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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Whoever is getting the Brave Lance is going to wreck whatever they face, but Erin gets the most out of it because she sees the most improvement and gets the most out of Ch3's EXP. Finn already 2HKOs anything that isn't armored or a boss with a Steel Lance and he has Pursuit, and has likely grown to the point where he can set up kills for Leif in Ch7, which is all he needs to do. Quan 2HKOs everything with Silver and has an Adept% chance to OHKO, and there's no more point in training him. So Hero Lance Quan is a bit of an improvement if you want him to wreck everything on enemy phase, but generally you'd rather direct your EXP elsewhere. Sigurd can use the Hero Sword (or alternatively, Erin can) or start building up kills on something like Light Sword or even the Silver Sword. He only needs Hero weapons to ORKO armors. He could even use the Armorslayer to do it if you do not care about building kills. Raquesis is mostly busy using the Rescue Staff. She has access to like everything else, including bows and the Hero Axe - generally Lex kinda falls off after Ch3 - so what does she need Hero Lance for? Social Knights suck. Unless Noish gets Pursuit Ring, in which case Noish has good enough proc rates and attacking power to not need Hero Lance.
  2. She's one of the few units I still bother to move out of the castle in Ch4/Ch5 besides Lewyn, Sigurd, Sylvia and Raquesis. Other than a couple people to kill bandits before they burn down the whole place, I guess. This is an FE4 Gen 1 LTC tier list I made a while ago in collaboration with a couple other people. As you can see Erin ranks pretty highly, though this is purely on the basis of saving turns. Every tier gap is to indicate a significant gap in utility, e.g. Sigurd is significantly better than Ethlin, who is slightly better than Sylvia, who is slightly better than Quan, etc. I could see Erin being at the bottom of High instead, maybe. -Top- Sigurd -High- Ethlin Sylvia Quan Raquesis Dew -Mid- Erin Midir Finn Noish Alec Lex Beowolf Aideen -Low- Azel Lewyn Holyn Ayra Jamke -Bottom- Deirdre Claude Brigid Ardan Taillte
  3. Hey artists! I'm in the process of making a video series for my Youtube channel called Fire Emblem Pitfalls, where I'll discuss common misconceptions and mistakes Fire Emblem players have and make, such as hoarding items and not using prepromotes. It's a friendly video and I won't be monetizing it. Since the video is mostly voice-over based I've just been making use of screenshots and random MS Paint shenanigans for supporting images, but I thought I'd try to get something a little more professional done for the title cards. Like, I was going to do this: http://imgur.com/a/KmFuA But that just looks lazy. Is there anyone who would be interested in making something better? I will of course give credit where it's due. Apologies if this is not the place for art requests, from what I could tell when reading the sticky this was my best bet.
  4. Warp, Rescue, Sleep, Berserk or just cheating with something like codebreaker would be your best bets.
  5. Eldigan is a consistent character, but not a realistic one. That's why I personally dislike him. Chagall treats him like dirt at every opportunity and Eldigan rides against his friend for him.
  6. It really does not matter, but at that point I'd give it to Myrrh, yeah.
  7. Ch5 "Evayle’s really tough, but you can’t just throw her in and guarantee her survival here" Sure you can. She's still invincible. The only way she loses is if she gets captured.
  8. Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/3vnqgy/newcomers_companion_to_fe4_genealogy_of_the_holy/
  9. Eyvel holding Meteor or anything is fine really, since her items are dumped into the supply convoy which means you can pick them up in Ch6, Ch7 or in the battle preparations of Ch8.
  10. Yeah, I think it's only broken if you let Vylon die with it.
  11. http://serenesforest.net/thracia-776/characters/recruitment/ Fred is said to join automatically from the start in Ch11x, but he only appears on turn 2. Also, not really an error but just something I'm wondering about. In the misc sections of some FE pages, they seem to be listed alphabetically other than "Gaiden" chapters. For example, FE7: http://serenesforest.net/blazing-sword/ It seems to be in the perfect place if it were called "Sidequests" so I assume it was changed at some point.
  12. "So, in short, you will need to rely on some crits" "Seliph with two Power Rings" Found the FE4 expert. You can always try to get Julius to activate Charge/Accost so Seliph attacks him four times in one turn.
  13. Seliph can 1v1 Julius as long as someone heals him. Julius prioritizes attacking Seliph up close if he's standing at the gate, so he'll get attacks in on both phases. I believe he does 5 or 10 net damage per turn this way as long as he connects his hits, but those numbers come from memory.
  14. This guy clearly plays on Normal Mode, as you can tell from his FE6 and FE8 clips. There's just no comparing his opinions to SF's or anyone's. He's clearly casual, and so is most of the FE fanbase.
  15. OP, you are putting too much emphasis on growths, particularly magic growth. Stop worrying and learn to love the Forseti: 30 base Mt will 2HKO anything. Here's how you make the best of Arthur: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=25746#entry1530652 Here too: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&p=1804732
  16. "This chapter’s crime is chiefly taking too long. You can have up to sixteen chests to pop open, and the most you can ever do in a turn is FOUR COUGH COUGH I DIDN'T FORGET KEYS – not counting walking." Well maybe don't fill up Lifis and Leaf's entire inventory with stuff you just don't need. That chapter is much easier if you just bring like 4 items max. Also you can have Lara arrive at doors and chests turns earlier if you rescue/drop her to the right places.
  17. https://gyazo.com/92c42031216506d1954399c4207a9fe5 Graphical glitch with Lana's HP display in the Epilogue home castle. Didn't occur with anyone else. Lana was Silenced, so that could have something to do with it.
  18. If you want to be super safe just get Corple/Cairpre promoted before the final chapter. Forseti can handle anything.
  19. You can find deployment limits here, as well as a lot of other info. http://www.fireemblemwod.com/fe3.htm
  20. Delmud is awesome. Hezul Blood makes sure his strength is decent even if you actively try to gimp it with someone like Azel, though he really should get a physical dad to make his strength really shine. He can start ORKOing enemies pretty quickly even with something like a Silver Blade if you do that. Just make sure he has Pursuit.
  21. Some things I've noticed in Ch10 related events. They might not be errors but I'd like to hear if anyone else has experience with these. 1. About Tyrfing between gen 1 and 2. SF says: " Items from the first generation retain their Kill count and usage in the second generation (except the Tilfing, which has full uses if it wasn’t broken)."I thought this was how it worked and I even have vague memories of getting a broken from Palmark. However, today I played on a file that had a broken gen 1 , and Palmark gave me a 50 use one. Could this be related to playing with a different patch or am I simply remembering things incorrectly? edit: turns out Vylon's death could've caused me receiving a broken Tyrfing. that's one mystery solved. 2. About the Ch10 Life Ring event after defeating the boss. In the old patch, I remembered that I could trigger this event just about anywhere near the water. In the new one, there only seems to be one tile where I can do it. I checked this with an old ROM. Was this deliberate?
  22. It's luck based sometimes, but make sure Sain gets danced early on, and then moves as far as he can. Perhaps try using Florina even if you didn't train her - there's a lot of terrain in the way. Perhaps use a torch as close to him as possible so he doesn't bump into enemies when he tries to use his Elixir. This might give you some ideas.
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