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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Here's a guide you can refer to. Meant to be used to look up things you're confused about without spoiling everything, but if you want you can read the whole thing.
  2. It probably costs more turns to recruit Altenna than it does to make sure Julius gets Hel'd, if any. Marty's LTC seems to have done it just fine.
  3. It really isn't overblown. While there are some places where foot units can contribute or even be with mounts for a bit, you're better off playing around 75% of most maps with mounts. Like in Ch8, your foot units can reach the first batches of enemies, but there's no real point in having them keep up after that. Or in Ch4, they can kinda be there for the part where you have to cross mountains, but most of the enemies are too far away for infantry to reach.
  4. Hannibal with wings, in possibly the worst game for fliers. It's also a game where if you take minimum (1) dmg enemies prefer to go for other targets or not attack you at all. Also bad res at a point where all the game cares about is res. It's like Gar- Wait, stop, halt. Gareth is not bad. But Altenna is. 2/10
  5. This could be helpful if you still need to know how some things work
  6. Subtitles are available. Part 1 is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3565102405&feature=iv&src_vid=mtRTQEzxF0U&v=9twWNEbOkZk
  7. Dew can always find opportunities to steal money. Ch3, Ch4 and Ch5 all have plenty of pirates carrying 5000G. If he walks up to one he gets 5k, then if someone else kills that pirate there's another 3-4k for him to pick up.
  8. Ayra is useless. I thought there was a limit of +0.5 on bias points but apparently it's more like +5. 2.5/10 For Dew, the most important thing about him is that he helps Raquesis promote ASAP. That alone is worth an above average mark, but he gets anyone out of financial trouble. I don't really factor parenting into ratings but there is this misconception that Dew is a great father. He's not. He doesn't have Pursuit and his growths are only okay. Yeah, best non-holy blood...but it's still non-holy blood. You don't want him to marry Ayra since Sol and Astra conflict. Sol is rolled first, and if Sol activates then Astra can't activate, so you're actually cutting into an important part of their offense in exchange for unreliable durability. Bargain is nice for kids who need the money for Paragon Ring or something like that though, so Dew/Sylvia has some merit. 8.5/10
  9. Just use one to Warp Lara, then use Salem's Sleep to stop Trewd from escaping.
  10. Hey guys, Here's a ROM hack of FE8 earlygame with a readme. https://www.dropbox.com/s/urddsfgegs8j7y7/FE8%20Totally%20Vanilla%20-%20Release.ups?dl=0 1. Patch with NUPS on a clean FE8 ROM 2. Play on Hard Mode 3. It's really just vanilla FE8, don't worry 4. Play until the route split Please post how often you had to reset or load state on your first playthrough of this, I'm curious. Also if you're going to post in this thread please cover spoilers, some of us haven't finished Totally Really Vanilla FE8. /u/bluess1 and /u/hederbomb can attest how important it is that you play this. (copypasted from reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/5gh5r3/rom_hack_fe8_vanilla_i_swear/ ) https://www.dropbox.com/s/urddsfgegs8j7y7/FE8%20Totally%20Vanilla%20-%20Release.ups?dl=0
  11. Several chapters were long and boring and came paired with some loss of motivation. Shadow Dragon doesn't have any really long maps and it also has a couple of quick warp skips.
  12. 10/10 2nd best unit in the series only behind Robin. His stats are better than anyone else in the first generation and he's the best bosskiller.
  13. I just sort of plan, then play it by ear, then give up and complain on IRC that it's too hard.
  14. I'm fairly sure Alvis would just vanish from the map and nothing would change. NPC Alvis has a lot in common with NPC Vylon (walk towards Sigurd and try to talk to him) amd Vylon doesn't trigger any kind of event if he dies.
  15. If you seize Velthomer the chapter ends. FE4 speedruns do it by using the Rescue glitch.
  16. Honestly, Forde is just never going to be a great unit statistically, regardless of when he promotes. He's too slow to double consistently and his str is mediocre at best. So if Forde sucks as a 12/1 Paladin or whatever, he'd probably suck even more as a 12/0 Cavalier. For the rest...it really depends on how they turn out and what the situation is. I think in general the earlier you promote them the better unless (as I said in an above post) they are self sufficient and are enjoying the higher EXP gain. Nitpicks are allowed! The reason my voice sounds so different between segments is because I didn't record the whole thing at once since it took a while to get satisfying takes, but if I record for too long at a time I get burned out. Now over the course of doing this video I figured out ways to streamline the process, so hopefully for next time this will be less of a problem since I'll be able to record more at once.
  17. There's definitely cases where promoting later can be better. If a unit's combat would not improve much from promoting and their EXP gain would suffer significantly, I would advocate delaying their promotion. However, I disagree that "in Sacred Stones, there's no reason to promote your cavaliers early". In a strict LTC sense, it's been shown that promoting Franz at the start of Ch8 saves a turn because the extra point of movement helps Seth and Eirika's positioning to the point where you can finish earlier. Even in a more casual playthrough, the usual advantages apply: the extra point of movement increases flexibility, and the stats are like getting somewhere between 2-4 free level-ups depending on which stat you look at. More concretely, Franz would gain 2 HP/2 Def, which is yuge. A L10 Franz goes from 27 hp/8 def to 29 hp/10 def. 18 atk enemies go from 3HKOing to 4HKOing. A 15 atk enemy goes from 4HKOing to 6HKOing him He also gains +1 speed and +2 con, so instead of losing 2 AS from Javelins he can now use them without a penalty. L10 Franz has 11.5 spd, or 9.5 AS with a Javelin. With a promotion, he has 12.5 AS. Instead of only doubling slow 5-6 AS and below, he now doubles 8-9 AS enemies.
  18. Hey guys, I made a video that I thought you might enjoy.
  19. Alright, I made these. Let me know if these work for you. SRM saves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b4j92wu15py1ahg/FE5%20Thracia%20776%20SSRM%20Saves.rar?dl=0 Movie files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/saskt4iadelf0wt/FE5%20Thracia%20776%20Movie%20Files.rar?dl=0
  20. Alright, I made these. Let me know if these work for you. SRM saves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b4j92wu15py1ahg/FE5%20Thracia%20776%20SSRM%20Saves.rar?dl=0 Movie files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/saskt4iadelf0wt/FE5%20Thracia%20776%20Movie%20Files.rar?dl=0 edit: lol posted this in both threads...whatever.
  21. I have .smv (snes9x movie) files for just about every chapter if you still need them.
  22. Here's a sheet I used to keep track that might help you: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jj9oYDubTceVI1BSu5nLB6-JxZveVheqEOiKrTn7Dgc/edit?usp=sharing In the yellow cells I filled in some very generous turn counts, showing that even taking your time you still have about 60 turns leftover to do whatever you want.
  23. https://gyazo.com/11be628311df9074b3915e1a0d2352a1 reclass limits seem to be hardcoded per chapter. as a result you are never allowed to reclass into a flier class if you have 2 or more. so if i want my draco roger i will have to take 2 of lorenz/minerva/dolph off :(
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