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Leyla Garcia

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Everything posted by Leyla Garcia

  1. I generally agree with what most people are saying here. I'd like there to be at least three characters from each series. In Fire Emblem's case I'd really like a third character. Even if it is *twitch* Micaiah *twitch. Even though it won't happen, I wouldn't mind seeing Lyndis or Roy as playable characters. More random stages ^^ Spear Pillar is so much fun. I laugh my head off whenever I see people get Shoop'd on that stage or when the stage is flipped upside down. More third party characters: Not that I play non Nintendo things anyway, but I still enjoyed having Sonic and Snake? Snake! Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake! in Brawl. Downloadable content: Like music, costumes, characters, etc. And speaking of music I'd like for there to be a way to add your own custom tracks....won't happen but yeah. This was inspired by an awesome remix of some Pokemon music I found on youtube. I generally suck at getting tougher unlockables. Say what you will about me but I still haven't unlocked Toon Link or Jigglypuff, and there are three events I just can't beat even on easy mode. So I don't actually have Spear Pillar or Hanenbow yet ;.;
  2. I generally agree with what most people are saying here. I'd like there to be at least three characters from each series. In Fire Emblem's case I'd really like a third character. Even if it is *twitch* Micaiah *twitch. Even though it won't happen, I wouldn't mind seeing Lyndis or Roy as playable characters. More random stages ^^ Spear Pillar is so much fun. I laugh my head off whenever I see people get Shoop'd on that stage or when the stage is flipped upside down. More third party characters: Not that I play non Nintendo things anyway, but I still enjoyed having Sonic and Snake? Snake! Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake! in Brawl. Downloadable content: Like music, costumes, characters, etc. And speaking of music I'd like for there to be a way to add your own custom tracks....won't happen but yeah. This was inspired by an awesome remix of some Pokemon music I found on youtube. I generally suck at getting tougher unlockables. Say what you will about me but I still haven't unlocked Toon Link or Jigglypuff, and there are three events I just can't beat even on easy mode. So I don't actually have Spear Pillar or Hanenbow yet ;.;
  3. Well to be fair, Edward was the saving grace of the fail brigade in part one. Hands down he was the best unit I had and the first one to promote. Whether he'll be useful later remains to be seen as I'm just at the beginning of part three. Now, I'm rather fond of Edward and he's my favorite member of the fail brigade. And even if Stefan did require work to be awesome, I just love his character and I'd use him because of that.
  4. Lowell awoke the next morning feeling happy. He had gone to sleep under the stars on a full stomach for the first time in a very long time and even better, he had some left over. The sun was shining weakly in the sky and the weather was just as cold as it had been last night. He longed for summer as he sat there on the ground. Lowell decided to take a better look at what he had swiped the night before and was surprised at his haul. In addition to food, he’d also grabbed a couple of golden goblets, some fancy rings and necklaces, and another silver knife in a nice leather holster. It was a good thing the shopkeepers didn’t catch a glimpse of him, because they would’ve been on his tail the whole time. He dug a little deeper in the sack and pulled out the most valuable thing of all. It was a heavy, highly polished onyx medallion with and intricate design. But the thing that made it spectacular was the gem set into it. It was the prettiest gem Lowell have ever seen and it looked expensive—he only knew that from watching the stolen goods that often changed hands in those back alleys in Nevassa. It was oval shaped and transparent with a bluish tint. For a while Lowell just stared at the pendant clutched in his dirty hands. He didn’t like the idea of carrying such valuable things on him for fear of people messing with him. Lowell wanted to get rid of it as fast as he could to keep that from happening but wasn’t even sure how to do it. There was part of him that blamed the shopkeepers…stupid idiots for keeping fancy crap like this in their stupid shop. Well, except the knife. I’m keeping that. Lowell quickly put the stuff back in his bag with the amulet at the very bottom. He stood up and decided he’d do absolutely nothing except practice. After all, he had enough food to last him and he did work hard to steal it so why the heck couldn’t he? He admired the shiny silver knife again as he set off deeper into the forest. Even though it was daytime, the cloudy skies still made the forest look dreary. Sounds of birds echoed through the area. Lowell also heard the sounds of men in the distance—possibly they were from the Daein army. He kept his distance from them. Sure, they most likely wouldn’t mess with him, but he wasn’t going to take the chance…no, he set off in a different direction. Rustle… He stopped suddenly. No, not this crap again. It was most definitely human. Lowell crouched low and pulled out his silver knife. Something in a bush caught his eye…and against his better judgment, he crouched down to peer through it and gasped at what he saw. A girl was looking him directly in his hazel eyes. She had long strawberry blonde ringlets that spread out on the forest floor around her. His first reaction was to run away. What if she was trouble, like some noble’s kid or something? Unfortunately for Lowell, his legs didn’t work. The pretty, yet fragile looking girl thoroughly had him locked in her wide eyed gaze. Green eyes that simultaneously had innocence and wisdom. She looked very weak but she still never took her eyes off Lowell who now couldn’t leave her for some mysterious reason. He walked around to the other side of the bush and stood over the girl. “Do you, uh, need help,” he said awkwardly, completely aware that he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been nice to anyone. She reached out her hand to him, as though wanting him to help her to her feet. Lowell hesitated for a moment before holding out his hand as well. The girl gripped his hand with surprising strength and pulled herself to her feet. She reeled unsteadily before regaining her balance. Lowell and the girl were around the same height. She wore a plain light blue dress and brown boots. After several long seconds of silence, she spoke. “I-I haven’t eaten in…three days,” she said weakly in a sweet voice, never breaking her gaze into Lowell’s eyes. “Uh huh,” he said. Truth be told, he was getting creeped out and he was getting a little annoyed that his body didn’t do what he wanted it to. Lowell wanted to look away, but couldn’t; wanted to run away, but still couldn’t. Lowell sighed. “What the heck am I supposed to do about that?” The words spilled out before he could stop them and he immediately felt sorry for what he did. Why was it so hard to be nice to someone? But the girl didn’t look angry; on the contrary, she smiled. “You have food in your bag,” she said, pointing. “Oh, right,” said Lowell hastily. “Here.” He pulled out a loaf of bread and handed it to her. The girl smiled wider. She sat down on the ground again and began eating like some sharks during a feeding frenzy. Lowell had never seen anything like it, but then again, she was starving. It was amazing she made it this long without dying. Lowell was just about to walk away when she spoke again. “Come sit next to me,” said the girl brightly through a mouthful of bread. “Why?” Lowell asked bluntly. “Because,” she answered him. Lowell rolled his eyes. “Fine, fine,” he said, sitting down next to her as she continued eating. “My name is Amada,” she said. “What’s yours?” “Lowell,” he said point-blank. Amada put the last piece of bread in her mouth and laughed. “You’re something. Will you tell me what’s in the bag then?” “No.” She laughed again but it was stifled by a huge yawn. “Now you’re being silly. Thank you for the food.” She leaned against a tree that was beside the bush and closed her eyes—the picture of innocence. That was something Lowell hadn’t had since before the age of five when he first began stealing. “Take care of my staff for me…” she said, her voice trailing off. “Weirdo,” Lowell said under his breath. “Yeah, see, I’m going now,” he said to Amada. “I’m not watching your staff.” She didn’t show any sign of having heard him. Lowell knelt back down and waved his hand in front oh her face. Amada’s chest rose and fell gently as she slept soundly. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” said Lowell in disbelief. “How can a person fall asleep that fast!?” Grudgingly, Lowell realized he couldn’t leave her. He’d have to watch her to make sure no bandits came by to try something. Besides, it was a good practice area with all the trees around. He pulled the brand new Silver Knife and threw it at a butterfly resting on a tree to test his accuracy. The knife went through the butterfly’s wing and stuck itself firmly into the tree. The insect struggled as it tried to fly away. The expression on Lowell’s face would be unreadable to any other person. He said nothing as he went over to the tree and pulled the knife out… After that, Lowell pretended the trees were the leader of the trio he’d possibly killed the night before. He was a short and skinny kid but he used that to his advantage. Lowell glided from tree to tree like a dancer and slashed at them so quickly that most humans wouldn’t be able to react. He found out that his biggest asset was the fact that he was left handed since everyone expected right handed knife users. It was the subtle difference of the blade landing in the place no one predicts that often hands Lowell his victories. Lowell jumped as high as he could into the air and made a huge gash in the tree before swinging around and landing gracefully on his feet. He did a cartwheel on the forest floor to show off, but he could also dodge and attack from this position too, make no mistake. He bent over backwards to avoid an imaginary opponent and to attack another one behind him. Lowell performed all of his best moves on the trees and only stopped when he could no longer move. He was breathing heavily and sweat dripped off of him. For the first time in a long time, the clouds cleared and the sun shown bright in the sky. The forest was illuminated green in the sunlight. “You’re really good!” Amada had finally awakened and was standing with her blue orbed staff in her hands. “How did you get to be so good? Any mentors?” Lowell shrugged. He didn’t particularly want to talk about it. “And you’re probably like me and don’t know the nature of you birth. So you don’t know whether you got your skills from your mother or father…” said Amada. “Riiiight,” said Lowell. It wasn’t difficult to pick out an orphaned child who lived on the streets—he guessed that was reason she knew. “Just call it instinct. You get confronted by something and you deal with it.” “But your skills are amazing and you look so young,” Amada insisted. “That’s the ability that manifested with you nature! I wonder what kind of blood run through your veins.” Lowell was thoroughly confused now. What the heck was she talking about? Amada looked at Lowell intently. “How old are you?” she asked curiously. “Twelve.” Her expression softened. “You’re safe with me, Lowell. You can tell me your real age.” The boy narrowed his hazel eyes. “I really am twelve. What the crap do you mean by real age anyway?” They stared at each other for a moment. “But I thought…I must’ve been…you’re not one of…your power though…” she said almost to herself. “Are you just going to babble or are you going to tell me what you’re talking about?” said Lowell, annoyed. “No, I was just thinking,” said Amada. “Fine then,” he said roughly. Amada tilted her head slightly. “You’re bleeding. Would you like me to fix that?” “What?” said Lowell. He looked down at his arm and noticed the blood for the first time. “That little scratch? That’s nothing.” “Are you sure?” asked Amada. “Yes, I’m sure,” he said. Honestly, she was getting on his nerves now. He picked up his sack on the ground. “Look, I’m done here. I’m headed back to Nevassa to get rid of this stuff before someone tries to kill me or something.” “What kind of stuff is it?” Amada asked. “Expensive stuff.” “Well, where did you get it?” “I stole it all last night.” They just stared at each other after Lowell’s blunt answer. He broke the trance she had on him by closing his eyes before turning and walking away. “But wait! Can I come with you?” Amada called after him. Lowell stopped but he didn’t turn back around. “I don’t care. Just don’t get in my way.” Amada beamed as she picked up her staff and chased after Lowell.
  5. Serenes etiquette calls for me to make a feedback topic if I want well...feedback. So here it is ^^ As some background info, this is my first fic based on a Fire Emblem Universe. I have one completed fic another that is about halfway done both in the Pokemon universe. I'd really appreciate feedback from some of the more experienced Fire Emblem fic authors here because I'm a bit of a newbie with some of the finer details. And as usual if you catch typos/factual errors/grammar mistakes, etc, please let me know ^^ I will take what people say into consideration and (if needed) fix the mistake or explain if there is a reason for what I did. Here is the link: Something to Live For Thanks for reading and commenting!
  6. OOC: This is my first Fire Emblem based fic and this one involves the Tellius Universe. And because of that, I'd like to announce that there may be spoilers in here, so read at your own risk. The blonde woman’s breath came in shuddering gasps. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. There she stood, a crying baby boy in her arms, facing down his father. “Richard, w-why are you acting like this?” she finally managed to choke out. Anger and hurt flooded through her in equal measure. But Richard said nothing to her right away. His demeanor was stiff and cold. “Really, it’s time for me to go. I have my real wife and son to return to.” “Your real wife and son?!” she repeated incredulously. “But he’s your son too!” she indicated the baby in her arms gently but with mindset of a charging bull. “You never told me that evil woman was your wife or that you had a child by her too!” Richard, an imposing man by any standard suddenly seemed weak and ineffectual. “Well, whose problem is that now?” he asked. All of the false power in the world couldn’t make his words any less lame sounding. “What?” said the blonde woman. She was so irate she was actually shaking. “This is your problem too! I’ll tell the truth about your little problem with fidelity— “And who’ll believe something like you?” Richard said acidly. The blonde woman stopped short, and not only because she’d been called less than human. He had her there. The fact was that no one would believe her. By all intents and purposes she wasn’t supposed to exist. She was an assassin—one hired to kill secretly and subsist only in the shadows, never coming to the light to have real relationships with people. She did the dirty inglorious work no “good” person wanted to touch. No, Richard was correct. No one would believe her… She stood there, numb, but a slightly deranged smile crossed her face. Her voice was cold. “So that’s it? You’re just going to walk away from your own son?” Richard’s expression was of disgust at the thing and its child. It was an abhorrent thought to him that they could potentially destroy the successful, respectable life he had worked so hard to achieve. He’d do anything to protect it, and if it meant abandoning two nobodies, why not? Richard turned his back on the blonde woman and the screaming baby in her arms, never to look back. He climbed aboard his horse and rode off. The woman didn’t demean herself anymore than she already had to stop him. The humiliation that she’d been used and tossed aside like a broken weapon was settling on her like a lead weight. She cradled the baby in her arms in an attempt to comfort him. “My baby…I’m so sorry for getting us into this situation, for my mistakes and bad judgment,” she didn’t stop the tears that trickled down her face and onto the baby’s cheek. Then, the woman looked up and smiled her oddly disturbed smile through her tears. “They think they can just look down on us…but they’re wrong, so very wrong. She looked down once more at her baby. Even now she could tell he would look like her, but with his father’s black hair and hazel eyes.” “You’re going to show them all, my child!” the woman said, keep the hysteria in her voice at bay. “I can feel it. Even if I…fail, you’ll triumph…Lowell.” “HEY! Get back here kid!” the angry shopkeeper yelled. The only thing he got back was the distant sound of said kid’s laugher for he had already disappeared into the night. Lowell had stalked this particular shop for about a week and discovered its weak point—the shopkeepers where a little less watchful at night when they were about to close up shop. It was simple affair for the twelve year old to hide in the greenery and strike while the arrogant shopkeeper and his snobbish wife were distracted with counting their money. Ha! They didn’t even get a good look at him. It was so easy he didn’t even have to use his dagger. It was too dark for Lowell to fully examine the bag of treasure from his latest bout of larceny, but he knew he had food—the most valuable commodity at the moment. His stomach growled at the thought of it. Being an orphan living on the streets of Nevassa, Lowell cared little about the people from whom he stole. He needed to survive and that was all he cared about. Sure, his life was tough but Lowell never let that get in the way of his fun. And he had fun stealing. It was like an adventure and an adrenaline rush for him. He felt every bit like an undercover agent as he dared himself not to get caught. The boy made a mental note to get some clothes from somewhere because his old orange shirt, brown pants, and boots were in bad shape. Instead of heading to the back alleys of Nevassa like he usually did, Lowell decided to set up shop in the woods outside the city because he didn’t want any one else coming after his stuff. He shifted the bag over his shoulder and continued on, the adrenaline still surging. He tried to stay out of sight as he wound his way through the city streets. Lowell moved from building to building, crate to crate stealthily. As he crouched low behind one crate he saw one young blonde haired boy being shaken down by three others twice his size, but did not stop to help. That was the way it was here…He was glad to be so good with knives. This area of Nevassa was one of the worst in all of Daein—perhaps all of Tellius. The buildings were rundown and boarded up and people routinely set fires in them for warmth. Crime went pretty much unchecked here and the only law people lived by was survival of the fittest. Growing up here was rough. If a person couldn’t protect themselves, they had two options: die or join a gang who could protect them. So far, Lowell had managed to avoid the latter two choices and pretty much kept to himself. At last he was seeing trees instead of more buildings. With the full moon lighting his way, Lowell looked for a place to settle down for the night. It was a mild, quiet summer night…well, at least it was quiet. Lowell’s eyes darted around in the darkness, his ears trying to pick up every sound. He was sure he heard footsteps on the leaves. He found a large hollow in a tree beside him and quickly threw his bag into it. His hands went to the silver dagger he had stolen a while back in the holster on his waist and held it behind his back. At the very back of his mind, he wanted his senses to be mistaken. He was hungry and really wanted to get to the food, but… “Hey brat! Saw you had some loot on you. Hand it over!” Lowell found himself in the same situation as the blonde haired boy. He was facing down three teenagers who had greed in their eyes. They were willing to do anything and hurt anyone to get what they wanted, which, at the moment, was that bag. Instead of being panicked or afraid, Lowell looked thoroughly ticked. “Aw man! This sucks!” said Lowell as though he were watching a performance that turned out to be a disappointment. “You guys are so lame!” What looked like the leader of the trio, who had matted brown hair looked nothing short of enraged. “You little whelp! Who the crap do you think you are?!” Spit flew out his mouth and Lowell looked slightly grossed out. “I think I’m Lowell, and I think you’re in my space,” he said sarcastically, holding his knife tighter behind his back. “And don’t take this the wrong way or anything but don’t you think it’s pathetic that you’re stealing from someone who’s half your size but twice as smart as you?” The brown haired boy roared and pulled out a bronze dagger. The other two didn’t even have conventional weapons—just jagged pieces of metal. Lowell’s cockiness finally made the boys snap, and they each lunged at him. But the child merely grinned. If he was going to have to fight, he might as well have fun with them. Lowell didn’t strike back at first. He just dodged their attacks by ducking, sidestepping, and even jumping over one of the boys who’d crouched low to hit the boy in the leg. “You little cowardly brat!” yelled the matted haired boy. “You think we’re pathetic! Fight like a man!” “Sigh, if you say so,” said Lowell cheerfully. He revealed the knife hidden behind his back and began slashing. Lowell was skinny, agile, and very fast and he used it to his advantage. He continued to dodge but he also struck back. One came at him, trying to slit his throat, but Lowell ducked under him and stabbed him the leg—hitting a major artery from the looks of it. The second of the trio lunged at him from behind; all Lowell had to do was evade by leaning sideways and the silver dagger left one long, deep gash in his arm as the boy hit the ground with a horrible crunch and moving no more. With both of his friends critically injured, the leader of the pack looked insane with his anger. “You’re going to die tonight kid,” he said in a low voice and he grabbed Lowell around the neck. He tightened his fingers around the young boy’s neck, trying to crush is windpipe. Amazingly, he was still smiling. “Will I?” said Lowell hoarsely. “Look down.” It was then that the boy with the matted brown hair saw the knife sticking out of his gut. His eyes widened as his grip on Lowell slackened and eventually he let go altogether. Lowell casually pulled his knife from the boy’s body, not caring about the scream of intense pain. He keeled over and fell to the ground next to his friends. Lowell stepped over the bodies of the trio to the tree where he’d stashed his things. “I…hate you,” the leader growled weakly. “I feel the same way about you,” said Lowell. His smile was gone and he looked angry. “I’m not just a stupid child!” His voice rose rapidly. “You’ll never mess with me again!” And with that Lowell turned and walked away. He had planned to stay the night around that tree but he didn’t want to stay there in case they died. What if the corpses attracted dogs or something? He’d have to kill them too to keep them from stealing his food. Why did I have to be attacked by idiots? Now I have to find a new tree! Lowell thought irritably. He retreated deeper into the woods without a second thought about the well-being of the idiots who had attacked him. All the while, the man watched…
  7. As far as being a good trueblade, I've generally heard good things about Mia. I was considering her but I just couldn't pass up Zihark and Stefan <3 Ahem, as far as personality goes, Mia is win and her supports with Rhys are so cute. And I did love her quote in the cutscene, even if the voice wasn't all that good.But then again, whose was? Besides Shinon at any rate ....Mist's and Rolf's voices still haunt me. Now that's waking the dead.
  8. Good Point. Like how Jill and Haar have an ending, yet only Jill's dialogue changes. Same with .
  9. I'm playing Radiant Dawn for the first time and on easy mode and poor Meg died one the second chapter I used her (the one where you get Jill, Zihark, and Taurauneo. Tauroneo) But that was because of my bad skills. I over estimated her defense: I was like "Sure she can take two hits!" Yeah, well I was wrong. I didn't even bother to restart and get her back and now I slightly regret it...I forgot to snatch her sword and Fortune from her. I think I'm going to have to go with the bait option because she wasn't all that good for much else. She did save Leonardo once. Not sure how much good it'll do because he's going to end up as bait himself on the later chapters.
  10. GAH it doesn't exist? That's so mean. Well, it looks like the verdict is in for sure: No Stefan/Soren ending. Ah well, I'll stick with Stefan anyway even though my Edward is pretty good. Now as far as character goes, Stefan pwns. But then again that wouldn't be a fair comparison because they didn't give Edward a real personality. But Stefan is just cool. I can just have the ending in my imagination.
  11. lol, as much as I think the the fail brigade is fail, I find myself drawn to Edward (possibly because he saved me so many times throughout part one). Laura as well, but I have no idea why I like her as much as I do. But back on topic, too many characters really didn't get enough backstory. I always seem to forget that some characters even exist (I'm looking at you Aran and Fiona). It would've been nice to see what the families of the DB members was like--especially Leonardo (and I really dislike him) since his family is supposed to be noble. And I don't think it wouldn't been so hard to through in a couple of more info conversations to flesh the story out. Heck, take out Fiona if you need the space.
  12. :o Now I must use Stefan. He's my favorite trueblade after Zihark, and the only reason I considered using Edward was because he has a special place in my heart. He was my first promotion ^^ So that settles it, I really want to see this ending so I'm going to try, whether or not it exists. Besides, the first post pretty much refuted my belief that Soren and Stefan can't have A support. That's the second support I'm planning on having, along with Ike/Ranulf because I find that one cute.
  13. Sorry if this topic exists, but I was just wondering do Stefan and Soren have an ending together? That's what I read in one site but I'm very skeptical. For one, isn't it impossible to get them to A rank support? If they do, I'm using Stefan. If my doubts are correct and they don't, I'm using Edward--one of only two people I voluntarily use from the Fail Brigade. And if they don't, what would you think a good ending for them to be. ...Of course, this is assuming I even MAKE IT to the Endgame.
  14. I've had days when I felt unhappy with myself, and like people have already said, everyone has. For me, those feelings usually come when I felt I haven't lived up to my expectations (i.e. I did badly on a test, couldn't help a friend). And then sometimes the reasons are stupid. Like I'll wear a bad outfit and feel unhappy with myself... But generally I do feel happy with myself and if I find myself dwelling on myself too much, it's time for a reality check because there are far worse things to feel unhappy about.
  15. After lurking for a little while, I finally decide to join the forums ^^ I'm Leyla Garcia and I'm a complete newbie to the world of Fire Emblem. My friends got my interested in FE and having watched a walkthrough online (after watching a Path of Radiance one), I bought Radiant Dawn. It's marked it as my favorite game because, well, it's the only Fire Emblem that I've played, though I'm planning on getting FE:DS as well. As I've never played a tactical rpg in my life, I'm playing RD on easy mode and I finished part one a couple of days ago. As a random note, no, watching the walkthrough didn't completely ruin it for me because 1) everyone has a different experience and 2) I skipped through most of the actual battles. However I've really into the Fire Emblem Universe for a lot longer than I've been playing the game, so I love reading the theories and ideas of others on the forums. I hope to be an active member of both this forum and the chat. I also have this fanfic I wrote that I'll post when I'm a bit more established here because I'm scared to now. ...I apologize for this long introduction
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