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Posts posted by Gamer7625

  1. i bet you made this topic in contrast of pokemon that piss you off right? anyways mewtwo for me. it was my favorite in melee. i usually make it learn shadow ball, psycho cut, aura sphere, and earthquake.

    You would be right!

  2. Milotic. It's so pretty, powerful too.

    I bet you use Milotic on all of your teams. Seeing as you are probably going to say it I do not use Alakazam on all of my teams...

  3. What is your favorite Pokemon?

    My all time favorite is Alakazam! He was the first Pokemon I ever got to 100. And him and the other two Pokemon I got to 100 (Victreebel and Kabutops) beat a hack team of Pokemon from 100-150.

  4. yes but He used his bankai in order to kill that whale, while Ikkaku would have to do the same thing. Look at his lieutenant, he is the weakest of all the lieutenants; even I can see that. If he has to use Bankai in order to kill someone as weak as that guy, there isn't much he can do against an Espada of the top 3.

    Like Sage Lord said I think he used his Bankai to beat the whale guy quickly. I mean if you were fighting against a huge Arrancar that destroyed a pillar and was going for the other ones wouldn't you want to take him out quickly? The best way is to use something close to his size like Komamura's Bankai! And just because his Lieutenant is weak doesn't mean he is.

  5. On contrary it is the very opposite. Soi Fon's Bankai is Jakuhō Raikōben, meaning "Hornet Whip of the Thunder Immortal." In this form, Suzumebachi covers her entire arm and becomes a long range weapon and looks like a rocket launcher. It basicly shoots out high speed projectiles that resemble missiles. Due to the great recoil, it recquires Soi Fon to Be anchored down. She even detests it for being bulky and uncealable. Think of a badass missile covering her entire arm and thats what it looks like. ;)

    And it's like twice her size...

  6. What's with the Komamura hate?

    He can't be that weak! When everyone else was freaking out at the Arrancar destroying the pillar who showed up and smashed him? Komamura he didn't even break a sweat either while Ikkaku Who has the potential to be a Lieutenent or even Captain if he used Bankai more... almost died. He would have fought Kenpachi had he not been forced to pull back. He saw his, then, best friend fall to him. If your going to use the fact that Aizen took him out in one shot remember he can take most people out in one shot especially with that move he used on him.

    If Komamura had fought Kenpachi he probably would have lost but I mean he could probably beat Kurotsuchi who always needs his experiments/potions/devices help. He may lose to someone like Byakuya but he's a more skilled swordsman then most of the Soul Reapers and he's calm never truly changing his emotions.

    Also Byakuya is strong. Sure he lost to Ichigo so did Grimmjow, Ulquiorra, Kenpachi, Renji, and Ikkaku there are probably more but still are you going to say all of them are weak! He's the main character of the damn story! He's supposed to beat most people he fights sometime! Byakuya fought the 8th Espada who was weak but all of the injuries Byakuya recieved were self-infliceted so the Espada's power would stop. He can't be too weak. PLus who knows what we haven't seen of his Bankai powers. He used a few on Ichigo and one on Zommari so who knows what else he does have. If he fought Kenpachi he probably would lose at some time but so would most Soul Reapers.

  7. Well, here's my reasoning:

    In the flashback arc for the vaizards, Shunsui and Ukitake mentioned that she's been a capitan longer than either of them have. We haven't seen her bankai, and she's the only one currently in Hueco Mundo that hasn't fought anyone, and there's currently a tyrannosaurus sized Yammy Ralgo just aching to get his ass kicked. Plus she's the only one of anyone in Soul Society that seemed aware of Aizen's deception. I believe she's gonna be like Yammamoto level stuff.

    I thought we did see her Bankai? That huge Manta that ate everyone and healed them then returned to her sword...

  8. Fuck no. He's fourth, at best. Pain and Itachi have much larger tales of strength; Kisame has always been hinted to be extraordinarily strong, but never on such a huge level

    i agree with that kisame has even said itachi was the stronger one.

    That's why I changed it...

  9. Strongest-Yamamoto!!








    9th-Soi Fon


    I don't consider Aizen, Gin, or Kaname captains anymore

    Favorite-Byakuya, Kenpachi. Yes a tie...

    Least Favorite-Soi Fon

  10. I agree with what you all said. But if you think about it if he wanted too Sasori would be alive right now as well. Now him vs Kisame was close but considering Sasori had 298(Not minusing the ones lost) puppets all of them with poison and other deadly weapons Kisame would have to dodge everything. He could use water but I'm sure Sasori wouldn't have much problem with that (It would be a pain in the ass but)... Though Kisame did seem faster then you would expect and probably would get close enough but since Sasori hadn't used himself since he joined Akatsuki would Kisame know he was a puppet?

    I do agree though now that I think about it more Kisame probably would be better

  11. Fisr one:

    I did not include Toby, Pein, and Itachi because they are easily the strongest. I wanted to know who you thought with the others are the best.

    Personally it is a hard choice...

    Hidan-His Immortality is really all he has but it can make him a pain in the ass. However he is dumb and fell for every trick thrown at him unless Kakuzu told him about it.

    Sasori-Someone i am really considering for the best one. He purposely lost or else he would have killed Granny and Sakura...

    Kisame-Another person I am considering. A good bit of Chakra with his sword skills and Water Jutsu...

    Kakuzu-Another hard choice. He could have survived Rasen Shuriken if Hidan hadn't killed him once. He lost two hearts and the third was critical so he would have had his primary one left and with Kakashi Choji and Ino weak with Shikamaru spent, Naruto with little strength left after his move, that only leaves Sakura, Sai, and Yamato... He would have lost but he would have put up one hell of a fight and did a good bit of damage especially if he got someone's heart...

    Deidara-One of the weakest Akatsuki plus he blew himself up!!

    Zetsu-Never has fought...

    Konan-Again never truly fought...

    Overall choices Kakuzu, Sasori, Kisame...

    Winner... Sasori!

    Question 2:

    Best team. Kind of difficult but not too much.

    Overall choices Itachi and Kisame, Hidan and Kakuzu, Deidara and Toby

    Winner... Hidan and Kakuzu!

    They worked off their strengths. Itachi and Kisame worked well but personally Itachi always eclipsed Kisame and made him pretty useless. WHile Deidara only used Toby to burry bombs...

  12. Thanks to the two responses. Kisame did recognize Tobi's face and you would think Kisame did see Danzo before all of this (especially being partnered with Itachi) so I'm not really sure about all of this and am interested in seeing it all play out.

  13. Okay I must have missed something along the way. Or I just forgot about it but can someone please (don't kill me for this either) tell me who Orbito is??

  14. Anyone else think that

    Lisa is either Shunsui's daughter or former Lieutenent. I mean how they talked it seemed that there was a definate past between them.

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