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Posts posted by Gamer7625

  1. Time i beat him: Last Saturday

    I played Soul Silver


    Typhlosion (Ignus)lvl 70

    Item: Charcol




    Blast Burn

    Pidgeot (Ventus) lvl 70

    Item: Muscle Band


    Wing Attack

    U- Turn


    Ampharos (Chidori) lvl 70

    Item: Wise Glasses


    Signal Beam

    Thunder Wave

    Rock Climb

    Gyrados (Hydra) lvl 70

    Item: Amulet Coin


    Ice Fang


    Dragon Dance

    Tentacruel (Kraken) lvl 70

    Item: None


    Sludge Bomb

    Blizzard (absuing Hail lol)


    Ho-oh (Amatarasu) lvl 70

    Item: Leftovers


    Solar Beam

    Sacred Fire

    Sunny Day

    my strategy was earthquake his pikachu out in one blow. used ampharos to take down snorlax (thunder wave+Hail+lucky critical) then I went to ho-oh and changed the condition to sun and his team fell easily after that.

  2. I agree, the manga ending was better. I liked the idea of Mikami's suicide, but the thought of his blood shooting out of a pen wound like water out of a pressure hose :facepalm: kind of turned me off to the ending.

    Yeah I will admit WAY to much blood, though nice graphics kind of made up for it lol. I was impressed at how it sprayed on the camera but it did seem like why spend like 5 minutes of us listening to him scream?

  3. I liked the maga ending better than the anime one. The manga showed a normal reaction to everything, most people wouldn't run away they would go balistic and beg for their lives. It showed Light wasn't the God he thought he was, but a normal Human after all.

    Though personally I liked Mikami's suicide.

  4. Bah. I was going to do this as my next run of PoR, since I did the same for SS.

    Why Miracle on Marcia, out of curiosity?

    So if she got hit by Bows she could hopefully survive to be healed next turn seeing as she isn't getting the Full Guard.

    Mia'd prefer a robe over a shield,since she can get it in the base the chapter after she joins,and it gives her enough durability to handle the cavaliers to the south in her first full chapter.

    She'd do okay with a shield too,but the robe is much better for her.On that note,since being at low health gives her her best offense,she's the best person to give miracle to.

    You were the one who said Mia likes Draco Shields...lol but Mia's low health helps Wrath activate with Vantage's help, that is if Mia gets hit...she does dodge a lot (not as much as Tanith though)

    you forgot a female -.-

    since Ike will prob not be trained (not female), you could run from the BK and get Ena

    (which iirc is one of the only female units you have to do real dmg against Ashnard)

    if you really want to do a female run ofcourse >.>

    I was planning on getting Ena since it is a female run. I'm actually missing two females Lucia and Elincia, I've never been a fan of Lucia however i was thinking of using Elincia and feeding her kills.

  5. I honestly didn't think about Ike. If yout think it would still be a female playthrough using Ike (seeing as I know some people would get all defensive about it) then I will use Ike. Slightly revised list...



    Energy Drop

    Paladin Band

    Mist-Resolve, Miracle

    Arms Scroll, Draco Shield

    Mage band (till magic gets up) Laguz Guard

    Mia-Vantage, Wrath

    Draco Shield, Energy Drop

    Fighter band


    Spirit Dust

    Theif band

    Marcia-Adept, Miracle

    Seraph Robe, Ashera Icon x2 (For Miracle)

    Soldier band


    Arms Scroll

    Knight Band


    Speedwing Secret Book

    Knights Ward

    Lethe-Nihil, Smite

    Demi Guard

    Jill-Guard, Vantage

    Speedwing, Secret Book, Talismin x2 (wind magic=screwd!)

    Wyveren Band


    Laguz Guard


    Seraph Robe Spirit Dust (helps SS pwn a boss in one turn lol)

    Preist Band (only for first chapter she joins as i have her take out the wyverens to the side first) Full Guard

    EDIT: I plan on starting tomorrow with the weekend I have more time to focus on the play

  6. So based on that we have...


    Energy Drop

    Paladin Band

    Mist-Resolve, Miracle

    Arms Scroll, Draco Shield

    Mage band (till magic gets up) Laguz Guard

    Mia-Vantage, Wrath

    Draco Shield, Energy Drop

    Fighter band

    Ilyana-Flare, Shade (I just love Flare...)

    Spirit Dust x2

    Theif band

    Marcia-Adept, Miracle

    Seraph Robe, Ashera Icon x2 (For Miracle)

    Soldier band


    Arms Scroll

    Knight Band


    Speedwing Secret Book

    Knights Ward

    Lethe-Nihil, Smite

    Demi Guard

    Jill-Guard, Vantage

    Speedwing, Secret Book, Talismin x2 (wind magic=screwd!)

    Wyveren Band


    Laguz Guard


    Seraph Robe

    Full Guard

    I'm doing NM since it was asked...

  7. Okay well here is an outline of the bands and items I am thinking of throwing out to my people...

    Titania-Paladen Band

    Energy Drop

    Mist-Mage Band (till magic catches up) Laguz Guard (that may not be the right name it's been awhile since i played this game lol)

    Arms Scroll, Spirit Dust, Draco Sheild

    Mia-Soldier Band

    Draco Sheild, Energy Drop

    Ilyana-Theif Band

    Spirit Dust

    Calil-Laguz Guard

    Nephenee-Fighter Band

    Arms Scroll

    Tanith-Full Guard

    Seraph Robe

    Marcia-Knight Band

    Seraph Rose, Ashera Icon x2 (for Miracle)

    Jill-Wyveren Band

    Speed Wing, Secret Book

    Astrid-Knight Ward

    Speed Wing, Secret Book

    Lethe-Demi Band

  8. I am wanting to do a n all female playthrough seeing as I have always seen how some people love it, but I need a little help with a few things first...

    Okay the team is pretty obvious seeing as there are only like 12 females in the game picking the ones I need is simple:



    Mia-Vantage, Wrath


    Marcia-Adept, Miracle

    Nephenee-Wrath, Resolve


    Lethe-Nihil, Smite

    Jill-Guard, Vantage



    Based off of this who would be the best canidate for the Full Guard, Dracon Shields, Arms Scrolls, and Seraph Robes? Those are the only Items I am not sure about handing out. Also some aspects of this team can change depending on responces. Thanks to any help people can give.

  9. It's been awhile since I posted but I wanted to ask something. Based on the show which chapter of the manga should I start? Because I know what happens in the show but want to read the manga and don't know where to start.

  10. Kensei went straight to Bankai yay! The way Mashiro sounded she was about to die. I do feel sorry for Hyori looks like she won't be kicking people anymore... >_> She'll probably survive though I doubt Kubo would kill her now as he's killed no other good character!!

  11. If you're still looking for an endgame team, I have a suggestion:

    Nolan with Urvan, 'A' Zihark - Nihil, Colossus, Shove

    Zihark with Vague Katti, 'A' Nolan - Adept, Astra, Shove, Vantage, Cancel

    Elincia with Amiti, 'A' Volug - Stun, Canto, Imbue

    Haar with the Brave axe, 'A' Reyson - Stun, Canto, Resolve

    Mia with Alondite, 'A' Ike - Vantage, Astra, Shove, Adept

    Shinon with the Double bow, 'A' Soren - Deadeye, Shove, Adept, Wrath

    Boyd with a Forged Silver Axe, 'A' Nephenee - Colossus, Shove, Nihil

    Soren with Rexcaliber, 'A' Shinon - Corona, Shove, Pavise

    Nephenee with the Wishblade, 'A' Boyd - Wrath, Impale, Shove, Cancel

    Volug, 'A' Elincia - Savage, Shove, Nihil

    Reyson, 'A' Haar - Blessing, Galdyr, Shove, Celerity.

    This pretty much uses all the units you've never used before + Volug. I would suggest giving Volug paragon top help get him to level 30 faster.

    I think the first list was people he wouldn't use this PT.

    You'd be right. The only unit I'd use on that list for this play is Volug...

  12. There's lots of people you could have. Lesse...

    Volug - Savage, Howl, Shove, Provoke

    Gatrie - Luna, Adept, Shove

    Jill - Nullify, Canto, Stun

    Volke - Lethality, Shove, Gamble

    Stefan - Astra, Shove

    Ulki - Tear, Adept, Shove, Canto

    Oscar - Canto, Sol, Adept

    Rolf - Deadeye,Shove

    Calill - Shove, Shade, Flare

    Ilyana - Shove, Shade, Flare

    Rafiel - Miracle, Shove,Cecerity

    Changes in bold...

  13. There's lots of people you could have. Lesse...

    Volug - Savage, Howl, Shove, Provoke

    Gatrie - Luna, Adept, Shove (Give him the Boots)

    Jill - Nullify, Canto, Stun

    Volke - Lethality, Shove, Gamble (Remove Stillness)

    Stefan - Astra, Shove

    Ulki - Tear, Adept, Shove, Canto (Swap out Adept for Dragonfoe in 4-E-3)

    Oscar - Canto, Sol, Adept

    Leonardo/Rolf (whoever is better at endgame) - Shove,

    Calill - Shove, Shade, Flare

    Ilyana - Shove, Shade, Flare

    Rafiel - Miracle, Shove

    Give Gatrie a forged Silver Axe, Jill gets Urvan, Volke gets Baselard/Maxed Knife forge with good card (Hit doesn't need to be maxed), Stefan gets VK blessed with Alondite in inventory, Oscar gets teh Wishblade, The Marksman gets the Double Bow, Calill gets Rexflame and Ilyana gets Rexbolt.

    I like most of those actualy. However my question is who would I support some people with?

  14. I was thinking of using units I have never or rarely used. Here are a few lists. I want some people to help me choose the men. List skills for the teams I'll pick what I like and/or give my own ideas and we''l refine them...

    Units unuseable:











    Units I've used once and still can be picked for this play:










    Units I've used once and won't choose for this (Probably due to strength):



  15. With the whole is Grimmjow and Nnoirta Vasto Lordes I don't think so. I don't think Kenpachi could have beaten a Vasto Lorde. Also wouldn't he have automaticly been made an Espada if he was a Vasto Lorde instead of have to fight to get that spot. Also wouldn't he have been able to beat Nel, who to my knowledge isn't a Vasto Lorde, easily. With Grimmjow I just don't think he is he doesn't seem like he would be.

    I do think Ulquiora is a Vasto Lorde we always see him when they talk about them.

    I really hope Starrk isn't dead that would suck. He needs some other huge power with his whole split soul thing his Ressurection form is his main form so he has to have something else.

    I really want to see Halibel fight though.

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