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Posts posted by Gamer7625

  1. Chrom - I'd swap Charm for Luna or Aegis to maximize the effect of Rightful King. +5 Avoid is a pretty small effect later on.

    Avatar - Again, I'm not sold on Solidarity (although it is better than Charm). Avatar has a like a million skills you could use instead. I'm guessing he's a guy so no Rally Love?

    Lissa - Rally Res is kinda bad and so is Dual Support+. She gets Galeforce for extra movement and Renewal to help her last longer. The Bride DLC brings Bonds and Rally Love as nice skills too.

    Sumia - Stats +2 from the Micaiah DLC made Speed +2 completely obsolete. Rally Love is coming out Thursday if you want to make her into a decent Rallybot. She also gets Luna and Renewal (ahaha good luck getting that last one though).

    Tharja - Seems fine. Poor girl really got screwed in reclass options. I guess she has Luna and Pavise but eh.

    Lucina - Once again, Luna > Charm.

    Morgan - See previous comment on Solidarity. Quick Draw from the Alm DLC works nice with Galeforce, otherwise I'd prefer Sol to randomly heal HP everytime he attacks. I don't see what Vengeance is doing here?

    Owain - Galeforce > Zeal, Sol > Avoid +10.

    Inigo - Olivia should be passing down Galeforce instead of Luck +4. I'd swap Axebreaker for something else since I find it a bit narrow; maybe something like Deliverer instead?

    Cynthia - Renewal is better than Relief, pretty much anything else is better than Speed +2. Or you could drop both Relief and Speed +2 for Sword and Tomefaire for extra killing power.

    Gerome - Locktouch, while useful for Infinite Regalia, is kind of a wasted slot anywhere else. I'd take out Strength +2 and Locktouch for Sol and euh... Pass? If you have the Alm DLC, +10 Resistance would be great, since Gerome's Res is kinda bad. Just swap out Sol for Locktouch if you need the latter.

    Noire - Lifetaker is kinda eh compared to Sol since Sol can activate multiple times per turn (and, most importantly, during the enemy's turn). She also has no reason to not have Galeforce.

    Nah - Once again Sol > Lifetaker. Strength/Speed +2 can be replaced by something else (I personally use Deliverer because 8 move Manaketes are hilarious, Quick Burn and Slow Burn are ok, while Swordbreaker is great against random Wyrmslayers)

    As you can see, I'm a big fan of Sol since, short of Nosferatu spam, it's the best way to help your chars not to get whittle down during enemy phases. Also, you might have to make space on everyone for Limit Breaker when it comes out in April.

    Took as much of your advise as I could. I do not have DLC stuff and won't probably for awhile so my team's skills are built around what I have access to at the moment.

    As for Lissa, I am unsure how she would do as a Battle Monk to get Renewal so I'm tweeking little things.

    I updated my list in the first post.

  2. In that case you should consider making Donny a grandad and passing aptitude through two generations.

    eg; Donny x Nowi = Nah

    Nah x Avatar = Morgan

    You then have both Nah and Morgan with aptitude

    I don't think passing Aptitude to 2 people is needed and even if I did that then who would Tharja marry?

  3. So I made a topic a few days ago saying I was going to do a more focused team for my second playthrough. I've come up with a team and would like any help people might be able to give.

    Chrom-Great Lord

    Skills: Dual Strike, Dual Guard, Rightful King, Luna, Aether

    Dante-Grandmaster (Avatar)

    Skills: Solidarity, Rally Spectrum, Sol, Luna, Ignis (Veteran for training)


    Skills: Miracle, Tomefaire, Rally Magic, Rally Resistance, Galeforce

    Sumia-Falcon Knight

    Skills: Speed +2, Renewal, Lancefaire, Luna, Galeforce


    Skills: Hex, Anathema, Hit Rate +20, Tomebreaker, Vengeance

    Lucina-Great Lord (Father-Chrom; Mother-Sumia)

    Skills: Dual Strike, Rightful King, Luna, Aether, Galeforce

    Morgan-Grandmaster (Father-Dante; Mother-Tharja)

    Skills: Solidarity, Rally Spectrum, Sol, Ignis, Galeforce (Veteran for training)

    Owain-Swordmaster (Father-Vaike; Mother-Lissa)

    Skills: Avoid +10, Zeal, Astra, Sol, Swordfaire

    S Support: Morgan

    Inigo-Hero (Father-Fredrick; Mother-Olivia)

    Skills: Avoid +10, Luck +4, Sol, Luna, Armsthrift

    Cynthia-Dark Flyer (Father-Chrom; Mother-Sumia)

    Skills: Lancefaire, Tomefaire, Bowbreaker, Galeforce, Aether

    Gerome-Wyvern Lord (Father-Gaius; Mother-Cherece)

    Skills: Strength +2, Deliverance, Sol, Swordbreaker, Renewal/Locktouch when needed

    Noire-Dark Knight (Father-Dante; Mother-Tharja)

    Skills: Hex, Anathema, Sol, Luna, Ignis

    Nah-Manakete (Father-Donnel; Mother-Nowi)

    Skills: Swordbreaker, Deliverance, Wyrmsbane, Sol, Galeforce (Aptitude for training)

  4. I've done the Reeking Box thing and I really had no problems with money my last playthrough once we got into the Walhart stuff.

    Here is what I have as a draft for a team so far, any advice?

    Chrom-Great Lord

    Skills: Dual Strike, Dual Guard, Charm, Rightful King, Aether

    Dante-Grandmaster (Avatar)

    Skills: Solidarity, Rally Spectrum, Sol, Luna, Ignis (Veteran for training in Luna’s place)


    Skills: Miracle, Tomefaire, Rally Magic, Rally Resistance, Dual Support

    Sumia-Falcon Knight

    Skills: Speed +2, Lancefaire, Rally Speed, Rally Movement, Galeforce


    Skills: Hex, Anathema, Tomebreaker, Vengeance, Luna


    Skills: Strength +2, Odd Rhythm, Quick Burn, Slow Burn, Wyrmsbane, Lifetaker

    Lucina-Great Lord

    Father-Chrom; Mother-Sumia

    Skills: Dual Strike, Charm, Rightful King, Galeforce, Aether (From Father)


    Father-Dante; Mother-Tharja

    Skills: Solidarity, Rally Spectrum, Vengeance (From Mother), Ignis (From Father), Galeforce (Veteran for training in Galeforce’s place)


    Father-Vaike; Mother-Lissa

    Skills: Avoid +10, Miracle (From Mother), Astra, Sol (From Father), Swordfaire


    Father-Fredrick; Mother-Olivia

    Skills: Luck +4 (From Mother), Patience, Sol, Luna (From Father), Armsthrift

    Cynthia-Dark Flyer

    Father-Chrom; Mother-Sumia

    Skills: Speed +2, Galeforce, Rally Movement, Rally Speed (From Mother), Aether (From Father)

    Gereme-Wyvern Lord

    Father-Gaius; Mother-Cherece

    Skills: Strength +2, Locktouch (From Father), Deliverence (From Mother), Swordbreaker, Renewal

    This may seem strange but I actually gave him Locktouch in my first playthrough and it worked nicely given his tankiness.

    Noire-Dark Knight

    Father-Dante; Mother-Tharja

    Skills: Skill +2, Lifetaker, Hex, Anathema, Ignis (From Father)

  5. Normal mode like my first time playing through and yes I plan on grinding. I did some in my first playthrough (Noire ending up as a Dark Knight with an amazing 74 Health at Level 20 was my end result) but since I am now familiar with the characters and such I wanted to do a more involved playthrough instead of __________ looks cool let's try them lol.

  6. So I just beat the game for the first time after getting it at the beginning of the week finally. I loved the game and, since this was my first game, I didn't want to grind TOO much, even though I did some to an extent. I'd like some help or advice on planning a team for my next playthrough. Since I am sure people have more knowledge on this than I do, I would like to see what people have to say first.

  7. So the game FINALLY came in and I've been playing quite a bit since then. Currently I am on Chapter 13 and all of my characters have been Class Changed. I changed most of my characters on Level 15 except for Chrom and my Avatar (Sora). I'd like to know if my current team is good and if anyone could give me any advice on Panne I'd appreciate it.


    Great Lord: Lv 2

    HP: 42

    Str: 19

    Mag: 2

    Skill: 22

    Spd: 24

    Lck: 18

    Def: 23

    Res: 10



    Grandmaster: Lv 2

    HP: 43

    Str: 18

    Mag: 14

    Skill: 16

    Spd: 25

    Lck: 9

    Def: 16

    Red: 13



    Paladin: Lv 4

    HP: 39

    Str: 19

    Mag: 5

    Skill: 21

    Spd: 17

    Lck: 16

    Def: 20

    Res: 13

    Married: Stahl


    Paladin: Lv 3

    HP: 44

    Str: 19

    Mag: 1

    Skill: 16

    Spd: 18

    Lck: 11

    Def: 19

    Red: 10

    Married: Sully


    Warrior: Lv 3

    HP: 51

    Str: 23

    Mag: 2

    Skill: 22

    Spd: 13

    Lck: 10

    Def: 16

    Red: 5

    Married: Lissa


    Sage: Lv 3

    HP: 34

    Str: 5

    Mag: 19

    Skill: 11

    Spd: 13

    Lck: 19

    Def: 8

    Red: 12

    Married: Vaike


    Swordmaster: Lv 3

    HP: 37

    Str: 14

    Mag: 3

    Skill: 26

    Spd: 28

    Lck: 15

    Def: 11

    Res: 6

    Married: Tharja


    Sorcerer: Lv 2

    HP: 35

    Str: 7

    Mag: 19

    Skill: 8

    Spd: 14

    Lck: 6

    Def: 16

    Res: 10

    Married: Lon'qu

    Donnel (Became godly as soon as I made him a Mercenary. Reclassed him to Hero when he hit Level 10)

    Hero: Lv 2

    HP: 47

    Str: 29

    Mag: 9

    Skill: 31

    Spd: 29

    Lck: 34

    Def: 27

    Res: 14

    Married: Panne


    Taguel: Lv 17

    HP: 39

    Str: 13 +3

    Mag: 3

    Skill: 19 +5

    Spd: 19 +5

    Lck: 15 +4

    Def: 11 +1

    Res: 5

    Married: Donnel

  8. Admittedly I've had this game for awhile, but have never beaten it. Before I really start on the game, however, I'd like any advice on the game and possibly good characters to use besides the 3 Lords.

    Thanks in advance to any one who does provide me with help, I appreciate it.

  9. Mages wouldn't be as used imo if they could only attack 2 spaces away.

    Now while most people use Mages to attack 2 spaces all the time you normally won't let a Mage attack an Archer/Sniper from 2 spaces, normally you'll go up close for them. It would also make them even more frail on the enemy phase since they normally won't counterattack while Archers are generally built to be able to survive not being able to counterattack

  10. Seems fine. FE9 is a simple enough game to use almost anyone, and you have a heavy majority of mounted types, so you're fine.

    Part of me is telling you to use Makalov. Expect to stomp the game.

    I've honestly always wanted to use Makalov I just feel he may require a bit of the stat boosts that others have and I am unsure how to fit him into my supports or what Skill(s) I'd give him.

  11. Just wanting to play Path of Radiance again so doing a Normal Mode playthrough with nothing really special. I'd like feedback on my team if people wouldn't mind it. Thanks in advance for any comments.

    1) Ike-Resolve, Wrath

    Support: Soren-A

    Stat Boosts: None

    Band: Knight’s Ring

    Common Ike but my last playthrough I tried the Resolve Wrath combo and absolutely fell in love with it so it's my go-to combo now for Ike. Soren support being really the only thing Ike has needed as they give each other good bonuses. Nothing really special here.

    2) Titania-Sol

    Support: Boyd-B; Mist-B

    Stat Boosts: Dracoshield x1

    Band: Knight's Band until 20 then Knight’s Ward

    Titania may not be an amazing unit, but she doesn't turn out too badly. I've used her all the way in 2 playthroughs, my first and my Female Only play, and she maxed Strength in the second so I am hoping for that. Titania is my only character who will not receive an A Support, but she gets exactly what she wants and needs from Mist and Boyd: Attack and Defense while getting more Defense from her support along with some Avoid. To add to the Supports, she's getting a Dracoshield, the Knight's Band for Attack and Defense growths, and the Knight's Ward to hopefully make her a good tank and a good unit to provide a third person for Mist and Boyd's group.

    3) Oscar-Sol

    Support: Kieran-A; Tanith-B

    Stat Boosts: None

    Band: Fighter’s Band

    Oscar is, well, Oscar. Always turns out well, except for one playthrough but I don't think about that one. His supports do pretty well for him and make him an even better dodge machine than he normally is. I plan on giving him Axes upon Class Changefor optimal offensive power. Not much to say about Oscar as he always ends up one of my best units.

    4) Boyd-Guard, Vantage

    Support: Mist-A; Titania-B

    Stat Boosts: Dracoshield x1, Talisman x1, Skill Book x1, Speedwing x1

    Band: Sword Band

    Ah Boyd-meister my classic powerhouse. His supports add Defense to him and Mist adds some Attack to his Attack support for even greater power; and while most people may comment 2 mounted units may not be great for him, Boyd can easily carve a path and keep the distance between the two of them easily enough and normally Titania isn't going to use all of her movement unless I need her to. Since Boyd can start a little wobbly in some stats, I give him some stat boosts to fix these problems, the other half of these going to Titania and Kieran, who can suffer the same faults as Boyd. His Skill combo has turned into my favorite for him and none of my other units really need/can get this combination so Boyd becomes the natural holder over it and boy does it increase his endurance.

    5) Soren-Adept

    Support: Ike-A

    Stat Boosts: Boots

    Band: Laguzguard

    One of my favorite units in FE history and one who doesn't need much help at all. I plan on increasing his Lightning along with his Wind, something I have never done, so I can hopefully be able to wield Tornado and Thoron later in the game. The reason I chose Lightning as a second weapon is basically for the power and anti-dragon magic is helpful.

    6) Mist-Sol, Miracle

    Support: Boyd-A; Titania-B

    Stat Boosts: Spirit Dust x1, Ashera Icon x2, Arms Scroll x2

    Band: Mage Band then Laguzguard

    I remember the first time I tried Mist out. She turned out amazing and became a staple unit ever since. Pretty normal stat boosts/supports/band for her as far as I know and the Sonic Sword being the natural fit to her making her simply amazing.

    7) Marcia-Adept, Savior

    Support: Tanith-A; Kieran-B

    Stat Boosts: Seraph Robe x1, Energy Drop x1

    Band: Wyvern Band

    First used Marcia the same time I first used Mist, my Female Only Playthrough, and loved her ever since. She gets the same stat boosts as Tanith due to needing the same boosts early on. Her supports add both add to her Avoid and she gives them extra Attack in return. Adept is a natural fit and Savior is a filler, but there's nothing else to really give her as a second skill.

    8) Kieran-Sol

    Support: Oscar-A; Marcia-B

    Stat Boosts: Talisman x1, Skill Book x1, Speedwing x1

    Band: Archer’s Band

    Kieran is getting the second Stat boosts that Boyd got, as I said above, his supports add Attack and Avoid to him and it all just works to fix any bad stat of his that he may have had.

    9) Tanith-Reinforce, Miracle

    Support: Marcia-A; Oscar-B

    Stat Boosts: Seraph Robe x1, Energy Drop x1, Spirit Dust x1

    Band: Full Guard

    Tanith has been a staple on my team since my first playthrough and she just does her job well. Spirit Dust is to give her Magic Weapons a little extra kick and lets her ORKO the Wyvern boss with the Bolt Axe taking him out of the battle Enemy Turn 1. Not a huge amount to add for her just that she gets good Attack and even more Avoid with her supports.

  12. Edited team above...

    Looking at the new teams I have, I think I will move Team 2 to finished. Team 3 is in the air, however. The primary reason is I am not sure how 1 team of foot-soldiers will do on a team with a lot of mounted/flying units

  13. I only abuse the tower for Tana and there are people I will always promote to certain things, depending on who it is. One of my playthroughs I used almost solely people who could become mounted units and used them so my movement was fantastic. If I do remove Marisa I will add Joshua, since I always used him anyways, and probably will re-add Natasha also, always found her good. I'm not sure what is better to make Natasha into though, I've used her as both and they each have their advantages.

    I've tried Cormag before, but he seems a little slower to me, could just be me or that I am spoiled by Tana.

    EDIT: I updated the list in the first post. Let's see if that is any better

  14. I enjoy reading them and I feel supports add to the game and give some kind of development, and while they may not help a lot, they can still help a bit.

    If I do change people out, I would personally like a non-L'Arachel magic user who can heal. Someone like Arthur or Lute, or I could keep Ewan, I am not sure just my preferences I guess. I'll look at everyone and try to revise the list, but please try to give any helpful comments since it has been awhile since I played this game

  15. It's been awhile since I played this game, so I decided to come back to it and I wanted to build a team that could support each other and give me different teams. I got my first team built easily enough, but seem to be having trouble pairing everyone else off. Feel free to change people around to help and any advice is appreciated. Wanted to build 3 "teams" of sorts that could act with each other well. Feel free to criticize, comment, but please help the team be better if it can be.


    TEAM 1:

    1)Erika-Great Lord

    L'Arachel-A; Tana-B

    2)Ephraim-Great Lord

    Tana-A; L'Arachel-B

    3)Tana-Wyvern Knight

    Ephraim-A; Erika-B

    4)L'Arachel-Mage Knight

    Erika-A; Ephraim-B

    TEAM 2:


    Natasha-A; Seth-B


    Franz-A; Cormag-B

    Cormag-Wyvern Knight

    Seth-A; Natasha-B


    Cormag-A; Franz-B


    Team 3:


    Joshua-A; Tethys-B


    Gerik-A; Arthur-B


    Tethys-A; Joshua-B


    Arthur-A; Gerik-B

  16. A few months back I made a topic to help me with my team, it became a topic basically on Brom's usefulness and the usefulness of Gamble, so I went back and looked at the team and cut any unit that didn't truly fit on the team well. Here is what I ended up with. On a side note, I plan on doing Fixed Growths.

    1)Ike-Resolve, Wrath

    Band: Various Bands (not sure which) until I get the Knight's Ring

    Support(s):Soren-A; Oscar-B

    Stat Booster(s): None

    Comments:I'm going to see how the combo works on Ike, since everyone always rages when they find out I've never used it. Also, if anyone has any Band suggestion before I get the Knight's Ring I'd at least consider it.


    Band: Fighter Band

    Support(s):Kieran-A; Ike-B

    Stat Booster(s): None

    Comments:I do plan on giving him Axes upon Promotion, incase anyone was going to ask.

    3)Boyd-Vantage, Guard

    Band: Sword Band


    Stat Booster(s):Skill Book x1, Talisman x1, Draco Shield x2

    Comments:Vantage has saved Boyd's life more times than I can count and Guard can help him cancel the enemy's attack to save his life and can help give Mist enough time to heal him up next turn.


    Band: Laguzguard. He has never really needed any other Band, unless someone says differently


    Stat Booster(s):Boots

    Comments:I know some people don't like Soren, but I am one who has always liked him and I have always used him (except on my all Female Playthrough). He always turns out good. If anyone could think of any Band that Soren could benefit from, feel free to say so. Also, if someone suggest I replace him please give me reasons why and make it someone who still can fit in the group well (good Supports and why the person is a better choice)

    5)Mist-Sol, Miracle

    Band: Mage Band until she catches up, then maybe the Wyvern or Soldier Band until I get the second Laguzguard.


    Stat Booster(s):Spirit Dust x1, Ashera Icon x2, Arms Scroll x2

    Comments:If someone could offer any other possible Band choices, I'd appreciate them.

    6)Marcia-Adept, Savior

    Band: Knight Band

    Support(s):Tanith-A; Kieran-B

    Stat Booster(s):Seraph Robe x1, Energy Drop x1

    Comments: Pretty standard skills. Adept for more attacks, which can give her some more kills and can let her finish off some enemies she may not. Savior is a "just in case" skill really. Not real important, but can be kind of useful if things go wrong.


    Band: Archer Band until 20/20 then the Knight Ward

    Support(s):Oscar-A; Marcia-B

    Stat Booster(s):Skill Book x1, Speedwing x2, Talisman x1

    Comments: I'm probably gonna give him Swords upon Promotion, but I never use his second weapon choice.

    8)Tanith-Reinforce, Miracle

    Band: Pegasus Band for joining chapter (all she does is fight Wyverns) Full Guard for rest of game


    Stat Booster(s):Seraph Robe x1, Energy Drop x1, Spirit Drop x1

    Comments: The Spirit Drop boosts her Magic just enough for her to K.O. the Wyvern Boss with the Bolt Axe on the Enemy's First Turn if Tanith is using the Sonic Sword (the only time she will use it before Mist gets it). I also give Tanith the Flame Lance and the Rune Sword, so the extra Magic boost helps in those areas too.

  17. Out of the general units I use I usually only baby Miccy and, in ways, Soren, Miccy because I actually kinda like her, and I can max her defense out when she class changes to her second class instantly if I work with her defense. Soren because he is my favorite mage and works well with Ike, also I enjoy him when him and Miccy fight each other.

  18. Brom is good on the team and really can help Boyd with his Water Support, while at the same time Brom gets some extra strength from Boyd.

    As for Gamble, it has helped Zihark open up some walls in the opponent's line and let my Palidin's break through. If a skill can help Zihark get an even better chance at taking out a General, without having to use an Armorslayer, then isn't it possibly worth it? Especially since, like I've said, he has Adept which gives him more chances to hit. Zihark has ALWAYS taken any enemy out the few times I've used Gamble.

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