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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. The program used to unpack the ROM didn't support the Japanese characters used in all the file names and changed them to garbage, which breaks all the filepaths when you repack the game and causes stuff not to load. So far the only person who's been able to run a modified ROM went through and renamed all the files by hand (I think there are around 3,000 of them so it's a lot of work).
  2. If you're going for a slightly older Asus, I can personally vouch for the G73SW. It's pretty solid, looks very nice and the base price was very low even when it was new so you should be able to pick one up for quite cheap.
  3. Crit builds are only bad of you only partially commit to them. If you go all out, they're some of the strongest and least affected by restrictions builds out there. That's my build, actually. Airship merely used it (or at least had Laurent in a critstacking pair with Nah, don't remember which of them lead- and he didn't go all the way to 100%, nor did he use Vantage). Anyway, Gregor!Laurent is one of the units capable of reaching 155 crit with enough Hit (220) and Atk (109) to OHKO any 55 Lck non-Aegis+ S.Apo enemy in the game. He'll be a Sorc with Ruin, and have V/V/Wrath/Gamble/Focus, and be paired at A+ with a unit who has Solidarity, Anathema and DSp+. Stats before pairup/forge, assuming perfect Vengeance: Atk: 44(base) +3(mods) +10(Rally) +2(tonic) +6(Ruin) +42(Vengeance) =107. Any support will be sufficient with no forge needed, though adding to either increases Vengeance leeway and/or allows Rally Mag to be dropped. Skl: 38(base) +4(mods) +10(Rally) +2(tonic) =54. +6 is required from the support for a base 30 crit, so it'll need to be in a +1 or greater class. Lck: 45(base) +14(Rally) +2(tonic) =61 Hit: 122(base) +15(A support/DSp+) +10(Anathema) +65(Ruin) -5(Gamble) =207. 13 more is needed, which can come from a forge, +Lck support class, or S support. Crit: 30(base) +50(Ruin) +20(Wrath) +15(DSp+) +10(Focus) +10(Gamble) +10(Anathema) +10(Solidarity) =155 So realistically his support can be anything that gives +Skl. My two favorite options are Bow Knight (+Mov) and Sage (+8 Vengeance threshold).
  4. Figure it out yourself if you're that curious. I'd guess there's a flag in Falchion's data saying whether it's Sealed or Exalted (or even Falchion switches which weapon data it loads based on whether or not you've completed Cht.24... Not likely as K.Marth's in LB is always Exalted), but you're not going to get a more definite answer than what you've gotten already.
  5. He wants to know if trying to hack in an early Exalted Falchion will make his game crash. I don't own a powersave, but as a general rule when you try to make games do thing in ways you weren't meant to do them, the game won't do what you want, especially if you don't know what you're doing. I'd count on nothing.
  6. I don't know how FE4 is programmed, but I'd guess that the "super long RN strings" aren't generated at the start of every battle and only re-generate when reaching the end. They'd try to re-generate before you get close enough to the end to run out, but if you get very close to the cutoff point and then get a long battle it might run out anyway. So you're not guaranteed to get a runout just by fighting a really long battle, you'd have to fight it when the RN string is already in a very precise position.
  7. That "Sky Throwing Axe" is localized to Volant Axe if you want to be technically correct, though I think the joke works better this way anyway.
  8. That's explained in Owain and Lucina's supports, if you're curious. The Hierarch doesn't even have a name. That's actually another minor peeve of mine about Awakening: all the location names stink. Maybe I just really like high fantasy, but there's no way a place called Border Pass is going to match up with Lefcandith Gauntlet. It might have to do with Awakening not really having any historical parallels (and if it does, they're too generic to count). All of the past FEs are heavily rooted in certain mythologies and wind up borrowing a lot of names from them, which gives a distinct flavor and a rich set of detail that would take a huge amount of time and effort to come up with originally. FE1? Greek/Classical. FE4? Celtic/Nordic. FE6? Arthurian. FE13? Not much of anything.
  9. 1. All statboosters (*Faire, LB/Agg, Stat+2), all auras (Hex/Anathema/Solidarity/Demoiselle/Charm) except Bond, all +Hit/Avo skills (the Avo does nothing because the support isn't being attacked, but it's still applied), and Armsthrift work in the back. All skills with activation cut-ins/icons (including Counter, Galeforce, Lifetaker and Despoil) don't work. You still receive bonuses bonuses from Rallies/Auras when in the back, but can't use Rallies of your own there. 2. It increases the boost from Ignis when leading and increases the amount of Str the unit gives when supporting. 3. He was probably lying because he a) wanted to make a big scene of it later, or b) didn't want Validar's spies to know he had it but knew they were there. But don't think too hard about it, there are a good deal of inconsistencies/plotholes surrounding Basilio and his Cht.18/23 shenanigans.
  10. I won't be going for AT on her since she won't be getting enough exp to put it to good use. She'll be going straight to DF (need to see when the latest I can reasonably promote her is) to pass GF and then to Falco for Staffbot utility alongside Sumia, Lissa and Maribelle. Thoron thresholds (assuming +5 mt and B Tomes): 14 Mag (OHKOes Mages), 15 Mag (OHKOes Wyverns and Myrms), 19 Mag (OHKOes Barbs), 20 Mag (OHKOes DMs). Everything gets 2HKOed at base, and 2HKOing through Aegis+ requires at most +1 over the OHKO threshold. If you don't hit 15, you should definitely use the Spirit Dust to reach it. You should also wait to forge the Thoron until right before Cht.5; you won't need it for Cht.4 and this way if you're Mag blessed you can give it a lighter forge to save cash.
  11. You should try Explorers of Sky. No it isn't. There's nothing wrong with pairup. There's a good deal wrong with the exp formula, and when pairing up is when it shows most. But paired up units being extremely strong is a symptom of the exp formula making it too easy to get ahead of the stat curve, not of anything to do with the mechanic itself. Think about it: when will an extra +5 Str make the biggest difference? If it lets you go from a 4HKO to a 3HKO, or from a 2HKO to an OHKO? When will an extra +5 Def make the most difference, when it takes you from being 6HKOed to 4HKOed or from being 10HKOed to being invincible?
  12. Ricken!Owain and Stahl!Owain are functionally identical outside of different mods. I'd advise going with Stahl if you're concerned about not being locked to one thing.
  13. School happened and I haven't been working on this as much as I'd like, but a couple of odd improvements based on that: -If Avatar and Sumia get max support in Cht.3 (pretty easy to do), then one Event Tile/Barracks will put them up to C in time for Cht.4. This may be able to boost Sumia's training potential there so she can be more helpful in Cht.5. Alternately, the same thing could be done for Fred x Sumia (she'd still be able to easily get the Chrom C support from Cht.3) which would likely provide a much greater training potential boost if you were clever with switching around her support in Cht.4, which could merit looking into. Finally, with a Barracks/Event Tile boost in or right after/before Cht.4, Chrom and Sumia can have a B support going into Cht.5, which also might be useful in some situations (Fred rides up to Avatar, switches, transfers, switches, Sumia x Chrom then KO someone with a Javelin + DS, Avatar can still attack with a Fred support). -There's a Mjolnir in the Bonus Box. If you can get A Tomes by Cht.5 (not sure if that's feasible, though) it would provide a little more mt over forged Rexcalibur and if it's enough to OHKO Wyverns anyway then as long as they lack Aegis+ it might be the better choice all around. Forged Thoron is another B-rank possibility for a hefty damage boost over non-effective Rexcalibur, though whether or not it works still depends on Robin's Mag. -Since I'm going for GF strats, I'll be investing in a lightly forged Short Spear for Cordelia later (to ORKO the Cht.8 DMs). It might help to have on hand here as well, especially if Sumia reaches C Lances and ever comes out from behind Avatar. -Similarly, Str tonics are a thing- Fred might be able to make good use of one depending on Counter distribution.
  14. On the other hand, Cordelia is one of the best first gen wives for Avatar and doesn't cost Morgan too many mods over 2nd gen, making her one of the least potential-wasting of Avatar's 1st gen wives. Severa doesn't gain much because she doesn't have much to gain; a +Spd Avatar will still let her do all the tricks Lon'qu and Virion!Severa can do combined. A good first rule to keep in mind when making pairings: Awakening is a game of good and better. You can't really get a "bad" pairing, as the worst any one can possibly do is lower the potential of others by taking limited resources they could use to better effect. Because of this, you don't have to worry too much about getting a dud in your party- worst comes to worst, you can bench them, or they might not be as fun to play with or might have a slightly harder time getting KOes, etc. On the other hand, it also means that all anecdotal evidence on how good a pairing is will be entirely based on how much you raised the units in question and not actually on how the pairing stacks up to others, so experiences such as "X and Y worked well together for me" don't actually tell you anything useful unless you're a veteran of many postgame playthroughs and are comparing them to eachother rather than what the game throws at them. Anyway, there are a few pairings I'd still recommend looking at/changing. Vaike!Yarne is very good at one thing only, and outside of that one thing he's completely useless, making him very boring to train and use in general. Fred!Gerome is in a bit of a similar boat, but without being good at anything- he does have a few nice classes like Paladin but his skillset has too many holes for him to really do anything (no, raw stats from mods don't save him- because statboosting skills are mostly what he's missing). Finally, Sully's mods really aren't suited to a tank (-1 Str/Def), so you may want to look into a different role for Kjelle- I don't see Virion anywhere, and he can give her some fun classes to play around with as well as the Spd/Skl mods to use slow, strong classes like Wyvern Lord and Great Knight more effectively. Virion could also go to Yarne, he gives him a lot of nice things too (and Kjelle could have Vaike in turn).
  15. There could be as soon as someone figures out how to efficiently repack the ROM. SoC is rather vocal about wanting a RAM watcher, so I think someone will make one eventually. You'll likely need a Gateway 3ds to use it, though.
  16. Whether or not it's "worth it" depends entirely on how much you like Priam. It's a terrible idea from a gameplay perspective but that doesn't matter if you're focusing on aesthetics.
  17. Mind linking me to these Cht.1 strats? I'd hazard a guess that winging Cht.1 is much easier than winging Cht.2 though. That stuff can make short term patches (mostly for stuff like ensuring low% bad events don't happen), but it doesn't change the RNG indefinitely which is what would really be optimal for messing with it.
  18. If you figure out how to do that indefinitely, do share. RN wasting in this game is not easy. -Spd is far worse. A -Def Avatar can still use Interceptor strats to clear Pro-Cht.4 just as reliably as any other flaw (maybe even a little more since it doesn't touch Str/Mag and barely hurts Hit), and from there out the game is still possible because you can switch Avatar to glass cannon mode (treat them like Miriel) and start training someone else as your main frontliner (probably Chrom, or if you can wait for them Panne/Nowi). A -Spd Avatar, on the other hand? Technically they can still tank with a Fred support provided they have a +Def asset and don't get doubled, but they'll become useless offensively around the time when you would be expected to start doubling (moreso if they leave Tactician and can't Rexcalibut down fliers), and useless defensively if they ever start getting doubled by anything.
  19. Thunder's hitrate is shaky whether you go -Skl or not and is fine once you switch to Fire anyway. -Skl has practically no drawbacks ingame.
  20. Yes, reclass at Lv.10 promoted if you don't care about the Lv.15 skill. Lucina!Morgan comes as a Tactician, not a Merc. She'll want to either go Tact(20) -> GM(15) -> DF or Tact(10) -> Merc(capping) -> Hero(10-15) -> DF -> final. If she takes the former route, she should inherit AT from her father.
  21. The second option is better, but... Why are you going Merc -> Knight -> GK instead of Merc -> Cav -> GK? Knights have no useful skills and won't have any weapon ranks coming from Merc. Cavs have Discipline (useful if you're class hopping a lot) and Outdoor Fighter (active way more often than Indoor Fighter), let you both keep your Swd rank and gain Lnc anyway, and have 3 Mov on Knights. Also, promoting at Lv.15 isn't very useful. Either promote at 10 if your stats are capped/you're going for a quick promotion (mostly Gregor/Cherche only) or 20- anything inbetween should only be if you start capping then. GK's skills won't be very useful on a Sorc. Consider dropping one of the two, or both (Merc(20) -> Hero(10) -> DF(final)). When in base classes, you should use Second Seals as early as possible only once you've got a good supply of them. Until then, wait as long as you can for everyone except healers (when they reclass doesn't matter too much but sooner is still better).
  22. +Mag will definitely be better for the magical duo. Replace All+2 for a Faire.
  23. Kellam!Nah is pretty lackluster, just so you know. HP is pretty useless because it doesn't give large boosts to any stat and the stats it does give moderate boosts to are completely useless. -Lck even counteracts the good stats you get- you'll wind up with 0 Str/Mag/Skl/Spd using +HP/-Lck which is just silly. It won't change Morgan's set though, she'll still want to run LB/GF/Ignis/Aether/All+2 (if Wyvern Lord) or *Faire (if anything else). You have my permission to speak your mind.
  24. I really hope you hit Lv.20 first. Avatar's exp gain is so good that it's pretty bad to promote before you're capping ~3 stats.
  25. Don't unequip Veteran. That'll waste exp too, which is the whole problem. Avatar@Merc is a great support once your stats start going over 20, but you'll likely need their offense for Cht.5 and 6 so that won't happen yet.
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