in Kjelle is worth it). A lot of your old pairs were pretty bad, honestly. Both Vaike and Henry work well on Nah, though I tend to prefer Henry. They're roughly equal in effectiveness, Henry!Nah only has more things she can be effective at. Lon'qu!Severa is far better than Ricken!Severa. Ricken!Severa is basically Cynthia with inferior mods and skills. If you go with Lon'qu, she has very high synergy with that Yarne. If you don't want to reuse Ricken!Owain (who actually is very good), Libra is probably best. Henry!Owain is very good, but Henry is also in quite high demand so I wouldn't use him here. Stahl!Owain is primarily good if you're interested in more than Apo, due to being an incredibly versatile jack of all trades, but he lacks a bit of raw power. Gerome will want Stahl if he's not busy elsewhere, though Vaike, Gregor and Henry all work nicely too. Male children don't put Avatar's skillset to as good of use as females, FYI. They don't have room to run a procstack, and as such Avatar's primary contribution (Ignis) goes to waste. Olivia isn't at the bottom of the spectrum for useful wives, though, so she could still work out if you know who you want to bench (I'd advise Donnel!Noire. She stinks). Thank you. Only if you're doing an Avatar/Chrom solo (in which case Avatar-F really is superior). Avatar-M uses different strats for Lunatic+ (Chrom x Sumia and Avatar x Cordelia, four GF passdowns -> 6 GF units, which allows you to stop turtling and play offensively for the rest of the game). I'm not going to say one strat is superior to the other but they're definitely more different than 10% DS. Apo though does have a difference, and it's in Avatar-M's favor. The way Apo pairs are set up, there is one role for females (lead- even Nah does this), and two for males: hard support and Galeforce support. Female leads always get their LB/GF/proc/proc/Faire setup (except Nah, who can do whatever she wants). Males always get their LB/Agg/Faire, and then either proc/GF for GF supports or +Hit/Atk skills for hard supports. In cases where the male is a GF support, the pair will be getting three KOes per turn. The female will be getting the last one, but the first two can be in any order, making it easy to give the male the weaker target, thus making their combat stats not matter as much (basically, they'll never be fighting bosses). Add this to the fact that most female lead classes boost Spd, and Spd becomes a pretty much irrelevant stat for Galeboys- and even more so for hard support males. So let's look at Morgan and Avatar's stats, assuming a +Spd/-Def spread. If we're using Avatar-F, we get a lead with 4 Spd and a Galeboy with 5+. The most relevant of these stats will be 4. If we use Avatar-M, we get a hard support with 4 (doesn't matter) and a lead with 5+. The most relevant of these is now 5+ (10 for Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan, 9 for Sumia!Lucina!Morgan and Chrom!Cynthia!Morgan) which is a pretty big improvement in the total relevant Spd on the map. But what about Avatar-F giving one more Galeforce? First, that doesn't increase the number of total Galepairs you have, it boosts one single pair to a double pair, which is not as significant- pairs get dropped for having no GF, not for only having one. Second, how often do you actually have all of your pairs use all their attacks in one turn? I can almost guarantee it's less than 50% of the time, because with a full team the amount of enemies per wave is not a multiple of your attacks per turn. Basically, it doesn't matter.
  24. That Golem was smashing both sides in the trailer.
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