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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. 1985 to 2000, maybe. Anything outside 16 to 30 sounds weird. 15 too young, 31 too old.
  2. I'd pay 5x the ticket price if all the money went to the animators that had to put up with creating this hellspawn
  3. I was quoting you in the second one as supporting the fact that the movie was still getting above-average reviews.
  4. shit man katawa shoujo was pretty good too and actually helped me muster up the courage to ask out my best friend even though I knew that dating her would probably mean we wouldn't be able to be just best friends anymore AND THEN SHE BROKE UP WITH ME OVER THE PHONE AFTER TWO YEARS WA-HOOO
  5. Grisaia no Kajitsu!!! Followed by the closer to the trilogy, Grisaia no Rakuen, which i played with a horrible half-translation and liberal use of http://jisho.org/
  6. because: it had abnormally high ratings compared to the absolute roasting people (including myself) were giving it so i SATISFIED MY CURIOSITIES EXACLTY
  7. not going to lie though the whole part about the lavash and the bagel sharing the shelf was kind of funny
  8. I mean I know that suicide squad flopped but how did this movie score 60% higher omg i found the ending on youtube lol
  9. I SAW IT BECAUSE IT HAD AN EIGHTY-FUCKING-THREE ON ROTTEN TOMATOES maybe the rest of the movie deserved it but like holy shit the last ten minutes why
  10. When people think that Paul Feig ruined ghostbusters but Seth Rogan actually just ruined the entire concept of food. also the fact that tumblr is quick to hate on the juicebox scene about 1/3 of the way into the movie and not the FUCKING ENDING
  11. I haven't been there in 3 years or so but from what I remember the BL section was in the top left of the room and the bakery ran all along the left of the room with a glass divider so you got to take a peek at scandalous covers while munching on your milk bread buns
  12. wow ur the nerd P R E M E D it was like intro comparative vertebrate anatomy lol im a chem major wow that sounds dumb we just did big bones
  13. Probably about the size as the new jersey one i bet but omg the new york one has a fucking bakery across from the BL section on the second floor its actually the best
  14. You're fucking muhenu henunu you don't need teaching You need counseling.
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